Bunny Stream Video Hosting Best Setup & 22 Ways To Make It More Powerful

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what i'm going to show you in this video is so cool and i've been waiting on this for six months i've known about it for six months i've known it's coming and it just finally came this week i'm talking about a brand new service from bunny net called bunny stream and they pitch it as a better way to deliver online video and i have to agree with them it takes a lot of the pain out of having video on your website a lot of the steps you have to go through to optimize web optimize your video it does it for you for a very low cost so let's quickly go through some of the benefits of using this and we'll take a look at the cost we'll take a look at setting it up but we'll also look at some of the shortcomings that this brand new service has so you can go into it with eyes wide open so on their website i'll scroll down here and this graph right here pretty much explains a lot of the benefits so typically when you want to have a video in your online course to a marketing video a video on your blog what you need to do is you export it from your video creator and then what that file is it's not web optimized at all it's gonna buffer it's not suitable yet to put on your website so normally you would have to put it through a program called handbrake which is free have a video on how to run your video through a handbrake to make it web optimized but now you get to actually skip that step so it says right here you upload your video and what they're going to do is they're going to transcode that video they're going to make it web optimized and they're going to create a version of it in multiple resolutions this would be lower quality resolutions for website viewers or visitors that are bandwidth challenged then it's going to throw that video up on its content delivery network and now they make it easy for you to use an iframe end bed to place that video onto your website i'm sure it sounds great so far and it is great so now let's take a look at what this is going to cost you and it is crazy insane low here i am back on their website where it talks about the cost so here is bunny stream they do not charge you for that transcoding which is huge and for storage you're gonna pay one penny per gigabyte of storage used now keep in mind in case creates multiple versions of a single video so it will take up a bit of space but once it transcodes in web optimizes it it's not really that big plus one cent per gigabyte per month is not a significant expense at all and i'll show you the videos i have in the service you can kind of get an idea of what that would end up being and then to actually deliver the videos that's this cdn cost it's going to cost you half a penny per gigabyte transferred now the only other cost that they're not showing here is storage zones so this is the cost per month per gigabyte for a single storage zone in the world if you want to add it to additional storage zones it will be an additional cost but i'm going to show you that when i get to the setup now over here it says traditional cloud provider so let's just think amazon so a lot of people store their videos on amazon s3 amazon charges you for encoding where you upload the video it makes the multiple resolutions make some web optimized they charge per minute for that and most services are charging for per minute that's where this is really cool is saving on those encoding fees where you don't have to do it yourself and so storage is typically more this is actually being generous it's actually a lot more than that with most providers as well as the bandwidth tends to be even more money than this this is my product presto player and on the website we actually created well i created a calculator so people could kind of figure out what this will end up costing them per month in fact i made a video on how i made this calculator using fluent forms so what you could do is i'll put a link to this if you want to just go through the calculator you would put the storage used the bandwidth use and you're going gonna get an estimated cost so for example i have two online courses they're taking up close to three gigabytes in size so entering that in it's calculating that's going to cost me nine cents per month now that is for a single storage zone so that could double if i wanted two storage zones and then the bandwidth used let's just say 200 gigabytes so right now i'd be looking at a dollar nine per month which is insanely cheap now i also have this single line right here letting you know that there's a one dollar minimum per month spent with bunny net isn't that cost crazy low now this is a service much like youtube where you upload your video to youtube transcodes makes multiple versions of it and just like vimeo which does the same thing you upload your video it makes multiple versions of it you embed it on your website there are some negatives and i'll get to that towards the second half of this video but right now i want to get to the setup so i'll show you how to set this up now i do have a referral link down below use it don't use it it doesn't matter to me i've got so much credit with moneynet i don't think i could even use it in my lifetime although i would like it if you used it why not anyways it's wpcrafter.com bunny use it or not whatever's fine when you pop that url in it's going to take you here you can go ahead and click on get started it's super easy to create an account i'm not going to walk through that you do have to fund it i believe the minimum is ten dollars you gotta give it a ten dollar credit and i'd recommend leaving your credit card information in there in case you run out of credit it will automatically recharge your account just keep in mind there is that one dollar per month minimum however you can also use this service for your website content delivery network if you're not using something like cloud flare already this is my actual account right here you can see i use this i've actually been using bunny ned since 2017 when i first made a video on it and i used the cdn on my website and now i use it for all my video and this new stream product i've recently converted over to it so you can actually see my actual usage here and remember i said you don't have to use my