Can You Survive The CALL? | DanPlan Animated

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you and your mom decided to move to a new house in that basement you find an old box and you find a diary from 1999. you find it interesting so you read a little bit about it and all of a sudden you get a phone call and not from your cell phone from the house phone who still uses landline this house is more in the farm area and so they still have a landline dude we grew up in farm area they don't have land okay this movie had atlanta you get a phone call but it's weird because the person that's calling on the other end sounds like he's from the same house that you're living in right now what kind of sound is that do i feel the same acoustic around my building is it the same angle of echo okay what kind of genius detective emma there was a few phone calls back and forth sooner or later you start to figure out that this person is saying the same description of the house that you're living in as he lived in and the diary that you found has the same name as this person does but this diary is from 1999. i mean if it's an english name there's like a lot of same names you can't question this you ask him what day it is today and he says it's november 18 and it's the same day as you are and you ask what year and he says 1999 because today we're going to be playing can you survive the call that's right it's a time travel episode not a time travel a time conjunction between two people over a phone line somehow oh if it's anything like doctor who i'm loving this already the more you learn about him the more interesting he is and the more he learns about you the more he's fascinated about the future and you tell him about your past about how you lost your father when you were only six years old daddy's dead yeah and he tells you about how his mother tortures him all the time it's not actual torture but more of like this ceremonial thing that she does where she tries to take the demon out of him whatever you don't really understand it but it's 1999. if you're from 1999 let's make a deal okay i can tell you every lottery number every stock market fluctuation every bitcoin information okay first of all this is supposed to be like a horror story no no this is an investment story now i can't tell you anything you want to know i can tell you the scenarios of the best-selling novels ever you will write something called harry potter it's gonna be amazing this is um shut up and write this down okay chapter one um you know honestly that's what i thought when i watched this movie right he says that his mother confines him so much that he can't even really we're talking about billions and billions of dollars kill her do you even like her no i hate her she's child abuser right yeah kill her i will be [ __ ] rich hey but what about this yesterday a couple came in with a kid named elias and they were looking to buy this house i wonder if we can change the future by saving your dad first of all are you sure that's me yeah he's got blue hair no eyes named elias and then you tell him about the past that you've experienced your mom left the stove on for too long and then the house burnt down oh your dad was caught in it he says okay what day and you tell them the date it's the next day in 1999. oh okay he says okay i'll just go to their house turn it off and come back i will make your forking rich thank you so much you tell him your old address yeah oh wait no no this technically won't work right changing those paths doesn't change the future well you can try i mean avenger made it clear he goes to your house he turns off the stove that was just about to overheat and explode now you think this is not gonna work of course it's not gonna work all of a sudden the house that you're living in changes the walls have been painted you have more stuff in your room you run outside and your mother doesn't have any scars from the fire oh and on the side your dad comes out says hey what are you doing holy [ __ ] i'm a quantum life form now what i mean changing the past should technically have altered my mind too right yeah but it didn't i'm a space time anomaly i'm a freaking time lord now i don't know how the physics work but if it's a fictional universe it's a horror universe this guy turns a thriller oh i was so excited you call him and you thank him yeah obviously holy [ __ ] i'll make you rich right now he says i can't leave the house but huh interesting so it does work he says i don't like this position and slowly because your dad is back you want to spend more time with him you spend less time on the phone with daniel and slowly daniel gets angry because you were the only outlet he had he couldn't even leave his house kill the mother i'll make you rich you'll have so much more entertainment i'll give you all the information you need you'll have your own place you can lock your mother away or send her to some crazy asylum why won't you do what i tell you to i have the information of the future she gets really upset are you kidding me i'm trying to offer you a life of bill gates and you're upset you know you do realize i have a like an extreme time gap in my life right now right i have zero memory of how i grew up in my dad well the protagonist doesn't communicate that well with well she's an idiot you have a guy who can control the past that's that's true so why it's such a good answer i don't even know how to refute it or stop it so i'm gonna act like that didn't happen no you get worried about him and look him up turns out he was murdered by his own mother in 1996 the very next day here's what's gonna happen you know your crazy mom turns out she's actually crazy crazy uh she's gonna kill you like tomorrow get control of the house find a bank account you invest where i tell you to i will be rich i like how you're way more evil just take care of the baby alias like oh you wanted your mother to take care of you and