Best Video Hosting Platforms For Online Courses On WordPress - Great For LearnDash

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[Music] in this video we're gonna go over some of the options for hosting your videos for your online courses we're gonna go through all of the various options we're gonna go from a free option and that we're gonna start at the top and work our way down as far as cost and features of these various video platforms I'm going to talk a lot about a lot of different video platforms so I'm gonna have links in the video description down below for them and I'm gonna try to domen safai and make this stuff make sense to you we'll talk about video security we'll talk about the pros and the cons of these various solutions so that you could choose the one that works best for you and the online courses that you have and this is going to be opened up to a discussion just comment down below if you have any good or bad experiences with any of these platforms or if you have any better suggestions because we definitely want to make sure we make the right choice with where to host our videos or our online courses hey if you're new here my name is Adam WP crafter comm and I want to encourage you to subscribe and click on that notification bell they have a lot of content about creating online courses including full tutorials and I'll put a link to that down below as well let's start with the free one we're going to start at the free and then we're gonna go up and work our way down so the free version obviously is YouTube now this is actually not a good idea to host your videos for your course and that's because whenever you watch a youtube video I'm just on their trending tab right now so let's click on this little nice video right here I'm gonna pause it so this is what the player experience looks like for your students and at any time they can hover and then they can click right here and then it will take them over to the video on YouTube whether you have it unlisted or not this is not a good solution because they can get those URLs it's kind of unprofessional in my opinion however if you're offering a free course you could do this yeah you totally could do this but if it pay course something someone paid for I would strongly recommend against it it really stinks though because I love YouTube hosting I love the way YouTube hosts the videos and how fast it loads and all that it's just you have all the branding and then at the end of the video there might be suggestions for other videos it's definitely unprofessional not what you'd want okay now we're gonna jump up to the top and work our way down and so we're going to take a look at video video Seifer now this is a very secure video platform so what happens is if you have your videos hosted here they're embedded on your website no one's gonna be able to download those videos there's nothing they're gonna be able to do other than use a screen recorder so it's going to give you secure videos I don't use the service by the way but I have seen it and I've come across it it's very very fast as well in the delivery but you pay a premium for it so let's go ahead and take a look at the pricing here so you can see the these prices are for a year a year remember I'm starting at the top and I'm working my way down okay so $99 a year you're probably gonna be on one of this plan right here the $4.99 but you've got to look at some of the limitations and the big one for me on this one is you get one point five terabytes of bandwidth for the entire year but that's very fast bandwidth lightning quick bandwidth which means the videos are gonna load really fast but that's a bit low in in my book for I think an online course because people are going through these videos and so you'll have a single person maybe consume 40 or 50 videos and you get 200 gigabytes of storage that's actually not that bad okay so this is starting out high okay so let's take a look at the next option is Wistia now whisky has got a great website I mean she's really showing off her moves here but Wistia is probably better for videos that are marketing and you want all the tracking and analytics and all that kind of stuff I wouldn't recommend Wistia and for online course video so let's take a look at the cost of Wistia they have a free plan it's not what you would want you would want to be probably on Pro or the advanced so the pro plan is 100 bucks a month this is actually more than video cipher I should have put this one first and that only lets you have ten videos and then it's twenty-five cents per month per additional video so it's going to get up there pretty quick I just had to bring it up it comes up and this is why I included it in this video now the next video solution is probably going to be that perfect sweet spot for most people and that is Vimeo Vimeo has it's kind of like YouTube in that you can have a free account and you can put your videos there but they have professional accounts that give you a certain level of security so you're gonna be able to lock the videos down where they'll only be able to put be played on your domain name now they don't provide video encryption and so what that means is someone can easily use a web browser extension that can download media that's playing on a page and just download your videos they don't offer any security but they do offer domain security and most people are not going to use one of those extensions but you you do need to be aware of that now Vimeo has several plans available and they're right here now the sad thing is is the Plus plan would be I actually ideal for most scenarios and that's right here and it's only seven bucks a month billed annually however if you read the Terms of Use they don't want you on this plan if you're actually selling access to the videos kind of stinks right now still people do that