Bully Build Madness!

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BL Leroy doubt I mean I heights nice for the exhaust stuff oh why do you make me decide I mean if you put it up like that you almost get to use the manifolds we got and just Trump them out stamp it I'll shut up I could for simplicity in the negative said when we got back but paintings that place yeah yeah yeah this is always so tough of a choice for me I'll get my 100 percent have to get done this first to buy a pilot the exhaust manifold fun if not we'll use these headers and be banned adapting [Laughter] yes we got kind of a plan because once that's all done then we can figure out where you and a battery is gonna go I've fallen over here cleaning everything up whoo it's coming on all the support work dang never thought all that so Sean's lean out center I'm figuring out where the inner core is gonna go yeah pretty good he's got a pretty good idea for it shipping her out until I get her level with the chassis here so I'm gonna get a little more into the front congrat a slight angle yeah I mean that looks getting out but put it down on the ground it'll be slam it down so I still need to come up just quarter of an inch showing up so Todd's over here looking at the wiring so we got top 1 is the start this is your main power yep and that just turns on whatever relays bumps on the front transbrake that that's neutral safety and that one I thought to step but I probably is using the other one that's probably the dump oh the dump valve for the training you look at the old nest of wiring out and clean it up a little bit trace down whirls which isn't everything went then run our new powers from the ECU into the car because these shoes actually get to be located out here it's gonna be temporary but that's what needs done for right now so we're gonna run our extra wires in the car I want to add an oil pressure sensor and a fuel pressure sensor so we run those to the ECU as well and then I'll just have a long cable that runs on the car that I can tune it with I think that should go pretty good so Todd's gonna give me a hand just knocking that stuff out too and then should be game on it should be bad at all Roman Pearce so Roman Pearce showed up with the extra little piston parts we needed yeah oh yeah so my pipes come in so the intercooler is gonna kind of shape like that alright see that goes snap I brought that from my car I brought that from my old car because I didn't know if it would just like how couldn't keep it but it would speed up his mr2 process maybe yeah so I just was trying to think ahead while I was in my garage last night yeah because it goes to my other car but but if he was in a hurry you know he can always duplicate it like down the road so yeah if you wanted [Music] about got these heads all wrapped up no one was a little too cold to work in your shop today so you decided come up to the shop again don't waste time finish it up you like the shop will warm up later [Music] yeah it is pretty cool oh yeah yeah these little freeze plugs right here if you were to blow a head gasket there's a potentially you can push one of those out so mom's gonna go ahead and give those a little punch on the aluminum and just do underwear they're just part of it just a small little detail but keeps everything together perfect yeah ain't gonna go nowhere now [Applause] if these super fancy super tech Springs now these ones carry a 70 something 75 or something pound seat pressure somewhere in there eventually we'll change this up because we want to figure out how to get a hundred pound seat pressure in here for high rpm and lots of boost good cow wrapping up the heads I know I tried to save you some time I don't know if it worked or not yeah but I brought my old CRX parachute mount I didn't know if that would speed up your deal or not but I was I was just trying to think I'm like you're running out of time so I was like you can always redo it but I was like if this may help him get stuff moving so that's something yeah somethings better than nothing yeah at least you keep lunch time I know we have oh yeah that's why I thought that on my parachute yeah I watched it be a certain Ryan to me so and grab my thing yeah yep I'm getting all the retainers put in what are we calling this okay are you ready we're gonna do Crouching Tiger Hidden fall we got a glove into this so the homes of I'll hold the bow and then we got a phone on the table put your hands put your phone into it put your phone into it Oh check this out mom uh-huh there's one clip in here yeah we not the one leg missing earlier father found it as one one one done good so get these plugs knocked in and we got all the keepers on she's ready oh all right long has got to be a master of the tool now let me show you a different technique for this done bong has a new technique and it works you hold from your body like this and you put your foot down okay that's pretty cool cool thanks Joe go team well heads are both wrapped up and I'm pretty stoked about that it's pretty darn cool my buddy Jeff Mullen he stopped by he's the one that originally helped me build the entire bully that's pretty special everybody say hi to Jeff Jeff Jeff a well yeah he helped me do the whole video I've set up oil bath all the old CDs it was a lot of work we did some crazy stuff and it's Ross team he was able to just stop by today it's pretty special to me so it's awesome the car just kind of brings up that vibe and brings the people out it's weird but it's always been cool you know this is a unique deal I'm having fun that's all really matters I mean have fun build me something yeah I did see that he said he had something to offer where I was like wrong country bro all right so these are some Mazda pistols we had laying around I actually had these uh Chevy truck ones these are all the same pin height so that's why I could get away with it but this boar was just a hair too small even though these were 89 millimeter boar they gave us 9,000 piston