YouTube vs Wistia vs Vimeo: Which is RIGHT for your business?

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so in today's video i'm going over the features and differences between youtube wistia and vimeo and which platform to use for your business if you're still deciding let's take it to the next level hi everyone i'm carl welcome to next level video marketing a channel where you get the latest strategies and tips to help you achieve your marketing and business goals through video now remember if this is your first time on the channel and you want to get the latest strategies to help you maximize your marketing videos hit the subscription button below hit the little notification bell so you don't miss anything so over my decade plus in marketing and creating videos i've had the pleasure of using all three platforms youtube wistia and vimeo and in fact i'm actually using all three today so while there's a lot of overlap in terms of functionality i believe there's specific tasks and uses that would take advantage of the strengths of each so i'll go over the key features of each platform and then make my recommendations on the best use cases for each let's get started so i just want to go over some of the features of youtube and i want to begin with intent remember the viewer's intent youtube is the second largest search engine only to google and it's owned by google there's a lot of people who come here to search for a solution to their problem just recently i've used it to learn how to replace the brake pads from my car and youtube has been a big part of me learning cinematography and filmmaking so back to intent people come here to watch they watch over 40 minutes per mobile session it's a very active platform with over 2 billion active users per month and over 500 hours of video being published every minute people don't just come to youtube to watch videos they actually come here to listen so for example there's youtube music and people also just listen to videos how many times have i saved or downloaded a video and just listened to it things like stand-up comedy or instructional videos from creators that you know are teaching you something now youtube is a platform for creators and they can even share in youtube's revenue through ads uh affiliate links and so on people can grow their business on youtube now youtube can also be used as a hosting platform where you can host all your videos and it's completely free you can do things like add end screens add cards embed youtube's on your website so one of the downsides is that while you can link to youtube playlists or cards it's harder to link out to say websites landing pages if you want to get viewers from the platform to some of your other owned properties and remember because youtube is free and you can host videos and publish as much as you want you are subject to ads that are going to be running either before or throughout your video now youtube has a great analytics platform where you can see your views your watch time now you can go deeper into your analytics your traffic sources start going to your where your your viewers are coming from their device type and so on it's very in-depth and i would say it's a bit more advanced than the analytics that you'd find on wistia or vimeo and speaking of ads youtube's an excellent platform to build your brand build your business advertise your products and your services with their pretty robust ad platform the final thing i want to talk about youtube not only is it a search engine it can also improve your seo so for example i created a video on youtube about quartz versus granite versus marble for homebuyer's school so as you can see here it's a featured snippet in the results page but it's also an article that is pretty much just the transcript of the video so you can actually rank with one youtube video not only on youtube but on google and as an article as well and if you want to know more about that check out the video i created in the description below too so for youtube i believe the best use case is if you want your videos to be found on youtube's platform or to help you with seo and search and remember that a majority of video featured snippets on google are using youtube videos and featured snippets are exactly what you see here on the search engine results page so youtube's an excellent platform if you're consistently creating videos or shows that you want to be found for example a video content marketing program like the ones i've done for homebuyers school or recently the social impact show the platform is excellent to start a business on there's so many examples one is the missouri star quilting company where the founder started her business by creating a video every week and youtube's an excellent place to run ads on where you can reach so many people inexpensively i actually go through how to use youtube ads in a previous video and i'll leave it up here and in the description below and one of the biggest advantages of youtube is that it's free unlike some of the other platforms where you have to pay an annual or monthly fee with this platform you can put as many videos as you want and you won't get charged for any bandwidth or additional users or so on so i just want to go over some of the weaknesses of the platform and with youtube it's harder to drive to calls to actions unless you're driving to other youtube videos and that's understandable because youtube wants you to stay on youtube to keep watching and remember if you're hosting your video on youtube it's not your platform so if youtube goes away tomorrow there goes all your videos with it and if your business is relying on search and findability if google changes that algorithm it could have significant impacts on your business one of my big pet peeves of using youtube is that i can't replace video the moment you upload it if there if you find any mistakes or you wanted to make an edit or a change you're gonna have to upload that video again and especially if you're using it for seo you're gonna have to redo it and if you found that mistake maybe two three months later you might as well create a brand new video and upload it because there's no way you can play replace the previous one another thing to consider is the ads remember that youtube can place ads anywhere in your video which could disrupt your viewers experience so let's actually take a look at wistia now so let's talk about some of the features of wistia into when we talk about intent this is a true video hosting platform there are some things that you can do here that you obviously can't do on youtube so for example you can create a b tests you can replace videos that you've already uploaded you can download you can send to other people to download which you can't really do on youtube unless you use a third-party tool to download the video you can set privacy in terms of who you want to see and it has pretty robust stats but i would argue youtube's just a little bit better in terms of where people are coming from to watch your videos but wistia still has some great video analytics to let you know how your video is performing in relation to your marketing now wistia could be free but if you want to take advantage of all those features you will have to pay and their lowest here is the pro tier where you're paying at least 99 a month now wistia is a great video marketing tool it can connect with