Can We Build the Fastest 1/4 mile Car for $5000? ~ JDM vs Euro Episode 1

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it's no secret that as car enthusiasts we're pretty passionate about our cars whether you're into european cars like i am american cars japanese cars or any of the other countless cars on the road we take it pretty seriously and you know when your buddies get together silly things tend to happen so when gears and gasoline called me and said hey dude you down for some silly car things i'm like uh yeah i'm always down we want to challenge you to a drag race all right so we build a jdm car you build a euro car well son of a gun i'm in yeah okay so we have a five thousand dollar budget fastest car and the quarter mile winds dude our car is going to be so fast yeah like stupid fast so i'm like it's on fools all right let's recap this challenge we each have five thousand dollars to spend on the car and any modifications gears and gasoline is gonna find and build a japanese car we're gonna find and build a european car we run both cars in the quarter mile and the first one across the finish line wins the challenge we did establish a handful of rules one we have a five thousand dollar budget that we can't go over two the car has to be complete you can't take the fenders and hood and all that stuff off number three we gotta make sure that the car is safe keeping things like seat belts installed and number four no selling parts to buy more car parts because we will be on the parts selling and buying train indefinitely and big thanks to advanced auto parts for sponsoring this entire four video series i can't wait to see who's faster and who has better trash talking now one of the great things about doing dumb car things is doing dumb car things with your friends and i just happen to know someone that really enjoys doing dumb car things so uh as they say on the tv you better call paul hey hey you want to do some dumb car stuff of course you should do dumb car stuff how about building a drag car that seems less practical than a vr6 scirocco swap i'll be over in a second alright cool i will fill you in when you get here how long is he gonna stand up there paul come on down all right so paul we have a five thousand dollar budget and the thing i can't help but think is drag racing might not be your cup of tea however same budget different cars challenge accepted i'm excited what is your drag racing experience the last time i was on a drag strip which is the only time in my life i've been on a drag strip was 2003. okay so that's one more time than i have i have zero drag racing experience however uh there's some pros and cons to that we don't know what we're getting into but i think the technical skills we probably have a little bit more than gears and gasoline edge for repair and install us yes however car selection i think gears and gasoline's got it so since we don't know what they're gonna get let's move on to what we can get and let's find something european and fast what about an e463 series they do have weight reduction with no turn signals but i think it's hard to make them actually go fast what about an rs3 our budget is 5 000 not 50 000. but we would be fast wait paul how did we not think of this before an air-cooled beetle is like the quintessential german drag car if you like stinger tips and 58 horsepower what if we did something with a vr6 how about a mark one no no we are gonna get the tow strap we are going to hook it up to the back we are going to drag it into the gulf and let it die a deserving death go back in there what about something with a dsg in it turbo dsg i think that's a good option this is a 2007 jetta gli with a 2-liter turbo fsi engine i stumbled across this gli for 1200 it does have a broken timing belt or at least that's what the previous owner said i found this car in augusta georgia had it towed over to my buddy david's shop and then shot down there and got it so uh big thanks to david for hanging on to this car for me for a couple of days it's a big car it's a heavy car however two liter turbo highly tunable and the thing i think that may be the difference maker dsg a dsg transmission so we should be able to add launch control but before we do any of that we need to figure out what the heck is going on with this broken timing belt and how many how many vent valves that we almost definitely have so one thing i think that you mentioned it'd be dsg being a big factor a lot of people i know you at home think you're an amazing driver and you would be amazing on a drag strip but i can promise you you most certainly would not 60 foot times are extremely difficult on front-wheel drive cars which is a main variable when you're talking about drag racing a car dsg gives us the ability to eliminate driver error the definite driver air now i know there's also as many people thinking you should've got a manual they're thinking the next words you guys are cheating because you bought an automatic that may be but you know what they say winners always cheat if you're not cheating you're not trying okay so before we get any mods or anything crazy like that we got to know what's wrong with the engine what we can do is we can pull the oil cap off crank the engine and look down at the camshafts if we see that the exhaust cam is turning but the intake is not that means we have a broken timing chain not a timing belt if we don't see any cams moving that means we got some sadness on the timing belt side so on this one we actually can see the exhaust cam moving but our intake cam is not moving the intake cam is driven by a chain at the end of the exhaust cam so the two are connected like this which means we got to get some more tear down done to see the full extent of our damage then we can start planning our mod so paul is actually going to get started taking the engine cover off we'll pull the back timing cover off and do some inspection there it could get pretty expensive if like the back cover's broken and whatnot but let's hope for