How To Speed Up WordPress Tutorial Using LiteSpeed Cache

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was just a month ago when I made this video about light speed hosting what light speed based hosting is you typically have shared hosting that's very slow old tech but there's new tech called Lightspeed and it's a technology that powers web hosting accounts I made this video and I was surprised by the reaction and so many people appreciated me opening up the secrets of how to have very fast hosting for a very affordable price and in this video I'm gonna show you how to configure the light speed caching plugin for those of you that aren't familiar light speed the technology that can power your hosting account if your web host is based upon that technology I know we got all these techie terms going on if they do offer Lightspeed hosting and I have a list of all the best light speed based hosting providers I'll have a link in the video description box but the benefits are gonna be speed and performance it's gonna have two things that you're not getting elsewhere the first thing you're getting is something called server site performance caching the second thing is it's going to also include a plugin you can add to your WordPress website to make the performance just absolutely go through the roof and normally a performance or a caching plug-in will cost you 40 50 or $60 per year per website but it's included for free when you use hosting based upon Lightspeed so you get to save money now not all Lightspeed based web hosting providers are the same and that's why I've put that together that list I've been testing them all the ones that I've come across I've been testing them all out because I want to uncover the web hosts that offer the best performance for the best price so in this video you're gonna learn how to take advantage of all of these benefits because you chose a light speed based hosting provider you're gonna learn how to turn on server-side caching you're gonna learn how to cache your website do performance optimizations image optimizations and a few neat little tweaks as well if you're not familiar with me my name is Adam from WP crafter comm where I make WordPress tutorial videos for non techies like me and maybe like you and if you're new here consider clicking on that subscribe button and the notification bell let's go ahead and get into it so for this video the hosting provider I'm gonna use is hosting er it's one of the hosts in that list and I also have a coupon code that will take the cost of their service and make it even lower just for WP crafter subscribers so I'll have info on that in the video description box but I'll also have it on the page that I've set up on my website that will go through all the various Lightspeed hosting providers so I'm gonna be using the hosting package right here their WordPress base hosting and if you're gonna go with hosting earth that is the one that I recommend and you'll want to use that coupon discount code here is the website that we're going to be doing these optimizations now I want to show you that when I go to plugins I don't have Lightspeed cash enabled right now so let's go ahead and take a baseline speed test for two different pages on the site so here's what the home page looks like and this is using a very high performance theme called cadence theme so it's already gonna have that performance benefit and this is actually done using guttenberg which is the built-in block builder for WordPress but I also installed Elementor on this site and I put together this quick page it's just one of the Elementor templates so of course the images are probably gonna be optimized and all that and I just whipped this in here as well so we could test an element or page and see what the performances are like before and after so here I have a page GT metrics is the speed testing tool I'm going to use and I've already pasted it in the home page I'll click on test your site and here you can see what we've come up with for the home page the load time is 2.3 27 requests it's under a Meg in size like I said this is already a high performance based on the theme we're going to get these numbers down some but don't expect some miracle here next let's go ahead and test the element or page okay here's what we have for the element or page we also have high scores a lot of that is because the cadence theme so with Elementor we're looking at 2.7 seconds the page size is smaller because the images are different if you see the homepage here we got the giant image there and a giant image there and we have an image there as well so we got three big images on Elementor we just have this kind of little image graphic here and this one right there so there's not a lot of images here so that's why we have such a low page size but you see the requests go up quite significantly so these are our baseline scores and we'll do a retest at the end of the video this right here is the hosting err control panel it's actually quite nice I like how they've kind of modernized that now what we want to do is enable some of these server-side options for performance I actually went over this in that video I made a month ago about light speed based hosting so if you saw that video you might be familiar with this so when you get here we essentially want to get into the PHP configuration settings like I said it's going to be a little bit more technical than normal hosting to get this going so I know for this it's going to be down here and it's right here it says PHP configuration so I'm going to go ahead and click on that so it takes us here to where we can set our PHP version you should be on 7.2 you can also be an on higher version if you want you don't want to be on anything lower and what happens is though if you go to the highest one that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be good for you because what can happen is there could be some incompatibilities so if you want to try something higher like 7.4 you can do it but just make sure you check everything on your website to make sure that it works what we want to do is click right here where it says PHP