Building The New Goonzquad Garage!!!

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we got a view of the mountain over there such a beautiful view we need a shop about this high what is up guys welcome back to this channel so today's video is gonna be a little bit of a different type of video but we did purchase our very first piece of commercial property this is going to be a complete game changer for the goon squad channel and we would have never done this without you guys or we would have never thought that we'd be able to do this so this is super crazy we are super excited it is a vacant lot so it is pretty grown in but we do have our skid steer or lawn mower we got everything that we need hopefully fingers crossed uh maybe it's not too much weeds everywhere because we might have to have a Bush whacker out there but we're gonna try to clear it up well what we got so let's go ahead head to a property and show you guys exactly what we're talking about alright guys so we are here at our property it's a pretty big property it's about probably an acre but it is grown in fully there's weeds everywhere little bushes and stuff and we do have like three big semi-truck trailers there livin classic antique ones that are made straight out of steel I don't even know what's in them so that's gonna be neat looking inside them suckers too so we got a lot of work on our hands let's go ahead unload the skid steer in the lawnmower and just start scraping this stuff off hopefully can clean it the whole entire thing out because we do have a tons of large Bush and grass like who knows the lawnmower can go through that stuff so we don't have like a bush hogging attachment for the front of that Kubota which I wish we did so we're gonna try to just work with what we got so let's go ahead unload everything get to work [Music] alright guys so the plan is we're probably gonna work on this side of the property first he's gonna be on the skid steer trying to get all this brush onto one pile while I'm gonna be trying to mow this half because on that half the grass is like three foot four foot tall so it's way too tall for me you're probably gonna have to run it over with it with the skid steer first so let's go ahead and get started hopefully we can clear this side up real quick and then we're gonna move on to the other side [Music] alright guys quick update we were mowing we got everything pretty much mowed but there's still a bunch of like trash as you can see over there like a bunch of piles of tires back there as well as logs and just basically just scraping the whole ground just to get all these big weeds up for the John Deere did its job though nothing runs like a deer because I was just in like some four or five foot deep grass and just going through it and finally we cut it down along with that Kubota did a really good job so we're just trying to move everything from that side onto this big pile and then once we get a big pile probably gonna get a dumpster out here and dump everything in there so everything is moving along pretty smoothly we tried moving one of them trailers with the skid steer but it's just way too heavy there's like a bunch of I believe that one right there is steel but those over there are aluminum so that's why they're not as rusted as this one yeah they're actually surviving they're actually in really good condition we're probably gonna still keep them because uh you know might use them for storage who knows you know check them out right please check them out there's more tired getting rid of all these tires but I guess we're gonna just have to crush this thing on the property yeah probably I pull all these tires out probably rip these walls off with like a skitzer get an escalator out here and just take all this trash out and scrap the rest cuz this and is this from the aluminum it looks aluminum color yeah yeah for sure dude that's like a man aluminum lasts longer dick aluminum dude you could scrap that for some good money I heard yeah we need storage for parts hopefully there the roof is good and stuff like that and I just want to know how we would be able to move these things because this skid steer definitely won't do the job because these things are just heavy you know you may have to get some some bigger equipment out here and try to get these suckers moved over you know what I mean yeah cuz it is blocking a bunch of property right here yeah for sure there's three of them three big old trailers back there hopefully we can get some stuff done and get most of this stuff moved out here [Music] [Applause] all righty guys check it out man we got a lot of work done here forget the whole entire property pretty much scraped up all the weeds and all the tires are right there in the center hopefully we can get a couple dumpsters out here and just get this stuff hauled out of here but for the most part everything looks good man it's been uh it's been pretty tough what do you say it's been a tough tough day but whoo but we did a lot dude I can't believe I didn't even know coming here that we would get this much done I was like we may need a Bush Hager but we're just gonna send it with the John Deere nothing runs like a deer done man that thing just that thing just never died in that Kubota helped a lot picking up all this trash there was a lot of old tires rocks everything but we managed to get it and now next step is probably to try to get one of them one of them trailers were actually gonna demolish and the other two look really good we may use them for storage or something like that later on so we're not gonna get rid of those there's a ton of stuff inside of them as well so maybe hopefully we can get a dumpster like back up right let's go let's go show them what's inside them trailers because it's pretty neat it had to get rid of a snake earlier there was a snake here