Hot Girl USES Co-Worker To BUY Her THINGS, She Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann Studios

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I can't believe they want $720 to fix my car my car's probably not even worth that much that's steep I really need a coffee you could go to the break room if you want I don't mind holding down the fort I'm not drinking that crap I want my Starbucks peppermint mocha like I always get but I'm dead broke life has been so stressful lately I wish God would just throw me a bone or something girl girl do you have God on speed dial or something because look at that total smoke show that just walked in oh my gosh that's Ryan dearis I had the biggest crush on him in high school I can say what I'm going to go talk to him why are you taking that off I can't let him know that I work here he would never go out with me cute watch this oh hey there can I help you find anything yeah do you guys carry protein powder here oh yeah we sure do I was actually thinking about getting some myself were you looking for whey or soy soy that was a fat wrench in my plan who is that anyway oh that's Zach the new guy e I'll hire just about anyone nowadays hey come on be nice you don't even know him I'll be right with you come [Music] on is St yeah yeah this perfect well just uh let me know if you need anything thank you thank you oh oh my gosh I'm so sorry Ryan Sabrina what so funny bumping into you here yeah it's good to see you what what are you doing here oh um I'm just picking up um some protein oh yeah I mean you clearly work out I mean you look great um so how was your Christmas uh what what are you doing nowadays oh I'm just you know keeping busy and I'm actually um a creative director for a big luxury brand yeah nothing crazy though nothing crazy that's that's really impressive congratulations I mean you clearly you're killing it stop it what about you well I'm actually opening up my own gym yeah I just signed um the lease uh on a building today and it's always been my dream I figured what better way to tackle my dream than for new years no way that's so crazy cuz I was actually thinking of joining a gym so hey you're Sabrina right uh yeah yeah you you left your apron at the register what are you talking about that's not mine really has your name tag on [Music] it that chubby pepperoni faed piece of crap so Ryan seemed like he was really into me and then Zach came in and ruined it all I mean you shouldn't have been lying about your job in the first place it wasn't a total lie I'm creative and I work for a brand what about the director part I direct people okay fine I may have exaggerated a little bit for sure uh sorry to bother you can you help um can't you see I'm on a break go bother someone else I'll be right with you okay you didn't have to be so rude [Music] whatever ooh can I get a B of your sandwich sure what is your lunch don't you know how expensive Uber Eats and Postmates are after all the fees it's bad enough I have to pay for an Uber to work every day I really need to get my car fixed I would offer to give you a ride but we live in opposite directions I get it [Music] [Music] are you kidding me could this day get any worse hey Sabrina I just want to let you know I assigning you a new shift mate [Music] great can't you just just assign me another shiftmate literally anybody he's just going to Slow Me Down hey he is a great worker give him a chance sure he is if he were a sloth be nice hey good morning shift meate is it a good morning mhm can you not stand so close to me oh you can stock the chicken over there oh sorry you're doing it wrong you have to bring the items to the front of the shelf so it's easier for the customer it makes the shelves look full of merchandise it's Elementary yeah my bad I I'll fix it excuse me H is there Zach in here yes that's me thank you make sure you give me a five stars yeah five stars wow of course someone like you would order yourself two drinks no oh I actually got you one too I heard you like the peppermint mocha you got me a Starbucks yeah I'm a bit of a Starbucks addict myself I get it every day but I figured because we're shift mates I'll order you one too well that might be the best idea you've ever had Zach hey if you don't want to pay Apple a couple hundred to fix your screen I could do it for free really M yeah I own a a small business and we repair electronics wow so what are you doing working here well just trying to work on myself and I was kind of introverted through high school so I'm just trying to you know push myself to be more social it's one of the things on my New Year's resolution list H well um you don't happen to know anything about fixing cars do you hey thanks again for doing this Zach oh yeah don't worry about it I'm happy to help you know you look really good working under the hood of that [Music] car I'll stop distracting you um what's going on I thought you hated him I did that was until he started buying me Starbucks every day and fixing all my stuff he'll basically do anything for me how are you getting him to do this for you well I agreed to go out to dinner with him on Sunday night what you're making him do things for you girl you shouldn't use people like that okay it's not like he's not getting anything out of it I mean this is probably the most attention he's ever gotten from a girl if anything I'm doing him a favor but you don't need to lead him on and eat dinner with him especially if you don't have feelings for him who said I was eating dinner with him you you literally just said that you told him that you were going to have dinner with him Sunday night keywords told him I'm not actually going to show up you can't be serious do you have any idea how messed up that is I mean why even tell him that you're going to go in the first place cuz I need someone to buy all of my stuff for