Girl Catches GUY CHEAT On 4K CAMERA, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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so david i heard you've not just been crushing it on court but off court too how did you go from being on academic probation to getting a 4.0 gpa well so you see it's it's like 40 percent dedication 30 hard work and 40 per perspiration you mean persistence and i don't think those numbers add to 100. oh just add more to hard work no what i'm saying is that it's more never mind uh so the question everyone's been dying to know have you picked a college yet uh i'm not sure but my parents they want me to go to kansas state you know they're working really hard come on come on sorry i gotta go uh no i wasn't done ask great let me guess he ran off before you could finish asking all your questions could have guessed it he does that with every interview uh sorry i don't think i saw you on the court i'm tara you're anthony and yeah i haven't been playing much since he got back after he started magically getting a's in all of his classes now that he's not on academic probation i'm back to being sixth man wait are you saying there's been some sort of foul play going on you didn't hear anything from me okay listen all i need from you are game scores and a quote from our star player not this now rewrite it tada i'm not running it but don't you think it's a little weird that david has an a in math but can't even add a basic percentages everybody knows he's being tutored by neil patel the smartest kid in school i mean some of his brains are bound to rub off on him wait neil's tutoring him i didn't know that i think you just gave me another lead stop you're you're a high school student not an investigative journalist our readers care about winning championships not his grades but i care about the truth brandon okay i'm gonna take you off of sports i should never have put a girl on this beat it was my fault i'll just have max or connor cover the last two games what no you can't do that excellent work on the last issue brandon and the pitcher looks great too thanks principal martinez we are one game away from championships can you imagine if we're the school to take the trophy away from kennedy high they've been dominating the league for almost a decade well with david back on the team we stand a pretty good chance i think yes he's amazing anyway i just came by to tell you that if you want to do another interview with me or you want to take a photo don't hesitate to ask excuse me uh principal martinez sorry i found this old photo of you holding a basketball with your brother i thought it'd be cool if instead of doing a new photo shoot for the next paper we could use this instead no absolutely not my brother and i we don't have a good relationship we haven't gotten along since we were kids i always thought it was so much better than me plus i don't want to use any old photos i just want to take new ones that's it's totally fine we'll uh we'll reach out when we're available thanks oh and by the way nice touch putting tata in charge of sports it makes us look very progressive what was that about giving my assignment to someone else okay you can cover the game's butt stick to the assignment or students not tmz i get it i'll stick to the score okay i used this book i found called dictionary yeah it has like all these different words and definitions interesting [Music] gravity is the soul of wits i love that thanks i came up with it myself well that's a direct quote from shakespeare shakespeare right i meant to say i love that quote from romeo and juliet well it's from hamlet hamlet you know i mean i meant that anyway do you have that the thing yeah no thank you oh hold on are you forgetting something for me [Music] [Applause] so what exactly am i looking at here they're trading something that's got to be the answer keys and look at what david gave back to her most likely a bribe i think i cracked this case i wouldn't guess miss fitzgerald would be in on this how do you know their answer keys for sure well if a teacher isn't helping him then how else is he doing it to be honest i kind of suspected neil was somehow involved i thought so too but he would never risk his chances of becoming valedictorian and plus he has no real motive miss fitzgerald on the other hand has some unpaid tickets really how do you know all this i'm a reporter this is what i do fine she complains about them every morning during first period got it if it is her i doubt she's acting alone there's got to be someone involved with some sort of higher authority i'll be right back [Music] everything's going just as we play yeah you think anyone's getting suspicious i don't think so but to be honest it's getting pretty hard to keep this a secret we don't have much of a choice if anyone wants to find out about this it'd be really bad i know we just got to keep it going just a little bit longer we're almost there championship's right around the corner i just hope it doesn't all blow up in our face before then [Music] if anyone wants to find out about this you'd be really bad i know and not only that but i have photos too see miss fitzgerald made a trade with david i think she has some sort of arrangement with coach rooney to trade pest dancers for money they're both in on it together principal martinez [Music] i'm sorry dada look i understand your concern but this isn't really evidence they could be talking about anything that's why i texted them both to come into my office right now you texted them wow okay um are you sure you want me here for this if what you're saying is true then you have nothing to worry about [Music] is everything okay yeah i think so come on in and uh close the door tara has brought to my attention that you two may be keeping a secret uh-huh a secret yes it seems that she believes that you two have something to do with david's sudden academic success oh the basketball player well i haven't done anything differently he has gotten better on his own it's quite amazing actually uh i believe neil patel has been tutoring him but i mean that's all i know i well tada seems to believe that david handed you cash for test answers cash no not at all david has never given me any cash then what was in the emblem well if you must know i've gotten a couple of tickets for my broken taillight and david has been helping you pay for them no his uncle is a cop so i simply asked him to get the tickets signed off because i got my car fixed i see i don't see anything wrong with that but he wouldn't do that unless you were doing something for him i saw the manila envelope i know you gave him test answers you mean the same envelope i gave to all of my students their permission slips for our senior trip since you're here you might as well take yours no but she could have switched this out sorry but what am i doing here for this i'm just a basketball coach it seems tada overheard a little conversation you two had earlier today something about it being really bad if anyone were to find out about a secret youtuber keeping she did what i heard everything and i also have it all on tape well see this is what i was afraid of so do you two have something to do with david's grades improving