We Evolved Battlebots in the New Battlebot Arena Mod! - Trailmakers Multiplayer

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to trail makers multiplayer and today we are in the modded battle bot arena with fire oh that goes up and grinders and crushers like very fast and my favorite the catapult that just slams you into the wall it's so good this is awesome if i don't if i don't push somebody in that catapult in this episode i'm going to be very disappointed but yeah we're gonna be taking evolution we're gonna be taking the evolution concept of battlebots uh this time no power core evolution we're gonna have a standard five power cores to use throughout all the versions but we're going to be going up by 20 blocks uh to your limit every single time starting with only 20. so tiny little battle bots to start off with and uh yeah no indestructible seats again right just no indestructibles correct yeah no no indestructible seats no uh projectiles so no cannons or anything also no magnets or anchor blocks because they're kind of overpowered when you know what basically nothing in the gadgets list is okay there's like the snowball dispensers the concrete yeah anchorman dynamite like no [Laughter] really no dynamite oh man you're gonna just put dynamite on a big stick have some dynamite man battle boss yeah so none of that stuff so you have to have like basically just melee vehicles it's battle bots we don't have battle bots work it's like shoving it's like a smash up derby except with obstacles now it's gonna be wonderful hey guys you guys we got a new game feature it says f4 to release cursor what oh yeah that's how you use the mods go free cursor go free obviously if you didn't get the point uh the winning battle bot is going to then become everyone's battle bot to add 20 more blocks too that's how it works yeah that's how evolution works that's how it works in nature as well all right we have 20 blocks to work with five power cores total and two minutes on the clock to build your battle bot are you guys ready yeah yep all right here we go in three two one build all right the first one's always the most nerve-wracking because you gotta put everything on it uh i mean i've learned some things from all my previous times of battlebots and i like to think i'm applying those things now and only 20 blocks is also kind of concerning too is there any do we know what spiels are good on this do we like would race track wheels work on this are they just going to slide out uh i feel like they're fine right sure if you want to take that chance go for it no i'm going with standards okay uh all right five power cores right uh yeah oh that's right i should put an engine i'm already experimenting you're at 50 oh i'm at 14 what how do you get so many blocks so fast uh okay now i need some of this uh we got a minute someone commented on my uh someone commented on my tank video and was like scrap man's just sitting there talking to himself and con and cosmo are very clearly just concentrating like no one cares what you're thinking oh man i was like all right i got my own video here too yeah i thought it was funny uh i forget how these work [Music] all right that doesn't work quite as good 19. i want one more i want one more block to add on this thing how much time do we have left uh 23 seconds oh boy uh i do not have i am so bare bones guys so bad yeah i'm pretty bare bones too i feel like this is the winning design right now yeah no there's really not much i guess i'll just believe this then little time i have 20 blocks like i'm 20 blocks and 1-0 time is up let's see your battle bots what is this battle bot cause i'm possible what are you saying don't worry about it a double piston pusher i didn't have enough yeah all right so cosmo is just gonna try to survive and we're gonna try to actually battle he's like fat though he's got lots of weight underneath yeah like look at that wow that was interesting he just hits oh and there goes my weapon okay well this is gonna be really interesting i don't really know how the damage works when it comes to collisions it seems kind of inconsistent but i'm gonna hope for the best all right are you guys ready bombing yeah all right and three two one battle all right all right we gotta work together oh no much for working together you almost flipped me completely oh well there goes my pusher oh oh oh oh i'm still in my wall oh no i mean i'm still in my seat does that mean i'm in oh and i'm not in my seat anymore holy ghost he's a tank he is a tank he's got the weight blocks i wonder if that actually mattered all right here we go 20 more blocks in three two one go oh no i made mistakes already [Laughter] there we go it does i wonder how much the slab works the slab what is the slab the the whole thing's like a big slab you know what i mean like it's one big brick slab okay i don't know like his whole support structure's one slap okay i'm already at 32 what i'm at 23 man i'm okay i need to i need to uh optimize some of this i can use bigger blocks i got plans for the future here all right there we go there we