Surprising Daughter in One Color for 24 Hours

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foreign [Applause] [Music] actually it should be a winter wonderland party you guys think you know my daughter better than her own mom then we'll make it a challenge we'll each show her our different themed birthday parties and then Daddy will get to decide which one she would like deals and the losers have to get lip tattoos game on we'll start with a photo shoot challenge but who's gonna judge it I texted somebody oh let me guess Jordan matter how'd you know this is a Jordan matter picking the winner you can only use items from around the house time search now get your items I've wanted to be a mom my entire life and it was an emotional journey to have zadie but having her was definitely worth it and even better than I could have imagined this year has flown by and I can't believe zadie is going to be one she's changed my life forever and I want her first birthday to be so special so that is why I have to win this challenge I already had these balloons for her and these will be perfect for the photo shoot thinking of an uptight theme for ladies shoes so I just need a few blankets to make it cozy for her this should be easy my daughter deserves only the best I mean yes right gotta get an alligator crocky I'm in the wrong outfit blue needs to win because blue is Winter Wonderland zadie loved the snow so her auntie knows she's gonna love this and what's a winter wonderland without some snowflakes I have all my items and now it's time for Team Pink to win this photo shoot let's get this so far started I almost forgot the most important thing my binoculars I need to see where I'm going I am all set up and blue is going to win especially when you see zadie dress as a snow bunny everything is all set up for the photo shoot and I even brought in the Unicorn that I use you guys know when I surprised her in alphabetical order I got her this but I also have one thing that I'm gonna do that's gonna set me apart so I definitely win this challenge I'm gonna dress up in costumes now that this sets are ready zadie is going to be doing a photo shoot in each color hey why are you that costume doesn't mean that you're gonna win alligators trying to escape into the watering hole mom's doing her photo shoot first okay zadie so you're gonna do a solo photo shoot and then one with Mom oh high five yes now we gotta do a group photo okay we're gonna hold it like it's falling look look Sadie oh good girls lady Jordan matter is definitely gonna pick this one to win the photo challenge boo but this is your decoration yeah keep it simple down this is gonna be easy to be that's what this thing now but wait until you see the work honestly zadie looks very adorable there you go I agree Green's a good color are you ready to take a little photograph well good thing I brought my alligator let's sit right there I think you need some binoculars good luck see him with that I think we might have a winner but now it's time for the group Florida I need a good photographer Rebecca I'm right here so what are you guys doing what's the theme of this we're obviously a traveling alligator hunting family oh congratulations you captured the crocodile Maddie what is ziti in right now it's supposed to be a snow bunny it looks like a Yeti those just please zadie in her snow chair we're gonna get a photo of her an Old Winter Wonderland okay don't let her fall Maddie here we go oh come on look a little happier look like a happy snow bunny all right Sadie you might have just just know but you you are about to jump through the snow oh yeah let's jump wait a second who's supposed to take the photo um Rebecca can you take this photo of zadie jumping through the snow please I can clearly see your arms though it's like she's in the white well at least we know zadie won't be having a winter wonderland birthday what do you mean I think she likes it how'd it go A1 okay now it's up to Jordan matter zadie don't worry you don't have to be a snow bunny anymore we just set our Center for Jordan matter and we're gonna be fine pads the best photo he just sent a video back that was fast let's see what it said Sam fam comment below who you think is going to win all the first photos were really cute so it all came down to the group photos and Matt wins because of the way he protected zadie from that alligator he knows what it's like to be a dad and that was awesome Jordan matter I thought we were friends you might have won the first one but that doesn't mean that ZD is having a green jungle party yes there's more challenges to come and at the end of this you're gonna get the princess party you've dreamed of this is Challenge number two the cake decorating contest we will each have two minutes to decorate our cake and then Danny will pick her favorite well I'm gonna win my second one in a row right oh that's not gonna happen because Danny needs a Disney princess party time start no okay damn fam I have to win this cake decorating contest and I'm just gonna focus on getting all of the frosting on the cake I know zadie is going to choose this because I will have a castle to put on this it'll look amazing I'm on a winning streak right now this is a jungle party and I'm making a jungle cake just give me frankels is super important sprinkle time let it rinse sprinkles in here this is going to be so much better than a pink cake or blue one I heard that this winter wonderland cake better way because I do not want to have to get a little bit too oh yeah that tastes like winter just jump to those dating you just eat something Matty Maddie oh okay good because now was out yeah totally okay okay get the sprinkles sprinkles coming on okay glitter this is edible glitter zamfam so it's totally safe anymore oh they hear more sprinkle it baby my winning strategy is that I have a giraffe and a lion these two are gonna go on top of the cake it's like my cake topper you know I dropped the giraffe why are you underneath not the line all right let me just put the lion on the top that's not sticking right it's upside down