How to use Presto Player with LearnDash

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the process of setting up an online course website goes something a little like this so first you install wordpress that's your main platform then you install learn dash or twitter lms and this is your learning management system and then finally you find a video hosting platform like vimeo and then you just put your videos on your website and pretty much your course is ready now this experience although it works it's not really really good because the experience that your students get is not really really good let me explain what i mean by that so when we set up our website ideally you want a situation where when your student goes on your course website they go into a course they start playing a video and for some reason let's say they're done for the day and they need to leave they need to be able to get back onto that video and start off where they left off similar to what you get with netflix when you watch a movie and then you decide you know what i want to go to bed or you have to do something else and then you continue from where you left off so in today's video i am going to show you how to apply this onto your online course website and this is going to change the experience that your students are going to get as they watch your videos and also one other feature that i forgot to mention you can add markers on your video where your students can just go straight to that point and get whatever information they need from that video so all of that i'm going to go through in this video but before i get started i'd like to remind you that the tools i'm going to use are all going to be in the video description below and they all come with bonuses if you buy presto player which is the video player that we're going to be using i also have a bonus which are two courses that you get when you purchase that and also learn dash view if you want to use learndash i also give away my course if you use my affiliate link in the video description below let's dive in and let me show you how to set all this up all right so over here i am in vimeo this is where i host my videos by the way so this is actually a course that i've put together so what i'm going to do now is i am going to just copy the link of one of these videos so i'm just gonna click here on copy link copy video link okay so here we are in my wordpress admin dashboard so ahead of time i've gone ahead and installed a few plugins so over here on my plugins you need to make sure you have learn dash installed because that's the plugin that i'm using and for my learning management system i also installed presto player and presto player pro try and say that a few times okay so presto player pro all the links to that are in the video description below so once you've installed these two the next step now is to go to your courses so i'm going to come over here to learn dash click on courses now i created a demo course called my new course if i click here on edit i've gone ahead and added two lessons in here okay so to take a look at the lessons we need to come over here to the builder so before i do that let me just hit update and then i'm going to come over here to the builder so you can see here i have lesson one in lesson two so let's go into lesson one and edit it so here we are on lesson one so what i'm going to do now is to add my video that i copied from vimeo so i'm just gonna hit enter here click on this plus button so once you install presto player it also is added as a block so i'm just gonna search for presto and here it is so i am looking for vimeo so presto vimeo video okay so here we go now i'm gonna paste the url in here click on add video okay so that's my video here so what i can do here with this video is i can also add an image here um so i can click here on select and choose my image overlay so let's say i want to go with this one here or maybe the dark one hit select so now you can see i have a video overlay which is pretty cool now that i have this all set so let's start talking about the chapters adding the chapters on our videos so the first thing you want to do is to come back over here and add our first marker so this is going to be our welcome part so all you have to do now moving forward is is to just click on this plus button to add your chapters so let's say at the four minute mark this is where we install divi okay moving on let's say at the 4 minute 30 this is where we install learn dash okay so pretty much these are my chapter markers so right now we can't see them because i think of the image overlay but uh they are there in fact you know what let's just uh remove this image here and see what that looks like so i'm gonna hit update all right so if at any point you want to remove any of these markers all you have to do is to click here on this minus and this will remove the marker okay so uh what we're going to do here is add our image background here back like that okay so let's hit update and what we're going to do now is to see if these chapters are now showing so i'm going to open this in a new tab and you can see here the chapters are now showing so here you can see we have installed divi install learn dash so if your student wants to go to any of these points they can just click here and it takes them directly to that particular point but you need to of course add them in here initially so what i'm going to do next now is to show you the feature that i mainly uh introduce you to in this video which is when a student plays a video and they leave it off at a certain point throughout the video when they come back it continues from that point so to do that it's very easy so all you have to do is to make sure you're on the video itself you click on it because this is how you get all these features if you click away you will not get all the video features so you need to make sure that you're clicking here and then you want to choose this option here which says course okay so when you select this course preset this is what has that feature that i'm talking about so what we're going to do now let's click on update and we are going to test this and see if this is working okay so we're going to view this lesson in a new tab so here we go so let's say this so you're going to have all your videos in here okay okay so you can see here it's a two minute uh 10 seconds there we go so when i refresh this page and let's say i need to continue with lesson one so let's refresh this one more time okay so let's say i need to continue with this video so i can click here and let's see where it begins so you can see here on my timeline it continues from away left so as you can see this feature actually works i often compare this with say netflix or even the amazon player i think this adds an extra layer that makes it easy for your students to learn on your website alright guys let me know what you guys think about this video in the video description below if you have any questions let me know and i'll do my best to respond to it take care and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Funnels to Income
Views: 108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Augustine mak, divi 4.0 templates, Divi 4.0 template, Carflows divi, wordpress funnels, Cartflows tutorial, Mak, tutorLMS, tutor lms, online courses, create online courses, online course business, fluencrm, fluent crm
Id: 5zQHSggGxfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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