BULLY! Fire it up, Fire it up! Phong Does The cylinder heads.

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all right got a couple my packages here whoa yeah man Saturday oh my god tons of parts to showed up all right oh well Lily's in my car let's go well I made it to the shop Roman and I went in the head opened all the packages we didn't wait for the camera I was too excited Oh me yeah better this week in the next okay let's see how this is gonna look I haven't seen it yet so yeah it actually looks way more stealthy than I thought it was gonna I did to know the height is way better yes damn yeah that throttle body is just awesome you're kidding me this is epically good we're just going to bolt it all up mm-hmm don't see it done oh the cradle turned out so good it's epically good all right so Jamie just finished this fuel line and then this fuel line to the regulator we're going to do quick one down from here to a gas can I got a pump rig we're gonna start this thing I'll boost the boy style I got the Pichu or a gasket I'm gonna go ahead and toss this on there and the spacer all right so then I just got one more sealing it and then we're ready to rock all right [Music] all right still got to run this ground wire to to something but we'll figure that out return line Doon all right let's get this intake manifold off it's good question no there's I don't think there's hardware we may have to chase some hard all we got to do those plugs real quick all right I'll get that done real quick so these are vacuum fittings and they go underneath I need just a couple pour regulator map sensor and Bluff out so just three yep I said that I think all right perfect all right so we get fuel lines done josh is just getting some stuff plugged in the bottom of this plenum and then bolt that up throw this fuel line in a gas can I'm going to try to wire some stuff up real quick and see if we can't provide this thing up please try to no it's gonna run so do that p2 our headers on real quick looking good what the heck are you doing over there hey hey this booster boys are PFI [Music] got our makeshift stuff some I guess you got your fuel pump in the gas can yep a jump box and a bunch of the same color wires running around everywhere a m5 [Music] showing right there it's a GPS we're doing that's map right hand got some oil in it the ground on all the fuel done alright ready to check some stuff yeah what we got so the Dawson's under percent so the outside fire [Music] the wires and a pilot [Music] we can't the working Darla well do we just want to flip those two wires real quick yeah so we just quickly switch those two wires real quick don't you get on TPS now cause you're wondering wires fall off [Music] hmm they feel Paul should enter can I check yeah are we zero [Music] perfect perfect perfect almost like we know what we're doing tell anybody [Music] we took four sparkliest like hit it you ready I think I'm ready she's empowered okay this is the next day Sunday well it's early it's just me and goofy getting here and this thing's starting to look pretty rad plant them on intercooler setup kind of figure out where the readers gonna go probably gonna cut down a core to get the height right but it's getting close about ready to get her fired up one thing I just had remembered was this ECU we borrowed from the garage idiots but I had that ECU converted to Hall effect sensors from the mag sensors and this engines mag sensor so uh I don't want to convert that back because it's theirs so I'm trying to borrow another one from my buddy Lee and then just to get it to start and then I'm just gonna have to try to nail the AEM down and get one so so I'm gonna wait for my buddy Lee to show up with the other ECU and then try to plug that in and see if this thing will start up a lot of guys have been asking about the little bug in that cool we had to put this little ball on the end cuz that is sharp but yet it's a client's he built it well tow hook there do a quick little walk around this is just a fresh fresh set up I mean you look at everything going on in here so we we tune this little off-road rig for him before and he's kinda ended off road scene but this one's got a Subaru STi EJ 25 in it check that up and then his radiator is up here in the wing super-creative but what we're doing with it is we're wearing it up and getting a haul tech system on it one of the Rast engine management out there works really well so I'm pretty excited to see how this thing goes to but you guys keep seeing in the background figure let you know what it is that's it I'm gonna get a good snapshot oh there we go that one's for y'all you guys we hit up Lee he had the red Integra that was here he's who we got the harness from and he pulled his ECU out of his car just to come over we can make sure this is gonna fire so Brent's just getting everything wired back up now I hear a pump going so everything's the same as it was last night we just plugged in a different ECU that's still set up for mag sensors say again I said it might be too early to get excited but if this thing syncs up she's gonna pop pop pop pop is your fuel pump runner now x y yep are you excited yeah so right here's and stats Inc after this so right here we're looking forward to say dancing on it does that then we know that if it doesn't then it's still in the wiring I a week too low on voltage we're way too low on voltages yeah that's multi yes I did put on thanks for checking all right we need to find another jump ball to hook back all right so jump box was pretty dead brought in the trusty old dodge goes set of rickety old jumper cables here we borrowed those from the booster boys actually they usually borrow mine but I forgot mine so we stole theirs yeah all right please sync up Oh Oh very anti-climatic [Music] did you get it back okay hold on there you go all right you ready Oh ready here not really [Music] [Music] that's the positive No thank you that's not you the two things we go check all right so we've got an extra coil out here we're gonna check for spark whenever you're ready boss [Music] [Music] yep let's go through the harness real quick 200 missing well there's only these two you was oh there isn't a southern red one does