Building the FASTEST 1/4 Mile Car for $5000 - JDM vs EURO Episode 1

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[Music] here at gears and gasoline we are huge fans of japanese cars they're reliable affordable and cheap to modify if you want to go fast on a budget there's really nowhere else to look [Music] and that's not just us saying that we also went to a master tech charles to tell us just how easy it is to work on jdm cars hey my name is charles the humble mechanic and i've been a technician for knocking on the door of 20 years so look european cars are incredibly reliable they're faster they're safer they're packed with technology they're so much better to drive i can't tell you how much i would rather be in a what joe what are you talking about this video is about japanese cars yeah i thought like japanese cars like they're okay but they're kind of lame oh yeah that's what we talked about i thought no how did you misinterpret that i mean i thought it was pretty clear that the whole video is about like how much we like japanese cars that's why we brought you in because you're an expert mechanic yeah but like japanese cars like they're okay but it's not i mean why are we in your garage mapping right now with parts of all of your european cars that are broken yeah yeah yeah but this is performance mod stuff this isn't like maintenance stuff let's say we we when got a car a japanese car and spanked your butt in the quarter mile with that the japanese cars are better i mean they're made of tin so it might be lighter or lighter more horsepower more oil i will probably break before even gets down the quarter mile cheaper to mod oh yeah yeah you guys are insane okay so let's lay out some ground rules for this race all right budget budget five grand five grand okay us usd no euros here and it's a drag race drag race uh quarter mile quarter mile i think a quarter mile first across the line yeah burst across the line yeah yeah yeah something i think we need to include got to be safe like okay we need to keep safety in mind safety is relative how safe are we talking the car needs to have seat belts at a minimum seat belt that's a lot of extra weight seat belts all right so what about the completeness of the car are we talking it's got to have the fenders got to have the lights how stripped are we let's try and bring actual cars yeah stock body okay well relatively like i mean not missing a bunch of stuff no like exo set conversion stuff yeah i think for the sake of simplicity we don't resell parts if you buy something a car with some cool stuff on it you get it yeah i think i think selling the parts gets muddy and uh i mean we're not gonna take five years to build this car three weeks we'll see you at the drag strip three weeks let's do it all right i'm excited to see what you get all right so we gotta find something that's gonna be faster than whatever euro card is that charles picks yeah so probably a honda we could case off the inside no it's already got a k series no bud let's see what do we got new too old um yeah this thing is perfect yeah this is pretty much exactly what we need to be charles i think man how much do you think he wants for it uh probably 70. okay what if we did like luke's 240. look what do you want for this thing are you kidding me clean coop with a ka yeah 10k i know what i got that's a little out of our budget it's got real jncs it's it's mostly one it's adult owned okay 9 500 obo we could roll up there in a freaking convertible crx that is pretty awesome it's a truck look at all that space in the back in the bed here four go up 55 000 miles no ignition also no real price i don't know if the truck runs or not got it from my tow truck driver um we probably need to pay extra for clean though how about this dude that's it that's perfect that's the one [Music] so we found a car last night uh well luke luke the cameraman here found the car last night uh and as a result we are driving three hours south down to concord north carolina this car seems perfect we're gonna go look at it uh the probability that's gonna be very sketchy is very high um so uh we will still have stuff to do to it probably almost definitely even though it's already built i would not test drive this car because it's not safe to drive but ben is risking his life for this you'll see why later i love the blah so we bought a car and uh he sounds so happy ben how did i let you convince me to buy another honda well this one is the fastest one this is definitely the fastest honda we've got it's faster than the insight that's for sure yeah it's faster than my ek this is a turbo b series which apparently is better to turbo the b series than the k series so we're already off on the right foot okay right on uh how much horsepower does it make the owner said it made 380 so probably like 250. how much horsepower it's actually making is difficult to determine because the power band breaks up before it actually hits redline um so that is something that we will need to look into yeah i think we can fix that i mean that might be the tune spark plugs distributor i know is a common thing on b series we'll figure that out but i mean the car's got traction bars because originally we wanted all something all-wheel drive just to make it easy off the line but this car's got traction bars so front-wheel drive shouldn't be that much of a detriment and it's already got our triple eights on it that's a lot of bonuses ben that's a lot of good things that you just mentioned and i agree but i also noticed that you failed to point out that this is one of the most clapped out pieces of garbage that we've ever driven in our whole lives yeah that's quite impressive thing to say actually we've driven a lot of crap cars yeah let's let's run down the list of uh horrible things that are going on with this car man uh welcome to hell this is a honda ef hatch that i guess was previously owned by oscar the grouch would you like a panera wrapper or maybe an empty box of newports this is the worst place i've ever been first we've got the steering wheel here which looks directly out of fast and furious uh instead of nitrous buttons it does have two horn buttons and uh the trade-off for that is that it doesn't have all the screws holding the steering wheel uh to the steering column uh moving down the steering column we have this uh key cylinder that works about 50 of the time got a shifter here that goes into gear about 50 of the time we've got just random fuses hanging uh down here it's uh just kind of like wiring hell uh just a mess of wires down here um these seats i guess are not oem uh which explains sort of why they're self-tapping screws holding all of them in sort of crucially the driver's seat is not actually held in at all it just kind of moves back and forth in tripods and down here things don't get much better because the battery is just chilling