go that's what i'm talking about okay all right so there's that now i got like another 10 blocks or so to work with some of that [Music] how am i i'm at 31 as well 50 seconds left 36. this is probably not a good idea oh no there's only 20 something seconds left that might be 39. shoot i need something else i have 39 blocks what else can i 17 seconds [Music] 37 here we go 38 40 blocks uh two seconds left uh and we're done i'm only at 38 blocks i completely botched this whole thing oh what are you doing scrat man what are you doing what do you mean what am i doing what are you doing i'm going with the bulldozer oh what do you guys want to do you have a buggy give me a hug oh my goodness what does that even go oh my god all righty all righty three two one battle bugs did anybody change from the small wheels by the way i'll still rock in no still got the oh you gotta go where are you going give me a hug no no no no no my whole front is exposed ah no no oh no oh exposed oh no no no what guys i literally separated from my wheels what happened what happened over there okay okay you have to repair on the spot oh no i hate [Music] all right oh i can't not enough space to repair i'm too close to the wall unless cosmo you got to kill them oh i did too it blew up my seat what are we doing another repair just do just do a duel to the death okay just oh neither of us take damage there give me a no i'm one cog i don't know how good the hugger actually is dude it's terrible it's a failed idea that i'm just trying to salvage okay so wheels oh no i can only hug i can't move batman can't flip so okay two two one repair repair [Laughter] go go go in oh how do you have so much more power how do you have so much more power no no i can't move one i know i'm scared all right someone's gonna die at this point it's gonna oh god all right i'll die if cosmo wins we're stuck with the clapper oh oh my god i'm still in the seat i'm still in the seat where's your seat it's right there oh no watch me not get this if are you kidding me oh my goodness this is very sad looking use your air controls oh no you're going to get yourself oh they're close i'm alive all right i'll i'll give it a coz obviously won that one i'll give it to him i just wanted to see what he was gonna do we have up to 60 blocks available now are you guys ready i guess uh yeah all right and three two one start all right i'm honestly just deleting i'm deleting the huggers um yeah i gotta delete those two oh my god there's literally like this is literally just a deleting project at this point oh my goodness that's not what i thought it was okay there we go got all that what why are they [Music] i um this is going to take longer than i wanted dang it all right you know what i'm just going for an experiment here all right we have i don't think i can do 60 blocks we're already halfway done and i haven't done all i've done is remove stuff 60 blocks right yeah all right time to pack on the pounds and just armor up boys okay all right 53 seconds [Music] there's no way i'm going to do this in [Music] time [Music] um i'm only at 45. how much time's left uh 10 seconds okay well i'm just gonna slap down as many things as i can oh boy oh no oh i've made a mistake i've made a terrible mistake and the time's up okay why did this happen i only got that much whatever oh no it's attached right there that's my problem i put a flipper on it but the flipper's also attached to the rest of my vehicle oh no oh my wheels come out i went i went with what i know best and i made it into more of a brick i couldn't i couldn't finish the back end oh it's just a brick covered with armor on the front i'm using armor blocks i feel like that's gonna that's gonna do something that's a lot of armor blocks too oh my goodness it took off literally all my armor that like all of my things that i had cosmo all right what did you do cosmo where's your vehicle here you did you're so small did you just put horns on it is that it i rebuilt it to be bigger oh i see you've got bigger wheels interesting kind of thing cosmo three two one battle i don't want to do it oh oh oh you holy beat oh how does cosmo always survive all right all right this is what i was built for this is what i was no i'm upside down no no scrap man oh i have potential here i have potential here i have potential i don't want to interrupt yet until you guys both think all right hold on this is just next generation battlebot right here right that's right yeah perfect i lost all my pushing power really i can't do anything oh there we go all right ready ready ready ready this actually could do something this could this could turn into something here oh oh oh oh oh i have much less wheels now i don't have oh oh can i flip over now i think we should just repair no no no i'm not done yet i am not i can pull this off bleeding this is literally my best chance oh no no no no no no no no what did you do [Music] amazing so we can use 80 blocks now this is only 44 blocks and three two one build [Music] this thing still drive it does [Music] all right i really hope these work all