this haven't read one needs power - uh-huh maybe maybe I'm just this out and all those three harnesses ago yeah yeah yeah [Music] oh and found this area he's coming down with either head sweet all right just searching for that man josh has the rest of our parts for the Pistons right in his box so then if we heard from Todd does he have a block with him okay I got nothing yeah I got no spark yeah smoke we got smoke did you see the fire over there ulster hit Mizuki's here like well it's on fire what do we do Brenda starts pulling wires it runs all right that was all the fuel that's just been puddling in there yeah no that was only five holes yeah to be 676 that was five holes all right next time you started I'm standing over here because flames went right down on my foot well I'm standing here like this right under the exhaust so my foot is just like on fire for a minute all right [Laughter] hey Shane do you want to grab a fire extinguisher to set over here all right Lee brings his ECU over and now he's on fire watch we're just gonna train include just kill the trip one small step for you [Music] well some words yeah thanks for bringing these to you yeah man standing here with the fire extinguisher look he is prepared you can burn everything down but my ECU guys this is attempt three Todd it watch your feet it gets a little fiery over here it's like literally fire there was one point Brent grab the laptop and ran so just a warning you standing this close he's got the fire extinguisher again anybody watching Patrol [Applause] we might have to start the truck again that's only we got it [Laughter] but it fires it's ran three times so far so we're oh you got here let's go to the Todd mobile you got the goods oh you bought the cowboy boots always you brought you some cowboy boots that's what it is oh yeah that's Shawn CSS block whoo here we go we got Pistons I've got some Mazda Pistons that we're gonna put in a haunt of it they're laying around they work so your party huh it's time to party it's time to get down hello others started is all we'll just put a stock engine in it and yeah escalate quickly around here man yeah so what block is this 3232 a - a - yeah see just what we were talking about so we just need to hone it for the new Pistons and and then falls on his way he's gonna put together the heads today everything to build an engine it's kind of mine actually yeah alright so we got that thing running pretty stoked about that and then I got another little special treat for you guys check this out oh the man with the plan everybody was asking where he's at where he's been well guess what bongs been working his butt off and making some money and getting things done but he is here and he's gonna get into these Jay heads we got a couple quote we got a set of Springs and retainers here from super tech so we are gonna have Fung do a little head work today have you done Jay heads before wrong it is the same thing it's the same thing women huh okay how was she look but who better to do the heads and all motor fall so he's gonna go ahead and blast is out let's hang out with him for a bit discuss everything gets set to jet all right so what are you doing so you see the stock I mean the valve seat just barely cut machine on top this heat this deep inside yeah so they left a very uneven surface okay at the high speed the air travel just like your car the highway you hit the pothole everything you know it make the air you know so you're just trying to smooth it out smooth out the road move it all it out instead of hitting the potholes and cause the turbulence yeah cool thanks brother so that we can succeed you know honestly best team ever I rat stoked that it runs gonna get Shawn's area all cleaned up today so when he comes in tomorrow it's Sunday so when he comes in tomorrow you know he doesn't have to worry about cleaning anything we can just go to work and start getting this stuff knocked out where you're running out of time fast it's great that I have it running so now I can just run my wiring and clean this up and get that all done and then we should be in theory ready to rip so getting close guys some appreciate you guys all hanging out with us and yeah I'm getting excited and I don't know if you guys saw uncle' askew on the police McFarland his second Channel we're gonna do a build-off that's why we're trying to get this done so quick because we gotta leave Friday so we can get there Sunday and we start to build off on Monday and then we do the build off all week with him and then please some cars on the 23rd so I hope you all can make it this is going to be a pretty exciting event from the build off to the bully to the mr2 to everything Cletus that's going on as well plus all the other youtubers that show it's always a great event and super exciting so super looking forward to all of this and I'm stoked you guys are coming or or at least supporting and cheering a song it's a that epic sir [Music] pretty excite alright let's get back to the heads [Music] yeah man he he sees the turbulent air and he's like I gotta fix this he said he just ran his finger through it and he knew so you chasing the belt spilling home he's down the what the a stick and almost all Jason bellow yeah he's dad is crazy man yeah you go crazy engines and they're just gonna get better I mean imagine if you had time to really just focus on it yeah and that's what we're working towards give Punk some time so he can show where he's true talent is the guy designs engines and he makes things work that you just go what though it's pretty awesome dang look at Fong go man he's doing great you're doing great brother Thanks good job looks like you've done this before you didn't bring your dimply though next time next time that's right Edward Fung just keeps going getting in deeper oh I know I think we asked him to come for Springs or take he's polishing it up yeah we cleaned all the valves got them all shined up already and he's been cranking away it's been awesome mounted it is awesome doing when you're feeling stuff Wow laughs okay it's time to valve lap and how do you valve laughs what do you what do you use do I get a ten millimeter bolt attached to the grill with a vacuum light popularity