the snake earlier but surprisingly there's not too many like rodents and stuff here there's just a few a few little you know bugs in there yeah we've seen some wild cats out here so we may have a new shop cat over here real quiet look at this stuff guys just a bunch of tile this stuff is actually still in good shape we may use this for our shop whenever we build that you know this can go in the bathroom or something like that yeah I'd be pretty freaking cool and we have tons of it we even have like the nice stuff the corners of the tiles and everything what's in this one so we're good on tile dude we're good on I don't know if it's any good but we're gonna put that stuff to you there's some good tile in there but that's gonna be pretty much it for today I'll probably catch you some other time I don't know what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back out here maybe do something else so we'll see you some other time all right so it's actually a couple days later and we're gonna go back to the property right now we got dumpsters on the way there so we can take care of that big old pile of trash rubbish and all those tires as well and we're also gonna rent an excavator so let's go ahead hook up a trailer to the dirty max right here oh man I can't wait to pull let's see how it pulls compared to the Ford man let's go ahead hook up our trailer and head that way I gotta say though Ford's a little bit better on the reverse camera even with that little screen on the Ford it's way better cuz you can actually press a zoom in button on the four no zoom in and it will have a little dotted line so you can line up that hitch a lot easier so there goes one thing that the Ford is better at but this does have a bigger screen so it makes up for it so let's go ahead and am I ready to go you're ready to go [Music] so what'd you say how's it pulling that trailer pulling it's pulling the trailer great right now honestly but I'm ready to put some weight on to actually put it to the test for real you know what I mean yeah all right now I mean got some good bit of torque you know having really noticed the difference between the board and this the same almost feels the same about torque it's just a lot more smoother you know what I mean yeah let's go pick up that skit hurt keep saying skids hear that excavator I've never ran one of those have you ever ran ask about yourself both learning at this process that better be that big one right there pick up a broom stick with that yeah let's go in here to take care of our paperwork and then load it up there you go sir you got you the key to paperwork and they got some awesome equipment out here I wonder if that is yeah see if I can run this dude this is it right and sector is I can dig your garden hunt that this is it right here advancing nicely we all do the job I think it will all right this crazy no we're just gonna figure this all out right now [Music] you got to drop this down for it to operate I knew that automatically this yeah like this you go and won't do nothing if you that's the drive you got some some attachments there you go there you go let me take that good drive it on over you can become a professional look and go so yeah well this uh this Duramax handle this thing it's not too heavy this thing a new head yeah I think it's lighter than the skid-steer Robley like a professional up there any scared are you boy teetering a little bit more I think we should get it right on those accents go back up a little bit you want to put that bucket flat I think yes sir now go put it flat that'd be freaking day you said you know I can use this on my feet you know they want to use the feet right now because I want to get used to it but let's go ahead chain her up and we'll get used to it at the property [Music] now that home right there you're gonna I can't even Philly I can't feel it at all dude we got smooth it is can you feel anything new maybe I think [Music] all right so we've got this thing set up by the dumpster so what are we gonna do with this pile right here well we're gonna start with this pot and we're gonna try to separate all the tires because you're not allowed to throw them in this dumpster so we're gonna put them on a separate pile you throw all this brush in here I'm pretty new this is my first time ever run in one of these so this is gonna be a little bit it's a little tricky yeah definitely tricky so we're gonna start off with this little pile pick up all the tires throw them aside and then we're gonna move on to that huge pile over there yes sir let's do it I'm gonna give it a shot and do my best [Music] yeah I think it'd be good to go get the skid-steer for this stuff I could easily scoop this up with uh skips here would you say about ripping that trying to rip that trailer apart right now that metal one yeah we know the way let's rip that wall down take everything out there yeah let's see what this thing can do all right so a little bit of progress on this trailer and we had to halt for a second because I think we just hit a wasp nest in week yeah we hit a wasp nest they're like biting the bucket and stuff so I guess we might as well wait it out and go pick up that skid steer while we're at it trashes on yeah and I'm looking I think I'll be able to just scoop a lot of that stuff up and throw it in the trash that thing is tough really it wouldn't even budge with this how to just keep flexing it back and forth alright so here we go we're going to pick up the skid steer and this our first time on the highway let's see how this how this thing drives on some high speed I think it'll do just fine it's been doing great we've probably looked like 60 miles an hour alrighty boys we are here it did great we hit about 80 miles an hour smooth like a bullet now let's go ahead and get that skits there on here and take it back to the property