extensions and it's going to take us to this list of extensions now it's a little bit more technical here but it's ok we're just checking two boxes what we're looking for is the box that says memcached and the box that says Reedus and we want to check those boxes now there's a whole list here you can do a search in your web browser if you want to find it that way or just scan it with your eyes so I see memcached here and I've got Reedus right over here and then I'm gonna click on save to save those changes now if you are using the hosting or you can also go right here it says cache manager and this will be in the wordpress plans they offer not the normal plans you'll want to go here and toggle this automatic cache to on but don't be concerned if you're using a web hosting provider that doesn't have this particular piece right here as long as they have Lightspeed and those two settings I just showed you you're gonna be okay okay so now I'm back on the website and I'm gonna go ahead and activate Lightspeed cache now if you're a using a light speed based hosting provider and they don't auto install Lightspeed cache it's actually so easy to get you just have to go here and click on add new and then you can do a quick search right here for it there it is I've just entered in Lightspeed and you can see it's here it's already installed and active now when you activate it it's gonna add two different things to the interface you can see right here in the upper right this is the admin bar little option tool for it so you can purge out the cache if you wanted to and there's also the option right here the menu item here actually also to tuck it underneath settings so there's all these different places for it so let's go ahead and first click on Lightspeed cache and take a quick look now through this plugin in the settings we're gonna see something referenced called quick cloud this is a service that is being provided by Lightspeed the company it's new they don't even know the pricing and the free tiers and all of that so at the time of making this video I would suggest not using the service I personally prefer if I want to see the end to use a different CDN network called bunny CDN which I showed how to set up in that video from last month ok so we have the various categories of settings right here and we're going to go through some of the most important ones so let's first go ahead and click on general now what we're going to need to do here if you're gonna use this tool for image optimization we need to get something called a domain key so you'll want to click right here it says request domain key right now it says please wait you'll be notified upon approval but I'm not going to wait around for that we'll come check at this later in the tutorial when we get to the image optimizations so we just have a few options here do you want this plug-in to automatically upgrade itself you can have that on or off it's up to you and do you want notifications down here I personally leave these both to off it's also important when we go through each of these settings there's this little learn more option here and when you click on that learn more it opens up in a new tab where you can get a little bit more detail on some of the settings because there's going to be quite a few settings so let's first jump over to where it says cash oh and it looks like my domain key has been approved so when I get to the image part that will work fine so you'll see the different settings separated in these tabs here and like I said there are a lot of settings so we're gonna try to get through them quickly now I need to explain something about caching it's very very crucial that you get this if you want to eliminate any headaches that you're gonna have down the line caching creates what's called a static version of your website for website visitors so your website loads a lot faster it doesn't need to go to the database and grab all this information and then show the website visitor that it has this on-demand ready version well you might change something on your website and it doesn't reflect on the front end of your website and it's because these cached files and you would need to clear the cache now we're gonna go through some settings here and there's a lot of them and some of them they're kind of dangerous so it's not something to be afraid of but what you do need to be aware of in the future if you ever have a problem with your website the first thing you do is clear your cache the second thing you do is disable your caching plug-in just to see if that's what's causing the problem most the time what you're going to see if you do run into a problem is maybe a plug-in gets an update or a theme gets an update and there's some visual issue on the front-end of your website it's best to do those two steps first clear the cache disable the plug-in if the problem hasn't gone away to zero in what it is the second big thing that you need to be aware of we're going to be looking at some performance options and sometimes when you enable one of these performance options it might brakes with the way something looks on the front end so part of this is a unique process where you turn the setting on and then you take a look at your website does everything okay look okay okay great that setting didn't cause any damage then you turn another setting on and you go through the settings that way because every website with WordPress is different and you have different plugins on your website you're doing different things that's very important it's gonna be a lifesaver don't forget it okay now that I'm done with my speech let's go through these settings so by default you can see all of these are going to be on and this is basically turning on caching and who's gonna get cached here so you're gonna be pretty safe having these on right here and I haven't run into any problems you might want right here where it says cache mobile you might want to turn that on if you want to have a separate version of the cache for mobile website visitors that's gonna be an option for you okay let's go ahead and click into TTL I'll tell ya I don't change any of these