Web Hosting Secrets Revealed - Make Cheap $6 Hosting FASTER Than Expensive $60 Hosting

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In this video, I'm going to reveal the things about web hosting that no one tells you, you're going to learn why all of those speed comparison tests that you might see, maybe other YouTube videos, they're all complete garbage. And these people don't know what they're talking about and they don't know what they're doing. And most importantly, once, and for all, I'm going to show you how you can take a web host. Account that costs as low as $6 per month and have it perform just as well as a $60 per month, a hundred dollars per month web hosting plan. I'm going to teach you all of these secrets in this video. So this video is for you. If you want to make your website faster, or if you're looking for a new web hosting service for your websites, or if you ever wondered why some web hosting services are really cheap, right? Well, others are very expensive. I'm going to pack a ton of valuable information. That's going to help you for the lifetime that you have a website it's going to help you make better decisions, have a faster website and spot people that just don't know what the heck they're talking about. So first let's talk about these comparisons or should I say false comparisons because they're complete and utter garbage. The problem with all of these comparisons is they're not. Comparing the same thing. It's like saying I'm going to compare these two apples. When obviously I'm not holding two apples, I'm holding an onion and I'm holding an Apple. Actually. It's not even an Apple. It's probably like a peach or something. You can't compare two things. Say that they're the same when they're obviously not the same. And that's the problem with all of these comparisons. They're not comparing the same thing and they know it, or they don't know what they're talking about. And that's the common thread with all of them. So in this video, I'm going to reveal all these dirty little secrets, and I'm going to teach you exactly what you can do to a lower price web hosting account to make it perform just as good as a higher price web hosting account. And it will only cost you a few pennies extra per month. Now there's really only two things that will make. One web hosting service perform better than another web hosting service. And you can add them yourself to your web hosting plan. And it's the same exact techniques that are being automatically applied to your web host when you're paying the higher price per month, they're essentially doing this. For you. So it's like they have an unfair advantage. They're doing these two techniques that automatically, because you're paying way more money for it. It's going to cost you pennies. Where when you go direct, it's going to cost you 10, 20, $50 more per month, depending on the plan you choose, it's going to cost you a lot more per month, but it really only costs a few pennies extra per month. Now the first thing that they're doing. Is caching automatically. Let me explain to you what caching is. This is your website, whether you realize it or not, this is your website. I'm your web hosting server. You want to access some of what's in here. So you come to the website and you click on the about me page. And you're asking me, give me the about me page. And this is what I do. I go over here. And I looked through the filing cabinet all while you're waiting. And I, okay. So, uh, let's see, we got this one right here. Okay. Here is that about page all while someone's sitting there and waiting. That is typical web hosting here is web hosting. When you have caching enabled, I'm your web hosting server, here's your website. And you're coming to me asking me to see the about page and Oh, here it is. I've got it right here. There you go. See how much faster that was. I didn't have to go in there and look for it and pull it out and dig it out and hand it to you. I just had it sitting there. Nice. Ready? Waiting for you to ask for it. Ready? To go. Now that right there is cashing in a nutshell, I'll leave this here for later. Now you might be saying yourself, Oh, I already know it. Caching is I have one of those caching plugins. I use a free one or I bought one. Well, that is not. The solution to the problem, the solution is to choose a web hosting service that has a server side caching options. Let me show you two hosts that are super affordable that have these server side caching options, and I'm going to show you how to turn them on. So here's one of them WPEngine. They charge a lot of money because they do this automatically for you. Another one is Kinsta, which is fantastic service. They charge you a lot of money because they do all these things for you. And here's another one WPX hosting. They charge you a lot of money because they do these things for you, but we're not gonna use any of these expensive services. I'm going to recommend two services for you. And I'm going to tell you why one of them's going to be named hero. I have links to this down below, or go to WP crafter.com/name hero. Look at the big price difference. This is the account I have that we're going to be testing it off of, but you can see this account right here is as low as $4 and 30 cents. Now that's for a single website. This is a little bit more, it has some more resources and it allows you to have six websites. And here's your unlimited website option. There's something specific about name, hero. The same