boom zadie of course will choose this because there's princesses this is gonna look like the cutest cake ever this was here I think these were here I have to be gentle but my castle is sounds like that's time no take off your blindfolds no okay remember you are not allowed to touch it carry this Mercedes this is your fault we'll present this and hopefully zadie can just appreciate that there's some pink in this okay Sadie it's time for you to pick your cake and I just want you to remember it's not what it looks like on the outside yes it is that's exactly what it is Matt you can go sorry I couldn't get all that pink off of there what do you think zadie oh she picked a pink sprinkle what does that mean that's a setup for who's gonna win this challenge oh come on what do you think Sadie do you like my cake she's not revealing it till the end Sadie now that you're warmed up and you like those pink sprinkles it's time for Mom to present to you what I call the Pink Palace this Pink Palace may not look like a normal Palace because it's all falling apart but there's princesses and you can still eat it what do you think oh oh it smells like disappointment smile that's it no smile come on no smile it's my turn now here comes a winter wonderland do you like the cake you should try some of this it tastes like winter Auntie Maddie Mighty you eat some of the cake oh yeah she's taking apart your cake the balls are like balloons and you love balloons just like you love winter wonderland she loves princesses come on just make your decision which one no are you sure you don't want to reconsider mom's princess one if Maddie won this round ever won anything Rebecca I know but don't worry there's more challenges I still have a chance for her to get the princess party that she deserves I think she's kind of into the winter wonderland whatever hey I know you picked them for the other two but I really need you to pick me so that I can win some of these I am your mom I know that you love a Disney princess pink party I really want you to have the best first birthday ever this cake isn't even that good it's blue it's kind of good I need to win these challenges goodbye Sadie birthday gifts and Sadie gets to pick what store we buy it from which one should mommy go to oh you pulled it off bye bye Julia challenge mom can win okay now it's Daddy's turn okay zadie what do you want oh it's Auntie Maddie's turn pick me a good story zadie which one are you gonna grab for Auntie Maddie oh okay yeah I'll get you some candy okay damn fam it looks like I'm gonna be shopping at Claire's I'm going to sugarfina I don't know what I'm gonna do with Sephora but we're all gonna go and get birthday gifts and then we're gonna bring them back and zadie's gonna get to decide which one is the best I think I have an idea look at this you guys Claire's is the perfect place for me to pick out the perfect birthday presents for zadie she definitely needs a crown so my team is green obviously she's under Queen so I'm thinking maybe it can get some makeup that you like look like a full face Alliance and become like a lion they have some blue candies but nothing quite Winter Wonderland these are definitely the colors of a winter wonderland I can work with this look at this how cute is this I feel like we need to go with some honey no a rainbow box because she's a rainbow baby this is perfect birthday princess zadie is going to love this I'm gonna go in the house this is from Lady Gaga yes thank you Lady Gaga birthday girl this is so cute and adorable you guys I'm so excited to show this to her I found the Christmas section I'm gonna make this work a magic wand obviously I have to get her one of these I think I have the perfect birthday gift to see I think I got what I need I want Sadie to have the best birthday ever and that's gonna be with green [Music] we are back from the store and ready to show zadie our gift where's Dada I think he had to use the bathroom or something you know what Maddie you can start okay zadie oh we got you a birthday gift from sugarfina except you can't eat it because you're a baby I got you some Christmas candies Santa Claus and a reindeer and another reindeer and some blue and white for winter wonderland Maddie you know that she cannot eat any of this she is a baby it's cookie dough she likes it you're gonna vote for me yeah you are step on over mommy is gonna win this what's a birthday girl without a birthday girl cup yeah you get a birthday girl crown and not just one Crown Sadie gets a lot of crowns oh pretty princess this is a magical wand isn't it wonderful a unicorn princess outfit I know you love popping oh you like the gift zamfam I think she is pretty impressed with this but now she's gotta see what her dad got her speaking of why do you have a towel on your Matt what are you doing I'm presenting my gift to zadie now granted I wasn't blessed with the best store but I think that I made the best of it what does that mean to go with the jungle theme I have transformed myself foreign picked for this give zadie what something okay let's try to erase that memory oh what looks like zadie is drawn to the pink not blue and definitely not green which means I tied the score get ready you guys because zadie is gonna have a Disney princess birthday party don't you take that off you're scaring her zany will get a sneak peek of smiled it will determine who the winner is but first it's time to go shopping you crazy Dad we're all heading to Target and this challenge is the most important because I need to pull ahead as we are all tied right now when I was a little girl I dreamed of having a pink Disney princess party and who wouldn't want to make their daughter's dreams come true I am almost finished setting up zadie's Disney princess birthday party everything has to be perfect right now and look at this you guys isn't this the cutest it's when Sadie was a Disney princess I have to get dressed so I'll get this in position it needs to look just like a jump you know what I Gotta Lose the accent I gotta get the animals animals need to cooperate with me a little bit got