750cc Cross Kart vs. 1000cc Mini Trophy Truck SHOWDOWN!

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oh my gosh john what's up everybody on today's episode of cars and cameras we are out at busco beach which is a 2 000 acre off-road playground putting our two top dog machines up against each other our 750cc honda powered crosscart and our 1000cc bmw powered trophy cart we have a list of challenges that we're doing today and we're scoping things out for our upcoming mini mayhem event so in today's episode we are talking about doing a hill climb challenge some trail riding circuit race and to top it all off a drag race i know that's what you all want to see so we have 70 horsepower 90 horsepower lightweight nimble no suspension travel lots of suspension heavy bruiser there's an awesome looking hill right over there i'm gonna hand it off to ike and charles we're gonna see what these things will do you boys ready yeah ready fire them up meet you out there all right so this old 750 we just swapped in here is being very finicky so charles is tapping out and i'm gonna see if i can get it through [Music] all right oh my gosh john i'm so afraid oh he made it john what happened i got scared man no i didn't want to high center it oh my gosh okay all right this is going to be tricky this is going to be a long day ain't it boys all right so we got to lift try not to hurt yourself oh that tire one two three go come on one two three go one two three go all right can you cut the wheel john yes sir thanks guys hold on yeah i'm in first still one two three one more time one two three go all right john you're good okay later you're gonna have to steer the back that way oh i'm sorry see ya hey hey it has reverse now put her in reverse terry let's run it back man let's do it again you want to swap sides no not yet oh you want a second go yeah all right go oh my gosh well i lost all right let's switch the lane so we only scraped a little bit right there ready that was super close that was so close i think john might have had him well hey ike's saying one more time he must have lost i think you got me on that oh it's close man you want to try it one more time all right ready oh no [Applause] uh oh oh that looks really swampy goodness gracious this venue has a drag race a circuit race a hill climb but it also has awesome trails so on our way over to the circuit race we're gonna find some trails and see how these things do in a little bit more technical slow speed situations ready bud here we go man i saw what he was trying to spit dirt all over we rode over to the entrance of the trail system we wanted to ride and we were met with a surprise the conditions at busco beach are never the same twice and the regular main access trails were bumpier than ever punishing the cross cart and my back due to the vehicle's minimum 4 inches of suspension travel i couldn't slow down because the air cooled 750 needed airflow to keep cool and i couldn't turn the engine off to give it a rest because our battery was already running low on juice ike meanwhile was comfortable as ever in the liquid cooled trophy cart and 12 plus inches of suspension travel because i didn't want to overheat the crosscart's engine in the middle of the woods we all decided to award the trail ride challenge to the trophy carton yeah i don't remember us getting rain hold on [Music] huh [Music] oh buddy that's kind of deep you got a toast wrap right [Music] you made it [Music] right [Music] what's the problem guys come on let's go it literally looks like that was built for that exact puddle i mean the battery barely got wet yeah so the cross cart should make it oh my gosh that's going to be i think the battery is dead i mean it was really not doing good earlier when i tried to start it and additionally i didn't want to turn the fan on because that's going to make the battery worse and i just can't sit there and idle so i had to turn it off so the old cross cart really does not do well in low speed situations where you stop a lot the battery is no good so we made it out here to the circuit race and ike is doing some warm-up laps it's a really cool circuit it's got some bank corners got some low g spots and we're gonna go one at a time try to be safe and have fun so i just gonna go first and then i'm gonna get some warm ups and we're gonna go hot and compare the times if the cross carts gonna win it's gonna be this event oh my and i'm so glad i zoomed in for that one how did he know i was how did he know i was rolling for that one he probably doesn't have a spine anymore no he's taking it easy oh boy have you ever taken a fall and knocked the air out of you bear out of you yeah based on what just happened i think we're gonna make this a warm circuit race not a hot one yeah safety absolutely all right no he's still catching some wind it's better than breaking it on your mark [Applause] [Music] oh oh man there he goes [Music] oh boy just one lap yeah we got to get out the way oh boy not bad not bad i don't know what's good but that went fast [Music] yeah straps on my shoulder does not feel great that was definitely a warm lap i don't see how you can do any better not not how are you gonna say that and not challenge me i'm not it's that bumpy okay bumpy