your marketing automation system so for example we are on marketo but it connect with a whole host of email and popular marketing automation or crm systems you can use your videos for lead generation so for example with this video i can add a marketo form one of our let's say a demo request form before they can watch they'd have to fill out the form there's so many use cases for this you could have a demo video that would require a form fill you could have educational videos or you can produce higher end videos where you'd want people to give some information before they can watch now one neat feature that wistia recently added is their channels feature it sort of replicates the playlists of youtube but definitely in a much better format so for example here it's one of the shows that i'm creating and and you can embed your channel directly on the website which is an awesome tool if you're producing a show on a regular basis they also added a podcast feature so if you are podcasting or hosting video podcasts it connects to some of the more popular podcasting platforms so vista is your hosting platform like libsyn or buzzpro and then you can distribute your podcast or video podcast to places like apple podcast google podcast spotify stitcher and so on so for wistia the best use case in my opinion is if your business requires a true video hosting platform and all the features that come with it including the ability to download and replace videos the ability to send to internal and external people to download uh to a b test and strong customization options and with wistia as long as you're paying it's your own platform that you can either embed videos on your website or drive your viewers directly to wiki itself and there's no ads so wistia has excellent call-to-action capability you can drive people to your website your landing pages to other videos anywhere within the video at the end even creating a form at the beginning so people have to fill out that form before watching your video think about all the possibilities like you can create a workflow where let's say somebody watched more than 75 of the video that was already in your database the moment somebody watches 75 you can just send them an email to follow them up driving to a landing page to either a gated offer or a demo request page or even a product page now for some of the challenges of using wistia the first one is you have to pay and depending on your budget you may not be able to afford it and remember that integration with marketo or hubspot or any other marketing automation tool that costs extra finally there is no built-in audience on wistia there's no two billion active users like youtube that you can target through ads or through search so let's go over some of the features of vimeo and in terms of intent i see vimeo more of a jack of all trades it can actually do a lot of what wistia and youtube can do it can host a lot of your videos and similar to which you're gonna have to pay in terms of how many videos you can upload how much storage you can have and how many people can access the platform now what i like about vimeo i believe it has a little bit more of robust video creation now i don't create videos directly on the vimeo platform nor on wistia or youtube but what i've seen in terms of creating videos vimeo is a pretty good place to do it now as mentioned vimeo can serve as a hosting platform and it has a lot of the features that wistia has so for example you can put end screens you can put contact forms your chapters you could put cards similar to youtube but in terms of contact forms it doesn't have that direct integration with marketing automation systems so you're either gonna have to put the form on your videos and collect it from vimeo or you're gonna have to use a third-party tool like zapier to connect your two systems now what i like about vimeo's end screens and cards unlike youtube where you can only link out other youtube videos and you can link out to your website but you have to reach a certain point and you have to verify and all that kind of stuff with vimeo you don't have any special conditions you can just link out so it's a pretty great marketing tool and has great calls to actions as well i love vimeo's distribution system where you can publish directly to your social platforms or to vimeo's own video library where while it's not as robust as youtube's there's a lot of great videos if you know exactly what you're searching for and right now i'm really into documentary filmmaking and found a lot of great documentaries on vimeo now one of the best features of vimeo and why i recommend this for creators especially professional filmmakers or videographers is their collaboration tool where you can send your videos to clients and they can provide real-time feedback to your videos without having to have those email back and forth so slack back and forth you know exactly at what time you need to make any edits or delete or add anything that the client wants with vimeo there is no compression if you upload a 4k file it'll give you different versions the client can actually download the different resolutions to fit their needs and the final thing i like about vimeo is their privacy feature where to me it's a little bit more robust than youtube's in wistia where you know you can be very selective on where this video is embedded who can watch this video and even who can comment now for vimeo i believe the best use case is for creators especially professional filmmakers and videographers that can take advantage of their review and collaboration tools it's not that you can't use vimeo as a hosting platform and people can't find your video it's more like it's a jack of all trades master of none youtube is much better in terms of search and it has two billion active users that you can target and wistia is just that much better video hosting platform vimeo does have a lot of the features that you can find on youtube and wistia it's just it's not fully baked in for example it doesn't have the full integration with a marketo or hubspot it still requires a third-party tool like zapier and the number of videos on vimeo pales in the comparison the number of videos found on youtube now one of the challenges of vimeo is you still have to pay there's different tiers and they're different capabilities in each tier but regardless of all its features i still believe vimeo's best use case is for creators especially those with clients now whether you end up using vimeo with your youtube remember to do your research on how they will help you accomplish your video marketing and business goals and if you want to learn other video tools that i use you gotta check out this video here as well as this playlist on other video marketing strategies and tactics thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Next Level Video Marketing
Views: 600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube vs wistia, youtube vs wistia vs vimeo, vimeo vs wistia, wistia, wistia alternative, wistia alternatives, youtube hosting, business video hosting, pros and cons of vimeo, should i get vimeo, video hosting, video hosting platforms, vimeo hosting, vimeo, youtube vs vimeo, how to choose youtube or vimeo, wistia pricing, vimeo pricing, video marketing software
Id: 1bvrVA1tPEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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