How To Make An Online Course Website With WordPress Using LearnDash 3 (Step By Step 2021)

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in this full-length tutorial video I'm going to show you how to create an online course website you're going to be surprised and how easy it's going to be first let me show you around this website that we're going to be building today you can see it right here and it's beautiful it is gorgeous and I'm going to show you the inside and the out right now so here is the beautiful homepage that we're going to create and this is going to be a grid of the courses available on your website and this is full featured and beautiful testimonial area and a final call to action right here here's going to be a page that you can have that will show another list of all of the courses that you have available and then right here is a index page of one of these courses you can see it right here and then right here you're gonna see where you can also offer free courses now you're going to be able to sell courses you're gonna be able to well hide it behind registration or offer them for free and check this out when someone clicks right here to login or register this is covered for you as well a custom registration form and login form check this out I really like it when someone clicks here to register they click there you get this real nice little animation you're gonna have that as well and all these colors of everything you see is fully customizable and you're going to learn in this video we also have a custom branded checkout page where you can add testimonials here you can add guarantees to encourage people to complete their purchase then we're gonna also create an about Us page where you can have some information about you and the various instructors and another area for testimonials we're going to create this contact page where you're going to be able to put information for people to be able to find you and contact you and we're even going to add this contact form so people can send messages directly to you this is what it looks like when someone's inside your course it's beautiful I don't know if you're familiar with some of the hosted platforms such as teachable or these like so many of them these days but this is just as good if not better this is a feature called focus mode where when your learner is in here they get a list of all the lessons that you might have on left hand side and your your students can collapse that if they just want to stay focused on the content they can do that you're gonna be able to change this logo all these colors it's super easy here your students can see how they're progressing through the course and also right here there is the avatar for the student and a navigation area right here and they can also go to the next lesson from here now you might be saying to yourself this looks good but how does it look on a mobile device well check this out this is how that same page looks like on a mobile device and it's beautifully formatted your student can be here they could see their progress they can go to the next lesson and guess what when they click right here they see that syllabus all over again and they can just choose where they want to jump in your course and so maybe the next thing you're saying is this looks a little complicated I don't know if I can do this well here's the way that we're gonna build these pages if you can type right here just like this you can edit anything in this design and I'm going to show you how to do everything if you want to change this icon I'm going to show you how to go here and change the icon to whatever you want it's all drag-and-drop simple using this page editor that we are going to be using in this tutorial video you're gonna know how to use this in this tutorial you're gonna learn and you're gonna be empowered to be able to make anything that you want using this page building tool and now you might be saying you know what it looks a little complicated assembling a course I've used some other tools and it was complicated and clunky well guess what we're going to be using learn - we're gonna be using the latest version of learn - I'm going to show you their website in a moment and they just added this amazing and yet easy-to-use course building interface so here I am on this course and you can see I have a list of lessons if I want to rearrange lessons I just drag and drop it that's all you really have to do if I want to edit the content of the lesson I just scroll over to the right and click on edit and I'm gonna be able to do that if I want to add a lesson I could just go right here and click on new lesson give it a title just like that click on add lesson and guess what I just added a lot and I can easily go ahead and rearrange it all these stuff on the front end when I showed you right here this all happens automatically for you all you're going to be doing is going in here structuring out your course copying and pasting in your text images and video lessons and guess what and we can go here to settings in a course and when we scroll down we have all these access options we can give a course available for free meaning someone doesn't even have to log in or register anything we can give it away for free but require them to register so you can capture their name and email address we can sell the course for a one-time fee we can sell it for a reoccurring fee and this last option I'm going to talk about at the end of this video where we're going to be able to create sales funnels that we tie these courses to and use external shopping cart systems discounting coupons you can do some really amazing stuff covering all of that in this video but guess what we're going to be using we're gonna be using learn - now learn - recently released version 3 if you're not familiar with learn - it is the most trusted wordpress learning management system plugin i guess who's the safe it's the most trusted or not but when you go to their website and you scroll down higher education so many professionals colleagues that of my own use learn - and we can scroll down they've got some nice logos here we've got universities using learn - we have large corporations very widely known marketing online businesses all using this tool learn - the best part of learn - it's dirt cheap and actually what I really think is the best is right here they have the most extensive knowledge base so whatever you're doing and learn - if you ever want to know how to do something of course you're gonna learn it in this video but you can come here and you can do any kind of search so if I'm curious and and I need to sharpen up on how to create certificates I can type certificates I just don't even have to type the whole world word it does it for me and here's information on how to create certificates that I can issue out in my courses it is the most well documented and then it's easy to find that document those the documentation what you're looking for the tool that I've ever come across it is pretty thorough pretty amazing at what it does and I am actually personally using learn - version 3 I'm switching from a different learning management system to learn - version 3 mainly because of that focus mode the student experience is stellar and nothing even comes close so if everything that I just showed you is something that you want to implement for you but with your brand your colors your images your texts your courses this is the video for you I encourage you to stick around and if you've already made it this far give this video a thumbs up get ready to learn how to build an online course website congratulations for deciding to stick around it's going to be a great decision that you make for yourself and you're gonna end up at the end of this video having a beautiful online course website that's my goal for you and that is what's going to end up happening for you by the end of this video so there's a couple steps we need to start off with the first step is we need to get a domain name and hosting this is simply just your website address and where your website's gonna live on the Internet and I've arranged a 70% off discount and we'll get to that in a moment now have a links to all this stuff in the video description box then we're gonna install WordPress it's super easy there's a auto installer nothing could be easier then we're gonna craft your website using free tools as well as using learn - so let's just go ahead and jump on in and get started now first we're gonna get hosting by visiting WP CR aft er dot-com slash SI te G ro UN D we're gonna go to this address and that will load in that 70% off savings for you I'll have a link down below to that as well it's gonna take you over to site ground which is pretty much the best hosting company for websites in this price range they have a fantastic service but they have even better support so your website will load fast and you get the help that you might need if you need it you'll get it pretty quick and you can even pick up the phone and call these guys when you need any help so that's why I recommend SiteGround and I have several sites on a site ground as well so we're gonna go right here with this reliable web hosting but realistically these three options are all going to take you to the same place so I'll click on get started now they have three plans and you might want to start off with the grow big plan and you can always move up to the go a geek plan if you want it's up to you it's going to be five ninety five per month but you pay a year at a time so I'll go ahead and click on get plan and then the first step we're gonna do here is choose our domain name and if you already have a domain name a website address you could put that there but we're gonna first go here and let's put in a domain name so I entered in let's create an online course website I'll click on proceed and it will take me over to the next step now if you choose the domain name that's already taken it's not going to take you to the next step so you'll just need to make sure that you find the domain name that you want that is free and available next is pretty self-explanatory just go ahead and fill this out pop in an email address and create a password for your account with SiteGround then you'll put in your address and location you'll put in your credit card number right here and then here's a confirmation of what you are ordering and as you can see it's the groats big plan the data center is going to be Auto chosen for you and then right here you would choose the period so I'd recommend going for 12 months now you do get that 70% discount and if you wanted to go for a longer term you would just save that amount of money for a longer period of time and then you would scroll down and here's a couple additional options domain registration so that's going to be the cost of the website address it's only fifteen ninety five now this is optional but it might be a good idea domain privacy whenever you register a domain name your name and address are tied to that and it gets put in a kind of a database it's kind of like the phone book so when you check this box and at this service it will hide your details from anyone that might want to search who owns at the particular website domain name or website so that's always a good option it's essentially it's gonna reduce the amount of spam you get because whenever you register domain name and your emails in there you might get a little bit of spam from people trying to sell you things okay and then down here just check these two boxes and then click on Pay Now and you can see what the total cost is going to be it's because of the domain name registration and the domain privacy so you're getting going for under $100 with your hosting and that's going to be covering you for an entire year so it's only ninety nine thirty five so go ahead and do that make sure you these boxes are checked and click on Pay Now so once you place your order it will take you here might have taken you a minute or two for them to create your account for you you will have received a few receipt emails and all of that good stuff so then right here click on proceed to customer area and it's going to take us right here to get our setup completed so we're gonna choose right here it says start a new website and then we're gonna choose right here where it says WordPress and then right here we're going to setup our WordPress login so we're gonna get to choose it right now the one bit of advice I want to give you is for your username to not choose admin or administrator and for your password don't choose an obvious password such as password if this is the security of your sales funnel website it's this login so you're not gonna want to choose something that someone can easily guess in order to get into your website so go ahead and fill that out now and then click on the confirm button now after you click on the confirm button it's going to take you to this screen right here and you're going to want to remember your login and password okay and the last thing we need to do is click on confirm here this has given us one last option to buy this as G site scanner and we're gonna skip on that so I'm gonna click on confirm and you need to click on this check box here that says I confirm read and agree the site ground Terms of Service click on complete setup and you pretty much are done and your website as hosts as your domain names ordered your hosting account is being set up and WordPress is being installed for you right now and that's it it was that easy so now we're going to click right here it says proceed to customer area and this is the customer area for your web hosting account whenever you want to come here to login this is what you're going to see so I'm going to go ahead and click on my accounts right here and you'll see a list of your websites remember we can host more than one website you'll see all of your websites and WordPress installations right here now before I like to go any further I like to add what's called an ssl security certificate so you see right here it says HTTP well it's missing an S we need to get that there a security certificate installed so I want to do that now I'm going to click right here it says go to cPanel and then right here I'm going to click on proceed and it's going to take us into the control panel of your web hosting account this is where you can set up email addresses and do all sorts of administrative tasks this is separate from WordPress and you probably aren't going to go in here much but I like to go in here before I do anything when I setup a new website and WordPress is to install a security certificate and the nice thing is it's going to be completely free with SiteGround so I'm gonna scroll all the way down into the section that says security so if I scroll down here's security right here and it says let's encrypt so I'm gonna go ahead and click on let's encrypt and I'm gonna choose my domain from this list and I only have the one on my account and then I'm gonna click on install and so what this is doing is it's installing this SSL certificate and that's pretty much all that we needed to do there so now I'm going to go back and click on my accounts to get back to that area where we can login to our website and so when I click on this green