Why I Buy CHEAP Storage Lockers!

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I did not see that coming and that is rare I just showed up to this auction literally 10 minutes into the auction they already bid off the first unit the second unit was filled with dirty mattresses five bucks the third unit is right here and I just bought it for five freaking dollars no way how can this be real let's check it out this is just right off the cuff I've only been here for less than 10 minutes [Applause] all right good morning everybody so starting the day off here at the post office and then we're gonna go to an actually a live storage auction an in-person storage job pretty rare these days uh this guy Chris he runs them and they do it like probably every three months they'll do three auctions here in New Jersey and today they're doing all three back to back but I'm going to the first one which is up north a little bit and it's one that I've never been to before and very successful uh packaging operation yesterday we packed probably 90 of the what not auction stuff that sold so there's only a few left that we got to do and I should be able to get those done by the end of today when I get back but yeah another beautiful day and let's see what Treasures we can find already a success the post office opens at nine we just brought 30 packages in there and it's only 902. unintended issues when you live this life day to day I went to the ATM this morning ready to get the cash out at my bank and the ATM was out of service so I had to go to Wawa and I can only get four hundred dollars out so not only did I waste time and now I'm gonna be like five minutes late but I also was not able to get out what I really needed to get out because most of the good auctions are going to go way above 400 so that's where I'm in this situation let's see if we can even buy a unit for 400 we're gonna try all right this sucks I'm definitely late and I don't even see this is the guy's car right here but I don't even see the people the uh dude how are you dude we watch you all the time that's so cool man free hug you're no way what's up what's your name how's it going Chris man that's great how are you dude basically missed it almost well you didn't miss the last one we only had a mirror in it and then this one I mean the third one all right 50 bucks 40 30. 20. 10. five bucks five bucks nobody all right here yes I use a little workshop in here yeah or storage for his business maybe the mobile can is kind of cool for the boys would not be really worth that much so this is the last one here all right on this one you need 200. 200 amp hundred and a half give me 100 bucks 75. 50. 25. 10 bucks five bucks now ten five now ten five so five bucks for all three for what just this this was five bucks that's not bad that's awesome Gra eff all right I did not I did not see that coming and that is rare I just showed up to this auction literally 10 minutes into the auction they already bid off the first unit the second unit was filled with dirty mattresses the third unit is right here and I just bought it for five freaking dollars no way how can this be real let's check it out this is just right off the cuff I've only been here for less than 10 minutes yeah wow five bucks how do you get that deal unreal actually so just right off the bat what I saw well this bike frame I mean that might not be worth a lot this bag of t-shirts though was looking real vintage probably is not but could totally be vintage gold in there this guy right here I know is worth five bucks that's like some 1960s corn it looks like we got a Dremel and then well really this stuff back here could be a a dream screen but also just that mobile trash can I was real interested in that too that's I mean every different item in here is worth five bucks look at those lights wow I don't know about these These are probably trash they look like they came out of a Chevy truck yeah sure unreal tools and stuff that we scored the only thing that's a burden is the couch it's gonna be a long day now I thought I didn't know if I was going to actually buy one but here we are we got it Roberto the man what's up you got something to say to the viewers yeah yeah it's so fun what's up he watched some of our videos nice to meet somebody out here you got to get the rest of the trash from the other units yeah you pay me uh he give me Gustavo a lot of work right clean up something yeah 10 by 30 units and people don't buy it right so you got to throw it out well it is look at something else sending eBay yeah it's hard thank you dude so he said that any of the units that don't sell he's in charge basically he's responsible to uh clean it out so first thing I'll take out of here wow this is light holy crap this is so light this might be worth something not really sure about that kind of a bike run but clothes could be vintage a rake I mean can't really beat that I'm gonna clear off all this bring this out and try and get the couch out so we can see what that looks like and I my phone is not working correctly so I'm