let's do it man we're over here my brother is actually building this house which is pretty neat looks good we're gonna take that skid steer film load it up we're gonna hit the highway with the skid steer it's falling really great so far merrily working awesome definitely a good tow truck right here bang tow Pigman tackling we need it but we're still gonna tune it so it should tow a lot better honestly definitely but we're gonna get back I'm going to be running the skid-steer you're gonna keep learning on that escalator man I think it's tough it is it's a toughie but we got it man we got it then all righty guys we are finally back at the property with the skid-steer and now we got both operators here where I have two operators at the same time and it's gonna go a lot quicker I'm gonna start scooping as much stuff as possible try to avoid all the tires I'll be I'll be the one getting the target along and I'm gonna be getting the tires out of the trailer as well yeah well probably listen you want to focus on this Paul first yeah let's focus yeah definitely let's focus on this huge pile there's a huge tree there we may leave and get a chainsaw out here later you know yeah because it may be too big unless we can fit it in there somehow yeah so let's go ahead get started and start running these two machines at one time yeah that's gonna make progress go a lot faster let's get it [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty tires digitized this one right here is the most expensive one due to be soaked up as a drag racer that's a drag radial right mandoo got tons of tires here these are gonna cost us about 2 bucks apiece to get rid of right yeah something like that about $2 apiece they're starting to drizzle on us a little bit I don't know we may just continue working hopefully it passes through but it should pass pull us down a little bit it is really hot we got a little towel now I don't know if we could fit anymore in that dumpster would eat they need to compact it a little bit yeah we can try to compact it or may have to call another dunk sorry oh because we still got a trailer probably another trailer full of crap that's gonna probably take another dumpster load so may have to call two dumpsters I really don't know how much these dumpsters dumpsters cost they go by weight or some yeah they're gonna weigh it they get to their place so I'm gonna go ahead and call it in see if they can take it right now I hope you bring another maybe bring another one that would be nice oh yeah let's get that call let's do it all right so we just called the dumpster guy and he actually said he's gonna be here tomorrow early in the morning to take that dumpster and also drop off a new one so we can probably finish up that pile right there and start loading this stuff up in here as you can tell man there's a bunch of more tires here a bunch of old rotten wood but we got some scrap here so hopefully we can make some money off of this thing I don't know probably just break even with all the work and the rental stuff that we got here and tomorrow hopefully we can also grab a chainsaw cut that log up and throw it in the dumpster as well I wish we can burn but I guess you can't do it in the city limits this is commercial property so I guess we're just gonna catch you guys tomorrow all right is the third day on the property we got a lot of it cleaned up we're actually got a guy that's gonna pick up the dumpster finally that fool dumpster bring us another one so we can empty that trailer off right there cuz there's just a bunch of trash of more tires in there that's probably gonna be the next thing that we're gonna do in the next videos actually destroy that trailer completely may have to bring a blowtorch out here to cut all that metal up but for now let's go ahead and wait for this guy to come get this dumpster and then that's gonna be it for today's video so while we're waiting for the dumps you got to get out here we're just pulling around crawling on top of stuff let them see what kind of views up down the cost camera tape yeah still family that's crazy kind of got scared but we got a view of the mountain over there such a beautiful view we need a shop about this high yeah this is gonna be sick we can do something up up on top I do check out the properties a little better glimpse of it right here yeah we still got the bugs up in the trees that are loud but this is crazy look at these old trailers look at that pop them they're really flimsy in the middle just an aluminum but just walking on the edge got a little flap right there and might as well close it right now so no rain water gets in there that's crazy I'm ready to get down kind of Sketch up here personal elevator right here all right that's it [Music] all right so we finally got our new dumpster in but be sure to stay tuned for the next video we're gonna fill that thing up and start getting at that trailer so make sure your notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything also guys be sure to follow us on Instagram where you can get an inside scoop there before YouTube be sure to leave your comments down below what you think we should do to this and if you have any ideas let us know we'd be glad to hear them also guys if you want to support your voice be sure to visit goon squad calm and coffee some merch but that means said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to stay tuned to we'll catch you next time peace [Music]
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 1,802,228
Rating: 4.9449453 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding wrecked cars, rebuilding salvaged cars, new goonzquad headquarters, new goonzquad shop, goonzquad gmc, goonzquad truck, goonzquad shop, goonzquad garage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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