option here it's going to open in a new tab and allow me to login to this website for the first time so go ahead and do that now okay so here we are it's that quick and we're at the wordpress login so this is going to be that username and login that we created just a moment ago for our WordPress base website now we're going to do something as soon as we login do you see right here it says not secure and it's because even though we added that SSL certificate we need to just tell WordPress that we've added it it's going to be super easy so go ahead and log in using that username and password that you created and when you first log in and to your WordPress website SiteGround injects this onboarding process that we're gonna just go ahead and skip so if you scroll down there's an exit option right here and that will get us out of that now we're logged in to our WordPress website now the dashboard when you have site ground it looks a little different they add some of this look and feel to it right here so if you didn't go a psych ground versus another hosts that might look a little different so now I'm going to go to where it says settings and then go on general and here is where it says the WordPress address and this is the website address to your website what we need to do is change it from HTTP to say HTTPS so I'm gonna put an s there and I'm gonna put in s there you want to make sure it's in the right spot okay now when I scroll down and click on Save Changes its gonna kick me out of the website and then it should be using that security certificate so when I do this I saved it it kicked me out and you notice it no longer says not secure and we have the padlock right here so what we've done is a lot so far we just installed WordPress and a security certificate and got it all working together and it was really easy so now what we need to do is just go ahead and log back into WordPress and as you see it takes us right back to where we left off and you can see now the whenever anyone visits our website they're going to be using the secure version the HTTPS version of our website ok so now what we need to do is download the things that we're going to need to make this site happen it's very simple so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna download the WordPress theme that we're going to use so you'll visit WP crafter com slash get GE t Astra a Stra now when you enter that it's going to take you to the Astro themes website which we're going to be using for this website and it's going to go ahead and download the theme for you so you can see if you notice down here a download popped up in my web browser and it will for you so now we have the Astro theme so the next thing we want to do is get our page builder visit WP crafter comm slash get Elementor that spelled elem ENT o r now i'm going to have links to all of this in the video description box and there you can see Elementor has now downloaded and the last thing that we're going to need is to get learn - and it's the same thing WP crafter comm slash learned that get learn - sorry get learn - and then hit enter now the only software that you're gonna need to purchase is learn - and it is quite affordable click on pricing and you can see they have these three pricing plans so you might want to start off with the basic version it's only a hundred and fifty nine dollars now the main difference between the plus package and the basic package is the amount of sites you can install learn - on and something called pro panel so if you're gonna want to put learn - on more than one website your need to get this plus package it's only a little bit more expensive than this we're only talking what thirty dollars but if you wanted the pro panel which is going to give you more detailed reporting you might want to just start off getting this plan right here or start off there it's all your choice now these prices might change at some point in the future and I'm pretty sure they will because as far as the learning management system goes this is extremely extremely affordable okay so after you make your purchase you'll just go here click on Add to Cart and go and make your purchase fill this on out there's nothing additional that they're gonna offer you and you will end up right here where it says my account and so this is where you can tell that I have the plus account or was at the pro account the one that include that at the pro panel I have that here so I'm going to go ahead and click on download and you can see now learn - is downloaded so so far I've downloaded three different products now what you're going to need to do differently with learn - is you're going to have to click here where it says the license details and you're going to need to copy the license code into your clipboard so that we can make sure that this is connected in when we install it to learn - for updates and support and all of that kind of stuff we don't need to do that with Elementor or with Astra okay so now that we have all this stuff downloaded onto our computer for me I'm using a PC so it's going to be found in the Downloads folder if you're using a Mac it would also be the Downloads folder so the first thing we're going to do is go to plugins and then we're gonna click on add new we're gonna click on upload plugin and first I am going to drag and drop Elementor right here click on install now and this will get Elementor installed which is going to be our page builder for building out this website ok and then click on activate plugin and now I'm going to skip this we'll get into this later in the video I'll click on plugins add new upload plugin and this time I'm going to drag and drop learn - across just like that and this will install learn - for us and then go ahead and click on activate plugin so with learn - activated there is sort of this onboarding process which is cool but I'm going to dismiss it right now so we get this notice here about adding our license to learn - you want to put that license in that it just showed you a moment ago we want to add that in so that number 1 we don't have this notice but number 2 whenever there's an update to learn - you'll be able to get it directly from within your website so I'm going to click on learn - and then click on overview here we are and you just need to enter the email address that you use for your purchase and then pay in your license key and then click on save license and that will get you the updates when they are available but also there are several add-ons that we need to install right now that come with learn - in order to make this site work so go ahead and enter your email in your license key I'll do that for myself right now as well okay after you've gone ahead and done that successfully you're gonna get a green check mark this is actually really cool part of learn - right here when you scroll down they call it their boot camp and it's basically a series of videos that are going to show you how to do what you might want to do with learn - it's kind of nice that they have some training right on in there for you so I'll go through the overview setting everything up in this video but you might want to dive deeper into a particular topic and you have it right here just there available for you and another thing that I wanted to point out about learn - let me go back over to their website when you're logged in there's this option here that says go to documentation they have the best documentation website that I've ever seen for any product literally you can search for anything and there's going to be instructions on how to do it it's pretty impressive if you ask me because there's some moving parts to learn - it's very simple to use but you might want to dive deeper into certain topics and you have all of that information and training right here available to you I love that that's available ok now what we want to do is click right here where it says add-ons and then I'm gonna click on check for updates and now it's showing me a list of the add-ons now if it's not showing you this list of add-ons right away just give it a sec click on check for updates and refresh the page I've noticed when I first install it sometimes it's a little delayed coming in so just be patient and it will show up so we need to install two of these it's super easy the first one is learned - course grid you saw me just click the button to install it I'll click on activate it so that's one of the plugins that we need this is to show us the grid of courses on our home page or whatever page that we want now we want to get back into that add-on so I'm going to go to learn - add-ons so this is the first one that we needed and these that one is gonna be down here WooCommerce for a learn - I'll click on install now I'll click on activate plugin and that's activated as well so now I'm gonna go back to learn - and I'm gonna scroll down here to add-ons now that's all we needed to install but I wanted to show you that you can see what any of these add-ons do and if you need it it's real easy to install it from right within your website so stripe for learn - this might be we're gonna get to a point in the video where we talk about ways to sell your courses but this is one of the ways using this payment gateway here and there's various other ways of selling courses and other things that you might not need might need I'm not going to cover it in this video but we might want to install it anyway learn - notifications this is a really cool feature that allows you to notify your students based on certain things certain criteria so I'll just go ahead and add that anyway okay so now our next step is to install the theme that we downloaded so we're gonna go to appearances themes we're gonna click on add new we're gonna click on upload theme and I'm gonna drag and drop that across that was the Astro theme so for me it says Astro 18.5 that's the version number so for you that number might be a little different because depending on when you are going through this video I'll click on install now I'll click on activate and then we're gonna get prompted right here and now this might change in the future as well so what this is saying is get started and this is going to install a plug-in that's going to pretty much configure our entire site website for us so I'll click on get started and then it's going to take us right here we want to choose Elementor which we installed a moment ago this is our page building tool I'll click on next and it's going to show us all of these pre-designed websites that we can add to our website and it will configure everything with just a few mouse clicks now there's a variety of sites here and there are several ways of filtering this out if it has a badge of agency that is one that is in a paid agency package that they have available I and have some links and info to that down below in the video description so the one that we want is right here it's called learn - Academy so just scroll and find it here or you could just do search right here and type learn and learn like properly type it in and then you'll see it right here this is it this was an older version of it but this is brand new this is what we're gonna use click on preview and you can check it out again or just click on import site and what this is gonna do is literally everything for us and it just by clicking that it's going to download the images of graphics setup our menus for us it's pretty involved and makes everything a lot more simple by just letting this do all the work and then we will start customizing it from there okay now that took probably for me about 30 seconds if your did go with SiteGround for your host it should be pretty quick like that as well all right so let's view the site it's offering us to view it I'll click this it opens up in a new tab and here it is it's already happening for you I mean this is what your site looks like right now here is that course grid that I was showing you it's got a beautiful course grid right here and this is pretty pretty much ready to go I can literally go in click on see more and I could see the course and here is a list of lessons in this course and we're gonna obviously be removing this course when we're ready to go live but you can see this is all pretty much done for us already however I am noticing something here we have a duplication of our menu this I've noticed that happen every now and then when using astrocytes so we'll clean that up as well so don't worry about that we will fix that but you got to say this is looking pretty good already so now what I think we should do is talk about using a page builder so all of the pages outside of the course are created using a page building tool and a page holding tool is going to allow you to control everything underneath the header and below the footer so the the layout of your so if I am looking at this site this area right here is called your header and this is going to be done with your theme and I'm going to show you how to do that but everything underneath it all of this right here all the way to the bottom all the way to down here this and up is done with your page building tool and it's super easy to use and I'm going to show you how to use it in this this tutorial video and this part down here is also done with your theme so let's first take a look at using your theme to adjust what the theme allows you to adjust and then we're gonna learn how to use the page builder so WordPress has a feature called the customizer so whenever you're on a page you see right here it says customize and if I'm back here let me go back into the backend of WordPress there's this option here to customize as well this takes us into something called the customizer where it's going to be have where all of our theme options are going to be this is where we can set our header our menus our logos our footer our colors our typography buttons everything you see here we're able to do now WordPress makes it really easy when we're in here you see this little kind of a pencil icon here and here well that's going to take you exactly to the setting location in this customizer to change that so when I want to change this logo I just click on the little pencil icon and it took me right there all I have to do is click on remove and change this to the logo that I want to choose that's pretty much all there is to it if you want to change the site title this is something you should do as well put that there tagline you have full control over these types of settings using your theme inside of the customizer so this right here is your menu so if I click on this pencil item it's going to take me to where I can choose the menu that I want for that and then right here it says edit menu and this is where I can now edit these items which I actually need to do because it duplicated some of these things so let's fix that really quick I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna remove so I have two all courses let me go here and let me remove so I'm just gonna do this to clean it up really quick it just takes a moment and it might not do this when you install it but if it does this is this is how you fix it super easy to do and now that's all cleaned up and you can add items to it so I can click on add item and I can add any of my pages right here I can add any of my posts