referral link if you don't want to look at all this balance i have i have almost like 500 dollars just sitting here i don't know if i'll use it because look at my usage for this month we're about 23 days in the month and i'm not even at five dollars so it's going to take me what maybe a hundred months at my current rate to be able to use all the credit that i have keep in mind i use this on my websites as well as for the content delivery network as well for the videos that's why my usage is pretty high but you can see here i've almost used a whole terabyte of bandwidth so once you go ahead and create your account and log in you'll see this option here that says stream you'll want to click on that so the first step is you're going to want to create a video library and what you'll do is just click on this orange button click on it here to create this video library and then the first step right here is to name this video library and then right here is those different storage zones and this is that going to increase the storage cost so by default it's going to be right here in germany and if you want it in any of these other locations each each location that you enable and we can enable it or disable them right here is going to add to the cost of the storage so this is entirely up to you i'll tell you i'm using it just in germany i don't i'm in the united states myself and i don't even have it replicated here and this is where the videos are and where they're going to load from it's entirely up to you now once you have this set you can't go back so you can uncheck these if you want as a matter of fact that is what i recommend uncheck them all and see how it works out and you can then later enable them if you want to it's entirely up to you but just know you can't go back see it says that even right here once enabled a replication zone cannot be removed so i would start with them all unchecked and you can see that's where it's one cent per gigabyte but it's it's uh up to you if you here's where i would enable some if you're like in australia i would probably enable australia which is actually three cents per gigabyte but these pennies we're not really talking much much cost here at all so i'll go ahead and give this a name and i'm going to start with none of these zones and then i'll click on add video library and you can see my new video library is right here these are other video libraries my plugin presto player automatically sets all this up for you if you're using it so let's go into the video library right now i'll go ahead and click here and we can take a quick peek at some of the settings so first here on the bottom left is going to let you know a snapshot of how many videos how much bandwidth you're using and how much storage you're using so you can kind of always know what the cost is going to end up being and right here we can add our first video if we want or what's really cool is they have a feature called collections so these can be thought of as folders where you can group and store different videos so if you're an online course creator you might want a collection for all the videos in a single course don't upload any videos just yet we need to look at some of these settings here on the left so the first one you'll want to look at right here says encoding and you're going to want to toggle this off like i said earlier if you're using presto player it does all of this configuration and setup automatically for you all right so the first setting i recommend you turn off is the keep original file so this is just going to be a waste of storage so what with this off when you upload a file it's going to do its transcoding and encoding and then delete the original file that makes more sense to me than leaving the original file there and it's not being used really this right here this early play you don't really need this this means if you want to immediately play the video while the transcoding is going on this will allow you to immediately embed it and for those couple of minutes the original file can play until they have their web optimized versions this doesn't make any sense to me i don't end up using it next when we scroll down here is the enabled resolutions so when you upload a single file it's going to create all of these different versions you can see here it's going to be five different versions web optimized using different resolutions now you might as well just leave these but i'll tell you personally i don't leave these i like to turn off 240 why am i gonna have a version that's solo quality made that i doubt anyone's really gonna be viewing and i also turn off 360p so then i'm left with just these three versions which i think is fine but it's entirely up to you whether you want to keep them or not and if you are going to have 4k videos that's super high resolution you can enable these higher resolution options here as well all my content is in 1080p though so these three are perfectly fine next let's take a quick look at the player options right here and then we'll upload our first video so you're going to be able to change the primary color of the video player it's going to apply to every single video that you have and then we have a language option here if you're going to use captions you get the option for the font size as well as the font color in the background color if you're a css nerd uh no offense to anyone you could go ahead and drop some custom css in here to change some look and feel of the player and then right here you have options for the player controls that you want to enable or disable just keep in mind these apply to all of the videos that you have every single video so i'll go ahead and enable i like the 10 second skip and we'll just enable them all so we can kind of get an idea of what it's like let me go ahead and update those options so now we're ready to upload our first video it's super easy i'll go ahead and click on upload video and i'll drag and drop my video here okay i've dragged and dropped my video there and it's 237 megabytes it's a few minutes of video it's in full hd it's straight out of final cut pro i have really good internet by the way that's why it's uploading so fast so once this is done i can go and start doing other things and it will start doing its transcoding process all right i've got my green check