I Bought the Cheapest Running MR2

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I......um......sweet baby jesus

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Slylizardcue πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh these guys are awesome, he shot my MR-S in a video a few weeks ago.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CarAccountUsername πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is fantastic. Thank you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tBrownThunder πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I absolutely loved this video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stokedcrf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
so i recently bought another car and it's this the cheapest mr2 i could find on autotempest.com and as you can see the previous owner had some uh unique tastes [Music] now a lot of you might call this car divisive crass or even offensive but i prefer to think of the previous owner as avant-garde an artist working his craft and it's difficult to perceive the mind of an artist now i'm going to walk you around the car and try to explain to you why i would take such a huge risk in buying a rolling installation like this but first i'm going to tell you where you can go to find something as artistically dangerous as this for yourself auto tempest auto tempest is an online car classifieds aggregator basically a search engine that collects most of the cars for sale on the internet in one place let's say you search for a 2001 mr2 and set the price to 4 300. everything on cars.com ebay motors truecar etc will be pulled up on one page you can peruse at your leisure along with all the links to craigslist and soon facebook marketplace granted you may not get a whole lot of results at that price point because most mr2 spiders are a good bit more expensive than that unless of course it's an example as bold as this one you see true art is never appreciated in its own time artists have always used the services of patrons who bankroll their creative endeavors i guess you could say i was that west virginia man's patron of the arts when i rolled up with a truck trailer and 4 300 cash now the previous owner told me that he wanted the car to resemble the marvel superhero iron man hence the gold wrap on the red paint but when it came to the logo he said that his girlfriend wouldn't ride in the car unless it had the batman symbol on it compromise the wheel situation these are motegi somethings i don't think it's the sharpest design especially not on this car but art isn't safe and luckily the previous owner was able to tie the whole look together with these exquisite lug nuts and this this is the lug nut key incredible now everybody knows that good art is subversive so in order to blend in with all those wide body scene kids the previous owner carefully and lovingly riveted this flare to the fender of the car and then in order to space out the wheels he used no less than four inches of wheel spacers and thanks to those spacers every time you turn left the car will violently vibrate self-massaging seats that's ingenuity but clearly the widened track of the car didn't provide sufficient mechanical grip for what the previous owner was looking for because he then installed this very functional rear wing along with this incredibly tasteful sticker now keep in mind this is a man who did not have a valid driver's license did get pulled over and had the car impounded this is a man who suffers for his art but the aerodynamics don't stop there in order to generate more of an air vortex underneath the wing the previous owner then installed what can only be described as little sprockets substance and style this custom exhaust showcases some pretty wild fabric including custom hangers and some gorgeous welds the resulting sound would put a ferrari v12 to shame inside the restraint continues as you can see with this extremely tasteful seat cover the katana where the previous owner is clearly taking inspiration from the muromachi period in japan and then black ice you can almost smell through the camera now as you can see this was a man with a keen eye for style and a real car enthusiast he said he was going to install lambo doors on the car until he found out you have to be able to weld now obviously i'm not gonna be able to match the vision that this man had for this car so i think i'm gonna have to start from scratch which means undoing absolutely everything he did to this car this is gonna be really satisfying [Applause] [Music] here we see the north american mr2 spider in its habitat of choice a dark cool garage hidden away from the eyes of predators and haters the spider uses its natural courtship display led underglow from china to attempt to attract a driver the resulting light show is one of nature's most beautiful displays [Music] all right we are done with the nature documentary vignette now we're going back to the art analogy so in art with paintings it is not uncommon for artists to completely paint over an old work whether it's an artwork by another painter that didn't want it anymore or one of their old works that they no longer appreciate in order to save canvas sometimes they'll just completely paint over them there's also to a lesser extent a technique known as pentimento which is painting over a small portion of an artwork in order to make a tweak or completely thematically change the painting pentimento is italian for repenting and repentance is kind of the theme of this whole car after a certain amount of builds that you see you eventually get a feel for when you're looking at the work of an expert right and that's exactly what we're looking at here right an uh a true craftsman um and you can tell uh kind of with like the holes that uh the previous owner put into the trunk in order to mount this wing i mean that's just artistry