and they probably get away with it just fine but you you to be on the safe side you really need to be on the pro plan unfortunately now they have very generous amounts of storage and bandwidth so bandwidth is actually unlimited so where we looked at the first option it was there was a limit and some of the ones we're gonna look at in a bit have limits as well theirs is unlimited so what you are limited to is you can only upload 20 gigabytes of video content let me tell you per week sorry per week and that totals one terabyte per year but let me tell you right now that is a ton so you're gonna be paying this fee per year and there's some some features here and you can compare them to these various plans you really would ideally would love to be on the plus plan but you're gonna be forced on the pro plan to play it on the safe side so Vimeo is a really good option and the reason it's a good option is it's a mainstream video host and so if you're using say learn - learn - has kind of an integration with Vimeo for their video progression feature what that means is you can enable this feature well there's several features around it but I'll just tell you one where if these students watching the video the video gets to the end it can automatically mark the lesson as complete and then take the student to the next lesson in the course that's actually a very cool feature so but this is what you're gonna be paying for it so the pros are that there's you can upload pretty much as much content as you want unlimited bandwidth you get some player customization options I don't think they're great I'd prefer what Wistia gives you you don't get encryption of your video so someone can easily download it if they were motivated enough to do it just to be aware of oh there's also nice right here you get 4k HDR support okay moving on so the next option is going to be what I've used since 2014 so that's a long time I've been paying for this that on their annual plan in its vu player and fuu player is really good for videos you want to use for marketing purposes but also for online courses they provide a lot of interesting features for courses that I like you can set it to remember where the student left off in the video so someone watches half your video they'll even they come back it can resume where they left off I really like that you get a lot of player customization options you get to increase the playback speed you get to chapter marking it's just well the feature after feature after feature but what's really amazing and are unique about them is they also provide that HLS encryption what that means is no one's going to be able to just download your video with a web browser extension they're just not going to be able to do it so you can read through this page you basically upload your video to them they encode it into some different formats and then you have a player customizations so you can you can import the settings from a prior video might have uploaded so you can keep that consistent style across the board and then you get an embed code and you can just drop that embed code right in on your course it's really good and then it comes with analytics for it so this is actually a really good solution now there's some stuff with it as well that I'm gonna tell you about in a moment so you can go through these various features but what they have a very unique thing with is the security features right here advanced HLS encryption so that's kind of what I like about it now there are a million features in vu Player it's pretty vast and pretty extensive I'm going to show you inside vu Player really quick here is their pricing I know right now if you visit a link that I have in the video description or go to WP crafter TOCOM slash boo player it's gonna take you to a special offer for vous player it's a lifetime offer and they offer them once or twice a year it's gonna be kind of similar to this startup plan I have the enterprise plan myself and that's what I've had for so long it gives you all the features so let's go ahead and take a look at it actually here let me let's take a look at it here's what it looks like inside but now let me tell you some of the personal experiences I've had with vu player first of all I've had some complaints from people and that complaint is usually buffering it's not often but it's often enough that I am a little worried at times so most people don't complain because there's people that don't complain and if someone super motivated enough to send in a message then there is a problem going on with buffering now I've never felt that vu players had the best support and maybe it's because they have to deal with a lot of support requests so with that buffering issue I asked them and then they said I have to transcode my video in a certain way but I thought I've been using this for years uploading the video they do a trance coating on it so there's some weird stuff like that I have had issues and the service has gone down maybe once a year for like an hour or two but other than that you can't compare you can't come close to the value you get and that HLS encryption so I notice you upload your video here is a video and you get unbelievable options the player customization options and the settings here the player is very modern there's two different skins and this is one skin actually about three years ago I suggested they make a skin like this it was a feature suggestion from me and they actually made it so anyways so you can go here yet you can have full control over the appearance and style you get when you hover over the timeline here you can get the little preview thumbnail image it's just amazing all the stuff that it does drop your custom thumbnail you can overlay a custom logo for player controls right here you can hide the controls disable pause I mean just what you can do is amazing