gonna have to take I do have another camera I can take pictures with to put this on Facebook because somebody will buy this couch is maybe just 50 bucks for a base we'll see the condition let's say more clothes I feel like the clothes could be really good because this guy had maybe some old racing maybe some old Harley shirts you never know we got Mickey and Minnie both okay see there's like weird stuff down here I'm hoping in the filing cabinet set there's like old Harley parts that's really what I was wishing for [Music] this is the love seat so to be honest these are kind of brutal they're not really that nice staying there you know staying under here I mean for the price that I'm gonna sell them for they're gonna be a steal these are not the selling point but I did see this so this was jammed in between the cushion wow okay okay that's not bad at all little Vivitar lens Flash the paperwork and everything some film and a Nikon em camera 35 millimeter point and shoot soda photography camera obviously not for video with the bag and everything this is going right up on the whatnot auction so if anybody's interested in items from this storage unit we're going to run an auction based off of these items that's the wave right there that's going in the truck this guy maybe he was into these old cars right some of these might be worth something right because it's from a it's got to be a real old car and maybe it's hard to find you know and there there's a lot of two like car parts you're selling tools everything I can sell it yeah you know selling for somebody out I like food I'll sell to you if you want to buy it but I don't know if there's anything that's even good well the tools for me the best that that's for the bicycle what is it this is for like a Jeep or a truck yeah maybe it's the same truck that this came from yeah this one is an air compressor hopefully that works and the mobile trash can is cool oh yes that's that's just a vintage piece that's the old people you know that they love it yeah and this one right here I can sell this or I can keep it yeah the workstation is so nice you want to give me price for the loose tooth yeah if you want to put me maybe if you put it on one thing and I can give you like there you go it won't be that much either because I paid only five so I need to minimize this all right um the stuff I'm gonna make a little thing if you want to put it all together and then you tell me what you think is fair and we can work it out for selling every time yeah all right what do we got up here Sunbeam this one is a saw maybe right there's something similar like that very old that's a song that's all right heavy that one's not great you'd like to sell stuff like that well another one this one's better who [Music] well that's for sure that's why he had all these for the sockets but they're all empty that sucks I was hoping for uh broken glass to keep with that why would anyone want this this is definitely trash I guess for art that's crazy look at this license plate that's pretty old one's broken but like it's it's very Rusty this one is like Hammers and stuff some tools here it's this one I think maybe some is is for Harley's and I still did it absolutely yeah this one's a motorcycle so that one's maybe maybe it's in there okay stock rear shocks for a 2 000 fat boy a lot of a lot of motorcycle man he's taking money for that if they look for it yeah I mean it's 23 years old by now so maybe it's hard to find out this one nice I keep this probably yeah that's not bad so it's fragile do not lean on this box looks like it has plates in there [Music] actually that looks maybe like some vintage cookware in there oh wow no it's just like the little for a painting I guess there's just a lot of used ones [Music] that's it not much just one thing in here maybe that okay some tools here this one is is interesting drill for the lot what do you think to be fair it's something it's coming maybe say yes I think it has to be 50. okay because that's good price that's that's more than fair I do yes taking my number yeah I like it better yep you have a better tools I'll pay you good enough yep I think that I think that 50 is really fair that right yeah because I think you can make it money too that's right okay that would be cool okay so already making money I gave the guy a crazy crazy good deal on a lot of tools because reality I'm not going to do anything with them and I mean this is he sells at the flea market but most of this stuff is not is not going to be a big ticket item there's a few things in here that are worth a little but Play-Doh this is a cool set right here I can keep that that does not sound like oh it's empty [Music] some files see like these tools to me not worth much Miller Lite same Patty's Day gloves these pencils are legit this is thick wow that's legit that's a straight keeper we got a phone Galaxy j7 could be better than the phone I have now maybe the guy he built race cars too that could be true or he had one all right we got some pill bottles what do we got prizes in never heard of