settings and I suggest just go ahead and skip and get let's click on purge but these options are basically is saying when these things happen automatically get rid of the cache purged the cache out for me so these are some rules that are here for that as well you can leave these all the same right here but if you do more complex things with your website you might want to take a deeper look let's go ahead and click on excludes what excludes is it's very important to exclude says these certain parts of your website you do not want cached exclude it from the cache so this first option right here you can put URLs here that you don't want cash you see this a lot with e-commerce where you can't cache checkout pages cart pages things like that now there's rules down here that you can set for items to not cache like you saw this here do not cache categories so if you had a habit of putting content in categories that you didn't want cached and you want that to happen automatically versus putting in the full URL there's a way of doing it all the years I've used cache solutions I've never done it by category I just popped the URL in there and I call it a day let's go ahead and click on ESI these are some interesting options here the only one that I like to turn off is where it says cash admin bar I tend to turn this off but your mileage may vary if you're not running into any problems with the admin bar you certainly can leave that enable next we have the object cache right here and this is something you're gonna want to turn on but every light speed based host is gonna be a little different whether you can really get into these settings and link the plug-in up with the server so you can see the status right here where it says memcache and it says Reedus and right here it says enabled on both if you weren't able to enable those options like I did earlier in this video then you're not going to really be able to take advantage of this so I like to turn this on I like to change the method to read us and then right here where it says port I need to change it like it says right here to the Reedus number which is 6 3 7 9 don't worry about those numbers it listed here if you want to use memcache it's this you want to use Redis it's this essentially what Reedus does is it caches queries so there's less delays in your website is searching something out inside of a database technical I know I'm sorry but there's no way around it there's a few additional options here I leave these all default let's go ahead and click Save Changes oops there's one thing here that I want to mention I set this to off right here it says cache WP admin it's like caching the admin area here and there's this warning may encounter expired data that scares the heck out of me so I like to put that on off because I don't want to encounter expired data and click on Save Changes next we have browser cache settings I like to set this to on let's save that and we've made it to the Advanced Settings here so there's only one thing here that I'm really interested in and it's your mileage may vary as well it's called instant click this is really slick technology so when the is enabled what happens is if someone's browsing your website and they move their mouse cursor over a link to a different page on your website it's gonna start loading it in the background so when they click on it it's already mostly loaded in your website will feel lightning-quick a lot faster it's gonna be a great user experience now the negatives are in countries where they're paying for data so if they're hovering and things are downloading but they actually never click on it well that's a negative and also there's extra processing on the server because the visitor might be downloading these pages because they're hovering over the link but they never actually click on it and so it's using up CPU power and all that but you know what I would say try it see if you like it and you can always come here and turn it off so now we're in the CDN settings this is content delivery network I have my preference for a content delivery network so here are your options you can use cloud flair for free for their content delivery network that's not my favorite but a lot of people will voice their opinion in the comments section because I just said it's not my favorite it's free it's good I prefer bunny CDN I have a link down below it's worked much better for me in my own real-world testing but every time I say that I'll have 20 people shouting at me saying I'm a fool for not using CloudFlare the option is up to you it's a free world the third and last option is the quick cloud which is that service by Lightspeed it's not ready for primetime yet in my opinion because they don't even have pricing for it so you're really gonna want to go CloudFlare or some other CDN that you're paying for like bunny CDN which I think I spend like 25 cents a month on bunny CDN and basically it takes all the images and the CSS files and the JavaScript files and distributes it all around the world so when someone visits my website it's loading that much faster because it's right down the street from them so I like bunny CDN I'm gonna reference that video I made a month ago because I show you how to set up bunny CDN with light speed cache and I don't want to waste that time for those of you guys that have already seen that video so essentially you set up a bunny CDN account and you paste the URL right here and you turn on CDN mapping that's pretty much all there is to it now if you scroll all the way down if you're into CloudFlare which I do like CloudFlare just not for their CDN well you can integrate it directly right here you can turn this on pop in your email and they can give you an API key you could just go to Google and search CloudFlare API key and they'll tell you how to get it pop the domain in and this will set up CloudFlare as your content delivery network and in the manage tab there's just some stuff related to CloudFlare and quick cloud it's not settings or anything like that now let's go over and get on image optimizations like I said when we were going through the general settings if you