me to get ready for my real date with Ryan look we've been messaging back and forth on Insta turns out I didn't actually blow it with him he invited me out to giovan's on New Year's Eve but New Year's Eve is Sunday night you can't do both like I said I'm not showing up on the date with Zach that's not cool Sabrina you know what they say the way you treat people always comes back to you this isn't going to work out all good now looks like it's working out just fine oh my gosh Zach you're a lifesaver what would I do without you oh don't mention it hey for our date Sunday night guess where I got his reservation where gioan oh oh you you did isn't that amazing uh-huh um you know what could did you just make it an early dinner reservation I I should don't like to be out on New Year's yeah yeah of course is is there anything else that you need um well now that you mentioned that we're going to giovan's I think there's a couple things that I need okay well let's go [Music] okay [Music] finally I love you're in control such a myy it is to think I ever had it on got my new Le jacket that I skip on not sure if it will fit will it but I'll stretch and move to the basic so you want to s a r up the hill beond The Horizon you been moving in stying two ways you move in stranger R I have keep up within since we met I've seen Strange Days SP is hitting in my sound let the cool just moving [Music] [Applause] out come Rock show my [Music] stereo finally ready to put an order in um I I think I'm going to wait a little bit longer that's okay I'm sorry but we have a rule that you can't hold the table for an hour without putting an order in and I've already given you an hour and a half yeah I understand if I could just wait a little bit longer please if she doesn't show up I'll just leave all [Music] right so what do you think o so cute but I still don't understand what you're going to do when you see Zach well they told him to come at 700 so it's not like he's been waiting all this I got to go Zach hi I've been texting and calling you you clearly have your phone oh um wow you look absolutely incredible Sabrina yeah these are for you I'm going to go to the bathroom but I'm so excited Frid date night excuse [Music] me I don't understand you you have another date I thought you liked [Music] me for someone who has their own company you're actually kind of a you know that I don't actually like you I was using you I mean why would I go for someone like you I mean have you seen yourself you're an overweight four-eyed pepperoni faed nerd with a mock for hair mean a girl like me can't like a guy like you now Ryan on the other hand he's the whole package so if you don't mind I have a date to get [Music] to [Music] it was hands down the best night of my life Ryan is seriously perfect he pulled out my chair and walked me to my door and everything it's like my dream guy am I right Sabrina this is Tony your new shift mate oh what happened to Zach he quit you must have really hurt him crap now I'm not going to get any more Starbucks hey babe bought you a peppermint mocha your favorite oh my gosh you're so sweet I guess that's my karma coming back to me good Sabrina's happy to have finally found her dream guy everything seems to finally be falling into place for her Sabrina and Ryan end up spending a lot of time together they support each other in their milestones and really hit things off over time they go out on more dates and eventually Ryan even asks Sabrina to be his [Music] girlfriend they spend every holiday together from Valentine's [Music] Day to Independence Day Sabrina can't believe how great things are going with Ryan but little did she know several months later Sabrina is about to be in for a big surprise excuse me young lady would you help me find can't you see I'm busy I just feel like I'm so happy that Ryan's Jim is doing so well but like we've barely seen each other and I just feel like he's been really distant why don't you talk to him about what are you looking at is that Zach no freaking way he's like totally hot he is well hey Zach long time no see oh yeah hi Sabrina you look different I mean you look really good like like really really good is that a Rolex yeah well thank you I guess you can say my small business is isn't so small anymore we've grown to 25 employees and uh I actually just saved up for a Porsche wow that's nicer than never mind um I was thinking we could catch up sometime maybe go to lunch or dinner I appreciate the invite but uh I just don't feel like being stood up again oh I'm so sorry about that don't be you see last year I focused my New Year's resolutions on taking care of myself and that's exactly what happened I adopted a skin and hair routine I check changed out my clothes and changed out the glasses for contacts and and once I left here I joined a gym and I met a whole bunch of great people and got shape yeah it's a it's actually thanks to my trainer wait you guys know each other not only that but I know all about what you did to Zach you started training with me this past summer at first I didn't realize that um you were the one he was talking about but when I found out that you were the one that was using him and standing him up I couldn't be with somebody like that wait wait Brian are are you bring up with you yeah yes I am but we have dinner plans what about what about New Year's Eve Zach H you like giovan right yeah I love gianis but I yeah I could use a cheat meal there it is SAA no bab girl I try to warn you the way you treat people always has a way of coming back to you Sabrina we need to talk about the way you've been treating the [Music] [Music] customers
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 4,592,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: llU4GSPy0Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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