it Chantix also never heard of it antimoxetine also never heard of it all right I didn't look in the jewels ironberger's Local Union that's not bad 2009 Chargers this person did not expect to lose this unit I don't think it doesn't look like it anyway do you want to put the couch on top right I think that's the best idea [Music] you got it yeah all right that's not heavy no it's not bad got it yeah this big light bar on this is a pretty good piece so we got I don't know why I didn't did I not record that we just put the other couch on top put this light bar in and now we're trying to minimize so I'm going to take the mobile thing maybe he can want the wood all this is basically trash this is a good one trash trash trash and then we'll put this on the back and that's it all right so this has been a crazy he can have this stuff this my boy Roberto I just met him here today he watched our YouTube channel I sold him a whole bunch of tools for a really good price and it worked out so good for me he just helped me load the whole truck and he took all my trash as well as I gave him a bunch of stuff to sell too because he got his way to the flea market uh based off of the videos thank you so much all right here we go emptied the whole thing everything that I got is on the back of the truck shout out to my boy over here Roberta right yes thank you see you soon hopefully right yeah we go down to the beach yeah all right legendary dude that guy just hooked it up he knew what he got a good deal and he hooked me up and then I gave him a whole bunch of other stuff and I took his contact down and he said in case I have a lot of tools at once he'll come and buy them but that was cool that was big shout out to Roberto now I'm stuck in here with all this though I got a filing cabinet right in the back seat always crazy out here found out that the air Index right here today well where I was earlier and in New York City because of the wildfires in Canada was like a 160 or something when it's normally supposed to be around 30 I guess so terrible Quality Air so I sold a lot of the tools from the unit but I kept this Dremel because I don't have one that was five dollars value all day right there way more than five but I'm just saying this gun stapler because it's Ryobi and I have a bunch of Ryobi tools as you can see but now I don't see a battery and then I also kept the other nail gun I sold him a lot of tools a lot of tools here was the other nail gun so this was a good one to keep it's a staple gun but all right let's see some of the stuff that we didn't see up close so we got this all the gauges from a specific car of probably a very old car so this could be worth something these three and then we didn't unload this yet check this out Hoffman's old school oil can pretty cool glass oil can and we got some lights these are plastic though I really I thought those were gonna be uh metal this little side mirror though that could be worth something maybe I can do a little auction with these some of these because these are cool Pro Comp too no idea what that is bottomless anti-fouling paint that one for the stick that in there another mirror in here so that's a little set not not even a set two different ones that's the only thing I was thinking if any of this items in here are worth putting on the auction let me know and then we can do let's see this also the stuff that was in here because I wouldn't yeah what's up oh yeah what's up I mean I put it over at Bobby's whatever he bought oh you did yeah you probably got rid of it uh what are you doing that stuff in your truck dad bench selling it how much do you want to buy it yeah make an offer this is to be to be decided okay let me know what's that out of that thing right there no idea a race car maybe yeah yeah let me know before you sell them what do you want for this stuff what do you want to pay for it yeah for what I built bikes all right for real yeah I bought a bunch off yeah you always left that's what this was for what the guy who had this was making bikes on here like fixing them fixing them see this well what I mean I didn't look up what it was really really sold for originally yeah you just got it yeah um I'm going to an American Pizza it depends if you actually want it or not yeah do you for real yeah yeah I'm going to the legion to meet somebody 50 bucks 50 bucks 50 bucks I'll take it I mean that's a good deal I think no if I could I would but I I'm not going to be able to I'm going to the legion that's fine and then uh come get it tonight oh it's okay that's fine with me I'm gonna come I'll get that out of there that's okay all right I mean that's a good deal I was in the hospital I just got it that's a good deal right yeah 50 bucks is good homeboy just showed up like that he bought a whole bunch of stuff at the yard sale he wants to buy the bench and I gave him a crazy good price on it if he really wants it and then maybe the bikes and stuff so we'll see I'm not going to try to overcharge them because really the bench the workbench was not that much brand new it's not