I can easily add menu items to that menu okay I'm gonna go ahead and click on publish to save these few changes that I've made now the same thing goes for the footer down below when I scroll all the way down here's our footer so if I want to change this copyright I can click right here and I can change the text copyright and it's going to pull in the current year and the site title so if I just change the site title it will change that my blog portion and right here is the copyright or the bit of text here on the right right now it's is powered by Astra and learn - well you could change that to whatever you want and you're not under any kind of legal obligation to keep that I personally like to change what is over there on the right and I like to have a menu there where I have our privacy policy Terms & Conditions and stuff like that so I would suggest changing the footer menu our changing this area right here to a footer menu where you can go ahead and put that information in and that is most of what you could do here in the customizer now we also have options to change colors and backgrounds our base colors so our base color here are these you can change these to the colors that you want for your website and we also have typography options so under base typography this is going to be the overall font that is used and the size of it on your website if you don't like the size you can increase it or change it and then also the font for headings you have those options here now I'm obviously not going over every setting that you have available to you inside of the astra theme but don't worry about that I'll have a link below to a more full an in-depth tutorial on the Astra theme so when you're ready to dive deeper into the Astro theme the resources are available there to you so now let's get back to talking about this page builder using a page builder or a page building tool so as you saw the top portion is your theme the very bottom footer is your theme everything in between is a page builder and the page builder that we're using on this website just happens to be the most popular free page builder available and it's called Elementor now let's try to look at how a page builder works I think if you just understand a few core concepts of a page builder it's gonna totally make sense to you and it's gonna really unlock the control that you would want over the design of your website so if H builder is basically a series of layers to create a page at the very bottom layer you have what's called a section or a row and it's pretty much like a container so you your main settings in a section or a row are gonna be background colors a background image a background video that's the main thing you're gonna put inside of a section or a row and this is kind of the parent container think of it as a big basket that everything goes in and you can have multiple sections and rows on your page if you want different portions of your page to have a different background color or a background image so let me just quickly show you when we're looking at the home page right here this with this image right here that is one section and it's just a container and it contains these things here we're gonna talk about in a moment and this is another section and it's containing this content this is another one you can see it's separated by a color and this wavy line I'm going to show you that and then down here you have another container so these are just different sections that are used to compile your website and put it all together the next layer is a is columns so you would either have one column or you can have multiple columns so let's take a look at the website for that so here's a section you can see it's different than this one because it has a different colorin has this wavy line and you can see here's two columns now this title right here this is in one column but then right here you see two columns so you can have your content appear in two columns so this is two columns we have this image and we have this accordion this is called an accordion for your frequently asked questions but this right here is in one column and this is pretty much how everything on your website is laid out this is three columns okay so it's pretty simple so far so now we know we have these containers called sections that you would set a background color or you would set a background image and the reason I'm going through through this and such depth is because a lot of times someone new to a page fielder they they might not say nowhere to change an image so you saw on the website we're working on it has a beautiful image and there's kind of the blue color going over it I want you to know exactly where to go to change anything you want to change so that's going to be your section in your row and then you have columns and then you have the actual content these are the three layers that make up any page on the entire Internet so the content well your content that's content right there it's text and this is text and a button is content so right here you can see the three layers in action we have the section and the section has this background image and there's actually a color on top of that image to make it more blue and then we have columns right here it's just one column and inside of that column we have our content that's all that there is to it okay and so here you can see we have three columns and we have the content that we have here in this section okay and so let's go into a little bit more detail on using a page builder so first you want to create your page structure and you just learned all about that sections columns and content and with your sections the usually the way you would lay out a web page is it's going to be a series of sections and you separate them through some kind of a background color so it's not just one big white page or a black page there's some differentiation between the content it's going to make it a much more enjoyable experience as you saw on the page that we are actually working on here now there's an interesting concept that you need to also understand it's called margin and padding so this is where you're really going to make your website look more designed so margin and padding is is essentially spacing so margin is the spacing outside of something outside of your content and padding is the spacing inside so let me show you what I mean by that okay so here we are and you can see right here this is actually a perfect example we're gonna have to go through this you understand how this overlapping effect is going on so what's happening is the margin is a negative margin so it's the spacing outside so this right here the gap right between these two elements that's margin right it's a spacing outside of this column and you can see that right here as well now we're also using an advanced trick right here called negative margin and that is what is pulling this up and it's overlapping on this section okay I'll show you it in practice in a moment but it's important to know this concept now the other spacing is padding so you can see here's the edge of the container but then right here is where the content starts well this is that padding it's that internal spacing so margin is the space outside padding is the space inside and you can see that use so here's margin right here separating these two elements and that is pretty much and you can see it right here as well so it's important to understand this concept when using a page building tool margin and padding but we're gonna dig into how that page is built in a moment and you'll see exactly what I mean and then your content is pretty much just text images and videos the reason I'm breaking it down this way for you is because I don't want you to be intimidated by using a page building tool because it's really simple it's just sections columns and text image and videos so it's really not that hard to use once you grasp that so let's take a look and see how this page is actually built right here so with Elementor I can just click on edit with elements where you see the menu option right here now also with WordPress all of our pages are organized right here it says pages so if I click on it it looks like when I did that import these were doubled as well so let me go ahead and get that cleaned up so I'm going to I'm going to choose these duplicates right here that and that so I've checkbox them and also this sample page this always comes with WordPress so I've highlighted those I've checked them and there's this cool bulk option I'm going to move those to trash click on apply and now those are moved to the trash can okay so whenever you want to create a new page you just click on add new and it's gonna take you in you would put a title in and then you would click on edit with element or to get into the page building tool but what I'm gonna do instead is I'm not gonna create a new page I'm gonna start editing the home page so what we do is I'm gonna click on home and it's going to take me here and I can click on edit with elements where this is letting me know I'm using element or thus page building tool for this page but like I said you can also when you're on a particular page just click on edit with Elementor and it's gonna take you right on in now it's going to go ahead and load that right now so this is how it looks we have our it immediately takes us to the bits of content that we can add into our page and we can see when you are moving your mouse around different boxes kind of highlight as you can see so right here where there is a blue box here in the middle this is to let you know it's a section okay so if I wanted to change this background image to something different I already know it's in the section so what you would do is you would click on the six dots right here and now when you first use Elementor on a website it's just like no there's a cool feature called right-click and just click on got it so what that means is it's not your normal web browser right click you can right-click and you have some options that are just for Elementor it makes using element or it so much easier okay so I've clicked right here and you can see a second ago it showed me all the content modules it showed me this but when I click in the middle it takes me to the settings for the section now sections and columns and most of the content elements you're going to see these three tabbed options layout then we have style and as you can see style is where our image has gone and that's where we're getting this image so if I didn't want the image I can delete it and choose a different image right here and and down here there's also something called the background overlay so when I do that you could see it's adding this blue gradient so you might not notice it's so subtle but the color changes from edge to edge okay you see that's darker blue lighter blue that's called a gradient well you can change the gradient colors right here if you want it let's just go ahead and you know you see you can change the gradient color to anything that you want or you can just clear it and get rid of it although it's better with it for sure and so you have those options right there as well so then we have our container I'm not going to save this page as a matter of fact because I like the way that blue looks and so here is a column so this lets you know you're in a column right here so if I click on that you can see now it says edit column and we have our layout options we have our style options as well so you can actually have something different in the background for a column so if I wanted a background color and say I wanted it to be black I could just go like that and we have it doesn't look great but you can you can do that now and that's what we're doing in these four three columns down here we have a different background color and then it's just a matter of dragging and dropping your content in so if I click on the dialpad right here in element or you can see these are all content elements I can drag and drop in start editing so this right here is a heading so when I click on it I can just actually start typing if I want it but you can see it's also showing me settings for the heading only so here's where I can put my content in for it so you saw I was typing here but you can also type right here if you prefer and you can see it's our title and our subheading underneath it and then you also up here have the option of changing the style and this would be your fonts and everything along those lines so it's pretty intuitive how to change things in Elementor now here's our button so I can click right here to now it says edit button and I can change the text that shows on that label and then here is the link I would change the link to be wherever I want it to go in this case I would probably take it to a page that I have on my site that has a dedicated list of courses you can change the alignment you see that this all basic stuff if you've used word or any kind of text editor a lot of these options are going to become very familiar you can choose an icon to go ahead with your button just like this and you can see now there's an icon there it's all real easy to use and then you have your style options here you can change the typography so if I wanted the font to be larger I could just go like that and I've done that and if you wanted to change the thickness of the font I can change this 600 to 900 you see it's a lot thicker now and I can change the font family I can change the style so I can make it italic and I could transform it to be uppercase and now it's all uppercase now obviously this doesn't look good I'm just trying to show you the flexibility and power of this tool here's your text color in your background color so if you wanted to change those colors it's just a matter of clicking there and changing it it's super easy you can have a border this is how we're getting this rounded we're having what's called a border radius so if you didn't want a border radius you could just go like that and you see when I'm lowering the number it is changing the shape so right here is just a wreck tingle I usually like to soften the corners and put a border radius of five just to round it out just a little bit and the padding is the spacing inside remember we talked about padding and margin well the padding is the spacing from the text up to the edge and on the sides and that is your padding so you can see how these simple concepts of layers margin and padding and content are all fitting together now let's see how we would add new modules so I click on the dialpad right here and say I wanted to add a video and I didn't want this text or I wanted a video over it and I would just drag and drop it and you can see you that that blue bar that's letting you know if you let go that mouse that's where that's going to drop so there we go I let go and then here it is we have a video and then here's our content options for the video we can change the URL to it we could also change the source if we wanted it to be Vimeo dailymotion or a self-hosted video and there's lots of other really cool options now for this video I'm probably wouldn't want it to be so big so what would I here's a here's a quiz question what would I adjust the margin or the padding well the margin is the spacing outside