mark and you can drag and drop multiple videos and you can see right here it says processing now while it's processing you can't do anything with the video just yet but there's going to be a little badge here in the top right that will let us know when we can start using this video or use the embed code on our website okay so now it's done it's first initial bit of processing and you can see we have the badge here now it says encoding and you can see how long the video is it might be harder to see it it's two minutes and 17 seconds and right here where it says unknown that's how much storage space this video is going to end up taking so you can kind of know what you're going to end up paying just to have this one video there and you can see this progress bar right here and it's about maybe 10 through so we'll give this a little bit more time all right and the word encoding just changed to playable and what that means is it has its first version encoded already and available for you so the video is playable if you embed it on your website but not all the quality versions are ready just yet but what this does allow me to do is to click in the video so that we can take a look at the various options that are available to us so right here we can see a preview of the video in a preview of the player and we can choose a thumbnail so it just chooses random thumbnails from the video or we can upload our own i'll go ahead and just choose this one right here um and there it is but you can choose actually let's choose this one because it's my dog i love my dog he's right there and then right here you can add captions if you want these would be the words that you're saying to show when you're saying them next right here is the embed code and we have these three options here that we can toggle on or off and it just changes some of the parameters inside of this embed code so you're probably not going to want autoplay uh and right here preload this depends on performance so preload it's going to load more of the video before someone clicks play whether or not they click play or not and when you turn this off it's going to just show the thumbnail and it's not going to quite load as much i'll have a link to this blog post here and this talks about the performance impact so i will i'm going to go through this whole blog post in a moment but it's important to know the performance impact when using the their embed code so for that very video i just uploaded on a page i did a speed test and so it took 7.5 seconds for the page to load the size is 17 and a half megabytes and that's that preload happening and the requests on that page was 52 however when i toggled off the preload option it went down to 2.2 seconds and the total page size went to one meg or 1.4 megabytes roughly and 35 requests this third column is when you're using presto player to play your bunny stream videos there's a massive performance improvement over you just embedding it directly and that's because it's a wordpress plugin i'll get into that in a moment this is one of the negatives of the bunny stream uh but you're going to get roughly uh 15 faster load time right there you're going to have the page size be four times lighter and you also get one less request so i just wanted you to understand the implications of having this preload on or off obviously you'll want the responsive and then we could just click right here and it copies the file straight over to our clipboard and now you can embed it basically copy that code inside of your page design inside of your page builder or as i'm using gutenberg right here you can paste it in so you have to put in a certain block and that's the custom html block right there so this is where that embed code needs to go in you paste it in you go ahead click on update and then i'm going to click on view page and here is that video you can see i have the thumbnail there i have all my buttons here and this is all ready to go and there's that one color that you get to choose and that's it all you would have to do now is just upload your videos click into each video copy and paste that bit of code don't forget to do the preload it's up to you though toggle that off i would recommend toggling that off copy and paste your embed code wherever you want and you have videos directly from bunny stream now as i already alluded to there's some things that you can do by adding presto player to make bunny stream so much better but also when i go through this list you're gonna really see the things that bunny stream does not have so you can go into it with eyes wide open let's go ahead and take a look at the 22 things you don't get with bunny stream but if you add presto player to it you get it but also keep in mind presto player works with many different video hosts not just a bunny stream let's go ahead and take a look now it's important to understand that bunny stream is just a video service and there's lots of video services and it doesn't quite have everything or anything really that a wordpress user would want or need it really just displays videos on your website now presto player is a wordpress plugin that can take these videos from all these different video services and you can do a whole heck of a lot more with your videos so i put together this blog post right here pointing out 22 things that you don't get with bunny stream but if you mix in presto player with bunny stream you'll be able to have now let's go through this list right here so the first one i already alluded to and that has to do with website performance basically to summarize if you're concerned about website performance you're gonna have a much more performant website if you use presto player with bunny stream versus using bunny stream directly now it depends on what you're doing with the money stream videos if you're putting them in an online course the performance might not matter that much but if you're putting those videos anywhere that you would want google to visit or if you wanted someone to visit that's just finding out about you page speed and loading performance is paramount so you wouldn't want to put a bunny stream video on your home page or inside of a blog post or a content page on your website however if you do it with presto player we optimize the performance so i have right here this comparison that i