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maximum comfy look at your leg please kill somebody in this position please [Laughter] you are so filthy prick right now my goodness don't wanna be retro Mario six of you get that reference because this David Bowie but whatever it was worth a shot you know guys with each video I make I try to tell a story and most of the time that happens to be the story of an individual operator in Rainbow six but you've got to give me a mulligan with this random video because if so many changes coming to the game I'm not sure if I'm playing a Tom Clancy title or something straight out of the tycoon series like to say that book my golf game is trash but you know I'd be taking fat dogs I would see World Adventure Park everything from obvious changes like lion getting nerfed into outer space to things that are totally off the rails like bulletproof cameras as a secondary gadget before I get the details though I'm not sure how many of you caught my last episode where I was running around with a bear named cheeseburger but blue apron was nice enough to not only sponsor today's video but also send me actual cheeseburgers in the mail not even kidding so if you don't know a blue apron is it's a subscription service that sends you all the ingredients you need in exact amounts in a refrigerated box with the recipe right to your door so you can prepare yourself a terrific meal there's several options to choose from every week like seared salmon in case you're an 800-pound grizzly bear with the DA Buddhists or you're just like me and you need some of that General Tso's chicken white cheddar cheese burgers and buffalo chicken meatballs love me some meatballs it took me just under 40 minutes to make and what felt like just under 40 seconds to eat but I regret nothing because it was yummy and I'm full and I've also do tabled the sound on this footage because when I eat cheeseburgers I smack my lips uncontrollably at a volume that no other human being should hear if you'd like to check it out the first hundred of you to sign up via the link below get $50 off your first two weeks of the service so thanks very much to blue apron and please don't tell them that I ate both portions myself they'll probably get really mad but I couldn't help myself but beyond the recent change to my diet let's plunge into some of these changes coming to Rainbow six starting off by saying pasta LaVista to biggie backpack boy lion juice I'll finally realized that having an operator that single-handedly changes the meta and has a nearly 100% pic rein in pro league is beyond rarden so now he's only got two charges instead of three a 20 second cooldown instead of a 10 second cooldown and you are only visible in red when you are actively moving and not the entire duration of the scan so although it's a dead meme at this point now you can just stand still and freeze please rip in peices lion you will be sincerely missed everybody spam F and chat wait wait he doesn't deserve this music I'm glad he's getting slapped with nerves turn that trash off I just want to know when they're gonna take away his immunity to toxic babes because I'm pretty sure smog isn't very happy about it oh yeah down them will survive the gas is that possible it's actually work I'm gonna keep it 100 with you chief they need to [ __ ] fix the gas furnace it's like it smokes from your wood there's so any concern how did he not die to that smart look at him I don't know I don't know man I got a bad arm I could've gone pro you know coach could have put me in fourth quarter state championship pigskin over there mounts next up Jagger's lady asked no longers apps have on his ex Cairo's pellets because she could basically cheese all 380 asses at once because she has six charges per shot so it's a buff to Jager and although this is unconfirmed I think they bumped his stretchy jeans too wow you've got some serious groin stretch good don't move gross I don't think your pants were meant to do that my man I know you were so good short I was taught me two things groin stretches and moving between a line from point A to B blitz had his flash range nerfed from 8 meters down to 5 and now he has one less charge at 4 instead of the previous 5 because apparently his win rate is too high and he's essentially a one-man SWAT team whose only counter is the perfect c4 he's got a battery we should have it where when bandit glitches and he has the battery in is Han Oh Wow our scores stroyed there's only one thing you need to say in the United States of America before you bust in on the room with blitz am i right we open up your nothing but then you're not giving the person a reasonable and immediately blowing a breech job yeah I'm out here then [Music] come here boy giggle was also slammed as his cloak now only last 12 seconds instead of 30 but it refills twice as fast at 6 seconds instead of 12 and with him being super fast super hard to see and strapped with 2 super lethal weapons he's been murdering everyone recently maybe it's just because he's salty that his dad didn't attend his Little League baseball games Havanna dropped her Claymore and picked up a breaching charge instead because the devs are trying to revive thermite out of his crippling drinking problem since this Japanese woman took his job who are you I'm you but stronger you don't actually believe that I'm good since Yang's a quitter she finally decided to kick her smoking habit and picked up hit bonnez Claymore instead and they still have no idea what they're doing with her because in high-level rank she sucks but in organized groups she's stronger than a [ __ ] Marvel character LMG is receiving a massive damage buff ranging from slight increases on finca and fused to monster increases on yang in Kappa Tau but I still don't think that's gonna stop people bullying him for being a cyclops Krauss you're not actually using a 40-cal because of that you don't be in my eyes you're not gonna let that forty bang oh look you in your eye alright ask me out here here we go that's how it's done boy and finally figures winrate is jacked right now and Ubisoft has no idea what to do with them so I would continue abusing the nanomachines while you still can this right here what I'm saying right now marks the end of the changes that are coming to the retail version of Rainbow six but gooey soft additionally released the changes coming to the test servers which are even juicier no finca intended apart from the old news of fixing weapon misalignment so your bullets actually hit where your reticle is they're changing the visuals and the audio around smacking the defuser while disabling it because I think everybody's tired of this long arm cheese and it really needs to stop you violated the law you know I hate to be that guy but now that we're not smacking a lunch box does this technically mean that we're defusing the defuser is is that the correct terminology here or not because I feel like it is drop shotting is also going away so if you quickly dropped a prone while 80s you'll automatically be