Buying Everything in One Color for my Daughter!

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so my daughter mila is obsessed with the color pink she literally wants to live her whole life in pink her clothes her toys her food my car and my own house all in pink but this is not sustainable so to solve this problem we're literally turning her whole life pink hoping she realizes that too much of anything is not a good idea i personally think she's gonna last forever but my husband thinks she won't even last the night and whoever is wrong will get pink slime dumped off their head by the end of it so me and daddy have a challenge for you you can buy anything you want but it has to be pink but if you choose any other color the challenge is over so first step is an outfit oh my goodness wow i have a plan for that this is for me this is for you this is for mommy ready mimi and we all spray painted our shoes until they were all painted and they came out very pink do you like the mila i like all of them and so we started to put on our new shoes oh my god look at that neil i can ask you a question is this pink no then you can't have it today oh then i might put the plate on board do you want to change your mind do you want to stop the game now no on the pledge okay then you can't have the phone is that okay i don't want it okay and mila will need her persistence because the day will only get crazier and it was time for our next pink item mimi come this is your car look at this what we can't even fit in here yeah we can that's for all of us to sit in too low we need a bigger [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness this is your big car oh my god i'm so happy [Music] do you know whose car is this family thank you ice family okay so now we're on our way to a place that's literally all pink camila are you excited yeah like wow noah you like it and just like that we've arrived and we finally got to the paul smith building which was completely covered in paint and it was one of la's biggest tourist attractions [Music] so the reason we came here is so that we could take a pink picture for memories with this pink polaroid camera okay so that was destination number one and now it's only gonna get pinker from here that was embarrassing no we had no idea that was gonna be that bad everyone was staring at us like we're psychos we're literally a laughing stock right now look at us mila are you hungry yeah i'm hungry and now that mila was hungry we've decided to take her to a pink restaurant okay we're going now mimi and when we arrived it was even more pink than we had thought very eye-catching to say the least and now we're at the pinkest restaurant in los angeles look at this place so we got mila pink food to see how she would react compared to her favorite food chicken teriyaki so some food wasn't pink we got organic food coloring to turn all the mcdonald's meal pink so these are regular mcdonald's nuggets but these are pink mcnuggets are you ready [Music] and if you're wondering what this is are you ready oh my goodness i think honestly i'm failing now it tastes so good too for mila there's a problem you can't have the food we have here so you see this you can't eat it oh my god try this one no oh i don't like it man i thought she'd quit here so now to our next destination everyone's looking at us this is so embarrassing every time we pass by someone they make fun of us i don't know walk on the streets you know and now that we've changed into a full pink outfit got an entirely pink tesla visited a pink wall and ate entirely pink food it was time for the biggest part of the day we're giving away a lot of cool stuff all you have to do is subscribe to the channel and comment done and we will send you the gift wherever you are around the world okay mila so now for the final challenge we're gonna be staying in the pinkest house in all of l.a are you excited here are you ready yeah let's go look at this i am very speechless and the only word to describe this house is it's pink my god are you ready yeah let's go inside you know we're gonna stay here so you have a room here this is our new house do you like it what's wrong i really want to stay in our own house no why you said you like pink you you don't like this house which one this pink house i like it so no more old house the bird is gone our puppy's gone your bed why because they're not pink you said you want to live your whole life in pink i have to stay with this clothes we're not allowed to change we can't change so you like the other house more than this one but i still like it but which one do you want to choose are you ready oh my god literally found the pinkest house in the world daddy daddy they have cupcakes and donuts and drinks oh my god and all that and i didn't even show you the bedroom i have a pink bag what are you doing a pink fan why do they have a pink telephone booth so now we have to live here yeah are you sure yeah and ennis needed to convince mila to leave or he gets slimed mommy you don't like his house it's nice but i like my old house more yeah what kind of guys i'm a cowboy you want to sleep here tonight or do you want to go sleep in our old house this is our house stay over here because this is our house [Music] mila we can't have any more chocolate cookies because chocolate is brown and mila you can't even have m m's or skittles that wasn't working and after a bunch of time passed everyone was getting tired and mila had finally come to a realization why are you sad because i really want to see my house and my puppy my toy you don't want pink anymore chihuahua how about we get all the colors rainbow with the princesses yes remember my birthday rainbow clothes i like blue our pink on the screen okay maybe so can we go home now sometimes we think the world revolves around our needs our wants or what our favorite thing is but what's important to us as parents is to teach our daughter that moderation is key the world comes in many many many colors and we have to learn to love them
Channel: The Anazala Family
Views: 20,693,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: in one color, buying everything in one color, one color, one color challenge, color, my Daughter, daughter, ace family, family, Jordan Matter, stokes twins, Anazala family, Anazala, Challenge, Alexa Rivera, Brent rivera, last to, royalty family, the anazala family, one color shopping spree, buying anything in one color, no budget, no budget shopping spree, anazala, shopping, ill buy anything, eating only one color, 24 hours
Id: dkDEPMs4SvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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