This 'RAILGUN' TECH Is So SATISFYING! | Trailmakers Multiplayer

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[Music] Hello everybody welcome back to the channel I am joined with Dan online today we're going to be attempting to be building I forgot the word that's it we're going to be building rail guns I completely lost the word there so basically how we're gonna pull this off um we're gonna have like 15 to 20 minutes to build our very own versions of a railgun we can decide on how we build these and I'm pretty sure we're gonna do something similar because I have something in mind already on how I'm going to achieve this but Dan are you ready I am ready all right well let's get building all right guys for this railgun obviously we need a seat of some kind and how I'm actually gonna pull this off is by using a magnets well I'm actually wrong it's actually called the tractor beam now and I'm thinking of having them kind of tilt inwards like this hang on let's just remove the seat and I'm gonna have a bunch of magnets in a line like this let's move some of them back and now we need to grab some servos essentially guys my idea is to just tilt the magnets into each other to make like this giant surge of energy to just push an object through all these magnets at really fast high speeds because that's essentially what a railgun is it just uses a lot of energy to Just Launch an object right since I'm deciding to actually make this build odd width I think I'm gonna have to be using the motorcycle seat for this I'm making my odd width so my projectile can be just like this one single length bullet basically all right so now I have a little bit of a frame going on here and what I need to do is actually get all of my servos lined up let's just put these servos on a negative input really quick and therefore I can aim them all into each other like this and then when we turn on the magnets it should look like that it looks a little goofy right now but uh guess this will create a massive surge of energy the main thing is though we actually need to change the the magnets to a negative input like that let's just use a and that means it will be pushing an object I think a distance sensor will be appropriate inside the build to just have all of the servos constantly on so they're always aimed and in the right position here we go all right well that's actually looking quite good and now guys I need to add a detachable block let's do the same keybind a to launch and we're gonna put this on a delay about 0.05 because I'm thinking I want the magnets to get fully charged up and then we can launch a projectile and my projectile is going to be you guessed it Dynamite we're going to be launching dynamite and I'm actually going to be using the brand new tiny cone piece as the front of the uh projectile this is looking pretty good all right well let's uh let's test this let's see if this actually works oh my God guys that was actually really good that has some power to it hang on let me shoot against the the cliff here okay it's not enough power to uh get the explosions I think I need to probably like angle the railgun as well I'm not sure if there's a way for me to add more power really I'm gonna try and double up the magnets okay the magnets have been doubled up oh it's definitely more powerful and it doesn't even Shoot Straight doesn't seem to want to explode for some reason maybe I need to be a little closer to the wall railguns don't actually use explosives um they just use kinetic energy but uh for trail makers we're gonna try and use explosives just because it looks cooler right now I'm having issues getting the explosions to go off it just keeps either bouncing off the wall or going through it well we're just gonna keep testing here guys all right let's give this a try oh that was an epic explosion my uh my projectile went into the already spawned in projectiles from before that was cool okay this might be a little silly but I've actually doubled up the layer of the projectile so uh it's gonna be definitely a lot more heavier now here we go let's try it again oh do you know what that was kind of lame I need to like discover the right technique for this what about like this [Music] slipping around it's obvious that I need to add some kind of vertical stabilizer all right stabilization is in and this launch the perfect projectile [Music] guys what is even going on that's not even launching correctly it's like doing barrel rolls Oh my days alright guys well I've made a few adjustments right now I've actually moved the servers a little closer to the center here and that means the magnets are also closer to the projectile so let's just give this a quick test let's shoot that way right three two one oh okay it it launches very far definitely feels more powerful all right now let's try the dynamite with the cone on [Music] it like bounced off the wall it was so pathetic what is come on please explode okay well clearly um I've I've tried everything to get the dynamite to explode it just keeps having issues so I'm guessing for this challenge we uh we just have to switch it out like let's try not to use Dynamite let's try and just use pure kinetic energy because at the end of this we will be going against some targets alright so we have a one by eight pipe piece the cone on the end I'm just gonna color code it really quick so we can see the projectile visibly and uh here we go wow that that's a lot quicker I can already tell holy moly that's so far let me try that again into the sea what okay I'm definitely happy with the way this is turning out so we're just gonna do a few more adjustments and uh make it look pretty alright guys well this is my finished product of the railgun I've added a aiming system so I can tilt the um the railgun up and down and uh a little sight here for my seat so it looks pretty cool so all we need to do now is show down all right Dan have you finished your railgun I have of course all right okay I'm really really eager to shoot here we go so it's best to pick block of magnets oh wow okay yeah let's see it that's pretty much the same thing I did so using it looks like this oh it's pretty far it's um it does have quite the arc wow