the options I love that you can do the playback speed but it can show it here so someone doesn't have to dig in a menu like you do with the other players I can just click here and it increases the playback speed people really like that skip and rewind options this is really cool you can add a 15-second skip forward or backward for your students it just makes it a lot easier for them and then we have some advanced options right here I use a preload video so as soon as someone lands on the Lessing page it starts pre loading the video smart playback you can limit the play backs and this is what I like auto resume detection right here I use this then we have marketing tools conversions stuff here so you can add tags all kinds of interesting stuff here it's a very powerful tool and I wish there I wish I felt calm and that I could upload a video here and it's gonna work flawlessly for everyone but sadly that has not been my experience but for me it's kind of I'm conflicted I don't want to stop using vou player because I like all of the features and I pay him a couple hundred bucks a year to use the service but I think the reliability is kind of like a ninety out of a hundred so I really want to be in that hundred space okay I found a new option that I'm testing right now and I'm actually kind of impressed with it and it's called I can't even pronounce it right Pooh bolito correct me if I'm wrong okay so Pooh bolito they're on appSumo right now this is their second time so I don't know if they're gonna keep coming back or whatever you can get a lifetime account so this is gonna be your money saver option and I'm going to show you how you would get this video inside of WordPress right now I'm gonna click on view plans and more codes so you can with a single purchase of $49 it's a lifetime account you get a hundred gigabytes of storage which is massive there were limits on boo player by the way so right here for 62 bucks a month it was a hundred gigabytes of storage and Kay okay let me get back into pou bolito here it is and if you wanted that increase you'd buy a second code or a third corridor up to like five or 10 codes or whatever that gives you 500 gigabytes of bandwidth you can upload as many files there's no limit on that just your storage is the only limit you can have different player styles that you can assign to videos it's pretty cool you can do something really interesting which is play and add in front of your video I haven't figured out how to do that yet it's pretty interesting I thought would be if you add a new course coming out someone's in an existing course you might want to show promotion in front of the video it's kind of like when you if you use any streaming service I use HBO GO whenever I watch anything there's just a little video about some other free thing that I can access on their platform which is pretty good out of this I ended up buying this right here the three codes which gave me 300 gigs of storage and 1.5 terabytes of bandwidth monthly remember when I was looking over here at video Seifer I thought 1.5 terabytes a bandwidth annually well here I am at Pablito paying 147 bucks one time and I get that monthly right here so when you scroll down there's other options here to buy more codes for more storage and more bandwidth and here's tons of reviews for it those they're all like really good like this is the best deal I've ever bought blah blah blah now you can store a lot more with Pablito images PDF files all kinds of stuff like that but you I'm only making this in regards to video so here's actually their website right here and you can look through some of the options of poobah lido so they were going to talk about on the flight transformations one of the things i like about this and i was testing it i uploaded a video and it automatically transcoded it into various formats so when someone's watching my video they can change the resolution as they wanted and it can be optimized for them this is a feature I guess they can automatically add a watermark to video I did not test that but this is what is very interesting as well fast and reliable delivery and this is something I'm not getting from vu player right now and that's because it's delivered via their content delivery network by default and I've noticed it's quite fast ok so here is my PO bolito account I only had one video I uploaded it like I said I'm testing it this is a video I made a few months ago about a little error I bumped into in the Astro theme I like to just shoot a video and send it to them so they can see exactly what I'm experiencing so here's my video I uploaded it you just click on upload files and then there it is you can organize them in media folders I kind of like this file manager type of feel let me go in here and click on edit so you can see some of the options that I have so I can change names of it and all that kind of stuff I can tag my content add the watermarks add a custom thumbnail I did not do that and you're gonna see when I put it in a learn - course that I didn't add that and here's some control over the player as well okay so what you do is then you also go in here where as players and you create your player and this is going to give you some kind of options so let me see if this lets me edit okay so this is the gray skin and your options are basic ones of the over the controls for auto play control bar all that kind of stuff so you'll get to see I'm using this players settings okay so here I am on inside of WordPress here I actually already did that let me delete it okay so they have a plugins as you go to plugins add new do a search for a pub alito install it and then it's going to be here you just copy and paste your API key in and then what you do is in any lesson or any part of your WordPress website where there's Gutenberg there's a Guttenberg block so if I do slash