goes for 82 hosting. You could visit WP crafter.com/eight. To hosting and look at these prices. They have lower starting prices here. Now what makes these two hosting services different than other low cost options is the technology they're using is called Litespeed. They're using something called Litespeed technology. You don't get this with crap, Gator or poo host or any of those, those really low quality web hosting. Companies that you see suggested and recommended all over the place. It doesn't come with those, but it comes with these Litespeed. Hosting is a technology on the server that's going to do Lee's C server caching. So that example where I showed you, I have this ready to go, the servers automatically going to do those. And because. It's based on Litespeed, you don't even need to purchase a caching plugin. This is the free Litespeed cache plugin that is specifically designed to work hand in hand with the server to do server-side caching and front end caching. It doesn't cost of one. Penny. Sure you can go get WP rocket for $40 per year per site, but why, when you can just choose a better quality web host that has this kind of bundled and included with it. In fact, here's a site that I have set up on name, hero that. Already has Litespeed cash installed and configured. And here's some speed scores that I ran today. So you could see right here, the size of the site is almost three megabytes and it loaded in less than a second. And then here is an earlier test that I did and this time it loaded and less than half a second. Now here's the thing, everything that you need. In order to fully take advantage of this is not turned on by default. It's a little bit technical. That's why you're saving all this money on hosting, because I'm going to show you right now, the places you need to go and click in order to turn all of this on. So here I am on the control panel for my name hero account, and what we need to do is check a few boxes. Literally, that's all we need to do now. Obviously this looks a lot more techie. I'm going to walk you through it. It's okay. And. Techies not good for you. You could pay more money per month and have something that's a lot less techie, but we're trying to save money and have high performance in this video. So right here where it says, find functions, you can just sign up for a name, hero, count, or HQ hosting. It's going to look pretty much identical minus the logo, sign up for an account, and this will be your control panel. So what you're gonna want to do is you're going to go in here and type P H P. And that's what you're going to search for. And then here's going to be, it's saying select PHP version, click on that option. Now by default, these two options are not going to be checked. I've already checked them. That's how I did that speed test in the first place. So we see all these weird checkboxes here and we don't know what the heck they are. That's okay. We're only looking for two of them. So one of them that we're looking for is right here. It says a mem cached. You want to make sure you check that it won't be checked by default. The second one that we're looking for is Redis. And that's right over here underneath our Redis. You're gonna want to check that box as well. These are server-based caching technologies that are going to make your website run so much. Faster now with those enabled, you're going to want to log into your WordPress website. You're going to go to plugins, click on, add new, and then do a search over here on the top. Right? For light speed cash. You'll see the option right here. Click on install now and then click on. Okay. Activate once you do that, you're going to have a new options panel right here that says light speed cash. I'll go ahead and click on that. Now, if you're a server, technology is not based on light speed, you're gonna get a big fat warning here, and it's going to let you know that this isn't gonna work as good as it could work. If you had hosting, that was based upon Litespeed. Now, the second thing is, um, this is not going to be a full tutorial on this plugin. I do want to make a. Full tutorial on it, but I don't want to make this video too long. It by default is going to have a lot of the right settings and there's of course, little tweaks that we can make to it. I'll tell you one of the settings I would want you to enable right now you would go over to where it says cash. You'd go over here to where it says object and click there. And then right here, we would turn the object cache on. We would switch it from memcache to Redis right here, and then right here where it says, port you'll want to change that to. Six three, seven, nine. Exactly. Like you see right here. Now this Litespeed cache plugin has a ton of performance enhancements and it's literally in my testing just as good, if not better than WP rocket, which I believe the current price is about 40 bucks per year per site. And they have an unlimited license. Hey, I just saved you that you don't have to worry about paying that per year. If you get web hosting, that is based upon this Litespeed server technology. So now I hope you're seeing why these comparison tests are complete baloney because they're not comparing the same thing. You cannot compare a service that has. Cashing enabled by default, which has all those higher price services. You can't compare that to a service that doesn't have it turned on by default. You can see it's quite easy to turn it on yourself. If you know where to click and