a really good one or anything I think it might be from Harbor Freight to be honest but for 50 bucks I mean that's literally a great deal probably the best thing in here that was the compressor I think that could be a few hundred Maybe I don't know yet I gotta do a little more research which I thought was pretty cool it's like an old set it's made by the Ford Motor Company I guess it would have been for the inside of them car for the inside of a deluxe 1939 wow it's pretty rad pretty cool the next time we do a what not auction will be on the 19th of June Monday and we're gonna do it in sections so we're gonna do like the first hour storage unit finds the second hour maybe mine stuff that was mine in Sammy's or like say the first hour storage unit car parts so everything I'm about to put in here well the Nikon so the first hour would be these items the hot rod let's see let's open this up all right it does look like it's all there I mean I couldn't say that for a hundred percent but that looks kind of like there's more than one truck in here yeah there's one complete piece there which is not the truck and then the truck is all taken apart and cut apart I guess they were trying to do like a hot rod or something so I would just sell this as whatever starting bid one dollar this is really cool actually with the parts and whatever you get so yeah definitely follow our whatnot account very easy to sign on to all you got to do is follow the link in the description and you can sign up if you're already signed up please follow our account bookmark that auction because it's coming up and we're gonna have items from this we'll we'll do a final announcement right before the auction but that's how it's gonna run like one hour of one thing one hour of another thing and then maybe the third hour we'll do Bobby Maurer again cause he's got more stuff to sell but let's see so the International tow truck bank bam these four four one two well I guess there was only three of those but those four this speedometer no idea what it's from a little headlight lamp these are all from older cars I'm assuming a little lamp there this is the three prong set that this and this and then well this could be all from the same car because this is the deluxe 1939 tool kit and user manual owner manual side mirror from a what does it say famola looks like it says Ford and then this one it says r437 so definitely from an older car and these are the rest of the lights so that'll be part of it too and then that looks new maybe these if someone wants them that's for sure and these maybe I don't know what these are like oil pans that was probably the dumbest thing to call them I don't know what they are though [Music] all right I might put this in a different bag actually because this is clean pretty clean all right let's look in here because when I popped this open before it looked like there could be some gold it's not nothing special oh yeah some pie racks that's pretty nice foreign it's a little bit damaged but it's old pretty old that's a Pyrex so we got some bunch of cat bowls basically this is a set that goes with the other set some sliced up apples thank you [Music] this is Pyrex so this piece and the other two people the other these two pieces are definitely worth for the auction and maybe some other stuff foreign check this out these people must have moved in recently or they're moving out one or the other let me see what do we got cement we got a waffle maker New York skyline picture TV probably is is good this was a cool dresser back in the day now it's pretty much ruined my grab this though because it's nice to have a little one like this and I definitely have a cord for this too I'll snatch this picture too I think that'll sell for like literally three dollars at a yard sale brand new in the box can't be mad about that we got on a retro umbrella do a Mary poppin skit with that okay a big gun going through the car parts from the storage unit so these are carburetor kit for vintage VW bug beetle maybe something else not really sure I posted these on Facebook Marketplace today for a hundred bucks and already I have a buyer who's gonna pay the hundred plus shipping so these are going to Maryland these parts are real good actually so this is the first of a bunch of stuff I could sell like this so for five dollars this storage unit's really turning out to be good all right too quick shout out to Michelle B she just ordered this Crow cream sweatshirt she said she loves our videos mom of four and she's having some problems with their leg some serious problems with her leg she wrote a little note on there so everyone wished Michelle uh the best with all her issues and Michelle B out in Minnesota shout out and then also we sold the first of our new Blue Hats and the person who bought that was Lisa pittsenbarger so thank you shout out for the dream is it recording yeah you want to see the fudge yeah yeah all right now it's time finally to see why our gutters aren't working properly we do have this gutter guard but that did not stop the Menace I'm