it's that bumpy you are going to suffer all right buddy are you ready for your first lap not really but okay all right three two one oh this is so bad nope oh come on wow yeah batteries toasted all right so i need to preface this by saying that even a stock side-by-side would have a really hard time in that circuit usually it's much better groomed than than it was it's gnarly it is the roughest i have ever seen it out here and but there it looks like they are in the middle of grooming the whole place which is good but where we were at no no yeah so so that being said charles what were our times all right so isaac your time was a 44 44 seconds john was a 47 47 okay boom i got the win congrats man thanks thanks i love how the cross guard is losing every single one of these really badly but i still love it so anyway the final event of the day which is gonna be a drag race over at the drag strip hopefully that's smoother than everything else we'll see over there if our clapped out 2019 flagship is gonna take down 2020's big build it would be here in the drag race either way today is counted as a win for both these two machines were built in a shed with the cheapest parts we could get our hands on and they spent all day getting abused in busco's harsh terrain and they both for the most part held together so win lose or draw this episode is a success but the trophy card is clearly superior in every way [Music] [Music] ready go [Music] i can't see oh it's right there you oh so close like look at the front brakes every time they're on fire so close that was good ah they're like well i'm gonna say tit for tat but they aren't this thing's in front every time just a little bit yep dang you just can't stand it can you no i still like the cross cart better is the trophy cart really three for zero the trophy cart destroyed the cross cart oh no completely pretty much and i'm only running on like three and a half cylinders yeah because he mashed one i mashed one of the exhaust pipes like shut excuses hey i'm just calling it how it is it's coming from the winner so win win congratulations thank you congrats thank you the trophy cart is superior uh i'm a little disappointed but at the same time not really because if we built the worst machine after we built this one that would just be a terrible it would but we're this proves that we're just becoming better builders build by build and uh these tur this terrain was just horrible out here um yeah i was a little worried on the track because it's got whoopie doo's yeah and this thing is a handful going down that track dude your rear axle is bouncing like crazy yeah yeah it's it's a handful i'm like steering trying to keep straight first first pass i thought i was going to take out charles you know we could always build a 750 that's true that'd be sweet because i love turning this thing to like nine weeks with like super performance stuff yeah that'd be sweet yeah so maybe we don't have to find another one we just build one all right so to wrap things up the trophy cart was better in the hill climb it was better in the trail ride because the cross cart didn't even make it to the trail ride it was better in the circuit race and it was better in the drag race uh but here we are so leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed today's episode charles has never had a time to properly get to know either vehicle so we might give him a little bit of time to do that but thank you for watching we will catch you next time come out to minnie mayhem october 22nd through 24th of 2021 right here at busco beach you can see it's dusty you can see there's a lot of terrain on the weekends it gets very busy so you can find more information on our facebook page in terms of what to expect what to bring um but until then we will see you and thanks for watching and we'll catch you next time so [Music] ah [Music] angle like all the pipe is it's pushed in the other part it's in the pipe yeah oh my gosh ouch look like you've got a parking hammer hammered it in this angle you can really get it yeah that's talent right there thank you that's pure talent all right folks here is how you get to the cars and cameras mini mayhem fall 2021 meeting spot uh at busco beach first off you're going to put in 1243 bryant boulevard goldsboro north carolina into your phone or a gps and uh we're about half mile out and you can see uh signs and trails fields on the right here there it is busco beach entrance make sure you check in just like the sign says yeah you got to check in otherwise you are trespassing yep this spot right here so you're going to go in pay up sign the waiver all right we checked in at the office and we're taking this road there's a second road that goes to the right but we're going to stay to the left we're going to follow this straight and our main camping spot is going to be right here on the left once we reach that group of trees
Channel: CarsandCameras
Views: 139,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cross kart build, 750cc cross kart, cross kart vs trophy kart, carsandcameras cross kart, carsandcameras trophy kart, mini trophy truck, 1000cc trophy kart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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