future alias will give you every information i mean that is a fantastic deal which the protagonist did not make how dumb is the protagonist well she got scared cause daniel was so upset that he yelled at her no risk no gain jeez do we have to follow the plot once this turns into a horror theme you can do whatever you want but we have to make it into a horror with your information he doesn't die the next day in fact he kills his own mother good find the bank account typically people in 1990s usually would i don't know hide their check account to a closet or something check everywhere we need the base money to buy the stocks actually let's start with lotto and obviously you are frightened that he killed his own mother the murder happened like several decades ago am i going to be afraid that alexander the great kill so many people he could potentially kill your younger self right now i am the only access to future information if you kill me you stay there your reaction's so different than what i thought it was gonna be what did you expect several days later a neighbor who brings you strawberries all the time comes over and you know you're talking to him and you're having a good time you go to the washroom and when you come out the strawberry man is gone and you ask them oh where did he go and they say who you see the the strawberry man and your parents goes who the heck is a strawberry man and then you get a phone call daniel picks up he says hey a man who came to give me some strawberries he found the dead body in my refrigerator you kept the dead body i mean it was in the refrigerator it's only been a couple days why i don't know i've never killed someone you bury it or you feed it to the pigs all the evidences are gone why would you preserve the evidence of your murder listen you're kind of freaking me out right now this is not gonna this is not gonna be scary this was really scary to watch when i watched it like i'm like oh my i'm freaking out the person that was in the past like slowly turns to this psychopathic killer who threatens the future dude but you're helping him way too positively billions of billions of dollars to be made here i like how at the beginning you're like okay just kill your mother when that was supposed to be like the big reveal later two people disappeared from your neighborhood there is going to be investigation and you need to be awake tell them that you went traveling to find your true self come back when it's safe and give me a call i'll be waiting you know what fine okay yeah okay i'll do that thanks elias it's really surprising that you're not completely freaked out that i killed two people but okay many people die when there's an opportunity you gotta take it i'm gonna give you a little conflict originally daniel ends up in prison for the rest of his life but because of your ideas and your support the older version of daniel escapes and he finds you he says you know i could just take that phone and just talk to myself so here's the thing about time distortion when the same individual of different time zones interact too much there's going to be a problem go home read some sci-fi's and come back i'm trying to think of i beat it again i'm going to do the one thing that you can't beat i'm going to have you roll for it if you get four or more i will let you have this happy ending if you get three or less the future dan is gonna kill you and we're gonna have a proper ending i'm gonna smash the phone if you kill me all right we're gonna roll for all right ready yeah oh baby wait no i didn't say go oh i have to say it's my freaking dice roll okay all right fine this is it no no second chances why can't i get the ending that i are you not fine you convince the future daniel that you are the one that helped him in the past and you will continue to help the past yourself if you interact with your younger version it's going to mess up your younger version because he might not be happy with what he grows up to be that's why you never want to find out about yourself in the future and you and the psychopathic killer lives happily ever after is this what you wanted yeah is this i mean i'm sorry i'm sorry about the strawberry man so we should definitely support his family he didn't have him what's the problem here i i don't know what's gonna happen with this video honestly thanks to me we spoiled nothing so far and yeah thanks to you if somebody made a movie like this nobody would watch it and don't say you would watch it because i know you will watch it nobody will want to watch it and everyone won't want to live it uh so go watch the call it's way more interesting than what we ended up saying hold on i think my scenario is kind of interesting can you guys imagine the possibilities comment below and tell me what you would do if you could contact the past individual and change the future but don't forget the past individual is a killer like he grew up with the crazy mother who tried to take demons out of him entire life and he killed zombies that's the thing that's the thing this girl killed because she was pushed to the most extreme case right you have to let her know that this murder is not the base nature of that person yeah but also you gotta know that this person you're talking to is a dick like he swears at you he screams when he doesn't get his own way he's a baby who has the capability of killing which is the most easiest to manipulate oh my gosh okay bye everyone
Channel: DanPlan
Views: 963,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dan plan, by the way, the call, korean movies, the call recap, the call summary, the call ending, can you survive the call, how to survive the call, you cant survive the call, the call 2021, the call 2021 trailer, the call animation, animated survival, survive the call animated, danplan the call, can you survive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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