didn't do that domain authorization thing where I just clicked a button you you're not gonna be able to optimize your images they just won't do it for you you have to go through that step so for this one I'm going to click on image optimization settings first and then we're going to go back to the summary and try to optimize our images I'll just go over some of these settings and you can decide what works better for you and so the first one right here is optimized original images you could okay so you turn this on a backup is going to be made of those images and then right here you could choose do you want to remove those original images so when you upload an image it's gonna optimize it you can choose whether it makes a backup of the image you upload optimizes it and now you have like double the images so it's gonna be up to you you could play it safe if you're gonna have a ton of images you're probably gonna want to remove the original image I would so it's completely up to you next we have the kind of a quality setting here where it says optimize lossy so lossy if you turn this on it's going to use lossy compression which you're going to get a smaller file size but it's not going to be as small as it could be so what ends up happening is you do sort of with this off use do and technically lose a tiny bit of the quality of the image but it's not so much that anyone's gonna be noticing of course you might get some guy that's on your website with a microscope or a magnifying glass in their hand but those are going to be the only people that are able to know so if that bothers you and you want absolute highest quality possible-- you can go ahead and turn this to on it will still make the image smaller in size it's just not going to be as small as it could be next right here if your photographer and you want that location data on your image to stay there you're gonna want to turn this on okay so we have these next two options here for WebP II versions I just set both of these two on WebP E is a mobile image format and actually kind of stinks because the format if you go to like GT metrics or Google page insights and you're not using the web P format your scores lower but I've done some reading that says maybe you web piece not the way to go so it's this fine balancing act if you're after a high score on GT metrics or Google PageSpeed you'll probably want to turn these on I'll scroll up here click on Save Changes and now that might say my changes are saved let's click on image optimization summary and what I'm gonna want to do is click on gather image data and you can see over here it's found 47 groups of images I'm gonna go ahead now and click on send optimization request and you can see right here it's starting to optimize my images this is gonna take a little bit of time because it takes these images it sends it to their servers it gets optimized and then it gets sent on back now I just want to tell you a little interesting thing about images that you might not realize whenever you upload an image to WordPress you say you upload 10 images you think I got 10 images on my website but you probably have like 60 or 70 images and that's because when your websites going to make different versions of it for different sizes and every websites different you might have a theme that makes 10 different versions of it or 5 different versions of it so that's why you always end up having a lot more images than you realize and you can see here's the different image groups right here so it's going to make a thumbnail a medium size a large size these other sizes and all this blah blah blah so it's gonna do all that now there's this weird thing that happens the first time you're using this service to optimize your images you see how it says I can request 200 images at once but then right here it says current limit 1 and that's why this is stuck at 2% done and that's because it's I don't know why they don't just optimize it all I've got to click here and click on send optimisation request again and then that limit is going to increase and then I've got to click on it again and then that limit increases eventually it'll just end up doing all of them and you can see clicking on that produce this little error so we'll come back to this after I go through some of the other settings ok we're on page optimizations and this is where you could get yourself in the most trouble where I was saying you can turn one setting on and it breaks the way something looks on the front end of your website so you did this is where you have to be careful the caching stuff you're gonna be fine but this is where all these different option tabs here and the settings here this is where you get yourself into trouble so I'll try to use my experience to let you know when one of these options might cause you a problem so CSS minify is going to make your CSS files a smaller I like to turn that on CSS combined I'll turn this on but this is one that could break something visually any of the combines options are gonna potentially have a problem ok so I just want to let you know that I'll leave these next two options set to OFF for this load CSS option I'll turn that one on here's an interesting one where it says generate critical CSS I actually love this setting personally it can make your website feel so much faster than it really is however when you have it on it could make it an awkward feeling when someone visits your website because they can visit it and it can first split second when they land on it look kind of funky so that's caused by this setting for me it's worth it and but but you can choose how you want it's called generate critical the SS I like to leave that on I'll leave that on right here and so far so good I'll go ahead and click on Save Changes and let's go ahead and take a look at Jay s settings here and a lot of these gonna look similar we've got our minify option I do like to turn that on I found that Jay s combined could cause some problems and have in the past for me it's funny you see right here there's like a little link on how to fix problems you might have I would try it turning it on and see if you have any