of an element and the padding is the spacing inside so I would adjust the margin so if I go to the Advanced tab here's an option to change the margin and to change the padding now initially it's all locked so that means if I change it for the top it's going to change it for all of these the top the right the bottom and the left it kind of locks it all in so let me show you when I go like that you can see it's changing right it's adding it to the top bottom left and right I probably would only want this on the left and right so if I clicked on let's let's make this a hundred and fifty or let's just make it 130 there we go but I don't want it on the top and bottom I will click right here to unlock and then on the bottom I'll change that to zero and then on the top I'll change that to zero and we just added it on the left and the right that's how you do it this is just simple margin and padding the concept that we have talked about now there is a ton of features inside of Elementor and this video is more about learn - and setting up the course website so I'll have a link below to a more in-depth tutorial on Elementor and Elementor also has a professional version that i'm not going to really talk about much in this video I'll have information on that down below as well for you so I wanted to talk about this section right here so you remember I said we've got this margin and padding and this is lifted up so the way you see how that's done is let's go into the section that has this these columns inside of it by clicking right here so our margin and padding is in the Advanced tab and then there it is you can see this is how it's being done this is how when you learn to manipulate a margin a little bit more you can have your website feel more designed and so that negative margin pulled that up so if I didn't want to pulled up I can change that to zero and you can see this is how it normally is but when you go ahead and just add a negative and start putting in some values it really gives it a really nice look to it okay so that is how you do that and this is just simple content you click in it you change it so right here when we click on this this is a module called an icon box and here's an icon well if you want to change that icon here it is right there you can change it to any icon you want if I wanted this snapchat icon I don't know why I would I could just click right there and change it and then we have our style options okay so on this homepage the part that's automatically being generated is this course grid if you might remember one of the plugins that we installed and activated was the learn - course grid and so it was right here learn - course grid and that's what's generating this so when I click on it it's something called a short code and the short code is entered in like that I'll have some more info in the video description box on that but essentially wherever you put this little code right here it's going to pull in a list of the courses and you can actually manipulate this a little bit but when I start talking about learn - I'll show you where to get these little codes okay and everything else is what I've already taught you how to do which is sections columns and content this is a little bit of a different type of content it's called an accordion and sometimes you might see a content structured like this so when I click on it and says edit accordion this time you see these line items which are the different accordion items right so the first one is build relevant skills well when you click here it's going to expand it and this is where you can change the label right here and then this is where you can change the content and what's nice is if you wanted to add a an additional frequently asked questions' item you don't have to start from scratch you could just click this duplicate icon and now we have an additional one and you can rearrange these search drag and drop and you can also remove them and that's how you work with the accordion okay this right here is just an image so if you realize I don't really want this industry partners on this page you can click the little X and it's just gone it just disappears for you you don't need that noth Elementor you don't have to worry about if you did something and you decided that you want it back if we have some icons down here and one of them in the middle is called history and when I click on that it's going to keep a history of all the little change is that you made so right here you can see I removed this but you know what if I want that back I can just go back in time by clicking here and look you notice I got it right back so it's always keeping a history so that you can easily go back and there's also keyboard shortcuts so you can undo and redo and stuff like that with keyboard shortcuts it's pretty cool now there's one last thing on this page that you're going to say how is that being done and that is this wavy line right here and you can see it right here as well so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and click on this main section right here and that's gonna take us to the settings of the section and since it's a style I'm gonna go ahead and click on style and when we look at some of the options we have for style there's a really cool one you don't want to overuse it and you want to use it consistently it's called a shape divider so when I click on it this allows you to add a shape divider to the top or the bottom and in this case it's on the bottom so you saw when it's on the top option I don't I don't see how to change that wave but if I click on bottom I can see it's waves and I've got settings for the waves okay so it's down here so if I wanted to change the height of the wave you can see it's now changing I kind of liked it how it was you can change the width that kind of spreads it out a little bit so you have full control over these and guess what there's a whole bunch of different options here so there's drops so some of these they're not gonna fit for the most part mountains is actually pretty cool as well okay and so you have that option so this section device or shape divider is on the bottom of this section and this one here it's the same thing it's on the bottom of the section it just adds a real nice design touch but you just have to be careful when you use it and you don't want to overuse it now one of the really nice things with Elementor is it has an awesome options for mobile editing so if you want to see how this is gonna look on different devices there's this option here that says responsive mode now when you click on it you're seeing Desktop but we can see how to look on a tablet right here you can see how it'll look on a mobile right here now what's nice is you're pretty much going to use this to change the sizes and the spacings so right here you can see the size of the font went down to a better size for a mobile device and you have that granular control so if I click here and I wanted to say change the size of a font it's gonna it's gonna apply this change only to mobile device not to the desktop version so I'll click on style and you can see there's these icons here and so this will be your setting for a desktop a tablet and a mobile device and you have it for everything okay so it makes it really easy to make this look great on all devices and you want to do that so you can see up here where I did my video it doesn't look so good right what happened to my video well it's applying that same margin to all devices and we probably don't want that so when I click right here to go into my video settings and I click on advanced we might want to do something a little different for a mobile device and that's having no margin so there we go so now we have no margin on a mobile device and it looks fine and when I click right here it shows me what it looks like on a desktop and then I could click here and it shows me what it looks like on a mobile device so a good rule of thumb is you always want to design out your page and then when you're done see how it looks on a tablet make some adjustments see how it looks most importantly on a mobile device and make some of these spacing adjustments and size adjustments to some of the fonts to make sure that it looks really good on a mobile device and I cover this in more detail in my full element or tutorial so now let's get out of responsive mode go back to desktop mode and if you wanted to save this you'd click on update I'm not going to do that because I don't want I butchered this this page and so I don't want to keep any of it so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the hamburger icon here on the top left it reveals some additional options all these I cover in my more in-depth Elementor tutorial I'm gonna click on exit to dashboard it's warning me too I made some changes to save it but I'm gonna just leave anyway because I want to keep my homepage looking beautiful so I'm gonna click right here and we can see how the homepage is looking and you can see it is looking beautiful yeah you know what I kind of messed up my menu let me show you how to fix it it's actually good in a tutorial when I make a few mistakes or I have to overcome a few challenges because you learn that it's all normal and how to make any kind of fixes so you can saw you saw earlier when I first imported the Astro site it imported the page content twice and then I had duplicate menu items and I just removed things from the menus but I think I might have removed the wrong pages so let's go ahead and fix our menu really quick and then we'll move on in the tutorial so I'll just get back into the customizer right here I will click on the pencil icon right here and you can see it takes me to the menu and I have to click right here it says edit menu that's okay so let me clean this up so if it says invalid those are those pages I deleted I deleted the wrong ones okay so let me go ahead and remove these red items and then we're gonna rebuild it okay so I'm gonna add an item we have our home what let's add our home let's go ahead well you don't have to add a home let's add our my accounts let's add oops I doubled up on the all courses let me exit out let's get our about page in there actually let's do the home that way and let me remove the home this way so now that I've done that let me reorder these menu items so you can see they're all there I probably want my home at the top here actually let me click this to close it I want the home at the top let's see home at the top there we go my home is moving to the top and then all courses I might want the contact last and then the abouts maybe I want the about up here okay there we go that's fine I like the order of that I will go ahead and click on publish and we just fixed the menu it's good that you see that if something's wrong it's really easy to fix it and WordPress as long as you know where to click on and where to go okay so now we've covered the getting everything set up we've covered the page builder and also our theme let's move forward in the tutorial okay so now let's talk about using learn - and learn - is actually quite easy to use so let's dig a little deeper into this okay so you're gonna have courses and a course is simple it's just gonna have lessons and that's that first layer of content that we're probably all familiar with and then the next layer down is going to be topics and you don't have to use topics I'll show you how that all works if you wanted these different layers of content personally I just use lessons but part of the thought process here is if you're gonna have a very long lesson say you're your course is the lessons or videos and to get your point across it's going to be a 40-minute video well you might want to break that up into more bite-sized topics so when someone's going through your course they can feel like they're moving forward now when you have a lesson that's 40 minutes to consume or an hour to consume it might leave the learner thinking or feeling like they're not making progress in your course that's why it might be a good idea to break it up into bite-sized topics okay now for each of these courses you're gonna have you have the option of having sorry you have the option of having quizzes and you can also issue certificates now both of these are completely optional you don't have to have a quiz in order to issue a certificate you just might want to do it that way and most people I think do it that way however when someone's going through your course they can mark lessons and the different topics as complete you can issue out a certificate once everything is marked complete if that's what you optionally want to do next you have course access plans so once you put together your course in your lessons topics you add quizzes and certificates if you want you have to choose how you're going to give access to that content is it just open and available to anybody is it locked behind just someone registering is it going to be sold is there gonna be a subscription is there going to be more to it there's these different access and we're gonna cover that and really all your course is is the course structure and then you pop in text images and video now for me my courses are primarily video and there's a little bit of text but you could have any mixture of content that you want to make up your course in learn - so let's go ahead and take a deeper and closer look inside of learn - so here I am in the website again and then we're going to go ahead and click on right here where it says learn - LMS and this is pretty much everything that I just was explaining in the presentation right we have our courses and our courses have lessons and optionally you can break up your lessons into smaller bite-sized topics and then you have the option of having quizzes and you can issue certificates I didn't talk about assignments that much notifications this was the add-on that we added on we'll take a quick look at that we have something called groups reports the reports are basic unless you've got the pro panel here's our add-ons and then here's our overall course settings or learn - so let's first take a look at these settings that learn - gives us so that we can be familiar with that now each of these options and learn - that you're in there's going to be a panel of other menu options right here so here's our our lesson our license for learn - we can have translations finding support data upgrades this is for upgraders from prior versions of learn - PayPal settings if you're gonna sell your courses via PayPal custom lables this is actually cool I'm not going to go too much into it but if you want to change how you refer to certain things so if you don't want to call courses courses and you want to use a different word you can change it in custom lables same thing for less than same things for topics so if you want to change any of those here let me just show you real quick it's all here in custom lables and you can change how all of these are referred to inside of learn - so if you didn't want to call quizzes quizzes you want to maybe call it tests so what you would you do right here it says quiz you would enter in the word test for quizzes you would put the word tests with an S to make it plural and you can have full control over that there's a couple spots where there's