did into of tests so i already showed in this video you want to turn the preloading off in most situations but even with it off there's still a significant performance impact so you can see right here well load time it varies right and so it says 2.2 seconds and with presto player it's 1.9 seconds you can do that test 10 times and it might be a tenth of a second faster or slower but let's look at the total page size the page size is a one megabyte larger which is about four times larger when you're using the bunny embed code versus using bunny through presto player because we're a pretzel player is a wordpress plugin that can optimize this experience and there's one less request there's nothing that's not really that big of a deal right there so there's a negative performance impact when you're using just these embed codes from bunny stream the second thing is you get no integrations with a bunny stream there's no integrations whatsoever with wordpress so if you have a learning management system such as learndash and actually have learndash on the demo site i'm going to show you it's actually not a demo site it's my live site a lot of learning management systems have a feature called video progression and what that means is the video player is communicating with the learning management systems to unlock some features and options so for learndash users they love video progression here's an example of what you can do with it you can make it so someone can't move forward in the course until they've watched that full video that's video progression it's the video player communicating with the learn the online course platform another way and this is how i use it is this is how i use a video progression is the viewer when they get or the student when they get to the end of the lesson it will automatically market complete and then take them to the next lesson so it adds a much better experience for the people inside of your online courses so you don't get that when you use these embed codes but if you're using presto player we integrate with the top learning management systems so that you can take advantage of these features here i am in my learndash website and you can see i'm using presto player to add this video right here now when you're in a lesson and you go to settings there's an option right here that says video progression and when you toggle it on if you have presto player on right here it says use presto video i can toggle this on and now i've enabled video progression and that's because presto player is a wordpress plugin it could take videos from any of these sources and presto player has all of these integrations with so many different wordpress plugins so if you create online courses and use these online course platforms there's a lot of these convenience features that your students are going to miss out on the next thing you're going to miss out on is player presets and this is one of the most powerful features inside of presto player and what it allows you to do is create a preset that can apply to multiple videos so you might have a preset for videos on your blog you might have a preset for videos for marketing purposes and you might have a different preset for videos that are for your online courses and if you ever want to change a setting in a preset you go into the preset you change it and applies across all the videos that you set that preset on this is opposed to what you get with bunny stream remember i was showing you the player controls and all of that it applies to all of your videos and that's just how it is so here i am in a video using presto player and it's using bunny stream and when i scroll down you can see here are the presets right here and you can create custom presets so let's go ahead and take a look at what is in a custom preset so first you name your preset and we have these different options here to to set up for a preset so here's the controls this is basic you you saw this inside of what we already had with the bunny stream directly but then we have behavioral presets and these are things you're not going to see inside of bunny stream and we have auto hide controls that is fine but then we have a save player position i'll talk about that in a moment sticky on scroll if you're using you youtube we have some optimizations for youtube we also have a preset here for style so you don't need to know custom css or anything and you can have different styles so we have a branding option to show a logo we have rounded corners on the player we have different caption styles right here as well and so you don't have to do the caption styles on a video by by video basis like you do in buddynet you're you're able to do it as a preset here and this is something we recently added which is email capture i'll talk about that later you can have an email opt-in gate in the beginning or at any point in your video it's fully customizable everything is pretty much customizable here oh and i forgot to show you player skins but i'll show you that in a moment so you can create these different player presets and you can group your videos and apply those presets to them this makes having multiple videos a whole heck of a lot more manageable and customizable the next item is player skins so you only get that one look from bunny stream and it's a nice look but when you start adding and enabling those button controls it starts to get cluttered really quick you can see right here this is with all these controls enabled and so this is our default skin and it happens to be pretty much exactly what you're seeing with bunny stream but we have the ability to offer you different skins so here is another skin called stacked that we designed where we took the play head and we put it above the controls and you can see it makes for a much nicer experience so we've implemented this as a preset you guessed it so these player skins are pliable as a preset and right here in the preset you can choose your players your player skin style and this is how it's enabled as a preset this will have a very positive effect on your viewers experience this next feature is a big one if you're gonna have a video that's over a few minutes long you need to have a way of making it so the viewer can skip to certain points in the video especially if you have a longer video an online course video