forced to hipfire instead which I kind of love and kind of hate because of course drop shotting is terrible Chuck but I absolutely adore the killcams that I get because of it so not sure if worth she drops isn't that great chat isn't that just your favorite on the killcam he's not loved just pouring out of her face but because she dropped on the killcam you know when it's zooms then of them blood just pours out of her forehead but because she drop shot her hitbox is all warped on the way down it's really really easy to not get a pretty sure she drop shot I couldn't tell though I couldn't tell not that that would have saved me but it is hilarious to see those girls like Jesus I got Jaeger oh god what a kill cam that's gotta be a drop shot it has to be yeah just like that's what I'm gonna miss about drop shots of the kill cams there's the very best kill cams the elephant in the room are the bulletproof cameras that are coming as the secondary gadget there are no real details at this point other than me getting to say we NSA now and arranging funeral services for all Valkyrie mains all right smugly if you got him I'm gonna let it flew for a second all right let's see yup fully thermal it doesn't quite have the details of glass but it's definitely thermal from the front let's see if it's DMR proof no no special treatment for glass ooh apparently not melee proof good swing okay that's four shots I'm gonna say it's shotgun proof softball proof yes no mate okay that's disabled I don't think this is gone this is it's like it's jammed it's like it's jammed with a mute jammer Oh came back does not destroy EMP doesn't destroy it only disables that felt like eight or ten seconds okay not explosive proof good to know so apparently if you chewed the sides but you've really got to have a good angle cuz it seems like every which way that you shoot the outer rim it's not gonna explode you have to have like a really sharp almost like a flat angle on the inside or else it's not gonna explode from a gunship there you go why are you looking at me like that what's it gonna be next guys the bulletproof drone I really can't wait for next season you guys ever seen the picture of these free skiers right here no can't say I have library you ruined it why would you do that three speeds are apparently gonna be slower and one speeds are gonna be faster on the test servers with running around being faster if you have a handgun out this doesn't apply to full auto secondaries and if you put a shield on your back you no longer receive a movement penalty to be honest I have not noticed any difference with the one speed in the three speed but I did want to show you this thing here word sorry I got a concentrate on doing it right okay whatever you you guys know what I mean when I say quick peaking like skittles does it bolo does it basically if you want a quick clean right or quick peek right you hit your left lean and then your right lean to get there super quickly that's no longer a thing on the TTS there's like a stutter if you do it that way now so now you're better off just hitting left lean or right lean and it's almost like you're doing a quick flick automatically this is totally different all I gotta say is it might bring a tear to my eye to finally see the loveable fatty Rock move out of speed beyond half a mile per hour and finally echo might be getting an additional drone which I imagine he's gonna call yokai senior and yokai Junior's someone call Kevin gates because echoes finally got two drones one for the bomb and one for the role I got I was waiting on a pulse rework but I guess that's not happening because lately he's been in so many contorted positions he's like the saddest ball gymnast / genius ever oh how am I still yeah she Ford from from pulse he's got some good shades on for that too I love that shot I love that shot of him just holding his hands above his neck like that it's so good I've never seen greater disappointment in a wallbang okay yeah okay I guess we go to the next round then Ross is in the same bucket because I feel like there's so much untapped potential with her I'd really like to see a rework but according to credible sources both Yui soft and meteo don't like my operator ideas very much what just stop that's gross that's not tactical at all what in gut what is that pose I'm just waiting for Ubisoft to just throw in like a gigantic curveball and like midseason reinforcements like imagine frost it's like a rocket launcher so good imagine somebody jumps through a window they get their runs in with a mounted element a Russian accent like speaking the devil we need that as an operator somebody's been king of the hill just pockets and that's exactly what it should be Red Wing fan on Australian just like throws a bunch of spiders it needs to be like a terrible name to like the arachnid box he just takes out a box the spiders they repelled they're immediately in the upside-down stance the change Sunday mailbox question how about we have an operator meteo that can slide through drone holes you can Animorph into some kind of liquid substance I call him Wiggly what do you think let me through the drone if anything I'm just glad that all of these changes gave me an excuse to play a variety of operators again because with me only playing one to two operators at a time for dedicated videos it feels amazing to finally play my favorites again like I hadn't touched fuse in over a year until yesterday I have seven health I don't think we're gonna be able to please it's like reflux what if they were on stairs oh [ __ ] they are on stairs oh please give me the MVD animation out of the dumbass your gun perfect let me let me hide that away I don't want that on my MEP screen got to make sure you don't get demonetized gotta use the toy gun yes I was gonna do monetize this video but then I saw the nerf gun have some cash all I gotta say is with this many changes coming to the game and the Italian operation right around the corner the next month or so is gonna be hilarious and that's about it I would like to thank you very much for watching one final thank you to blue apron for sponsoring this video so don't forget $50 discount on your first two weeks if you're one of the first hundred people to use the link below and be sure to tune in next time when I've eaten so many meatballs I can barely speak [Music] don't you
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 4,479,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege gameplay, rainbow six siege montage, rainbow six siege patch, rainbow six siege bulletproof camera, rainbow six siege bullet proof camera, rainbow six, rainbow 6 siege, siege, new operators, rainbow six gameplay, rainbow six operation chimera, rainbow six siege update, update, patch, rainbow six siege lion, buff, nerf, operation chimera, strategy, dlc, multiplayer, leaked, r6, finka, chimera, rainbow six tts, pc, russian badger, rainbow six: siege, clutch
Id: YOpa0kKaIeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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