and boy let's do it over here he's teaching us about out here affecting life but we stuck it through the modern world without using wool little vacuum hook yeah a little laughing compound so then you get to cut the seat and the valve the same and make a good seal so all piston phone does it this is the old man with money you know yeah help make sure they don't leak you just apply a little light pressure and keep that thing spinning and it took the tile see how it should be shiny the same way all the way around right yeah nice and smooth nice and shiny also there you go falling over here just doing his magic knocking out hits so you've always done your valve jobs by hand haven't you yeah and then you check your seals and you you go over and over on your all motor stuff you're here you're crazy with this part and how do you guys used to do it back home my dad met me do by him yeah yeah he attempted to the feel good feel good say nope do it by him that's how are you patient teach you patience the difference between winning and losing is right here in the valve that's why back home I beat them with i-70 CC 1825 CC yeah we're in everything bring a super light [Music] look a receipt the shiny yeah they're back home the seat is very bad the caramel and they just put another one in but they don't have like cold too you know absolute zero like deep until liquid hydrogen they just like hammer there and then they didn't put even because we don't have the habit machine to cut it so this key for me that's the key sometimes I see because the seat you guys would just beat here I didn't have so you have to anything the nitrogen to get it cold enough to get it in so you guys beat the seat in and then make up all your work right there on the valve we heat up the still in the head yeah I'm up in the oven and we put this in the ice so between those recorded but still yeah because when it's cold is sealed yeah the when it's hot all round the CDs news so in this case is the about better party than the seat for the north is on without metals hardware so vendrick you're actually owning the seats yet and not the back see it's got color by solid aluminum around so good matter what if they melt in your bed enough but when you're spinning it you're actually the bowel is toning of those seats yeah no they never bow cleaveth alloted right now but it's nice watching an artist do it yeah and if you got expensive machines you can just cut these like a machine shop of whatever yeah but when you're in our case order your case you're at home your garage is how you do this as long as you got a good seal there's a good chance you can win the race and I noticed a lot of times when I'm tuning a lot of the problem is if something's not quite right yeah you know the tow Harvin or whatever the tow boat car we have like compressed air to the cylinder the little link maybe not the problem yeah on to me does the American turbos supercharged nitrous hell motor yeah Alisa link and it's something I'm not I'm not taking full advantage of my cylinder right what me young in the carving off and everything else for me you do the good bad job we couldn't go booth yeah oh yeah is it gets tender boots up nobody nobody one in the booth put more power wiping all the compound out of there make sure everything looks good and wash everything you know clean air bill see you got going on over here oh just getting I throw people fitting in so guys gonna screw into here then I call cable connect and then if I have on the new spy for you somewhere for a mount thank you caught you and you're almost done here yeah yet on that pertains to propose laughing on my head it's a little animal wiring I wanted to get a camera and he starts dropping so [Music] little thing but this is probably the most important little knob on the whole thing what up is not know go fast maybe we could put a string on it and you could just pull it but I feel when everything goes wrong [Music] well I try to not so still this is gonna be epic good better and different we're doing it and it's fun this guy don't don't tighten it yet [Music] ready then that will attach this all right move that girl something in there go push the pedal [Music] it's gonna go angle on it yeah okay yet let upset can attract cool yeah we might have an issue probably like 75 80 percent no way to commit that scary [Music] but anyway no we Tanya yeah what about eternal that's how I tried putting it on I didn't like to pick you know that's just a vacuum pork we're gonna plug that probably anyway no big deal we figured out like this [Music] yeah here I'll hold this push it to the floor yeah check it real quick I got this yeah yep it's all the way perfect found it was just sitting there right now now guys all day long well we're gonna finish up for the night we'll get the Springs retainers put on tomorrow but it's kind of late and there's a snow storm blowing in and we're all a little beat today but great work Fong appreciate you kinda coming out and help it turn out awesome huh yeah god it is awesome he wouldn't in heaven you know honestly I thought he's just gonna come and throw the Springs retainers in and kind of hang out but nope he went ahead and went and poured it all did a valve job and got it all ready for the springs retainers so so that'll do it for today got to hang on my buddy Fong Jamie Shane Todd Lee came by ripping day he started it and I feel like we've accomplished a lot and I feel like tomorrow he'll get a whole lot more done we've got to try to get this block honed and ready for the Mazda Pistons I know their Mazda we haven't laying around and it looks like they'll work fine so we're gonna go ahead and do that get this thing to work so it's gonna be a fight but I think we can do it so [Music] but that'll do it for today's episode appreciate is hanging out hope you guys are all hope you guys are all it hope you guys are all a stoked as I am and I'll see you guys tomorrow alright let's go he's good little piece up
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 241,317
Rating: 4.9488454 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: wG0mMvY82o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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