collecting it's a piece of like the I guess when they did the roof or when they did the gutters it fell in there yeah that's so crazy and there's so much of it never even believe it was real nope it didn't even go out a lot not yet oh there it is ew five dollar unit is turning out to be really really good maybe the most bang for my buck I've ever spent on a storage unit at that auction at least so we got this is like a pan four pan from a VW Bug maybe vintage VW this thing which is probably only worth about that's like 50 50. haven't sold them yet though so we'll see but I did just sell this and I posted it yesterday only I still have other parts like this might be from a vw2 I don't know for sure but I have these manifolds also that bike almost sold yesterday I have these engine block pieces and this one is a small but this one is a big manifold block I just sold it for a hundred bucks I mean it's worth probably more than that online you can't buy this for that anywhere near that so this person just got a killer deal they already paid for it on venmo so I'm just gonna put it out here and wait for them to come get it but if I keep going at this rate I could make about a thousand dollars on this storage unit because a lot of the pieces are like hundred dollar pieces hundred dollar hundred dollar hundred dollar it adds up it does add up very quickly so I'm really stoked the only thing that I was bummed about is this isn't uh like sealed so when you turn it on the air just comes out I still think for the parts for somebody who might want to fix it 100 piece all day I just put that I just wanted to keep the update going so you guys know that you can make money off this stuff all right I know I'm gonna repeat myself a little bit on this but I want to make it so Crystal Clear we are having our next big what not auction it'll probably run for three hours this Monday coming up the 19th 6 p.m Eastern Time right here in the garage where we have it so this is how we're gonna run it we're gonna run storage auction fines which are everything up here and the video games in the first hour so that includes this Ford kit some car parts some stuff Pokemon cards not that many but a few the stuff that's in here this is a whole kit the hot rod uh some Tonka trucks maybe some Comics Pyrex and then from there we're gonna run into the clothes and we're gonna be selling an assortment of our own clothes which this vintage piece right here from 1996 single stitch super sweet and that's going to come actually with the VHS tape so I've never seen that chart before anywhere else couldn't even find it online in black but then after that we're gonna run into video game storage finds Pokemon cards all that in probably the first hour then we're gonna run into some of our own clothes like I just said so that would be mine and Sammy stuff maybe you know this this sami's this is a vintage shirt Rip Curl shirt over 20 years old that's a surf collectible right there we got the jersey and then from there we are going to run into the Bobby Maurer hour the Bobby Maurer hour auction and he's gonna be selling some of his clothes and some albums he brought over some of his clothes like this true val super duper vintage shirt right here this is probably I don't know from the 40s Maybe and then we got this one pretty vintage some of this stuff's not that old the owl shirt that he showed um and then he has other car parts like the Buick part that was Bobby's and then the hubcaps that are sitting in the shed he wants to sell those too so this is going to be an insane auction it's going to be a lot of fun and we really want you guys to come and stop by at the very least just to say hi hang out with us for a minute and bid on some stuff if you want to also this is a Bobby claim right here this is a club lock for a convertible car and from there well first before we end the video let's read Bobby's closet we have the footage of it we already did it so cut to that right now rating Bobby's closet for the Bobby Mauer hour let's go all right here we go Bobby Mauer oh what a day perfect day we'll put in an order for 10 000 days like this if we could just like this this is actually the perfect day this is a perfect day the Bobby Mauer hour so what did you find so we're going to look at it at a jacket that uh we can cut through we're gonna look at a jacket that I got off a bus in Atlantic City he was in a Little Hippie Shop and then hanging in the window I saw it and I got off the bus to get it so through the bus window I saw I got to have that jacket and I got off the bus and we'll take a look at this jacket all right let's take a look at this Jack it was made in California in the 19 late 50s I was gonna say all right we got there we go yeah we're going into the where are we going in the back room where there's a lot of shirts and jackets but this so this is going to be this was my jacket of the 60s I loved it I still do just turn some light on and take a look at this made in California jacket wow that's old yeah that's gotta be Mercury pre-60s right California yeah late 