the best on that one and we'll just watch paul struggle to take this no sweet engine cover pre-launched pre-loose you did it fine you did a fine job good news i think kim followers a little stuck ah our cam followers not worn through hey so well at least you know so far we don't need uh i mean it's sad and we're going to replace it that bad it's i'd rather put a new one on i think the finish is worn you should replace it but she's a little sad but that's one for the win yay so this is a noise pipe it just it just goes like this and it goes inside the car so this was only there to pipe noise inside the car to make it sound louder in the car he just made a mess um he didn't like that either probably probably didn't taste good um so we're deleting this this is something that people delete because all it does is run boost all the way up here and uh yeah creates more more path for the air to go so here we have this timing cover and a bomb are you ready oh here's our broken timing chain uh you can see it's a little a little caught up there which is no big deal so it broke our tensioner is completely destroyed really good thing is our cover here is not busted apart oftentimes that chain will slap a hole in these covers it does look like we are missing an oil control ring so there's oil control rings in here that help control the engine timing um yeah so that's not good but we can just replace those and be back in action this covers i don't know like seven hundred dollars eight hundred nine hundred dollars they were expect they were like a thousand bucks at one time oh yeah there we go okay here's a valve cover our gasket is in multiple pieces this should be a single piece gasket and you can tell it's been on there for quite some time because she is dry rotted oh you hear that i like that crunch that was really satisfying next up we're going to drain the engine oil and we're going to do some evaluation of the oil what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab a rag and i'm going to set it over our drain just like that so the oil is going to come out it's going to fill the the oil drain but we'll be able to catch some bigger metal chunks hopefully there is none but if there is we'll be able to catch it here and evaluate it oh that looks like it's filling up awfully quickly it does that this looks terrifying this is about to get real nasty oh god like a big hole oh god well that didn't go as planned if i've never mentioned before i don't like changing oil the potential for something like this that is not gonna happen we're gonna drop this pan anyway so we'll find out more find out more but i don't nothing no i mean there's some fragments but tiny little pieces there yeah that could have also been on there before i mean who knows how could we all right let's all kinds of things so let's put the drain plug back in and then we'll take the filter out we'll take the filter out next and see what it looks like 2.5 and fsi engines have this little nipple on here and they have a special tool you're supposed to drain the filter housing one trick that technicians used forever was to take a screwdriver and push it up and then it would allow the filter housing to drain but what happens is when they get old is if you drain it like that it will oftentimes break and then get stuck and you don't have to buy a new filter housing yeah because of the budget on this we can't afford that so you just got to take it off like this and and try to minimize the mess you're going to make i will accept oh this is way better than i would do i'm accepting that oh this filter looks relatively new that looks uh this is a bedazzled filter housing yeah you can see all look at all the sparkly swinging down to the bottom okay so here's our filter when i squeeze the pleats together you can see all that glitter uh most likely from the timing chain and the tensioner coming apart but i mean there is significant of metal in here significant metal in the filter housing hopefully anyway this is where all the metal is and we don't have much metal blown through our entire engine because if it all got caught up in here or even in the pickup we should be good this was one of my big concerns when i saw it was the chain not the belt because if the belt just broke usually bent valves and you can send it on home but when you blast that metal through the system the potential for bearing damage and turbo damage and all that other stuff goes up exponentially would you say yes significantly for sure or sure all right here comes a little schmutz come around most likely bloop pull it back oh definitely there they are they're both gone what am i caught on drip drip drip chip oh there's a lot of metal in that okay well we got some plastic where's our illumination stick hello it's all aluminum yep all right well oh that one did dance on i think it's just surface tension okay you can see all that yuck inside of there looks like a mix of rtv and plastic we'll be able to clean that stuff out and hopefully it won't be too bad as long as most of that stuff didn't get up into the pickup then we should be fine so this is our balance shaft module there's two shafts in here one rotates clockwise one rotates counterclockwise this also drives our oil pump i'm just looking to make sure we don't have any like major damage here we'll clean all this stuff up so there's not so much crusty yuck oh yes we got a little bit of oil in the charge cooler system it's actually not a ton but i also already dropped a big ol glob on the ground to be fair i put charles through the scirocco so it would only be fitting if this ruined our lives again let me let me just be fair though i did not invite paul with the intention of like getting back at it for the sadness of the scirocco that wasn't my intention these feel really brittle are they they do not feel nice well are they going to last once i mean like hard as a rock they're hard dude look at that i've done it success once you know once it turns easily like that that's when you know you