i even use this on the presto player home page for a full demo video of what presto player does we call it chapter markings and you can see the feature right here in these screenshots it's very simple to implement here i am on the presta player home page and when i scroll down you can see we have the demo video here and it actually remembered where i left off i'll talk about that in a moment but you can see those chapter markings right here with these dots you see that and so when someone's inside of a video playing the video they can jump to different parts of the video by just clicking on the dot but we also have this option here to show the chapters and someone can go here and if i want to learn about video analytics you can just go like that and it jumps straight ahead to video analytics now adding these is super easy to any video you just click on the video it says chapters you put your time code you put the text in that you want right here you click on plus and then you add your next one chapter markings are essential i mean you look at youtube they added it to their entire platform this table of contents or chapter markings which we call it for presto player and it just makes it a much better experience i'm sure you know if you've watched videos on my channel when i add those chapter markings in there you can easily get to what you want easily skip ahead move forward move backwards now with presto player we're going to take this a lot further in this is in how in regards to how those chapter markings are displayed so right now you saw the button and there was that overlay over the video we're exploring different ways of having that be maybe under the video off to the right of the video or some kind of integration with the content on your page we're able to do all of that because presto player is a wordpress plugin so no chapter markings with bunny stream directly but you're getting that with with presto player next is a big one and it happens to be my favorite feature of presto player and we call it muted autoplay it's actually a lame name for the feature because it really just describes what it does versus describing the benefit but it's a a way to make your videos completely irresistible and you see this on the presto player home page here's the home page and let's just take a look at what's happening here the videos playing without me having to click on the play button the sounds not playing but we have this overlay that says click here to play you see all this action going on and what do you see down here you see the captions just displaying as i'm saying the words have you seen this before i'm sure you have if you go to facebook you see this on right on facebook all those ads what do they do they're showing the closed caption before you unmute it and so what would end up happening here is when you click on the play button it starts the video from the beginning and the captions are no longer showing this is a red hot feature enabling it is super easy for your videos these are the options on the right you basically you toggle it on you decide if you want to preview the captions and you choose the overlay and you can resize it move it around it's actually very easy to set up and we also give you the option of customizing the colors for the captions and this isn't your typical caption layout by the way so you see how the captions are here at the bottom and it gives the impression like they're burnt into the video this is some trickery that we had to implement to make it look like this captions normally don't look like this they appear above it and it doesn't go from edge to edge the background color and they just don't look as good as this this looks like it's completely burned into the video but we give you the option if you want it to look like this or if you want to look like typical captions that appear hovering just a little bit above the bottom area like this so adding them a super easy click on the video here it is it's right under the little bubble where you see me and you can just toggle these on make your selections and you're good to go so if you want to make your videos more irresistible you can do that with presto player you're not going to be able to do that with just a video embed from one of these services number seven is lead capture we added an email opt-in gate that you can implement as a preset so if you wanted an email opt-in gate to apply to all of your blog videos but not necessarily your online course videos we've implemented this as a preset and it's super easy fully customizable and it's also intelligent and what i mean by that is if someone has given you their email address and then they go to another video that has this email opt-in gate well presto player is going to know that you already got their email address and it's not going to show them the email opt-in gate for the next video that they watch on your site so it's a smart feature here are our presets again let's take a quick look so when i click on email capture and i toggle this on you could fully customize it so this text you can change when it shows so zero percent is the beginning of the video so you can have this show at the beginning or any point during the video or at the very end of the video it's entirely up to you now you can also give your viewers an option to skip it if they don't want to say give you their email for the resources or to sign up for your newsletter or whatever you're asking for the email for you can give them an option to skip it right here you can customize the headline so you can see that just got changed and then you can also put text underneath the email opt-in and this accepts html so if you want to link to a policy regarding emails for gdpr compliance you can easily add that right here you can change the text for the play button and what's also nice is you can round out the corners i always like a little bit of a rounded out corner like that and right here you can integrate and pass this information off to the top email service providers and if you use fluent crm like me you can easily toss this in there as well so if you want to generate leads from your videos presto players got your back now this next feature is huge and you're not getting this with any other video host or video platform this is what you're getting when you use presto