buttons in learn - so there's one that will say take this course well you can change what that that button says right here if you want to change the mark complete button and click here to continue so you can go ahead and change those there if you want to personalize the way that your course website is more it's super easy to do okay I'm going to go ahead here and click on general now this is learn - version 3 and so there is a new style called learn - version 3 and then there's legacy this is the one in the past you're gonna want to use learned - version 3 now you have options for colors you have 3 different color options right here and you can make them whatever you want accent color the progress color and the notification color and so these are colors that are selected but you can click on select color and change that to whatever makes sense to you now there's two different learner modes so when your students are actually inside of a course consuming the content there's this one called focus mode and this is the mode we're going to use that makes it that beautiful dedicated app like learning experience where all the distractions are removed this is what you're gonna want to use for sure and this is just by toggling this on you can have it on but if you wanted to just kind of not use that and have it just be kind of what your normal wet website design looks like and it just so happens to be these lesson contents you could do that but in this video we're gonna focus on focus mode this is what most users have learned - are using is this new focus mode and it's one of those reasons you would choose learn - over any other solution out there now there's a container when you're inside of a lesson actually let me show you so here is just like a demo course so let me click on see more and let me click on one of the lessons right here okay so this is the container and you can see there's some there's some spacing here and there's some spacing here that's available to you now what's nice is you have the option of how narrow this container is and that was this option right here so it's this is the width of it but if I wanted to make it wider and take up the full width of the space let me show you what that looks like I'm going to choose full width and I'll scroll down oops I'm sorry it's right here I'll click on save and once that's saved I'll do a refresh and you're gonna see it's gonna take up all the space here's a quick refresh you can see how it takes up more of the space so you actually have that kind of granular control I'll go back to the default but you can go here and you can set it to whatever makes most sense for you all of the login and registration is automatically handled for you so when you're not logged into the website and someone comes to one of your course index pages there'll be a login option there so we want that turned on and we want to choose the logo that will show there and this logo is also used as you can see right here so you can have a different logo when someone's actually inside learning you can have a I actually prefer it just to be the icon of my logo so I would have another version that didn't have the text and just had the icon and that would let someone know that they are in their learning but that's totally optional and up to you and then right here if you're putting videos in and it's it's not taking up the full width that you're giving it you can turn this option on it's a good idea to have it on anyway that's why you can see we have it on here all right so you have some other more detailed settings so if you had say a hundred lessons what would happen is you can have it be where you don't show all hundred here maybe show ten or twenty at a time that's what these pagination options are you can change it right here and then we have some admin user settings you're gonna want these on so this is basically Auto enrolling in admin to your the admin of this website it's Auto enrolling you into the course so that you can you know you're building the course you need to be able to jump into it and double-check that everything's ok and you can also bypass course limits and right here you you want to leave this off so that your activity in a course is not included in any kind of reporting or data collection so you would want to keep off as well this right here you're just gonna want to leave on this rest API it's super techie so now let's go ahead and jump into courses and building courses with learn - couldn't be any easier actually let me skip this set up here for cart flows really quick because we're going to talk about that later okay so here we are on our courses and so even here like I said you're gonna have these options here so these are settings right here that would apply to all courses and these are short codes that apply to all courses as well and this is we're gonna find those short codes like I showed you when we were on our homepage let me go ahead and go back to the home page here remember I was talking about short codes and that's how this is generated well you find those types of short codes this is one of the locations right here the course short codes and that's where you're gonna find that so let's go ahead and take a look at settings now keep in mind this applies to all of the courses okay now when you're inside of a course there'll be specific settings for that so this right here is to enable the course builder and some granular control over how that course builder works you should probably just leave this the way that it is here's some categorization options so you can categorize your courses if you're gonna have a lot you might want to put them in different categories and down here we have some options on the visual aspects of your course so right here if someone's doing a they search on your website so if you have all kinds of content on your website and someone searches for blog posts or something like that do you want courses included in the search right here this is important to have this archive page enabled I made a mistake with this when I was setting up my learn - website and I came back and I discovered I just needed to turn this on so essentially this means that when someone visits this link it's gonna just naturally show them a list of all your courses actually we should go ahead and visit that right now just to see what it looks like so right here's your archive page and it's gonna show a list of the courses for this site you might not need this but the site that I was building I definitely I definitely needed that okay and so here's some of the options as well that will be available to us inside of a course do we want to be able to set feet images of course we do if you don't want comments custom fields and revisions this gets a little on the technical side I would suggest just leaving it the way that it is okay so I'm going to go back here to all courses and you can see also what happened with the page is it imported it duplicates of it so that's why we have two of each of these courses but that's okay I can actually go ahead and just clean that up the way that you saw me two earlier I don't need all these and whenever you're gonna probably end up deleting these default starter courses anyway let me just go ahead and move those to the trash and now those courses are in the trash so now let's go ahead and take a look at a course so you can see right here I have the three courses and you can see we're categorizing them here by paid and free you can add whatever categories that you want based on how you want to group it so let's go ahead and take a look at this social media marketing course and we'll see how this works so actually here let me pull it up in the front end as well so when I do a refresh here it's the social media marketing I'll click right here to see it so this is our featured image and the way you set that is when you're inside of a course and you scroll down there is an option right here that says featured image and when I expand it you can see that's the featured image so that's where that's coming from and then all of this right here is pretty much just text that you're putting in right here inside of the editor you can see course description and all of this stuff you're just putting that in the editor and then down here this is automatically being added and this is the course content so as we're building out our course and we're organizing our lessons and we're doing all that this automatically dynamically is linked to that and gets dynamically updated and that is everything that shows on the course index page so all that's really done right here where it says builder so when I go here this is really one of the best features and learn - is that it's super easy to build out your course so at the top level we have these lessons and so these are lessons right here and you can see it has a big L to let you know that it's a lesson now if I wanted to edit the con tenth of the lesson I would click right here it says edit if I wanted to change the label so this is developing strategy I can click the little pencil icon right here and I can change this so if I wanted to developing strategy that works I can just enter it in and then click on save and now it's saved I can click on update and now when I go to the front end of the course here and do a refresh you can see now it says developing strategy that works isn't that convenient now remember inside of lessons you could also have topics well what you do is on a lesson there's a down arrow and I can expand it and right here I can add topics if I wanted to quizzes I could add whatever I want and you can see we have this topic right here this is my first topic and the same thing goes if I want to change the name of the topic I could just click on it or click on the pencil icon and then save it if I wanted to actually edit the content inside the topic I would click on this edit key ok that's it that is how you do that so if you want to add a new lesson it's super easy here's an option to add a new lesson so let me click that and the first step is to give the lesson a title there it is adding lessons is easy I'll click on add lesson and it automatically is going to add it to the bottom now the nice thing is I can rearrange these so it's at the bottom I can click right here where these six dots are and I can start moving my lesson all the way up to the top and now this is the first lesson so if I click on update it's gonna update it I'll go here I'll do a refresh and you can see there's my brand-new lesson but when I click into the lesson you're gonna notice there's nothing in there there's no content inside of here so let's go on how to add content so I'm in the lesson right here I can click on edit lesson and add content that's one way to get into your lesson to add the actual content to it the other way is see I'm right here and we have this edit option I can click on edit and it's gonna take me into that lesson and I can start adding content and a cadet any Content that I want this is what's called the block editor so I can add images headings it's the same similar to what I showed you an element or but I wouldn't recommend using element or I would recommend just using this to add whatever content that you want no I just want to give you a quick warning when we were in the course and I clicked on edit to edit the content in the lesson if I'd made a change to the course and I haven't saved it yet and then I try to go in and click on edit it's gonna give me some kind of a warning I should demonstrate that for you so right here if I wanted to say add an image I can go like that and let me look in the media library there's some stuff that just got downloaded so let me just go ahead and put that in there and say I wanted to start typing some text here and some text here and if I wanted to add a video I could do all of that right here let me click on update and then let me go here and now click on refresh and you can see there's my image and there's my text it's super easy to get your lesson content in there remember I said lessons are are pretty much just text images and videos that's all that it is okay so you have two options of how you're gonna put videos in let me show you those so you can just put a video in here now where you get where you host your videos is up to you I would recommend Vimeo most learn - users are using Vimeo it's probably the best deal for video hosting so I can go here and I'm gonna just show you a youtube link so I have it in my clipboard I just pasted a link to a YouTube video and and there it is a funny video right how to make a funnel website so let me go here and clean this up a little bit I'm gonna remove that image I'm gonna remove this text and I'm gonna remove this text right here I also have a tutorial on using this editor it's called the block based editor for WordPress I have a full tutorial on that okay and actually this was the title so let me go ahead and click on update this is one way to add a video I wouldn't recommend using YouTube because with YouTube I can click right here at any point and I can see the video link on YouTube so if you're having secured content it doesn't end up being so secure all right that's one adding videos super easy right this is actually how I do it however if you click on settings right here this is the settings for your lesson we have some specific options for the lesson so right here is lesson materials I can turn this on I can have maybe like a PDF to download or something like that I should leave that on so let's put materials here so you can put it download to some materials or whatever if they need to go along with the lesson but this is what I really wanted to show you was a video progression now if video progression is a feature that is really cool so it doesn't support every video hosting provider so when I click right here it tells you what the feature does it says requires users to watch the full video as part of the course progression and it's actually a really nice feature so if you want to make sure that you force people to watch the entire video you're going to be able to do that with this video progression feature now I personally don't use this feature because the video hosts that I use isn't supported but I can tell you it uses it supports YouTube Vimeo that's one of the reason I was recommending Vimeo and it also supports Wistia so you have those options right here and essentially you would just put a link right here to the video and you're set and then you have some also options here so you can auto store start and you can hide those controls so this is a the other way of adding video to your lessons as an option and since we're here let's go over some of these lesson options right here that you might may or may not want there's an assignment uploads feature I would recommend you take a look at their knowledge base right here let's see so I just typed in assignments and you can learn all about assignments right here we're probably not going to get to that in this video but it's nice to know that the options are there and then you right here you have the forced timer and we can read about what this does when you enable it it's going to force the learner to spend a specified amount of time in the particular lesson so I can turn it on so if I know it's going to