an elephant and pink CD's favorite it's giraffe right here I just need to get zadie to smile because this needs to be her birthday theme let's go blue is definitely gonna win this party because I have a giant surprise setup that I think Sadie is going to love I just need to get into costume my daughter stirred everywhere no this was supposed to have me win I just hope that this big surprise is gonna be big enough zadie this is your pink Disney princess birthday party I have a photo of you there's some pinwheels would you like to test one oh yeah I got one balloon for you because you're one and on top of that zadie you have all the Disney princess things you need the plates Disney princess balloon and look the balloon arch oh if you choose this birthday this is what your one-year-old birthday could look like and that's coming up so I really need you to enjoy this they do remember when you were a dancer Miss Abby touch you tap tap tap tap tap zamfam she has not walked yet but I do think this princess birthday is gonna be perfect for you tap tap tap you guys remember when I surprised her with a hundred Disney Princesses go back watch that video she's gotten so much bigger cause you're one take that bad P princess party ever I just got which means she loved this princess Disney birthday party just like I knew you would this is this is gonna be the best zaidi welcome to your green jungle party I hope you're gonna have a good and that it's not gonna be as cool as the princess party don't hesitate to give a little grin also zadie I documented the first 10 months of your life I ran out of space but I know that you're 11 months right now zadie we got plates with a bunch of animals on it green Cutlery we even have these little things I don't know what they're called cause any why don't you smiling a little smile please Rebecca can you come in with the giraffe hello zadie I'm Rocky the droppy whatever you do don't smile just smile definitely got a smile there which means that she wants to draw the party I just won uh the tone of her voice doesn't sound like she wants a princess party yes she does welcome to your blue Winter Wonderland parties zadie I know that it may not look like much right now but I have a giant surprise for you what's that oh it's about this oh my gosh it is snowing Maddie this is crazy do you like this nose eating is it gonna get you to smile do you want a winter wonderland you can say no see you want a winter wonderland just because she smiled with you she also smiled with me and Matt which means we're gonna have to do another challenge well since she's in all of ours I think we need to do another challenge I think a Gymnastics Challenge would be perfect ninja all the way no no human calculator okay no no no no okay I have an idea mama's gonna call someone real quick call Baby psychic the baby psychic will be able to tell us what party zadie wants and we're gonna find out that it is a pink princess party let's read all the way okay daughter is about to have her first birthday and we're trying to figure out which birthday party theme she should have most likely it's a princess party jungle or I went to Wonderland can I please speak with sure you know her name hello zadie I hear you're having a birthday party so we need to decide what theme your birthday should be Sadie told me what team she wants and I'll have a presence into the house and the winning theme will be on the inside thank you so much zadie needs to take a nap in the meantime we are gonna wait to reveal what theme party zadie's gonna have what do we have to wait for the presents to arrive while we are waiting for the present to be delivered from the baby psychic we're gonna play a little game of who's most likely to who is most likely to get beaten by a first grader oh no give me that right here no [Music] no who's most likely that did not go with brands on me too who's most likely to not keep a secret easy I would tell them her boyfriend's right everybody you chose yourself this Maddie does that change it sorry [Music] come on who's most likely to fart in public if they have something we're going to McDonald's today no you always farted okay it's a lot of glitter I hope this package comes soon what's taking so long who's most likely to wear the same clothes two days in a row sports wow they're all glitter it's getting on me they're like a unicorn right now who is most likely to eat something off of the ground if we're going back to first grade Maddie Matt you say there's a 10 second rule but you give it like 45 seconds I think the floors are actually generally pretty cool get over it oh my gosh oh I think I know what Jessica me green it's got me blue oh my gosh it's a pink box I think I know what that means voice man are you texting boy right now you guys look what is here and I don't want you guys to get upset but I think we know who the winner is probably by the green strings No the pink box three sorry sorry guys two one special ties I think dummies I'm the winner it is it's Alice in Wonderland that's not any of our themes we did all of this for nothing okay okay hold on there's a note it says I love Disney Princesses animals and snow why not have all of them so I don't have to say no zadie did not pick any of our themes she picked all of our themes Alice in Wonderland has animals it's Wonderland and it's Disney she didn't want to say no to us because she wanted all of us to be happy she almost does this zadie you are the sweetest girl ever and if you want an Alice in Wonderland birthday party then that is what you are going to get so zamfam stay tuned for zadie's first birthday party zadie in Wonderland and then quick and watch this video right here are you excited in
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 3,899,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buying, my daugther, daughter, everything, one color, birthday, zadie, every, squid game, in real life, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, sofie dossi, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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