player and i've used every video service and they didn't have this so it's very important to me to have this and this is safe position and preferences so if i am on an online course website and i'm watching a video i typically want to customize some of the settings maybe the volume but that's not it it's usually the playback speed i want the speed increased i don't want it at one i wanted a 1.25 or something like that the problem with all of these different tools and video services is that when i go to the next video it doesn't remember my playback preference at all and also if i only have time to watch half of a video and i might want to revisit it later it doesn't remember where i left off those problems are solved when you use presto player it will save the what happens is when someone clicks on play it's going to drop a cookie on their computer and it's going to remember their preferences if they want it at a 2.0 playback speed it's going to remember that if they like it at half volume it's going to remember that where they left off in every single video it's going to remember that as well and this this feature is easily implemented as a preset so if i go here to behaviors it's right here it says save play position and when you have that toggled on it will save the position and also save their preferences when they're watching videos on your website this feature alone is my personal favorite because i want to make the experience as good as it can be if someone's going to watch videos on my website next is pretty self-explanatory it's sticky player on scroll this is also enabled as a preset so if you have a video at the top of a page and you have lots of written content on that page with this enabled as soon as someone scrolls down it takes that video and it sticks it to a corner and then when they scroll up it moves back to its original place you see this implemented everywhere facebook does this you see this on lots of blogs news websites and you can easily do it as a preset there's no need to show you that number 11 here is logo overlay if you want to add some branding you get to add a logo overlay and you can have it disabled based on a preset if you want so here i am in the presets and right here where it says style you can show it or hide it if you want right here now let me show you where you actually add that logo inside of presto player we have a settings panel right here and when you jump into it you have the branding options put your logo in you can set the width of it if you have it it's too wide and you want to make it smaller and then this is where you can also choose the brand color next is analytics do you want to fly blind i don't want to fly blind i want to know who's watching my videos when they're watching my videos how long they're watching my videos for i want all that data and presto player gives that to you you don't get that with bunny stream so with presto player you have two choices you can have local analytics but we also integrate with google analytics if you'd like us to push that data inside of your google analytics platform and we track it all you're gonna have views you're gonna have watch time we even have a viewer retention on a per video basis we have it all right here i've got some screen shots right here and we also track the top users watching your videos we want to actually expand that and have a tie into learning management systems eventually but you can see right here watch time views all of its pretty self-explanatory here when you click into a video you can see the audience retention so let's let you know when they're dropping off in your video you don't get any kind of stats analytics tracking none of this stuff with bunny stream but if you use bunny stream with presto player you get this now the next one is a big one when you're taking these iframe embeds that you get from bunny stream and putting it on your website it's as if that video is completely invisible to a search engine such as google when they're visiting your website so it doesn't have any of the schema markup that you're gonna want the json ld data it has none of that except if you use bunny stream with presto player presto player integrates with the top seo plugins and it's going to automatically add video schema to your videos as well as you get the captions locally on your website versus the captions being hosted with bunny stream so that's additional data that google is able to see when they come and visit your page this is huge if getting website traffic matters to you so if you're going to use video on blogs your home page your publicly accessible pages this is kind of a big deal next is page builder integrations so if you are using bunny stream you're just taking that embed code and you're staring at an embed code when you're laying out the design inside of your pages so here's an example of what the presto player home page would look like if i was designing it with the embed code you can see i'm looking at it and i'm just staring at an embed code but right here when you're using presto player and one of our page builder integrations you actually get to see the video inside of the page layout that you're designing and to take this a step further we have dynamic content integrations as well for those of you that want to create post templates and you apply it to different pieces of content on your website we have dynamic content features because of these page builder integrations next we have automation integrations because presto player is a wordpress plugin versus just some embed code we have the best integrations with these automation tools and you can do amazing things so i got them listed here uncanny automator or better known as the automator plug-in automator wp we've got fluent crm which is huge and we've got wp fusion so what this is going to do is you can trigger your actions based upon if someone clicks play on a video if someone watches a certain duration of the video someone makes it to the end of the video so imagine you have it set up where someone clicks on play and you use one of these to automatically add a tag to that contact because you know they clicked play on that video so if it's say a demo video for a product that would pretty much gauge that they're interested in the product so you can do stuff like that but obviously