take 30 minutes to complete this lesson this will start a timer for that we'll leave that option on now here's some very important settings and options that you have for lessons okay so right here is the less this lesson is associated with which course and the courses right here and we can make a lesson a sample lesson and so I'll turn that on and we'll see what that looks like in a moment what that's going to do is when we are right here it's going to let whoever is on the course index page view this lesson without having to register so it's a nice way of getting someone to see the quality of your course content and use that as a selling tool so right here is also a really cool option lesson release schedule so this is when someone enrolls when are they gonna actually get access to these lessons so it could just be immediately or it can be enrollment based so if I enroll on Monday and I don't want them to have access tell Friday I can set this to four days and so they won't have access to this lesson for four days after they enroll this is how you drip-feed the content or you can have a specific date right here if it's a enrollment where you're onboarding the course is only oh say available for sale for a week and you only have one module of it done or one batch of the lessons done and you can say this other group of lessons will be available in a particular date and they won't actually be able to access it until that date so that's how you pull that off so I'll go with immediately but this is how you're going to do your drip feed and control how someone progresses through the lessons some people just give access to everything immediately some courses you might not want to overwhelm the learner you might only want to give them access to a certain bit of it at s time progresses on and so to prevent overwhelm and I personally wouldn't feel overwhelmed anyways but this is how you do that with learn - I really like this feature right here and it's super easy to implement on your lessons so let's go ahead and click on update right here we're gonna say this and we'll see how this has affected the lesson so far so here I am back on the course home page and you can see because we marked this as a sample lesson now it has this badge that's a sample lesson and then when I click on it you can see right here we had we enabled materials remember so when I was up here there was an option to enable materials and you can see we have this tab here and this will be the contents that we put right there that's how you're going to have those special materials we have our video right here as well and that is how you would do everything with a lesson and a topic is going to be pretty similar to the lesson so you just go ahead and do the same thing with your content and very similar settings as well now remember right here you can categorize your lessons and you can also add tags to your lessons to better organize them if that is what you want to do now let me show you the topics so I'm going to go back to my courses I'm going to go back into my course and you can see this right here is actually I got to go into the builder and this right here adding lessons is easy I'm going to expand it and then right here I can choose to add a topic or a quiz I'll click on add a topic and I'll just enter a title I'll click on add topic there it is and remember I said if you made a change and you didn't click on the Update button you're gonna get a notice check this out so if I want to go into my topic to edit the content and watch I'm gonna click on edit and then there's my notice that's saying whoa you made some changes just make sure you click on cancel click on update whenever you see that and then and now when I click on edit it's going to take me straight on into my topic and you can see here's my topic title it's the same thing I could start adding content I go into settings and you have a lot of the same exact settings they're all just listed out right here okay and so that's how you would add a topic it's pretty simple right let's say I guess I made a change I'll say leave on this this time so let me get back into my course and so you saw we just created down here a lesson when I expand it you can see we created a topic now maybe you might want to add a quiz and that's easy as well I'll click on new quiz and then I'm gonna give this quiz a name and then I'm gonna click on add quiz and so here is my quiz and remember I'm gonna click on update now quizzes are a little different if I click on edit it's not the same it doesn't take me into where I could start adding questions to the quiz and all that so you can add some content here on your quiz and we also have quiz settings right here where you're going to set some of the information about your your quiz such as passing score the certificate if you want a certificate as linked up with this quiz you have that option right here we're going to talk about that in a moment as well options for retaking time limits auto start all of that you're going to have all those controls right here and as you can see there's quite a bit of options here as it relates to quizzes now the good thing is this is another one I'll have a more detailed video I think later on about quizzes and certificates but just like that you can go here to the knowledge base and start typing in a quiz and you can see all of the detailed information about your quizzes but what I wanted to show you is how to actually create the quiz and add some some questions to this quiz so it's actually quite easy to do so when you're in a lesson right here it doesn't give you the option to there's no button or option to start adding the actual questions that make up the quiz so what you want to do is click right here in the menu item where it says quizzes now I know that's the name of the quiz but when I hover over it we see some options right here and one of those is questions okay so when you click on this now you're gonna actually start building out the questions that makes up your quiz you'll click on add question and it's all pretty self-explanatory so right here we would give the question a title and how many points it does this question earn the person taking the quiz then down here we can categorize our questions right here we would enter our question and check this out you can enter anything in here you can enter media like a video so if the question is is being asked in a video or some kind of image you can add all of that right here pretty easily then right here you're gonna you're gonna have the message when the correct answer is entered then here is the message when the incorrect answer is entered then right here you have option of adding a hint and then here's where you type where you choose the type of answer so a questions are always the same right but it's the answer type that can be different so it's a single choice so if you had three options and it's a single choice there's a multiple choice there's free choice there's soy sorting choice matrix sorting fill-in-the-blank assessment and essay open answer okay so let's go ahead and enter some options for single choice it's pretty simple so how many how many choices is there gonna be two or three you start with one so I'm gonna go right here and you would choose if this answer is the correct one or not and then you you also have the option of adding HTML in here so if you wanted to embed sort of like an image or something like that so the answer could be an image you have the option as well so you would put your answers in here so and here's options to add media and all kinds of stuff so I would click add new answer add new answer so this would be three potential answers now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and fill this all out for you and then we'll go through it okay so I'm back the title this question is what color is this guy going to keep this one basic it's going to be worth one point down here is the actual question that gets asked to the person in the test and it's the same as the title what color is the sky and then I'm choosing not to put anything custom four correct answer or incorrect answer and then I'm keeping this single choice and here are my answers the first one is green the second is blue the third one is red and obviously for blue it is set to correct actually it's not always blue it's blue it's dark there's other options for its the surprise is not the best example anyways so I've gone ahead and filled this all out and I have a question now now here's something really cool you might be looking at this and say man this is gonna be tedious so I gotta ask like 50 questions and I gotta fill this out and customize it all like this that and the other that seems like a lot of work and it is actually a lot of work it's not hard it just takes a little bit of work but there's a really cool feature that I like that they have for questions and you can create a question template so you can give it a template name and then you can click on save as template and that means on your next question you ask you can start off from the template it's actually really good because if I did want to have something really personal in here for the correct and the incorrect and the categorization and all of that and the point system it's nice that I can start off from someplace and I don't have to start up from scratch every time so let me show you how that works I'll enter a name I'm just going to name it question template and I'm gonna click save as template so now it's safe to it as a template but it hasn't actually saved it yet and then I'll click on save and so now I have my one question so if I click right here it says return to question overview you're gonna see all I have is my one question right now so say I want to make another one I'll click on add question and I'm not gonna start from scratch I'm gonna go here where it says question template and that's actually the name of the template if there was multiple ones it would I probably should've named that differently but it would have shown it here I'll click on load template and watch what happens everything gets filled out for me all I have to do is change my title I can change my question and change my answers and that's all that I have to do and it provides for a much more efficient way to go through creating these quizzes and the questions and everything that has to go with it so I'll click back on quizzes and you can see here's my quiz and here is my questions and that's all done so now what we've done is we've learned how to create a course we've won the options in the course we've learned how to add lessons and we've gone ahead and done that right here and we've learned how to add the content to the lesson we've learned how to create a topic and edit that we've learned how to create an quiz and edit that now certificates are a bit different okay so I'm gonna have a dedicated video on certificates I think I'm gonna get my graphic designer to create some modern looking looking certificates that I can provide for free as a download in the meantime I'm gonna send you right over here to enter in certificates right here and click on create a certificate I think there's a video down here on the process it tells you all how to do it and I think at the bottom there might be a video there was a video there it is there's a video on how to do it it's a little involved it's definitely a doable probably taking about five minutes to do that but what I want to do is create a dedicated video where not only am i showing you how to do it in a way that will make sense but I'm giving you the templates so you can just copy and paste and I can create have my designer create some really nice-looking certificates but once you've created a certificate you would link that up to the course so when I click on settings here I'm in the course remember all you have to do is link it up to the certificate that you created it's super easy and that's how you do it and since I'm here I actually wanted to show you something additional with courses that I might have skipped over a little too quick and that's right here it says course grid settings so when I'm on the home page let me go to the course home let me go to the course bay or the home page and we have our course grid you actually have control over this so if you wanted to have different stuff here I'm gonna show you how to do that so it's in the course under settings and I scroll down so here's where that text is being generated but we have additional options we can have a video preview we can change the text and we can also customize the ribbon so I'm going to go ahead and change some of this stuff okay so you can see what I've entered I've entered in some different text I've entered in a video and I've changed the button so let's go ahead and update this and then do a refresh to see how it's affected this so through my refresh and you can see it's different so now I have a video right here and I have changed the text and I change the button so these are saying c-more this now says start now it's pretty good and so that's also an option for you so let me just uncheck that and do an update and get that back to normal as you can see it's super easy to manipulate and make this work how you want it to work in change the various strings of text so now let's just make a quick course from scratch just so you can see how easy it is to try to pull everything together so here I am for my courses I'm going to click on add new and I'm gonna go ahead and give my course a name okay I've gone ahead and given it a name I'm gonna click on publish and then I'm gonna click on publish now I've created my course okay so next I'm going to click on Builder and I'm gonna go ahead and create a few lessons okay so I've created three lessons right here order a hosting install WordPress and by the way if you haven't subscribed now click on the subscribe button in that notification bell and also give this video a thumbs up all right so I've gone ahead and I have done that and then I am going to click on update right here so now I have my new course I'm gonna go ahead and click on settings and for this I don't need course materials course content for the access mode I will I'm going to make it free but I'm gonna require registration for the course right here and I don't need any of these prerequisites and all that kind of stuff I'm fine with all that the way that it is let me click on update actually let me add a featured image so I'm gonna go back here to the course page set featured image and let me see that looks good that could be my featured image that's just fine okay so now let me go ahead and click on update and so I'm gonna go ahead and click on View course now here is the view course right here and I've got my lessons listed out right here and you might be saying where's the registration if a required registration well I'm already logged in so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you what this looks like to and a someone that's not logged in obviously I wouldn't use this image I would use one that takes up the full width okay so now what I'm going to do go into an incognito window and I'm gonna paste that link in and I'm gonna hit enter so this is what it looks like when someone visits your site that wants to take this course but