right i'm up to 73 blocks now wow i am not even close to that yet yeah i just i just went for bulk i went i took some steroids and just just went for it you know it's probably going to cause me problems later on but you know all right now i'm at 67. it's going to be worth it but 77 here [Music] we can use 80 right yeah oh there's 19 seconds left i'm at exactly 80. i am at 77. all right five seconds five seconds left my vehicle is so weird right now all right and we're done we're done did you put it did you put his turning circle on it yeah does it okay now it kind of works okay just built a literal bulldozer yeah well i just i just bulked up the front in the back if you know that's like i just literally put like 80 blocks in the front so i feel like yeah i put a bunch of pokers as you can see and extended the wheelbase a lot because i'm tired to flip it over all right cosmo count us in all righty three two one battle bat battle battle the good news is we're getting slower as we get fatter yeah so that's that's nice i'm just going after cosmo con i'm just going after congress i understand that i'm [Applause] oh yeah i like died and then i stayed alive okay all right this is my chance this is finally my chance i still have a poker left too please please let this work oh my god yes just do it what oh my god what is this yes yes did you see what happened to me though with cosmo when i hit him like my vehicle got stuck into the ground and then just exploded all right 100 block total now two minutes on the clock and three two one go i i don't know what these blocks on top are doing so goodbye i was gonna say that was the first thing that i touched like i don't know what this is those were left over from you okay [Music] there's that uh all right how many blocks must be oh yeah oh yeah i almost forgot my entire strategy that i was working on whoops you have a strategy oh that doesn't work very well um i'm gonna need to add some blocks [Music] okay it's not gonna work i'm taking on too much of a task there we go there we go that looks good make sure everything works i'm up to 96 93 really i'm at 91 okay [Music] yes sir 44 seconds left 100 perfect i actually went up to five power cores did you 96. uh that's a good that's a good point 99 i'll use my last block on some extra power of course yeah i went up to the full five power cores i'm not sure if that's actually gonna help probably gonna suck but you know why not okay oh no that's 101 work 17 seconds i feel like cosmo's reinventing the wheel here go away i am at exactly 100 blocks and time is up yeah i i did something onto the front yeah i put a couple more wheels i added two more pokers look at my poker range in the middle oh you added more range because i think everyone's got three two poker free range yeah the advantage and the thruster oh my god i don't understand what's going on all right three points to cosmo one point to me now and uh you guys ready to battle yeah all right three to one battle go go go grab it let's make sure we go for cosmo yeah yeah because it's spinning things on there oh man the game's kind of like hitching a little bit for me right now yeah i saw that too just kind of come here get back here oh boy oh oh boy we might have to restart the server after this match have to probably have to yeah why are you just running away get away from me oh god oh god get back hit each other oh no i lost so many things oh my goodness oh shorty my vehicle that's not good oh wow what yes okay well i actually poked them oh dead oh oh oh oh oh oh poker i lost my poker oh no no no i only have back wheels oh that's good can you turn i can't if i go backwards what's going on here i can straight look at this i'm just not going to change the winner's vehicle all right all right all right can i as much this time there we go i have two wheels but i can turn because one of them has turning okay oh yes [Music] two points all right guys another two minutes on the clock we're doing the first of four wins so if cosmo wins this it is over 120 blocks is your limit now and three two one go i don't know i love how you were like i'm going to use all my power cores it puts one extra power cord down well i was that i was at 99 blocks when i said that so i couldn't put down two engines you could still but you can still put down one engine that takes two power cords but those engines only work for like long distances you know what this is probably gonna hurt until the help i'm gonna put down two of the other ones then all right i'm gonna do a little bit of this [Music] before what was the what's with these sloped pieces on the back there sky man was that i don't know i just wanted it to look better than it did scrap me try to make art and you're making me feel bad okay no man it's better than mine mine was a brick and it's still lost so you know yeah i honestly feel like at this stage i'm happy with the way the vehicle works and now i'm just doing some aesthetics i'm just once again with the vehicle's performance oh okay all right fine let's see how it is i feel like my problem is i just die so i'm