50s I would say in very nice condition you got all the clothes that's cool isn't it that's real good it's a small here's here's a really neat shirt with little cars let me go in and turn this one okay this is a really cool shirt from the 60s with the double pockets that's an old school one that's old school so you were holding out on us last time yeah I forgot about this room I forgot about this room is this your spot where are you chilling here and or you sometimes do is this just for hoarding all your albums this is for albums here's one of my favorite all-time shirts look at this one oh this one's really cool that is real nice early 60s you kept all the good stuff yeah yeah washable it's washable but I would wash it very carefully in one of those gentle bags yeah I'm delicate so here's a jacket this jacket is from a very famous store that sat it along out of business called Robert Hall where was that Robert Hall was a national company uh that made jackets it's from the early late 50s early 60s and that's another one of my favorites that ain't bad at all no this is a weird this is a weird one here's a there's an advantage from Atlantic City Schultz 17 18 Atlantic Avenue this is a mixture of continents cotton itself wow this is from late 50s early 60s it's in perfect condition that's actually real nice really isn't perfect that's like a perfect shape I don't think anybody ever wore it I never even wore this t-shirt I just got it you were looking for the t-shirts right yeah I'm not about these are gold though these are really good these are ones you never see anywhere no you wouldn't stand you would uh let me let me get the oh there's a picture of me and my brother where oh this one he's a little one oh were you the little one yeah oh oh that's you and the bro yeah my brother the fire eater right here strong minstrels Bob and Ray right here right and provide music for the Kennedy Plaza Festival here's the shirt you want what do you got these are oh my God buy this off them these are difficult times look at these look at these three great t-shirts good news boy oh I need the newsboy s here's one look at that bam bam that's the one gorgeous gal that's it right there the Chantilly Chantilly Lounge this is legit this one single stitch like what is that with the tag wow that one's so cool do you ever wear it I have one maybe twice Canada Canada makes good shirts this is fire is that a great shirt that's great and then my favorite that I don't know if I want a part where wow straight fire oh it feels vintage it is it's too vintage too vintage single stitch SDI oh vintage worn oh it's cool this is cool the 25 gals is the best one yeah that's my favorite one that's the best one yeah this is cool too yeah that that's not old it's not too old now not as old like the other ones it feels old but this is a this is in like new conditions made in California cool that does look like what's the material there's owls all on it is that what you just said yeah it says washable but I think you got to be careful washing it and this is this is from the 1940s this is really old you were even smaller than you are now yeah Palm Springs California styled by Ln guaranteed washable this feels really nice then they have the ones that you can't boil but I didn't show you those on your skin shirt you won't sell that one this is the crunch I would have to get a couple hundred for it oh because it's a old Sea Island what's the material though gabardine it's a crunchy shirt these are the opal buttons are really nice the craftsmanship isn't that something yeah look how it's made the fishies the surfer guys I love the I I'm afraid to even worm that I would spill something on them what's the one I'm looking for though yeah a lot of shirts oh the one that from 1939 that my buddy's father got a lot of shoes I got a lot of shoes is this where you step through the window through the floor yeah is that what that is a saxophone it looks like yeah it looks like records my buddy said it looks like records that's from the 1940s Manhattan they're old wow hand washable which where did you get where'd you get my city I just kind of got them at thrift stores like 40 years ago wow you gotta put these either one of a kind yeah these are the shirts that like people do look for too like especially for the summer time they're really really like it's got the double flat pockets and they're they're soft and they're cool they're like look at the size it's the three dash 16 to 16 and a half just the way they size them because it was so specific yeah so it might have been custom made that's why it's a possibility also people are a lot skinnier back then yeah they were talking about that they weren't you know I mean he's got a vintage Abercrombie and fetch just sitting right here wow that's fire with the sushi and the palm tree on oh wait you see the back of it no way wow the Trinidad baby the baby boy no he didn't he did it he has this just in his closet that's so funny the thing is I didn't realize you had such good taste for Quality vintage oh yeah I really didn't