they're not logged in to your website and they're not enrolled in the course they see a lot of the same things but this is different it says you're not enrolled the cost is free and then here's the option to log in to enroll so when you click on this there's this login form but you might be wondering where the heck is their registration form that's okay I'm going to show you how to enable registrations on this as well but this is what the experience someone's going to be going through so here actually let me go and show you how to enable the registration so oops I am clicked on the wrong thing there okay so here we are back on our website there's a little option that we need to change to enable someone to actually register for a course you go to settings and then you go to general and there's this option right here anyone can register and then we'll scroll down and click on Save Changes so this is gonna allow someone to actually register on your website in order to take a course and you can you know have them become customers such choose customer these are different roles it's kind of outside of the scope of this tutorial okay so now that we've done that I need to go back into that incognito window and do a quick refresh so now I'm gonna refresh like that let's see refresh and when I click right here login to enroll you see the form has changed so now it's a split form we have login on the left and we have register on the right so now someone just can click right there it says register you get that beautiful silky smooth animation and someone can enter a username in an email and register to take this course I mean that's pretty slick right I mean this is so easy you saw I made this course in five minutes obviously I have to copy and paste my text and images and videos in but it's pretty slick at how easy it is and how beautiful it looks right out of the box okay enough of that so we have gone ahead and done that that's it I've created my course and we are good to go there so now let's go ahead and cover course access and you have open or free courses this is open meaning someone doesn't need to register free course you just saw how the free course works right someone goes there and there's a registration form they can register or login it's super easy and it's all done for you now you can also have courses where someone can buy it now this is a course where they just pay you one time and you give them access now the nice thing is is it supports fully supports stripe or PayPal out of the box and there's also reoccurring courses and this is where you're charging a reoccurring fee for someone to be able to stay in the course and then there's closed now close this interesting because the word closed is kind of not clear and this happens to be my preferred way to sell a course closed so what closed means is that well it can be closed but it means you're using your you have the option to use an external shopping cart system see when I showed you the Buy It Now and recurring that's built into learn - it doesn't allow you to do it's not like a true shopping cart so it doesn't allow you to do lots of things that you may want to do such as discounting coupons bundling it doesn't allow you well it actually kind of does let you do bundling but you have to do it through a groups feature it doesn't allow you to say things like cart abandonment so there's a lot of things that it doesn't it doesn't allow you to do and there's nothing wrong I'm not knocking learn - in any way the way that they allow you to do it with this lightweight way of selling your courses is fantastic the close option is for when you want more and that's why it's my preferred way of doing it because I want more I actually like to sell my courses through sales funnels and I'm going to kind of show you how to do that right now so with the close option you can use WooCommerce which is a full-featured checkout solution and another reason why you might want to use this close option is right right now learn - only supports the the payment gateways that it supports and those are the most common ones of course but you might want to use a different payment gateway so there's many reasons why you when you use this close options with WooCommerce you can if there's even a thrive cart integration and I'll have a link down below to thrive cart if you want to check that out my preferred way of using this is with WooCommerce and actually it turns out that that's one of the most popular ways that people use learn - so let's take a quick look at how we set up the course access right now alright so courts X of course access we need to get into a course we're getting to any of these courses how about that one I just created how to make an online course website and I'm gonna click on settings so you do this for each of your courses because every course is gonna have a different costs and all that kind of stuff alright so here I am and remember it's right here under access mode so you saw open someone doesn't have to register we saw in an incognito what happens when someone chooses free now for bite now what we do is we set a price and I will set for 199 dollars that's going to be a deal okay so I'm gonna click on update and let's just see what that looks like on the front end now you do want to actually the cart is getting before the horse here you do want to go into settings and then go into PayPal settings and you need to put in your paypal email and you need to kind of fill this stuff out okay for paypal if you're taking paypal you need to do this or if you're gonna do stripe you would go to add-ons right here and you would you would add the stripe integration where are you stripe I'm probably pass it there to stripe so you would go ahead and install this now and put in your stripe credentials it's super easy to set up stripe I prefer stripe over PayPal anyway anyways that's it that's all you have to do so I set that price let me do that same incognito deal um let's see here I'm going to go here oops that's not what I wanted I'm gonna go ahead and clip copy this in the clipboard and we're gonna do that incognito again I'll go here to new incognito and I will paste it in and you can see now it's showing the price oops I made a mistake I put the dollar sign but you don't it's actually automatically putting dollar sign that's fine let me go back and fix that because it will get on my nerves there a there I am I did that thing again switching okay back to my settings I will get rid of my dollar sign I will click on update and now when I get back into that incognito window and do a refresh my dollar sign will look proper there we are that's good okay so what you want to do first is you want to login so someone would log in to register and then they can go ahead and purchase that course from you and the same is going to work for the reoccurring it's quite quite simple okay so now let me get back in here and show you how the closed works now the way the closed option works is you same thing you set a price but then you have a URL to the external cart so if you're using WooCommerce you would send you would have a URL here to the the product page I think the product pages in WooCommerce are pretty ugly I'm going to show you a way around that but this is where you would just put a link to that and I'm going to show you how that hope it works right now and the same would work for the integration on any external shopping cart system that you're using so I'm gonna just go ahead and click on update and I'm going to show you how to sell courses through WooCommerce and I'm going to introduce you to a tool that you can use to make the check out process beautiful and it will work on any website all right so I'm gonna go to my plugins down here and here's my list of plugins that are on this website and you can see we already have will commerce now this is actually actually it's pretty neat there's this new commerce the thing that will commerce is testing it's a really cool analytics dashboard but I'm gonna remove that eventually that'll just be part of WooCommerce by default okay so this is that learn - WooCommerce integration I need to activate that that's gonna link up woo commerce with learn - and allow you to sell courses and have access granted immediately but there's something else that we got here and it's called cart flows and car flows is a plugin that allows you to create funnel on your website more specifically sells funnels now this is the free version of card flows it comes with some templates it's super easy to use you can use your page builder to create beautiful checkout pages and sales pages and we're going to use that now there's also a professional version that has additional tools that will make you more money such as a one such as an order bump one click order bump up sells and down sells so you can have a true sales funnel and it allows you to step checkout all kinds of really amazing things that at the end of the day just put way more money in your pocket I'm only going to talk about the free version of cart flows though in this video and it's here on this website so the first step is we go into WooCommerce and then we go into settings now when we installed the astrocyte it went ahead and put in the astrocyte WooCommerce for us and so we didn't get to go through the setup process for WooCommerce it's actually super easy if you go to settings and then right here on the top right it says help there's this option right here that's going to kick you back into the setup wizard so I can click that and then click right here it says setup wizard and it should take us into the setup wizard now it's not going to and that's because we have to temporarily disable this astrocytes plugin so let's go ahead and do that I'm gonna go back to plugins and Astro starter sites I'll deactivate it you can remove it if you need to because we don't really need it any longer so now I'm going to go back into WooCommerce go into settings I'm gonna click on the help and then I'm gonna click on setup wizard and then I'm gonna click on the button and it's going to take us right on in so this is just the setup process for WooCommerce we're gonna put our address our currency we're gonna choose a payment gateway and all that kind of stuff so I'll just go ahead and go through this now ok so I've gone ahead and I've put my address in here I chose US dollar I chose right here I'm only gonna sell digital products but you can use it to sell both and then right here I'm gonna uncheck that and I'm gonna click on let's go and it's going to take us into the next step so this is where you can have it download the payment gateway for stripe and for PayPal whichever of these payment gateways that you would want to use and it also says that some of these additional plugins might be installed if it does we'll go through removing them so I'm going to actually don't want it to set up straight from stripe for me because I already have stripe so I uncheck that I'll click on continue and here are some additional options since this is digital good I don't need to have tacks I'm not going to use MailChimp it's optional and I don't need this Facebook plug-in right here but for advertising you might want to do that it's gonna offer me jetpack I don't need it but if I need it sells tax calculations and shipping calculations I would put jetpack in okay and so here we are saying everything is all good so let's click on visit dashboard now what ends up happening is sometimes it puts in something called jetpack let me go into plugins and verify what it installed and actually nope it did it did a good job it didn't force anything on me that's perfect okay so now what we need to do is go back into our settings and then I'm going to click on payments right here and this is where you would manage your payment gateways so for stripe we have it turned on you could click on manage and it would be the same thing for PayPal so I'm gonna go ahead click on manage and right here you would put in your stripe keys for test mode and your normal keys and you want to do test mode just to test everything initially so when you uncheck this you would enter in your live keys and then this is test mode is a stripe is super easy you log in it's super easy to get these and I have a full setup video on this I'm obviously not gonna go into every detail of Luke commerce in this video but I have a more detailed tutorial I'll link to down below so you'll want to go ahead and put that in for test mode testing everything out and everything so let me just do a Save Changes okay and let's go ahead and create our first product so I'm going to go here I'm going to looks like we already have a product in here but I'll create one for that course how to create a course website there it is how to create a course website and when we scroll down here there are some options for product data and what we're gonna do is choose course and the reason we have this option of course is because we added that learn - add-on okay so I'll put the price here and it was gonna be $1.99 and then I choose the course or courses so this is a easy way to do some product bundling if you wanted to do that so for me I just want to sell this one course but like I said I can highlight more than one course if I wanted so I'll go ahead and choose that now we're not going to need to add any kind of image or information here because we're not going to use any of this because we're gonna use this with cart flows to make a sales funnel so I'll go ahead and click on publish and there we we have it so now that we've created our course our product you can click on this product page that's what I don't like about WooCommerce is you know there's just so many moving parts this isn't really optimized for sales it's just really not that great so let's make it better and we can definitely do this so now what we're gonna do is we're going to use this thing called cart flows and just to disclose I am the co-founder of cart flows it was an idea I had two years ago and we launched this product about six months from the recording of this video and we have about 10,000 users already because it's an amazing plugin that is making a huge difference for people it's allowing them to make a whole heck of a lot more money and increase sales and average transaction values and all that it's making a big impact and that's what I love so you can see we actually when you did the installation had to duplicate it everything so let me just do a quick trash on one of these we actually added a flow for you so let me show you what this is okay actually here let me go back let me show you it from scratch so the way cart flows is is it's a sales funnel building tool you can actually build any kind of funnel but for this course we're gonna be building a sales funnel so what you do is you go to flows or we call them funnels or we call them funnel flows but they're essentially funnels you click on add new and then here's our template library so you would choose the one that you want these ones with the badge of pro are in kart flows Pro and the free version which you have right now you can see we have these for you and these are sales funnels so they'll be a landing page design there will be a checkout design and a custom thank-you page and you can customize the entire journey of your