I'll let me go right here slash like this and you can start typing Poobah lead oh and there it is it's the first one right here and when I click on it it's going to show this to me select a file so I can click right here and it's gonna show me all of my files I'll choose the one I want or I can search and then you hit the three dots and you choose insert player and then it just goes ahead and inserts it let me click on update so you can see I didn't put the thumbnail image to make it look real professional you definitely want to put a thumbnail image for sure okay I'm gonna go here and this is what it looks like inside a learn - lesson it's just perfectly right here nice and big and it's simple let me push play but then let me go down here and mute it so the player isn't as tricked out and custom looking as you get with blue player at all so when I hover over it we just have play pause we have volume we do have the play head here and I like it when I go through it like this you can see the little thumbnail of it I really like that and if you notice when I click play it load it immediately and then right here when someone hovers over the little wheel there's an option to change the resolution and also go fullscreen so this is what you do here now you do have domain security so this is something I mentioned on Vimeo let's see it's one and one of this settings here maybe something like that I forget off the top of my head where is it security there it is domain level protection it's right here so if I only wanted this video file to be able to be played on certain URLs I can just toggle this on and it's just gonna work for me that is pretty awesome now what it does not have is that HLS encryption that we saw over here with vou player and they kind of have like the market cornered on this you can't touch the price you pay for vou player and have it include that type of encryption so a web browser extension you're not going to be able to download it sadly though with Pablito you will be able to but it's the same thing with Vimeo a same thing with YouTube it's the same thing with all of these or most of these tools and Wistia included it's very easy to download the video and you might not want that if you're a course creator however someone's got to be super motivated to do that it's up to you so if you super need that video security and you have the budget for it your options your first option is going to be this this is going to be the creme de la creme video cipher you're not gonna have this bead and reliability issues I've had with vu player however if you need to do it and you're a little bit more price conscious there is no option that's better than mu player but just know that sometimes I have run into issues with vu player but you also get some amazing options in the video player and then if you're on a budget you could if you had a free video you could use YouTube of it free free course use YouTube but you might be better off springing for something like Pablito and I'm sure things like this pop up obviously it's here in this is only in the last two or three weeks longer this deal right here and I have a link to it down below I'd appreciate if you use that that is a referral link doesn't cost you anything extra but I've got to say I am impressed with Pablito the options that it has because you can very affordably get the storage space and the bandwidth per month and it's super easy to use you saw you just upload your video and you saw how easy it is to integrate it with with WordPress and it inside of your lessons with their Guttenberg block I mean that was really easy to do and I have different player options and stuff like that so I really like Pablito I think it's gonna be a great option for a lot of people and that's why I wanted to make this video right now versus some other time so anyways I'm gonna have links to everything in the video description box down below all these links but I want to open up the conversation I want to hear what experience you've had with maybe some of these tools and what you think down below but remember like I said Vimeo might be that perfect sweet spot for a lot of people because it's already natively integrated with some of these learning management systems you have an annual cost of 240 or 260 and things 240 whatever 240 bucks a year but you just have to remember you're always gonna have to pay for that because you stop paying now you're you don't have a host for your videos so anyways I just wanted to present lots of different options for every different price point for every different user present the options and let you choose and you decide I'm still debating what I'm gonna do I'm using vou player but the reliability has been troublesome for me I'm still debating on what I want to do but I wanted to share these with you so hey if you found value in this video I hope I just kind of cut your research time down to nothing go ahead and give this video a thumbs up I'd appreciate it I love to hear from you in the comment section down below if you're a course creator and you want content like this pushed out to you remember subscribe click on that notification bell that supports the channel here hey thanks for watching this video can't wait to see you [Music] [Music]
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 58,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best video hosting platforms, best video hosting for online courses, vimeo alternative, youtube alternative, wistia alternative, vooplayer alternative, how to create an online course with wordpress, how to create an ecourse with wordpress, learndash tutorial, wpcrafter, create online courses, video hosting for online courses, video hosting server, video hosting aws
Id: 28D0Z4ffoxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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