visual issues and if you don't you can get away with leaving it on I'm also gonna click right here it says load jeaious deferred I'll turn that one on and I'll click on Save Changes okay so we have HTML minify I've never had a problem with that I don't think there's much of an benefit to it though but I'll turn it on inline CSS minify let's turn these on as well and the json' that should be fine DNS prefetch this is where you would put like URLs to say you have a script on your website you would put a URL to where the domain for that script is like Google Analytics or if you have live chat or something like that I've never seen a speed improvement by popping that info in here it's here if you want to for me I've always found it to not be worth it so that's completely up to you if you want to have that on or not I like to have this option here about Google Fonts I'll turn that on remove Google Fonts no I'll leave that to off and remove WordPress emoji I'll turn that on I'm not hating on the emoji that doesn't remove emojis from your site it just means that the browser will generate the emoji not your WordPress website so now we got some cool settings here called lazy load images I like to turn this on but you have to make sure on the front end that every image on your website is loading I on a different site I had enabled lazy loading images and for some reason my logo just wouldn't show so what I had to do is there's an option where you can have an image not lazy load so I had to get a link to my logo and put it in everything was fine I like lazy loading images it makes your website feel faster so I'm going to go ahead and leave that one in able I'll show you how to exclude images for yourself and the media excludes tab it's not in it right here so then we have some other settings related to this I leave those all default lazy load iframes this should work with YouTube videos I like to put that on lazy load images library it's saying here this can improve your scores I don't usually turn that on you could give it a shot and see if it improves your score at all Media excludes this is where I would in that example I gave you paste the link to the image for my logo so that it will be excluded from lazy loading and just work fine so you can go ahead and put links if you notice anything you don't want lazy loaded or it's causing a problem you just paste those links right here and then there's some other ways of doing it more optimized by having a class name for me it's just a little simpler just to put a link to the image right here but it's completely up to you next we have this Gravatar caching this could speed up your website if you have a comment section with lots of comments and you show the commenters Gravatar you can go ahead and turn this on I like to have that on so I'll click on Save Changes now this is nice there's these tuning settings so you saw on the CSS and the JavaScript and all that we were having things be combined well if you really wanted to stick with the combining but you wanted just something to not be combined you just want that extracted here's where you're gonna do it so you can put a link to the CSS file that you do not want included and the JavaScript file that you do not want included and so you can really fine-tune everything here this is why people that do speed optimizations for reals not people that say they do and just click a plug put in a plug-in and activate it but people that dig down deep into your website they're going to to the nitty-gritty of this for me honestly if some CSS combining is causing a problem I'm not gonna screw around finding out what which exactly one it is I'm just gonna turn the setting off and move on with my day but you have these options here available X we have these database options right here now if you click any of these it's gonna perform that action however I wouldn't be too concerned with it now one of the things that you might get concerned with is the post revisions that's when you update a page or post it keeps a revision and multiple revisions if I click on this and there was revisions it's gonna flush those revisions out so what you want to do is go here tour it says database optimization settings and you could say revisions max number and so say you wanted to keep maybe three revisions and that's for each piece of content and just have it be safe like that I would feel better if you kept some revisions I don't think there's that huge of a benefit to delete and everything and purge everything from your database as often as you know might look like there's a problem but this you don't really get a lot out of this that juice might not be worth the squeeze we're now on the crawler option I wouldn't screw around with this essentially what this does is it tries to generate the cache for you what happens is when someone visits your homepage it's gonna see if there's a cached version and then show it but if there isn't one it's going to generate a cached version and then show what it just generated so this is a way of automatically generating those four pages where no one visited and the cash wasn't generated but every time I've screwed around with one of these things it's been a complete nightmare for me because I have a lot of content on my website my websites like slow for an hour and it's because all of this cash is being generated at the same time it's not a good thing so it's up to you I would suggest just staying away from this altogether but it's completely up to you the last settings option we have here is for the toolbox and there's a bunch of different options up here so this is different ways of purging the cash you know what I never screw around with this I just purge the whole thing so I mean I empty it all and I usually would just do it from the the admin bar icon right here purge everything I just think it's easier that way but if you didn't want to purge everything and you just wanted to purchase certain parts of your site or your cache you can easily do that right here and up here we have import/export settings so if you perfect the settings for your website you can export those and use it on the next