customers that way so let's just say I want to use this right here so I would click on import and it's going to import it to your website and it's just going to take a moment so we'll just sit through this okay and here we are the next step is to name this funnel okay so now that we've done that I'm gonna go ahead and click on update right here now we have our landing page we have a checkout page and we have our thank-you page these are separate the steps that are making up this funnel so we would send someone for a still landing page then we would send them to the checkout then there would be a button that would send them to the checkout page and then when they're done they would go to the Thank You page and the beautiful thing about this is you have total customization and control so on this Thank You page you can have a video thanking them for their purchase give them a nice big button to take them to the course or to take them to the members dashboard it just not it just couldn't get any easier than this so what you want to do is you want to go the next thing we want to do is link up that product we just created to the checkout page and so you can see right here it's saying there's no product to sign so we got to fix that so I'm gonna click on edit right here and I'm gonna scroll down and this is right here where we choose our product so it was how and that's gonna pull it up how to create a course website and I can click on update and it's done now on this check out step you have full control so what you can do is you can choose the product the order pump is a feature in their pro version there's checkout design controls so there's colors fonts and there's layout options then the custom field control this is going to be in their pro version as well where you can add custom fields you can change the order of fields so if you want the first thing you ask for it to be an email you can rearrange all that and then you can add custom tracking scripts and analytics scripts that would just appear right here okay so now that we've done that let me click right here go back to edit flow and let me just show you what this would be like so I'm gonna go ahead and open this up in a new tab right here so here it would be our sales page and you can modify this if you want and check this out this is all done in element or I just showed you earlier in this video how easy it is to use Elementor well here it is you can do everything in element or literally all of this is controllable inside of Elementor and so you can totally put your brand on it and make it look fantastic okay so let's get back in yet so here's our sales page and someone says huh I like this I want to buy they can click on the button and guess what it takes them to the next step and here is the checkout form and then here's our course you can see it's $1.99 we've fully optimized the checkout form to add field validation so someone say clicks on the phone right here and then clicks to the next field you saw how it now it's red that's called the field validation it helps reduce the friction and confusion so someone knows oh I've got to go ahead and fix that information right there okay and we move the location of the coupon code and all of these options you are able to change and then we have some guarantee badges but guess what you have a full control over this so you can make this match your brand and style watch I'm gonna click on edit with the Elementor and this is all done an element or so all of this is Elementor and all of this right down here is done in Elementor as well but check it out when I click right here this is where our checkout form is so I'm gonna click on it and then click apply and then we're gonna see the checkout form and how it looks in here although it doesn't render it out perfectly when you're in the element or editor it would still be side to side but you can see I can put my product image right here I could put testimonials here if I wanted I can do all this stuff to reinforce the buying decision I can easily do all of that and make any change that I want guarantees testimonials what you get why you should do this why you should do it now these people did it and they had a great experience let me click on exit to dashboard okay and so that's our checkout page and then we would have our thank-you page after someone purchased and right here would show them their order details it says order not found because I didn't this is not a real order I didn't go through the whole process but you can change this as well you can tell them what the next steps are and you have full control over this journey step by step using this now you gotta admit this is a lot better than the normal route commerce purchase flow right sending them to a product page that a cart page to the checkout page and then some just receipt page and they don't know what to do next all throughout the process you don't have that problem when you use cart flows and all this is in the free version of cart flows now what's nice is we've already added a checkout for you and a thank you page for you now this doesn't actually have a landing page step but if you wanted to add one you click on add new step I would choose landing page right here and then I would choose the landing page that I wanted to add so say I did want to add this other landing page right here I could click on import and it's going to go ahead and import that for me and it's gonna place it at the end but I could rearrange it and drag it up to the top like that and all the links the inner linking it's all taken care for you it's just all automatic so now there's this and then we have everything so let me go ahead and update this and we're going to use this checkout because we made it specially for you so I'm gonna click on edit and this is the course I want to have it be that other one that I that other product course right here know how to create a course website and that's good and you actually add more than one course you can do that right here and it would show them that because it's a custom dedicated checkout page okay so I'm gonna just do that and I'm gonna click on update let me show you what this course checkout looks like it's very simple but it matches the branding of the rest of the website so so secure checkout and then we have some info here but you can like I said make this look however you want it to look look like let me go back and let's take a look at that Thank You page I'm gonna click on edit and then view on the Thank You page and then here's our thank you pay so it's real simple and it just matches the branding of it so now if you noticed there is this funky-looking link so if I go here and it says Cart flows step and then landing page you can have full control over this but we need to change our permalink settings real quick so let's go first to settings and then permalinks and it's set to this we should always have it on post name and then scroll all the way down and click on Save Changes so now let's go back into cart flows let's go into this one right here let's click on edit and you're gonna see our link to this page is now normal it's just your website address and then you have control over that by clicking on edit and we can just put whatever we want so I just named it make a course I'll click OK and so that's going to now be the link and we can also change the label right here to this landing page and that's pretty much all there is to it so now what we'd want to do is we would want to choose where we send someone to on the closed course if we're getting back to learn - where do we want to send do we want to send to this landing page - one of sending this checkout page where do we want to send them so I will keep it simple I'll just send them to this checkout page for that course so I'm going to copy this link into my clipboard and I'm going to go back into learn - I'm gonna click on courses I'm gonna go back to my how to make an online course website I'm gonna go right here to settings I'm gonna scroll down it's closed and for the button URL I'm gonna put a button I'm going to put the link to that checkout form okay and I'm gonna click on update so now let's go through the process but we should probably do it in this incognito window I still have it open fantastic so let's do a refresh someone comes to your course page they're gonna see they are not enrolled and they're gonna see the cost they're gonna click on take this course it's gonna take them straight to that dedicated checkout page now we could have taken them to a landing page and we could have customized this because it's all in your page builder but here it is and then they come to this branded checkout page that has guarantees testimonials all that kind of stuff whatever it is that you want and when they complete this purchase it will take them to that thank-you page where you can have a video saying thank you for purchasing this course so excited there's a button down below to the members dashboard and then they can click on that and get into their course okay so I've just talked about the members dashboard I should actually show it to you here's a page and it says my account and when I click on it it's going to show you the my account members dashboard so this part up here is done with Elementor I'll show you in a moment and this is all done naturally by learn - it pulls in the avatar of the person lets them know how many courses they're enrolled in in their status across the board and it's going to show them a link to all those courses and this is where you'd want to send someone right after they purchase and they'll see the courses that they have access to right here and then I guess we have this here for upselling alright so this is done an element or if I wanted to change some of this text I can click on edit with Elementor right here it's gonna take me into Elementor I can't edit any of this stuff because it's all dynamically generated when we paste this in by learn - oops I messed that up there we go but I can change this to whatever I wanted to and I could change this text and I can add additional information if you wanted to put some info there on latest news and updates you could do that as well I'll click on update and then let's go ahead and get back to the dashboard so you can see let me get back into that page that this is the members dashboard and this is this is this is it it looks fantastic and you can easily have full control and change everything in Elementor okay so let's just go over some odds and ends we have our home page I showed you how to understand what's happening here and have designed control over it we have this page here for all courses right here and this is also this part here is done in Elementor and then we have our course grid and then we have testimonials down here I love the way these testimonials look okay we have the my account we have an about page right here it's the same thing Elementor and so I'll just point and click easy to change and it's just modules in Elementor then we have our contact page and we it's the same thing and the only thing different is we have this forum here this forum where someone can contact you and this is done with a plug-in called WP forms right here so you can control and change that we click in the WP forms it was created for you here's the contact form so you can see it totally matches how that looked so you can make changes here so if I didn't want this to say full name I could say right here enter your name just like that and it changes and so it'll change on the front end so you can totally have control and change that right there I have a detailed tutorial on using this free version of WP forms I'll make sure to link to that down below because you might want to create additional forms and control various options what you do want to do though is click on settings here and you can see right here it says notification so you can click on that and you can tell it where to send these notification emails and you can have the control over that right here but like I said I have a video on that it you'll want to watch when you're ready to start customizing that contact form or I can use whatever contact form that you prefer and I do want to wrap it up by showing you cart flows you can go to cart flows calm I'll have a link down below like I said I'm the co-founder of this product and it's really designed to get you more leads increase your conversions and maximize your profits and you can see some of the most recognizable names in WordPress space love cart flows use and use cart flows so talks about what a sales funnel is and some of our key features are our pro templates and it works with any page builder it's pretty awesome but we enable you to have full control over the checkout page we also have one click order bumps right here where you would just have it be there say a course bundle and you discount it and so it's almost like a no-brainer someone will just add that to the cart and then afterwards you can upsell to memberships or additional courses or whatever you want you can upsell after the purchase so it'll charge them and then it will go ahead and you can make these additional offers and one-click and it will automatically charge them that's a feature that a lot of our customers are using and have an amazing success with but you can check out the pricing the features the templates you can just come out to the side here and check it out so I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial video I want you to know you are not alone if there's some question that you have there is a huge community behind this YouTube channel we have the YouTube channel here obviously there's over 115 thousand subscribers and that's growing by 5,000 per month we have a Facebook group that has about 18,000 people in I have an area on my website where you can ask questions I have live streams here on the channel so you'll want to make sure you hit the thumbs up subscribe and turn on those notifications basically I'm here to help and support you with your online course journey and I want to make sure that I help you in any way that I can so that you can do this successfully and have a course website where people are just chomping at the bit to to buy your courses from you and I want to be able to enable you to have an impact on the people on your customers and your students thank you for spending time with me in this video please thumbsup ask a question down below and share this video out thanks for watching and I'll see you in future learn - tutorial videos
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 178,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create an online course with wordpress, how to create an online course wordpress, how to create an ecourse with wordpress, how to make an online course website, how to create an online course website, online course website template wordpress, creating online courses a step by step guide, how to create an online course, learndash tutorial, learndash vs teachable, learndash vs moodle, learndash vs thinkific, learndash vs accessally, learndash vs lifterlms, wpcrafter
Id: X-myVivJcSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 54sec (7554 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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