it actually explodes I was having trouble making mine explode all right well do you want to see mine yeah sure show me so yours is pretty impressive it's just like a giant box of magnets thank you thank you okay here's mine that is my real gun definitely looks a little bit more real gunny you can see that I've actually aimed all of my uh magnets like towards the center of mass yeah I thought of doing that I didn't I couldn't get it to work I'll show you an example of mine firing here we go it's probably too fast I'm probably not gonna be able to break anything because physics we'll see all right well um clearly there's a Target in front of us so uh I guess that's two of them there's also one over there oh yeah there's also one over there oh wow okay we can do different ranges right well I guess um you go first then on taking down the target here we go I'll stand back and watch I was going to shoot your bill okay uh let's see I think this should be good oh wow of course first time good job well done first times charm right do you want to try and hit that Target now oh the far one yeah that's that's going to be pretty difficult actually collisions if I turn too far you can do this whoa it went over oh wow okay it's less far than I expected just aim a little bit more down and oh wow oh oh you hit it exploded did it explode but you still hit it wow okay you wanna you wanna do it one more and try and explode it yeah we need an explosion right there you go yeah wow well no I missed but that's fine here we go let's reset the targets and uh I'll show you mine let's see how no explosions do all right guys so I'm in mine right now I actually don't have a way to rotate on this axis so I have to actually just spawn it in the way I want to go and right now I think my aim is a little off we try and get the perfect okay that'll do that looks like it and I'm just gonna aim a little bit up here we go fire I hit the target I actually hit the target what did it destroy a little bit of damage projectile is absolutely fine yeah the projectile is fine you can probably put it like back here I destroyed a single well two pieces of that okay all right it is quite powerful obviously I'm not using explosives so uh I'm not gonna have a massive impact to radius but let's try again right Dan you ready yeah you hit me this time oh my God it's like trying to hit an apple on the top of his head here we go [Applause] that's a scary sight it's like you did like the exact same damage it's very consistent that's for sure yeah it does it does its own damage right it's not like too effective oh I got a bullseye that was really nice I I don't know where the destroyed Parts came from here we go here we go oh that's a lot of things over the sign I mean the Target that would have found well clearly I can actually do some pretty good damage if I get enough hits then yeah all right this far one is way over there I'm pretty sure I'm gonna miss who knows let's uh let's just go fire oh that was straight past me I think it made a noise it looked like it hit you it was like like a few centimeters past me that was that's scary man it is my real gun is terrifying it it's really cool I really like this second launch fire oh way too high it went High it went it goes so fast it just keeps going hey dude the momentum is crazy dude this is cool I like this fire yeah you took parts from back the front is still intact okay let me aim you know what I'm gonna make an aircraft with a railgun built inside it this is crazy it's like the perfect projector really cool it's so accurate oh oh you hit the corner yeah I hit the corner you actually went through I'm doing so many repairs right now here we go fire oh what happened it did like a fish pit it did like a flip all I want to do is make the target like implode or topple over here we go oh it didn't launch here we go ah I misfire that was so silly what Honestly though for like a vaporized frail gun it's pretty consistent nine times out of ten it's actually doing its job all right a few more will do it oh yes that was explosive nice okay well I'm very happy about that that was really cool a self-improvised 15-minute build there okay so you want to uh destroy each other yeah we'll do one more time 1v1 for the last thing me and Dan are gonna do we're just gonna be doing a 1v1 duel here western style we're going to be doing a shoot off so are you ready [Music] yeah I'm ready uh you can give the countdown all right three two one best of free let me uh get a perfect block on here we go all right my aim should be very accurate right now three two one shoot oh no I missed me he came back like a boomerang the last one now for sure three two one fire oh yeah did you keep your magnets on because I think I don't know if it's happening I might actually be bouncing it back you've made a force field that's that's actually really smart I was gonna say why why are my projectiles keep coming back to me all right well I'm just gonna shoot you when your magnets are not on all right three two one hopefully this office back one oh slightly to the right oh I also missed yes oh no you got me we finally got a hit all right well I can definitely make this more efficient actually adding like uh rotation aiming on this but uh because it's odd whip I didn't really know how to do that the servos are two by two all right well me and Dan have a lot of fun here building our own takes on railguns uh definitely very unique designs indeed you made a box and I made um I don't know real real gun all right guys well I hope you enjoyed this one I had a lot of fun thank you so much for watching if you liked it leave a like and why not consider subscribing and why not check out Dan online's Channel as well he's got some pretty cool stuff over there but anyway that's enough from me and I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Yzuei
Views: 15,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trailmakers, youtube, gaming, xbox, multiplayer, console, games, builds, pc, tutorials, gameplay, letsplay, yzuei, content, stickylizard, littlecorndogs, scrapman, Kosmo
Id: 8T-ume1z2dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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