My Daughter Leaves Her Childhood Home *Emotional*

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we are making a video from our home for the  last time because today we are moving to a   new house right now I'm putting their truck back  and deflating it go why are you so slow in just   a few minutes we are going to show you our new  house and one day it will become a home her last time we woke up this morning in a house filled  with all our belongings but now it's time to move   to our new home first we need to finish packing  and as you'll see my daughter's Salish is feeling   so emotional so do you feel it all nostalgic about  the fact that we're leaving nope okay now I have   to defeat it this is an emotional moment for  Salish because you just played in this yard   for two and a half years do you want to talk about  our memories nope we'll see in a minute once this   is deflated you have to go on the thing and roll  on it you got it it's just like why is this a me   thing I'm not doing that again that is way too  dizzy ah doesn't look like she's helping me at   all gymnastics for this moment I'm good I got  this don't worry coffee break I'm down coffee   has always been a big part of our lives in this  house especially when we surprise Salish with her   very own coffee shop we are I'm gonna get this  easy special let's do it you want to press grind it's time to get back to packing and no surprise  Salish got bored I gotta say come on help me   carry it up say dude this is our last day  in this home but we're about to show you   our new home and I'm so excited to share with  you everything is happening so fast boxes are   already being brought into our new home and by  the end of the day we will be moved in one of   the interesting things about moving is you  find things you didn't know existed so for   example this package to my wife is actually dated  2020. so it's open and see what's in it from 2020   cannellini beans I've been sitting here for  three years in the garage everybody clean out   your garage at least once a year but you know  what I bet we can still make them we're gonna   have cannellini Bean Soup for the next week for  those of you who have been saying this is actually   sales's Channel no way this is my channel but now  Salish actually has her very own YouTube channel   and at the end of this video she's going to be  posting her very first video on her Channel and   that's kind of sweet oh just growing up Dad okay  okay time to take down again [Music] turns Magic   and I'm busy Salish prefers  to say house rather than home   because she thinks the word home is too emotional  but for me a house is just a building while a home   is the story of Our Lives okay I'm gonna  cry we played with this with Hudson when   he was like two three four we brought all the  way from New York to here and then it sat in   the garage for years Sandy Q the cry thing  do you remember this oh you're doing I RIS I thought that would really get her  then what is that do you remember this   no this was your friend when you  were really okay who's good we're   always fighting for your intention  I love everyone no I love her more there's an emotion in there somewhere I know it  I'll find it one day I think we're gonna keep   these Sandy q a photo of her when she was really  little you see what I'm talking about even though   she says she's not emotional she has her moments  and emotions don't have to be just sad no wow   happy and funny and exciting and even loving  as friends of course she does not have a clue   that I'm here she thinks I'm in Texas still but um  she's in for a big surprise okay guys I'm going in it's not not a boy [Music] nidal is my best friend and he popped out of  the box and I'm so excited I couldn't believe it   I think I forgot to put something away in my room  so let's go get it for the last year Salish has   had a strict rule for her room no boys allowed  oh no boys in my room bang clothes use handy   place Kelly can you please come and film oh yeah  bye bye whoa Sandy you cannot come in actually   it's not really my room anymore so you can come  in don't don't tell messy it is right now but I   think I just have to put this away right now and  make my bed because I mean I'm moving so like why   would I make my bed right now these are on my  two desks I'm gonna give these to my dad this   is my closet I've already taken some of it to  my rooms this is all stuff that I needed last   night so I'll just have to pack that tonight and  this is all empty I'm gonna try and sell this but   anyways that's my room I have so many great  memories living in this house waking up at 6   00 a.m to take photos getting a black  eye getting pied in the face foreign it says kitchen but I don't have a kitchen in  my room so I guess we'll find out when I open   it I'm so excited to move into my new room the  second I get into there I am unpacking honey   guess what guess what your package arrived  from 2020. it's so exciting beans 20 20.   hey being served for the next month every day  breakfast lunch and dinner bean beans everywhere all right let's see what we got to eat no  way he found these beans I've been hiding   these for the last three years I love their  kitchen and obviously I became the best cook   here oh no okay day one we're burning now it's  been a blast oh look at that roasted chocolate   one thing we won't be doing in our new house  is putting a tumble track down on the grass   and then leaving the house for two weeks straight  because this happens we learned that one last time okay this is born okay I thought she'd be  there for an hour like usual I won't miss   that after waiting five years my wife was  finally revealed to you in our home who is   salish's Mom Salish hug your mom no no no no no  no no oh and Salish couldn't have been happier   to introduce her mom to all of you this is Mom  it's great to finally meet all of you when I when I'm continuing to make more memories  with the kids and our friends we can't do this [Music]   when the best trampoline ever this was still a  spike when we moved to this house and looking   in the house of it like perfect oh so you  didn't grow at all you could still use that   bike yeah and this is the bike I used  to ride as a kid I grew up a little bit   do you guys remember the moment when Hudson and  ZHC surprise Salish with a new school room gonna   be like Flats remember Salish has no idea zhc is  in our home making this mural right now Taylor   She's gonna absolutely love this surprise hey um  Hudson yeah more painting less vlogging yes sir [Music] that looks so cool thank you [Music]   this was the most incredible surprise thank  you zhc Hudson is the best big brother in   the world and we will be using this room to  study together for years this room was so   nice and when I got surprised it was just  the best feeling ever I love this room so   much and I think I might miss it ZHC and  Hudson thank you again for surprising me   with this and whoever moves in here next  can't teach these are it's beautiful I   think I'm gonna miss this room because I  spent a lot of time here yeah it's not as   comfortable without a bag it's all cleaned  out and this is my last moment in this room ready to move on final thing we're gonna  give the trampoline to the neighbors I   know what they need they need this guy  here we go we're just waiting here being   a big emotional moment here comes the tear  don't worry say we got it well I'm not home oh my God these guys are beast did you see  that I certainly don't feel young it's yours   now where exactly you want it hi a lot of good  memories on that trampoline have a good time bye that's it I think Salish is a little bummed out  about giving away that trampoline but there's a   big surprise waiting for her when we get to the  next house so wait to see I know Salish is feeling   emotional about leaving this house and she has a  lot she wants to stay right now no I don't about   how she feels though about it's emotional though  right right secretly she's emotional about it what   about you are you emotional about it yeah you  can see Boomer's really sad to be leaving we're   all kind of sad no we're not I do really like all  the memories I've had here but that doesn't mean   in any way I'm emotional about it and I'm super  excited to live in our new house for almost all of   our time living in California we have been in this  house the kids have changed so much while we were   here and somehow it feels like saying goodbye to  this home is like saying goodbye to the memories   we've made here and the time goes by so fast and  that's the part that gets me a little emotional   and Salish says she doesn't have  emotions but that's okay because I   have enough for both of us we're all  packed and now it's time to go help now it's time to show you our new house this is  our first day in our new house and I love it so   much if you want to see a full house tour go to  my brand new Vlog Channel right now see you there
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 9,032,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, say matter, jordan matter, hudson matter, new home, house tour, house makeover, room makeover, emotional, moving out
Id: YimcsQIrd_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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