have achieved you've achieved victory and you've reached the ultimate goal ooh that cool one does not look it's very orange yeah that looks like decks cool oh we got a mixing situation possibly in our in our life we're gonna have we're gonna take this head off and there's gonna be just stuff on the jacket so this is the end fitting for this brake booster pipe which splits right here it's actually pretty common it's pretty normal of a place to break and it causes system lean and it causes weak brake assist so we'll probably not be replacing that but we will be making some repairs to it i mean we really don't need brake assist right we don't need brakes we're we're going full on send we're going go not stop we don't we only need to stop once yeah so we'll uh what do you think tape tape that bad boy up i'm thinking jv well that's really the goal uh is the goal the number one thing you do when you fix cars yeah is you use jb weld and duct tape oh i have both of those okay here is the culprit or at least one of the leading contributors to two things one the plastic in our oil pan so here's some of the leftover guide right there we actually have more bits more bits from our tensioner there's a bit of metal in this screen right here hopefully we're not too much in the head that'll all get cleaned out anyway but this you can see the whole account so here's what this says to me this didn't just all of a sudden break and say uh-oh this had to be making some pretty loud racket uh for for quite some time here we have what is a new tensioner and then you can just see look we're missing the shoes we're missing any kind of springage the spring's probably all jammed in we got metal worn down all at the bottom on this one uh yeah sad panda this guy here but we got a new one so we'll be good also if you're installing one of these you'll notice this is the lock pin to keep tension on it you have to make this pin flush with the back if you try to put it on like this you'll never get the pin out because it bends the tip of the lock pin and then it's like stuck in there and then you're sad and you have to take it back off before you can put it back on all right so this is our cam bridge this functions kind of like a valve cover and all the cam bearings and if you do it right you can usually get it out when it's not all seized and there we go so the big thing here i'm going to be looking for is damage to the bearings there's definitely some on there bearings how bad is it over here you can't really feel it that one you can this one you can a bit it's better than i expected that's not too bad so uh here's where i'm at with this if this were a car that i wanted to keep for another hundred thousand miles i'd probably make different choices but since we're just trying to make this go fast one time i think we're gonna clean it up and send it there you go look at you with your skilled little twisteroo hey look all the injectors stayed in that never happens never say never just happened never happens before today that these are bent for sure i'm gonna say if you stay in the no band valves on now i'm real concerned no there is they're they're not like cat task tray fee bench well that's great actually but they are bent because we are trying to verify at least show what the problem is we filled all these cylinder holes with water you can see right there none of them are leaking down which is a little bit concerning because usually what you're going to have if you have bent valves is all this water is going to leak into the engine now all of it's staying put which is a problem so we've hooked up this leak down tester to pressurize the cylinder so we have right here in cylinder 2 we have it and we can turn up the pressure and this will apply pressure and then if it's leaking you'll hear exactly what you're hearing and you can look here and see a little bit of bubbling going on since there's no intake camshaft here at all you can see this is where a cam should be and it's missing all of these are fully closed which means every leak down test we do should have nothing coming out of any of these valves so you could use this to determine which valves to replace or uh in our case we're gonna be replacing them all anyway since we have them look at how crusty that is we'll have to clean these up before they uh before they go back in for sure that carbon buildup is not is not ideal so what we're going to do is we are going to put the oil pan back on so that we can put a block of wood or a floor jack or a jack stand and support the engine from the bottom that way we can get this mount up here out and out of the way and it just feels more comfortable to me to have the oil pan back on assuming paul can never get it put back on you're hitting uh these brackets in my way hey paul hey how are we gonna make this thing fast by the way well why don't we talk about it i mean it's i guess we got to fix it first but we still need to be thinking about how to make it fast we do know okay so here's what we know we probably need at minimum some valves right i budgeted 800 bucks which i think we're going to be able to get it fixed and running for that provided we don't have any unknown problems plus 1200 you bought the car for right we're two g's in we're two grand in so that leaves 3 000 for mods u.s american doll hairs not even like worried about budget what are some common bpy upgrades that aren't ridiculous right turbo upgrade turbo upgrade tune tune tune is a no-brainer no brainer downpipe and we can do a dsg tune tires slicks or drag radials one or the other to get us more traction yeah sure all right if we do a turbo do we have to do fuel system stuff so fsi we're gonna have to upgrade the high pressure fuel pump okay uh and injectors and that's like an ie rebuild i think uh the question is is can we fit all of that in a budget i mean the turbo alone is gonna be a thousand fifteen hundred bucks just for the turbo by itself do you think we could get a used one that's probably our best bet is to use ko4 look