you could do so much more someone makes it halfway through the video send them an email you can do all of this with these automation plugins you can't do any of that when you're using an embed code alone from any of these services but if you use these services such as bunny stream through presto player it unlocks unbelievable possibilities number 16 is you can manage everything from your website that's where you are no need to go into another tab another website dig define your video copy and paste the code remember to toggle the switch you toggle the code but you don't actually know what that generates because you don't get a visual preview you can skip all of that and just manage everything inside of wordpress you simply drag the block into your layout and right here i'm going to click on add the video and it's going to pull it up and so here are my collections and i can click right here into a collection and there are my videos and i can just click on the video i want right here and if i wanted to i can delete the video and it deletes it off of a bunny stream we have this integration right here and we've got all the data we've got the thumbnail we've got the length of the video we've got how much space that single video is consuming and just go ahead and click on choose that's so much easier than going to their website and copying and pasting finding the video copying and pasting an embed code but don't forget to hit the toggle switches and then when you're here we have all those options just choose your preset and you're off to the races number 17 you can use presto player with any of these video services so if you have a website you're typically going to want to maybe use youtube for your blogs uh so that you get those views on your youtube channel so you can use presto player there with youtube but then in your online courses or maybe your marketing video you might want to use something like bunny stream and use the muted autoplay or some of those great features that we have you can use multiple services any of these services pretty much using presto player so that's 17 let's get into the last five and this is what i'm most excited about and these are the features that we're currently working on delivering over the next one to three months for all presto player users first one and this is going to be big is overlays so we're building an overlay engine and so an overlay is if you're in a video and you want to display a button you want to display an image you want to display dynamic data such as the logged in user's username you're going to be able to do all of that with our overlay feature so imagine someone's watching a video and you're talking about okay you need to go to this website but instead of just telling them or having them dig through the content why not just show a button on the video that they can click and go straight on over to that website that's what overlays is going to enable you to do next we're going to have calls to action this will kind of be similar to our email opt-in where the video stops and you're giving them some kind of action that you want them to perform such as maybe clicking on a link or studying something for five minutes or filling out a form if it's an online course and you want them to fill out a worksheet you can have the video stop and then they can come and resume the video that's going to be this call to action feature the next one is huge and it's coming in its searchable captions so if you have longer videos there's going to be search button that the viewer can click on and they can type in a search query and if you said that phrase inside of that video it's going to show them a list of all of the times you set it then the viewer can click on one and it will take him precisely to that point in the video this feature is going to be huge for online courses or for tutorial videos if you have a product and you want to show someone how to use we're adding an audio player to presto player we didn't call it presto video player and the hub we named video hub we didn't name video hub we named a media hub because we're going to add an innovative leading audio player to presto player and we're so excited to do that and that is coming soon it's going to be great for podcasts online courses where you want to have an audio version as well you're going to be able to do all of that with presto player and the last feature and this is something that i am having added for me and this is a youtube subscribe bar so you if you're gonna have youtube videos on your website well presto player performance optimizes those as well but we're also going to and you have all these features you can throw at those videos but we're also going to add that little subscribe bar at the button that will make it easy for someone to subscribe to your channel but it will also show them how many subscribers you have if you just want to flex a little bit and show some of that social proof that you built so bunny stream is an awesome service and a lot of these video services are awesome they're just video services if you really want to unlock the power of video on your website you just gotta add presto player to it we intentionally made presto player extremely affordable so that everybody could have access to it and i have a 10 off coupon in the video description if you want to save an additional 10 10 off of presto player it's super easy so anyways that is bunny stream and that that is also the 22 things extra that you can do with bunny stream or any of these video services with presto player on your website we think it's the best well we know it's the best way to add videos to your website and soon audios we're excited for that so anyways i hope you get a lot out of using bunny stream it's a great service i'm personally using it and i i like it until something better comes along it's the one that i'm gonna use thanks for watching this video if you could give it a thumbs up and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: WPCrafter.com WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 9,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bunny stream review, bunny stream tutorial, bunny cdn video tutorial, vimeo alternative
Id: x09NxamDfwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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