website you build edit htaccess file I would not do that heartbeat you might want to tweak this reporting debugging log view beta tests leave those alone heartbeat is some performance stuff so it could improve your performance I would initially leave these all to off unless you know what you're doing because this could cause some issues now I'm back to my image optimization it's going quite slow this is what you can do you can click right here it says image optimization settings where it says auto request cron turn that on click on Save Changes and that should automatically do the requesting so right here I was clicking this to make the request and this eventually will this number will go up I'm wondering if it's just to prevent abuse or something like that anyways so this setting I just made should go through and optimize everything so I'm gonna go do a visual check on the front end of both of those pages and a retest it's not going to be as fast as it could if some of those images did need optimization so here I am on the home page I'm going to do a quick refresh just to make sure everything looks alright and you see that split second right there where it looked weird for a very split second that is that critical CSS a feature you could disable it if that bothers you but it does make your website feel a lot faster so everything's looking fine here I knew it would let's go ahead and do another refresh here on the Elementor page you see how it was looking kind of funny for a split second let's try that again the second time it's a lot quicker okay so you could just the critical CSS if you want like I warned you you could run into some trouble there okay so let's go ahead and do a quick retest here so I will copy this URL to the clipboard and do a new test so we can see it's side-by-side and here are our new scores you can see the page speed went from 98 to 99 our page size went down a little bit but that's because we need to optimize those images and it would probably go down maybe 300 kilobytes our requests really went down to 18 so here's what those numbers look like before so you can see this was a little higher this was almost what 8 or 9 higher and this was a be 98 versus the 99 that it is now so there's definitely some improvements that we made but the big one here would be what the image optimization I never pay too much attention to the fully loaded time I bet if I run this test again it's probably gonna come in maybe under two seconds every time you run a test that's the fully loaded time of the page that's not how someone experiences your website so while it's doing this let's go ahead and test the Elementor page again and we'll come back to this so here is our element our numbers I'll do the same thing which is copy this and run a new test so we see some improvements here the requests were 60 it's gone down to 26 this is Elementor folks people complain about it but you see you can get good scores like this page size went down that was probably image optimization or maybe the minification be fully loaded is roughly about the same and but that fluctuates and these numbers went up let's see what they were the yslow was 89 and then it went up to a 92 so lots of improvements we went from 47 47 requests down to 26 request so we lost 21 requests doing this optimization and back here on the normal front page I mean how much juice can you squeeze out of a lemon when you're already doing everything high-performance you see the fully loaded time went down a little bit but it's already highly optimized theme in Guttenberg is already highly optimized so there you have it we saw some really big results out of the Elementor page but like I said Gutenberg's already so optimized the theme that I used it's a free theme by the way it's called cadence theme I could put a link down below to it it's already one of the fastest lightest themes on the market and it's full of features so you can do some really cool stuff stuff with it so your mileage may vary with everything we did I'm sure if the pages were larger and they had more content on it the impact of the numbers would have been greater and even though we didn't see a massive change in the fully-loaded time you got to understand fully-loaded time means the time it takes to load everything but that is not how the website visitor experiences your website they're seeing things as they load so they're really sitting there for a split fraction of a second and they're seeing all this also what's important to understand a benefit of caching is it makes your website more robust and be able to handle more traffic hitting your website so where if you weren't doing the caching there would be a lot more going on behind the scenes to accommodate each website visitor but when you're using caching there's a lot less going on behind the scenes so you can your website can handle more concurrent website visitors so if you've enjoyed this video consider giving it a thumbs I don't consider give me a thumbs up come on I put a lot of effort into this for you smash that like button that actually helps me out the most if you're not subscribed consider clicking on the subscribe button and if you had a specific question I'll do my best to answer you down below if you're looking for a light speed based host I've compiled the list of the best light speed hosts and I give you real opinions on my experiences testing them and using the hosting services on that page that I have a link for so go ahead and check that out as well thanks for watching this video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 109,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress fast loading, wordpress faster loading, wordpress fast loading plugin, wordpress fastest cache plugin, litespeed cache settings, litespeed cache wordpress, litespeed cache plugin tutorial, litespeed cache image optimization, litespeed cache best settings, litespeed cache settings wordpress, litespeed cache setup, litespeed cache cdn, litespeed cache plugin wordpress, speed up wordpress, wordpress optimization, speed up wordpress website
Id: -L1ba2S9P3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.