to wall clearance and that's a little excessive so went back to the Mazda ones I like the skirts and stuff on this one a little bit better a little heavier duty but these are still better than stock so Mazda Pistons is what it is they're gonna be a hole in the hole just a fraction of nothing but it's gonna work and it's better than nothing better than stock so and we have them is the master this is that this is a Chevy Chevy yeah you can see that okay oh yeah yeah just see the same pin height in person yeah yeah this would actually been right at the top of the deck so that would have been a really nice piston to run but 9,000 piston walls just a little bit too much she'd be loud and clashes yeah and then I'd collapse the skirt and then it'd be real man and then we got the Pichu our rods and they're they're just smart these were the three - no those are the three thought oh okay yeah so we have a three five crank going in it as well the three two ones will be here any day and I'll put a second engine together hopefully during the next course of leaving they just overlap let's go down here on the face make that shells so you can see this the pin actually comes right through where the so the pin actually comes right through here and you can see where that would be a problem for your ring so this becomes a shelf slides in here and then your rings can sit on the shelf just an easy way to do it make sure these they get up if we're good that way too so those will look great a date man we're gonna have a built motor put a clock yeah come on videoing this was mine drew of the other day for the axles I see you oh my gosh you're so good what's up Amelia how's it going good man how's the honeybee coming you helped her here today hi a new helper it's just my buddy Jeff's daughter want to hit the gym Hey look at this McFarland racing better get on McFarland whatever calm and get yeah why don't they the honorary nice and you're like you're flossing today with Andre McFarland oh underneath very cool yeah I know you're saying see those underwear no good she wants to get up again oh oh that's it that's it good job your turn it's great how's Andrew coming I'm about to cut the doors right now oh you're cutting oh that's why you need Fung that's why you really long to see where I can put the windows up you know figure out all you need to you need some creative minds expertise could use an expert at that he's expert at weight reduction deep away from the whole summer for now because I don't think we have to go that far oh no I'll go find you a whole song hold on watch phone go to work in our Swiss cheese by hand very cool to come do the spring retainers on the hand and importantly on yours no oh that Jays got fully done up heads no it's important this valve job everything Wow he lapped him he went crazy nice so it's gonna make some boost yeah you actually finished this Barry he said was too cold in his shop oh you did mine he did my he's the man you want heads done hit up funk how can people get a hold of Oh Instagram all motor all motor phones on Instagram now you can get flooded with work bro flooding people he's really good honestly he loves to do this better Mazda yeah their same bore size yeah this is the part number right here I just want to have the make sure the thicker yeah yeah [Music] little good stuff that's what we did this weekend yep that Shawn and Fong hard at work it's awesome it's pretty cool project deadline so we got really yeah till Thursday Thursday yeah yeah be loaded yeah what's the inner just need yeah so I think ours is always gonna be epic and we're we're stepping this one up yeah crank call the Loctite they're all cleaned up nice and clean good [Music] [Music] paintings looking pretty cool there Sean thank you sir yep now that I got this tack I can measure out this plate and these little end cap weights real quick and I'll get them tacked together and then from there I'll weld up the outside and I won't weld it to the antique because I'm in a well the inside as well I don't like any flex on em tanks you can employ cool moving along nice work so we got the block all cleaned up we gotta get we want to get this o-ring because we want to get a new one that they leak really bad ok go and get that and then we got the piston rods and everything all straight heads done Shawn's over there finishing up the gas tank and he's got one end tank done [Music] right there so this stuff's looking pretty good getting a step closer and then Jamie's on the dial with full Civic real quick so we'll check that out and see how that's going to do it no [Music] all right starting off around 180 horsepower seem like a pop soon as its VTEC [Music] [Music] there's definitely a cut so got goofy putting the engine together now he's over here hard at work I think he's making a little vlog about it too so you guys want to check him out building his well goofy motor I guess get over to his channel we'll check with him periodically though see how it's coming please kicking but make sure my thruster in the right way Roman has a problem with that I know you don't but didn't hurt to mention it I sent Jamie down to Denver today to my buddy Josh's we got some similar Pistons laying around for from this Mazda program but I'm missing two wrist pins that fit this set and he's got some Pistons that fit these wrist pins which are just longer I could machine these but I don't have much time to do so so I'm just gonna grab the other Pistons that he has and we're gonna flip and get that done so this can get going so big shout out to gunmetal Josh for making that happen for us Sean's over here he's got the cold side in tank done on the intercooler that's looking pretty fresh and Todd and I are about to stab indeed all the electrical and get all the wiring that runs from DCU into the car and in the car we just need to get all the switches tied up and clean up our little mess of wiring down there that gets us really close because tomorrow he's gonna finish up the hot side