for a use ko4 maybe even look for somebody who has a part out of a full ko4 car yeah it'd probably be ideal assuming this all fits in the budget we'll have to search and see what we can find turbo high pressure fuel pump injectors did you say injectors tires is that enough to go fast is that enough to be fast enough um i i don't know i mean i think it's gonna have to be i guess next time i shouldn't buy a broken car we should buy one that runs maybe so we don't have to spend i still think we're gonna come out ahead because what do you figure this car was worth if if it ran this is probably a five thousand dollar car so four to five thousand bucks yeah and no way we'd be able to do a ko4 high pressure fuel pump injectors all that for no chance a thousand dollars and i feel like we're missing something on the upgrade front oh weight reduction bro as much weight as we can shed so this is a pretty heavy car what's the the weight on the door like third weight should be 30 like 100. i mean if we got the whole interior minus the driver's seat right and maybe the driver's door panel i'd prefer to have that on there uh we can pull part of the dash yeah the back seats are heavy the front sides are heavy you think we could shave like 300 pounds out of that car i think we easily shave 300 pounds carpet padding carpet padding all that stuff yeah i believe you might need a larger yeah feet that's that jim tells me way more violent yeah it's kind of anticlimactic yeah okay well i had like i said 800 budgeted to fix i think we're gonna be close even if we're over by a hundred dollars i don't think that's gonna make or break us give or take right so we're gonna try and find a used ko4 a set of injectors what do you figure a set of like s3 injectors s3 is usually what you go with yeah that's probably going to be expensive yeah i mean usually instead of new injectors going to be about 500 bucks so okay so we're 1500 in assuming we can get a ko4 for a thousand bucks you think are they cheaper than that if we get like used we can get cheaper than that is there anything else people do to these to make them like intercooler charge cooler well do we need that though like we shouldn't have to worry about temperature not i mean we don't as long as we only do one run yeah we'll just have to let it cool down you'll have to stand in front and go between runs well yeah put a bag of ice in there we'll stop at the ice kiosk by my house oh that's better that's much better oh i want to go all the way here yeah i just need to get my footing okay look at that dot dot dot would you just look at it look at the pieces of the oh of the yeah all right the water's from us yep we'll clean clean those out as best as we can otherwise how they pour let's see it lifts that guy up crusty it's not loose yeah these weren't as bad about that as yeah and and the wastegate's not all flappy so sometimes is sometimes the when wasteguys get old they get loose and so you can touch them like this and they'll be all flappy and wiggle all over the place so it's actually yeah they could flop around like a bathroom but this one feels pretty snug none of those are severely bent but i'm glad we did that uh that leaked down because they're bent enough that we had leaked down so we'll get these valves out clean all this stuff are they invisible no none of them are visible okay we got the head off a victory i would uh would call it we're gonna go ahead and do all the intake valves even though i think we could probably get away with not doing all of them i'd rather not find out by the time we get it running and have a little bit of inspire they're so slightly bent that uh it's worth going in and doing all of them we're gonna have to do some price shopping to make sure we can actually hit that eight hundred dollars or just incorporate whatever as close as possible right i think we're going to be right there we also found that we're going to need to replace the diverter valve which i did not budget for so that'll be another 100 120 i still don't know what we're going to do to make this fast we'll see i mean i think we we covered the key points of what's going to require or what's possible to make it fast at least within a reasonable range for us it really just boils down to if i think we can be thrifty enough to find the stuff we need at the price we can some of it being used probably some mix of it being finding used finding uh good pricing and there may also be some things that we are willing to do that aren't necessarily by the repair manual uh and if this were a car that was a long-term usage car we probably wouldn't do but we're trying to save some bucks here and send this down a race track fast so uh we need a head gasket we need head bolts we need all the gaskets that we've basically taken off we need to put the oil pan back on and get the car running also i'm going to be searching for use ko4 used injectors use high pressure fuel pump i guess the only way we're going to make this go fast is if we buy used parts we're going to wrap it up there remember this is video one of a three part series also swing over to gears and gasoline and check out and see what they're doing i have no idea what car they're doing i have no idea what they're doing to whatever car they're doing all i know is that they're doing a jdm car and um hopefully ours is faster stay tuned bye bye bye next up for episode 2 you aren't going to want to miss this yeah i'm really nervous right now i'm going to move my face out of the way ty's here oh hey hey look at these sticky boys you paid 3 500 for that snack arenas are these toenails spare tire 38 pounds
Channel: HumbleMechanic
Views: 527,849
Rating: 4.9445448 out of 5
Keywords: VW, FSI, Fast VW, Fastest VW, Gears and gasoline, Car challenge, SHOPDAP, broken timing belt, engine repair, humblemechanic, mk5, mk5 GTI, GTI build, drag race, fastest drag race car, 1/4 time, fast 1/4 car
Id: 1lCxpneVsbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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