here uh in the back seat i guess you could call it the back seat it could be anywhere in the car because it's not secured uh with anything no bungee cords or zip ties and back here in the hatch we've got passenger riding along which is the fuel tank it is uh yeah it's not secured by anything actually it's just chilling there with like exposed wire going to it uh which is good there's a hole right in front of the fuel tank too quite a large hole so ventilation the driver's side seat belt is held together by like three strands um i don't know how this happens but it happened and uh hey charles uh things have been going really well on our end figured we'd give you a call and check in see how things are going it looks like you've got a cardboard box on top of your car back there so it must be going great yeah this it don't don't worry about the cardboard box it is not a lot of parts that this car actually needed uh also yeah here is here's the car that we are going to be thrashing the drag strip with and uh making it go super fast so i'm noticing you guys are sitting in your office which must mean you're done it's so easy with jdm cars i mean just to find something fast right out the gate so see what we really figured out is that youtube respects bought not built yeah you know people hate to see build series they hate to see yeah they just want you to buy a fast car and then when um but since you seem uh a little curious we're happy to show you the car we want us we want to see it what do you think looks like a giant piece of crap it is a giant piece of crap it's a yeah you have civic oh hood pants yeah i like that oh wait wait do you want to show that oh maybe not no yeah there's there's some stuff you want to remove the bondo for weight reduction or you're just going to leave it there because you're that confident yeah i mean honestly we probably won't have the money to uh to even rattle can it uh with what this car needs we can't lose too much weight but we can make up for it with power and now we can other things oh okay oh i'm so excited to see what you guys do he's doing nitrous i don't think these cars behave well on nitrous well i mean your car's heavier but again that's because uh it's safe our car is very light and it is a death trap that seat belts is all we need right okay well you guys have some safety to consider we have some work on a volkswagen to do uh it was nice talking to you guys fellas good luck and i will see you on race day the car is gonna be pretty fast knowing charles he's definitely got something up to sleep yeah i think he's probably got a mechanical advantage on us oh yeah we're two people but it's he's charles he's a master mechanic for volkswagen yeah so he knows what he's doing what do we know about that car it's broken we know that to get into europe for sure broken so that's gonna ease some of his budget yeah it's turbo because it's a gli he could put a big turbo on it those engines are pretty potent yeah like a ko4 turbo or something it can make mid 300s pretty easily with an intercooler i think and it's probably dsg assuming it's dsg will pretty much just drive itself right whatever time that car can do he can probably do it over and over and over and over again we're gonna hurt the performance of our car but also it's a mark five so it's kind of chunky yeah maybe 3 500 pounds something like that all that german stuff so what's our advantage definitely weight we're very light let's try and maximize that i think yeah we're gonna miss shift because it's a honda we're definitely shifting yeah so we need to take that into consideration so we need more power and less weight to make up for us missing gear so whenever you would lose something as a kid your mom would always ask you what did you clean up that's what we're going to do first we're going to clean up this car and that's going to give us more ability to diagnose what's going on with this car and what it needs in order to go and do a pass to the drag strip once it looks like less of a landfill on the inside so let's get down to it just some car buying advice if the floor is littered with self-tapping screws maybe do not buy that car literally self-tapping screws holding in the seats this is like the most dangerous thing on the car and we're talking about a car that has a battery in the back seat have you there's like still metal shavings from where they just put them in i have a sneaking suspicion that they won't let us go down a drag strip with a seat belt like this so we are going to have to replace it [Music] [Music] now we're going to take out the sound ending stuff which based on the fact that it is uh audibly crunchy uh is probably where most of the piss has saturated so this will be pretty pretty satisfying [Music] look at that that is beautiful thing i've ever seen okay so we have uh stripped out most of the interior um and you know at this point it looks like there's not much left to take out but there's actually a lot of sound that needs to take out so we had luke run to the store for us and he was kind enough to go and pick up some dry ice so now we will uh smash this up and this is going to help freeze all this sound deadening and it'll make it really easy to just chip off of the actual bare sheet metal and we should lose a good 20 pounds tops you know like 10 to 20 pounds i would think worth of this sound deadening [Music] so dry ice is apparently the solid form of a gas so it's not like really ice but it is uh like 76 degrees celsius under freezing it's very cold uh so it will burn you if you touch it or give you kind of like burn like symptoms you need to be somewhat careful with it which is why we're wearing gloves and eye protection uh but it is so cold that uh it just kind of causes all the sound editing to contract and then pull away from the sheet metal and then it's a lot easier to remove [Music] so obviously we're missing a stud on this hub here and you don't really want to go down the drag strip with just three lugs so we're going to replace that stud you might also notice the ball joint is extremely loose on the upper control arm so we're gonna go ahead and replace that as well probably replace the lower ball joint while we're in there and just make sure everything is uh tight and less of a death trap [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right how much power you think this thing's gonna make oh definitely not 380. oh you don't think so no way yeah i'm thinking maybe 320. i don't think it's going to make that much 320 oh it's like 250. 250. have some [Music] you
Channel: Gears and Gasoline
Views: 571,685
Rating: 4.9530964 out of 5
Keywords: civic, drag race, 1/4 mile, quarter mile, $5000, jdm vs euro, honda, b18, jetta, gli, vw, the humble mechanic, advance auto parts
Id: tfSlmxi6d90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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