you could pay more money to a service for them to click those boxes for you. But in this video, I just want you to see how those comparison tests that is why you see some perform better than others. It's not because the other services for it's because it's not. An apples to apples comparison. Now the next thing that makes those higher price services way faster than the lower price services is a real sneaky trick. And it's called a content delivery network. They come with these automatically installed all them automatically configured, and they are doing their thing and it gives them an. Unfair advantage in these comparison tests, but the good news is you can add it for just pennies per month. It is so inexpensive, but first let me explain what the heck a content delivery network is. So right now I am in Southern California, say you're in. Germany and you're at the website and you're like, show me the about us page. And I'm like, all right, here's the page. Um, do you want me to mail it to you? Do you want me to FedEx it to you? How would you like me to send this to you? You're so far away now with a content delivery network. Instead of me being here and you being there, I'm going to take a copy of this and I'm going to put it in strategic locations. All around the world. So now it's right down the street from you. If you want access to this, it's going to be geographically closer to you. It's going to be a much shorter distance to travel, to get access to this. And that's what a content delivery network is. It takes all of your images, all of your CSS code, all of these different Java scripts, everything that makes your website, your website, and it takes it. It distributes it all around the globe. Literally, it's gonna put a copy in Japan. It's going to put it a copy in Hong Kong. It's gonna put a copy in Africa. It's going to put a copy in multiple locations in Europe. It's going to also put a copy in Australia. It's going to distribute this all across the world. So as people visit your website from all across the world, they're going to be able to access it much better. Faster because it's physically a lot closer to them. So that's what you see right here. It says WPX cloud CDN. All it is is a content delivery network, but it's automatically enabled and included in the price. However, it only costs. Pennies per month here, you can also see with 10 stuff. It says free SSL and CDN. So it's this CDN, that's making the website along with the caching work on believably fast and on WPEngine. Actually, I don't see it as a line item, but I'm sure if I compare it all plans. Uh, it's going to be listed up there. It is global CDN. This is one of those things that they're doing to automatically distribute your website and make it run faster. And here's the solution right here, BunnyCDN. I've been using BunnyCDN since. 2018. So I've been using it for years. It's an amazing service. It's the most affordable service for a CDN and it just cost pennies per month. It's made a difference in so many people's websites that have been following the content on this channel. So instead of paying 10 times extra for your web hosting account for caching, that I just showed you how to get free and a CDN. You can come here and I'm sure you'll probably only spend maybe 25 or 30 cents per month, depending on the amount of traffic your website gets that's per month, not per day per month. Now let's take a look at how they charge. So I'm going to click on pricing right here, and I have a link to this website as well. Or you can visit WP crafter.com/bunny C D N. So here are the pricings right down here. Now it's based upon the different. Access points across the globe. So if someone is in Europe or North America, and they're going to your website, it's only going to cost one penny for a gigabyte of data transfer. If it's in Asia, it's 3 cents. If it's in South America, four and a half cents and South Africa, it's going to be. 6 cents per gigabyte. I really wouldn't obsess over the cost per gigabyte because realistically for each website you have that you have this service on you're really spending pennies per month to get this unbelievably fast speed. And it also takes a load off of your web hosting account service. Now I just had to pop back in this video. Cause I know there's some naysayers right now and they're saying, why would I pay for BunnyCDN when I can get cloud flare, which is also has a CDN for free. And here's what I want to say. Test them side by side. I rather have a much faster website at the cost of just a few pennies instead of using the free CD. And that comes with cloud. Flare that in no way, shape or form is as fast as BunnyCDN. Now, if you don't have a couple extra pennies to spend each month, Hey, I get it. I do. You might not. And if you don't go use CloudFlare, that is fine. It's going to be. Okay, but there is no comparison between the speed you get with bunny CVN and CloudFlare. I dare you to test it, but the free option is there for you, but really we're only talking a matter of pennies. We're talking about. Pennies. If pennies make that much of a difference to you, please use CloudFlare. I actually love CloudFare. I don't use it for their CDN because BunnyCDN is way faster. It's an option. It's there available to you. Okay. If you want to get a bunny CVN account, I have the link below. You can go here and click on try BunnyCDN. Actually, I haven't done this for a while. Oh, it looks like they're going to give you a 14 day trial, which is actually