on the intercooler and then the radiator oh and the fuel cell is all done too I think it just needs a mount put on it so that's right there so we can get a couple pumps putting that I'm gonna do that tomorrow as well so we've made some pretty good progress oh yeah holy cow Daniel son holy mother of holy testicle Tuesday it's Monday but dang that's good what's up goopy this is looking sick dang and then the next one's old let's get a good look at that from up above yeah we got to start putting parts in here under the gun dang that is looking good I think I did it I did it to you and I really think Shana did himself again good whoa halfway there I want my voice to come back yes we can live on a prayer Oh yep put it up so kind of what do you think about for the water system for back here alright so I mean this one's pretty easy obviously it's gonna be the soft side so that's just gonna have a fitting straight to the radiator but the others coming out of the heads I got these swivel unions yeah yeah yeah and I'm gonna make a little old right here cool it man earlier alright in the end oh the coolant temp will go on this end okay well - ten to go there yeah the other one to go here out the end we'll have a - sixteen coming out this for the other radiator and then off the top right here we'll have another - twelve which will be on top going to our our Hill sweet little Phil man so that'll all be sitting there felt like that whoo I like that nice tight nice and tight today was kind of slow starting and then we ran into the piston problems and we were running around our heads to cut off trying to figure that out kind of put he I was a Monday and it's cold like we woke up to snow and yeah I want you to get here another whole hour and a half earlier yeah yeah we that's what Shane and I we woke up super early we were at the machine shop when they opened up dropped the block off got all that done so and then we tried to go to the post office and that was closed Veterans Day which think we want to thank all of you veterans for your service without you guys we couldn't do any of this so big up for all you guys overseas and everywhere else we appreciate the veterans and everybody that just puts in their time and puts in their service so thank you very much we will be talking about oh we're talking about putting a big ass like big block blown crazy motor up yeah with a blower and possibly mike mechanical injected blower sitting in the front of the bully and then like rear brakes on it like a sand bug he has you have left and right steer and some earn added up me so Burnett chrome will drive and you're like spinning it with the rear brakes so then it's like flat spinning this way that's what I mean that's what I'm talking about with zoomies sticking out the front of it like totally like big enough to do some serious reverse out on the reverse Donuts can you imagine Zumiez and a blower yeah and then and then you put it in gear and drive and just start locking up the rear brakes and letting the you know spin this way or that way and then flat spinning [Music] yeah ma'am I only need three in and then three back for the trans cooler okay so because I look this section is going to be the transmission cooler of the radiator that's another little feature we'll get doing instead of having a the separate cooler off to the side we're just gonna run it all into one and save yourself some hassle hide your sean-o and Jamie just came back what do you got a the Pistons from Josh oh what a situation this was yeah there you go all right we would even feel skirt if full skirt feels heavy duty hey man Josh's came through so remember I told you guys that we were missing two so these ones are a way lightweight piston not that I was gonna be too scared to run these but heavier duty is definitely more of my flavor but we had these so the kit of Pistons that were here were they weren't complete missing things etc but Josh had given me two wrist pins to try to make this set complete but when he got in to me they were way too long so we hit him up and said hey can we just get those Pistons they're the same bore same everything else from the same job just one set was lighter than the other so that's just gonna get us working tonight and you can see this woman's wrist bends longer though because yeah there's a lot more on the skirt yeah this just gets us moving so game on now we can get the engine put together thanks Josh so check out Josh's YouTube a gunmetal Civic oh yeah [Music] that's getting turnout grant we already sees get the water temp sensor there mmm nice little cool low manifold scooting there showing up yeah [Music] all right so Todd and I are just about finished with this wiring all right guys check this out oh look at that dude that turned out great it's our log manifold for our water yeah I wanna check it out you want to put it on yeah yeah hoo-wee so little things in life yeah you got to make sure you get those even before or else she gonna mess yourself up Memphis yourself up and get frustrated something mindful of all right and then over here you got the water temp sensor yeah and then filler hey that's cool cool little partner yeah ma'am radiator no no yeah nice good work thank you awesome turnout epic one step closer so that'll do it for today we're all getting beat you need to get that done we got just a few more wires to run we're almost done so that'll be done and then Sean's gonna bust out this end tank here and when we start ready yeah and right here and then we'll get these turbos mounted proved a lot of work yeah oh yeah we still got to get the engine done yeah yeah we'll get it that's for sure this is awesome was exciting we're pumped up I'm so glad you guys are all with us so we'll keep pushing stay on the ride and I'll see you guys all tomorrow Brown let's go
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 179,320
Rating: 4.969512 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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