you should just be honest because the truth always comes out in the end no no principal martinez that's not it at all miss fitzgerald night well you see we've been we've been dating bathing dating yes we've been keeping it a secret because we thought that we might get fired she wanted to tell you earlier i wanted to wait until after the championship you know if we made it that far just didn't want to mess anything up nice try you know it's clever to come with the back story we just celebrated our six-month anniversary actually we went to boca raton and it was so romantic it was that seems like a lot of trouble to go through for a backstory do you have anything you want to say to them i'm sorry for spying on you guys and making false accusations i'm not too concerned about that uh more importantly are we in trouble for you know i'm disappointed disappointed that you two didn't tell me any sooner that's adorable of course there's nothing wrong with it look you too can come out as a couple whenever you're ready oh oh that means so much to us it feels like a big burden is off our shoulders thank you thank you appreciate it oh uh i'm not sure if you heard but kennedy won their game yesterday not that that's news or anything but so if we win tomorrow that's who we'll meet in the finals and we've never beaten that team i know it's all right that'll just make winning the trophy that much sweeter i like that thank you thank you again appreciate it well are you satisfied not quite it still doesn't explain how david's grades got better all of a sudden maybe because he's been working hard look dada you really should be more focused on the game instead of interfering with people's personal lives now do i need to get brandon to get another reporter on no no that's that's fine i'm so sorry again principal martinez but um do you mind if i take this i haven't had a chance to read the article yet thank [Applause] twist you switch [Applause] [Applause] congrats on another one yeah i had nothing to do with it it's all david who are they uh david's parents ah the ones that really want him to go to kansas state well after that shot he's gonna get a full ride in no time hey is that the principle of kennedy high uh yeah geez principal martinez takes competition really seriously he needed to shake his hand well there goes neil patel wait is david's dad no does this mean that neil is david's dad's bribing him it was neil all along my god i knew i should have gone with my first instinct he's not gonna get away with this what are you gonna do what'd i do best confront him i saw his parents give you money so that's for my services it was hundreds of dollars neil you think i would waste my time tutoring for minimum wage my time's expensive look i don't know how david's getting good grades to be honest he barely even pays attention during our sessions together but i get paid to show up so i keep doing it first i thought it was you then miss fitzgerald and now i don't even know if he is cheating there's no way a teacher is helping him why do you say that think about it david has a 4.0 if it was a teacher that could only help him get an a in one class not every class okay that's a good point i should have thought of that but ah this is all so confusing all right that's it you're wasting too much time with this you should be in the gym covering the championship game but you're here i told you before if you can't focus then i'm gonna reassign you my gosh no i just figured it out i'm sorry but i gotta go [Music] all right boys this is it our day is here huh huh our chance to go out there and win that championship and bring that trophy back to our school let's go let's go and just stick it to kennedy high uh yes thank you principal martinez all right you know what got you here hands in hands in i need everybody's best communicate on defense now let's go out there and handle business when it needs to be handled right not so fast i have something you have to know about ah tata whatever it is i'm sure it can wait until after the game no it can't because it involves foul play i figured out who's helping david cheat not now tara the game's about to start look if you're gonna accuse coach rooney that's not coach rooney it's you what oh that's good real good your theories just keep getting better and better now if you don't mind her out if there's no truth to what she's saying then it shouldn't matter anyway i just texted security so you've got about a minute to explain this little wild theory of yours before you get kicked out of here and banned from ever coming to another school game okay so at first i thought it could be a student or a teacher but then i realized it has to be someone who has access to all the classes and who has that other than the principal if david is cheating and that's a huge if why on earth would i help uh to make yourself look good by winning the championship and to get revenge on kennedy high yeah i don't want their team to win but to say i'm not talking about the team i looked at the pictures and they seemed familiar the principal of kennedy high is your brother and you told us yourself how much you don't like him you just can't stand to see him win can you and you didn't even shake his hand at the last game that's right which is why you're helping david cheats so you can get revenge against your brother i've heard some really outlandish things in my life but this one takes the cake even if what you're saying is true you have no proof that i helped david cheat i'd never jeopardized i told you this was a bad idea you did no i knew they were gonna find one i can't please i just don't want to get in trouble all i wanted to do was play basketball and when principal martinez offered me the answer keys i tried to tell them david stop talking they deserve to know i'm serious or else let's go you're coming with us hold on guys don't take her take him are you serious wait no no i'm the principal you can't do this no let me go let me go no one will ever believe your daughter oh yes they will and you should know principal martinez the truth will always come out in the end [Music] i'm sorry i let you guys down uh i really am wow i can't believe that just happened thanks tutter i owe you an apology sorry for not believing you earlier [Music] but now i have no idea what i'm going to do we just lost our star player well i think there's someone else who's ready to play you did it and you really did it last time i checked you're the one who did it amazing win last night we make a pretty good team well i got to hand it to you this article is incredible tmz picked it up maybe you are a real investigative journalist hmm thanks so tada what are you going to do now i don't know huh i guess i'll be on to my next story what's up gordo gordon is it okay if i can skip coach i don't know if i can do it it doesn't look like you skipped lunch i'm not gonna let you skip push-ups and i found out gordo means fat in spanish can't even do one so that's your new nickname you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 12,201,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Gt57LRVW-wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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