right there okay luke be very careful with this okay go put it somewhere safe okay [Music] okay now that luke has carefully stored the wing we are going to start working on some of these other exterior modifications [Music] oh my gosh it's got double seat covers there's there's a sea cover on top of sea cover there's two sea covers [Music] now obviously i have huge respect for the previous owner's artistic instinct and even thinking to have installed this katana shifter however i have a bone to pick with his commitment because if you look here in the glove box what's this this is the oem shift knob i mean [Music] if you're going to do something like this throw this in the garbage there's no going back it's katana is all the way wow that is so much better so there's a couple other easy interior bits that we can remove starting with this steering wheel cover i actually just now noticed this the car has a faux trim faux stitching on it so this is uh these are adhesive strips that are meant to look like stitching i just love the attention to detail you know what i mean there goes the clear coat [Music] uh you know what honestly not that bad does not look like it has very much in the way of rust cats pre-cats are gonna have to come out oil pan pretty wet uh we got something for that i have bought much worse looking cars underneath so we are going to be removing the led lights that the previous owner had on the car because we have a lot of wires that are running underneath the car a lot of wires so we're going to start that removal process just chasing stuff down i see already it's going underneath some of these splash guards and stuff so uh yeah let's get uh let's get to hunting let's get to tracing we found the nest [Music] i think he i think he was trying to wire this in to make the taillights do alternate stuff but he wired it into two of the wrong ones as you can see the wires are like burned here and then he just like taped them off and then wired it finally got the one he wanted wow this is uh this is uh an incredible uh find [Music] oh okay luke can you put that somewhere safe for me bud thanks [Music] [Music] ta-da it's all the uh all the led go on finuto now obviously fitment like this does not come for free and we're about to see what the previous owner had to go through in order to get this gorgeous setup right here [Music] wow [Music] right on the money so that means in the rear i was incorrect at the beginning of this video in the rear there are uh five inches worth of spacer wider track width means uh better cornering there you go less oversteer you know mr2s are famous for it so [Music] okay so obviously with the spacers taken out we're not going to be able to have sufficient offset to uh fill out this back fender so i guess these flares are just going to have to go unfortunately but i've got my drill right here we're going to take out these rivets real quick safety glasses and we'll be back to a blank canvas [Music] [Music] all right so we have done pretty much everything on the car just got these fender flares off so uh you know we see what we have to work with some holes in the fender and whatnot took the spacers out took the wheels off interior is stripped mostly got the wrap and all that stuff off now we just need to take off this custom exhaust which means working with these uh custom hangers which look conspicuously like coat hangers but this is no coat this is a high-end exhaust so you know we will tread lightly here [Music] the exhaust i just pulled out the civic was doing a little bolt check under there saw this bolt so this is a mass-produced header you know this is this is a standard piece of hardware you might find in the aftermarket but it's not artwork like you know something that a genius would make right this is a one-off custom piece right the ben are you aware of the the definition of the word bespoke yeah that's custom this is this is bespoke yeah this is custom you know i mean you got you can see the handiwork a sticker from the hardwood masks yeah yeah you still even have a coat hanger stuck in i do yeah i mean the way he put it in was just yeah some bumper paint on there some bumper paint almost as though it melted the bumper but uh he probably didn't even get the hole for the bumper he just let it melt itself maybe yeah but i mean again you know art is dangerous in that like you might start a fire again thanks to autotempest.com for helping me find the perfect canvas to paint my own masterpiece if you're considering trying your hand out at the arts consider autotempest your paint supply store anything from pristine examples to real fixer-uppers you can find it there we've included some links to example searches for mr2s below or just hit the link in the description to the auto temps homepage and search for whatever is your next canvas all right well uh i think that's pretty much it for this episode this is all the stuff that we have taken off of the car uh tons and tons of i'm gonna say garbage yeah this car was uh completely tastelessly modded it was a disaster and it has been extremely satisfying to take off a bunch of crap that didn't need to be there and in the next episode we have some modifications of our own to do to the car which will be extremely satisfying but until then uh last thing i guess luke if you could uh take this and go put it somewhere befitting of its craftsmanship but the aerodynamics don't stop there he also applied these little penis rockets oh bro it kept going forever it's like half a mile away the resulting sound would put a ferrari v12 to shame just for the record we did not litter the model citizens
Channel: Gears and Gasoline
Views: 232,169
Rating: 4.9586592 out of 5
Keywords: mr2, mr2 spyder, unpimp, toyota, 1zz, zzw30, ironman, batman, 2zz, kswap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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