really good. Essentially. What's going to end up happening is you'll set up an account and you're going to need to fund it and they have a minimum of. Funding level. And I believe it's only 10 bucks. So you're going to pop 10 bucks in there to credit your account. And I'm going to show you how to configure it with your website right now, but it's just going to start ticking away at that 10 bucks. Now, once you have your account, you're going to log in. You're going to click on where it says pool zones. Then you're in your click right here, where it says, add a pool zone. Then we're going to add a name for the pools zone. You could just name it. What your website address is. Um, whatever it doesn't actually really matter what you name it, but you are going to use this on your website. I just entered in name, hero demo. It doesn't really matter. I'm going to click right here and I'm going to paste in the URL to the site, and then I'm going to scroll down and it's just confirming the cost of these zones. Now, if I didn't want to have my website assets stored in some of these zones, because maybe I'm afraid of the cost. So for example, North America and Europe is only a penny, a gigabyte, but South Africa is six times more expensive. I can click right here and that's saying, don't distribute my website to South Africa and this could just disable it. I'm going to leave it on. So we'll go here and we'll click on where it says, add pull zone. And it just takes a sec to set up. Now, what we need to do is. Copy just a tiny little bit, and this is the name of that pool zone you can see right here. So it's what I named it. Dot B hyphen is cdn.net. I'm going to copy that into my clipboard. What's going to happen is I'm going to take this over to the website and all of the links to images and CSS and all those kinds of different files that make up my website. They're going to get. Pushed out to BunnyCDN, and then they're going to distribute it around the world. And then all the links to view those different assets are going to change. So you can see an example. So right here is what the URL would be to my logo now. And after I make this change, you can see the URL to that logo. It's actually changed to BunnyCDN. Now it's super easy to implement this year. I am back on my website with Litespeed cash, their light speed cash is going to integrate the CDN for me. So I'm going to go over here. It says Litespeed cash, and I'm going to hover down right here to where it says. The CDN I'll click on that option. And right here, there's this first option, which I'm going to leave off and that is Litespeed cash. They're actually kind of creating their own CDN solution. It's going to cost more than BunnyCDN. In fact, if you price shop CDNs, you're going to come right on back to BunnyCDN because it's the lowest price for the speed you get. Out there. Okay. So here's how we're going to set this up. It's so easy where it says use CDN mapping. We're going to turn this on where it says CDN URL. We're going to paste in that URL, which is the pole zone that we got to over on BunnyCDN. And we want to make the format look similar to this. So we have to add the HTTPS, the colon, the slashes, all of that. Just make it look just like that. And also end it with a slash. Then right here are some options of what we want to send into the CDN. And we're going to just leave that all the way that it is now, when we scroll down where it says original URLs, this is where we need to put in the actual URL of the website. And we need to kind of follow this format. And actually, this is it right here. Let's see if it lets me just copy and paste that in there. There we go. That is exactly how you need to format it. Which is the URL to this website. So now what I can do is scroll down and click on save changes. And what it's going to do is it's going to replace all the URLs to the images and to all of these little files that make up your website. It's going to push that into the CDN. Now, here I am back on Pingdom to do another speed test. I just did this speed test and you can see there some improvements. But what I wanted to show you is when I scroll all the way down, it shows what these 30 requests, these are individual files. It shows me where those are actually coming from. And so when I scroll all the way down, you can see these URLs. You can see it's the URL to the content delivery network. It's no longer the URL to my actual website. So now what's going to happen is these, all this content is geographically close to my website. Visitor they're distributed all across the globe so they can get them lightning quick and it will make my website run that much faster and be that much more stable. Now I wanted to show you where if you weren't going to use BunnyCDN and that. It's totally fine. It's your choice if you're not going to use it and you prefer cloud flare, which in my testing is slower. Uh, you could still use it. So instead of the CDN mapping here, you would scroll all the way down and you can integrate it with cloud flare and their API. You can turn it on. Pop in your email, your API key and your domain name, and you are good to go. It will use CloudFlare as the CDN. CloudFlare is a free service. It's entirely outside of what I'm showing you in this video, but I do want to make a video on it. Like I said, I use CloudFlare personally, but I don't use it for it's CDN and that's it. And that's why all of those comparisons that say they're both apples and they try to compare the two