just gonna just keep slapping bricks down and hope that that does i don't even understand i'm using the same vehicle and suck it just doesn't make sense you know this it hasn't been my vehicle like ever so you figure i'd be good at least one 35 seconds left listen you're not the boss of me okay yes dad okay maybe you are yeah well i'm at 114 i don't know if i can get all the way oh 17 6 120 3 seconds okay let's just ignore that all right i'm guess i'm stopping at 117. time's up all right what did you put armor on your wheels i put more wheels oh you did put more wheels yeah and then i've got i've got the longer pokers okay yeah i don't know if that's gonna help but yeah i don't know either all right cozmo what do you got going on here i got double the poker oh you stealing oh my god he didn't pull through it i had that's a good idea yeah that's a good night because once his ones are gone he just goes in reverse and still has poking power i just went for pure aesthetic stuff that time other than some wheel armor on one of my wheels hey at least your thumbnail is going to look good when i kill you hey hey hey hey hey prosthetics and that's what you ended up with i'm so confused hey hey hey i don't appreciate the pr i don't appreciate the personal attack here all right three two one battle what's up cosmo no don't come hey body oh boy the server is not liking these vehicles comes back from the grave to take on 140 block limit now are you guys ready yeah i think so all right and three two one builds okay i don't know how to i thought the last round was going to be the last one to be honest believe in myself well you're already off to a bad start [Music] i think i have the winning strat here boys [Music] what is it share with the class yeah yeah yeah what's the winning stretch let's go for a complete total meme oh of course [Music] all right all right 136 where we say 140 yeah i think so all right we got a minute left i'm gonna add four more blocks this thing be very very very deliberate with these last four blocks one [Music] two okay three and four i gotta paint them up all right i think we're good 10 seconds left 140 blocks and time is up khan what did you do [Laughter] khan what did you do i'm gonna i'm gonna i got i got an armor i got an armored plate on the bottom all right so see i'm just gonna do this and then i got i got a strat and then i just go kaboom and come in for a power slam you could take someone out but i don't think you're going to survive cause we'll win for big wheels okay survive it's gonna be good all right i hope that'll help i added one more set of wheels some pokers and of course the ever ever important eyeballs and mustache oh very nice yeah all right and three two one battle you guys weren't even ready for aerial warfare i have no idea stop it stop it go for economy i oh man okay all right i gotta turn around now gotta use my rear pokers all right there we go there we go okay that didn't work very well come on i'm still red i realized you are still red i'm still good you got the yellow wheels though okay vehicle oh he is still in his still in my seat yes i took out a tire i took out a tire i can't steer anymore my only steering wheel just like oh i'm dead scrap it seats down i'm dead i can't believe you rode up onto my seat and destroyed me all right that was my plan the whole time yeah yeah and if you can't get me then we just have to both prepare and go for it okay i mean but why don't you try and get me dude no right here well i can't remember cosmo crush them crush them in between our vehicles is he still in no i'm still in my seat i'm still in my hey let's go there buddy i can't go anywhere oh it's so layered under here bro this is like my thumbnail you're comfortable comfortable underwear how it's going and what do you want to do do you want to repair do you want there you go what oh you're both both died both of us all right you got to repair go all right all right do your grand attack execute plan watch out my speed delta epsilon all right here we go oh he's coming in for the aerial attack no no no you can't you can't dodge come on i gotta just i gotta just line this bad boy up oh my goodness god we're just waiting for him i'm later like is anything gonna happen i got it i got it [Laughter] you just knocked on it no damn it oh it cost my wings congratulations yeah celebratory catapult the fly oh there you go amazing uh two do uh two episodes in a row cosmo you're on a roll yeah just he's on a roll apparently battles battles is where cosmo shines and boats battles and boats all right if you guys want to see some more trail makers multiplayer content let us know what you like to see in future episodes and we'll see you guys in the next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 1,486,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers evolution, evolution, evolution race, trailmakers battle, battlebots, trailmakers battlebots, trailmakers battlebot arena, battlebot evolution
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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