have any idea that was the Vintage guy I guess I still am I mean you kind of are look at you you shine that because there's one I'm looking for was that your dog yeah oh yeah oh man what was his name was it her that was Bruno this is a little ripped it's a little risk kind of risque not really people love ripped shirts that one a little risque not nowaday though True Value somebody who wants we'll sell these we'll sell it we'll we'll just buy it we gotta have people shout out what they want to see on that play one more time though oh okay the light there's one I'm looking for oh this was one of my favorites wow the Buddha the Buddha one so this one this is old too not a single one of your shirts is new you don't know what it is it's far east it's the Far East look it tells you what it is the Far East look movement this is really cool I would I wore it this one I wore a lot over the years but there's one I'm looking for uh we got to get it on film all right let's see let's see where it is what have we got where is it maybe someone raidied your closet it's a weird way wow wow that's another one coconut button Surfer shirt from the 50s did I wore this one this was my favorite they didn't wear all of the shirts no Surf Rider sportswear Honolulu Hawaii that was my favorite that's legit that's lit that's something isn't it Diamond Head that's the that's the money right there here's one from JC Penney's where the tag fell off of it look at the material material is interesting isn't it interesting I used to wear these in the 70s that's when I got them not anymore I haven't worn them lately up think about that's 50 years ago plus let me find and you got them at the thrift store so they were already 20 years old yeah they were already with 20 years old think about that that's like I was going thrifting now and finding stuff from you know 2000 and being like yeah this is cool but do not boil do not boil that's how old that is that's how old it is when they used to boil shirts it has like flying fish on it people still this is from the this is from the this show the 70s I love the cut of the the pockets though the pockets are so nice almost on an angle is this silk is that 70 years old yeah this is set this shirt is 70 70. so these aren't even vintage these are turning into antiques is this the one it worked to the World's Fair wow look at that one it says do not boil this one do not boil too yeah so they're from the 19 late 30s early 40s so then like yeah it says do not boil 30s or 40s like how do people wash their shirts usually I guess because they must have people some people were boiling like to clean white I guess what was the alternative everybody didn't have a washing machine oh they had washing machines in the 30s no no most people probably didn't so they boiled their clothes to kill all the germs but you don't want to boil these babies no I'd be boiling eggs they use that the washing uh the washboard but they were the board also probably just hand wash it in water yeah but this is an old that is that's that's legit that's mint what do you mean Disney it's Disney this is money bro I love this one this is one of my favorites that's that's money right there yeah let's see I didn't know it's not super old but that doesn't matter oh I didn't know this it's not as old as the others it might be more valuable than the other one I get a lot of compliments whenever I wear I can I can fit into it so we'll see what happens with these things I think I've shown you all my there's still a few there's there's still more but that's a good taste of it that was that we don't want to give it away we don't want to give away everything you don't want to give away too much or those are fire I bought these in 1970 they were new no no no no no they last forever that's forever yeah Cowboy all right thank you for letting us in here yeah it's just a little little inside look that's the look you could never get but he wants to show one more shirt what is it it is can we read the label yeah it says Harbor Harbor Beach Harbor Beach Leisure wear Leisure wear and that's I love the colors absolutely legit that's so old the way the pockets look it looks like 50s or even before it would be it would oh it's got two marks on the back that doesn't matter though for the age yeah that's too good wait did you used to go to Hawaii or you just I just found these shirts when I when I saw them I grabbed them up you knew I knew it I knew how he knew that if you know you know the Bobby Maurer hour auction [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 55,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why, buy, cheap, storage, lockers, storage unit, bought, $5, storage wars, tuck and sammie, tucker upper, sammie j., new jersey, south jersey, vintage, paid, auction, storage auction, deal, funny, closet, vintage clothes, raid, whatnot, sell, facebook marketplace, car parts, old, bikes, giant, bicycle, parts, treasure, treasure hunting, brick, nj
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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