when they know they're not the same. They know that one has a CDN automatically configured, and it's being distributed around our world. They know that their server side caching going on that there's. All kinds of different forms of cashing going on in order to make that website load that much quicker, because all the info is right there, close to the website, visitor, they know that that's happening. However, they are making it sound like. This hundred dollar or this $50, uh, per month web hosting plan is that much superior. The only thing is it's a lot more, non-techie friendly if you want to say, because they're doing a lot of this stuff for you. They're doing all of it. As a matter of fact. Automatically for you. But if you were to strip that away, strip their CDN away, strip their caching mechanisms away, it would perform just as good, if not worse. Then the web hosting providers that I've suggested to you today in this video. Now there's still some things that those services don't. Do, and you're going to be able to do, if you go this Litespeed route a route, so there's performance optimizations that you can make to your website. They don't do it automatically, but this Litespeed cache plugin has some of those options all built in there. And you don't. Have to pay anything extra for them, it will do performance optimizations on your code. It will minify it'll combine, it will optimize your images. All these options are built into this light speed cache plugin. So really what I need to do is make a full video on Litespeed and this caching plugin, right. We'll probably end up being like a 20 minute video showing you all the different settings, the most optimal settings in order to get the most performance, but keep in mind, this will not work on every web hosting service out there. They specifically have to have their infrastructure built on Litespeed in order for you to be able to leverage this complete. Solution for caching and performance in this plugin, as well as the server side caching options that I just showed you. And that's it in a nutshell, that is what they don't want to tell you. Now, let me just let you know one more thing I will declare right now. That I am not an expert in any of this stuff. Sure. I have a YouTube channel. I've been making videos. I'm probably an expert in making videos. I'm an expert user of WordPress. I'm not a developer or an engineer or a coder or any of these things I learned by doing, but everything that I've talked about in this video, if you were to ask. 21. If I'm being straight with you, they will all agree. I am being completely straight with you. These are these components that you can add to more affordable hosting in order to have a equivalent, a service to some of these really expensive services. Now, obviously there's one more missing piece to those more expensive services that you're not going to get maybe. And that is, they might have easier to communicate with. Technical support. So name hero, they've got really fast technical support and aid to hosting. They have good technical support, but sometimes they might not be as communicative like a normal person in a normal conversation that you're going to find from a SiteGround or you're going to find from WPEngine, especially kin stuff. So if you're a, the user, I'm not saying at all that. Yeah, you're paying too much money because the reality is you're paying all that extra money because you want the service and that's the person on the other end that you can reach in a moment's notice for anything. And they're going to speak to you like a human being, not like an engineer, you are paying for that. And that is worth every penny. So I'm not saying that those services aren't worth it. It's worth it for that. If you value that, but not everybody values that and not everybody has the same skill level. What you're going to notice is once you've had a website for a few years, you're become very competent in, in most of the time, never even having to contact support. I'll tell you I never have to contact support actually, maybe once or twice I have to, but, uh, I'm very technical now, so I can communicate in a very technical way and I don't need that friendliness from them. And because of that, I don't really feel the urgent need to pay for that. Uh, but you might, or you might not. The good thing is as you have the options, so I'm not putting these services down that charge more, they're really charging more for the support. But what I am putting down is all those comparisons that aren't comparing the same thing, but they lead you to believe that they are comparing the same thing. And it's just a bunch of nonsense. To be straight with you. So if you learned something in this video, if you think this video can help someone take this and share it around, give this video a thumbs up, it's going to help me here on YouTube. And if you like content like this, subscribe and click on that notification bell, I love to have you here in the community. If you have any specific questions about Litespeed cash or anything that we've talked about, you can ask me in the comment section down below. Thanks for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: WPCrafter.com WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 58,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 3 best web hosting for wordpress, best wordpress web hosting services
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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