Building Relationships with Dr Myles Munroe

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[Music] [Music] mmm-hmm the more principles you learn from the Word of God the less you pray about what to do your bread and shifts to the kingdom of God being established oh boy okay do you have a car made by a manufacturer Jaguar Rover Ford whatever you got a car there and that car when you bought the car it came with a manual didn't it and in that manual it tells you how to car functions and how it works and what to look for to troubleshoot if there's a problem now most of you got a car but don't understand how it works am i right of course now when something goes wrong with that car what do you do you panic sure you driving down the street the car has a little sound it shuts down you park it on the side of the road and then you cry for help you call the mechanic he comes he sits in it for a second he turns the key and he goes no problem and he goes in into the hood opens it up he goes right to the problem he fixes it and you pay him 200 pounds now you gotta say 200 pounds if he knew how to fix it yourself the mechanic is being paid because he knows the principles you gotta pay him because you don't mmm so principles simplify life okay the car you bought works on the principle of what gasoline doesn't it and you know how to put petrol in your car I mean yeah at least you know that much so when your car is on E what do you do you don't need to pray O Lord show me what to do father I just pray you'll reveal to me no you don't pray at all do you break now you find a gas station and you know what you got to do you ain't got a fast and pray and tarry and coughing I want to agree with you in prayer or nothing you just know what to do why because you know the principle of it's the car functions that's the way your marriage supposed to be whatever happens in your relationship you're supposed to know exactly what to do he's must know what's wrong and how to fix it principles protect life and when you violate them they destroy you I want to mention destruction here for a minute when you violate a principle it destroys you you don't destroy it so there's no such thing as you violating a principle you basically violate yourself in the book of psalm 119 I want to read this verse it has everything in it that you need to know about principles it says blessed are they whose ways are blameless who walk according to the law of the Lord blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart they're mine they do nothing wrong I like that they do nothing wrong they never do anything wrong he says they walk in his ways they you have laid down your precepts they are to be fully obeyed end quote God says you can live and never do anything wrong if you do one walk according to and obey the precepts he laid down you can have a successful life in every area for the rest of your life if you learn what the precepts the principles the laws of God now that some words I want you to write down very quickly and I kind of pulled them out for you in the in the document here at the white principle is the word from Prince Prince means first and principal means first law or for its rule principal means the fundamental law based law based foundational rule and therefore a principal is the first foundational original law established by which a creature or a created thing is designed to function or be regulated so in principle is a first the first law laid down by the manufacturer that's a principle this is so important I'm trying to take you to this carefully because this helped you understand the whole Bible anything that is not a principle is an opinion what's a principle look at the notes a principle is one principle means one first you know when a king and a queen has a child they are called a prince or a prince sense that word means they are first in line for the throne so Prince means first Satan is called the Prince of Darkness the word darkness in Hebrew means ignorance so he's the first one to rule by ignorance hello that means the air of your life when you are ignorant Satan has the most rulership over you and that's why I read four books a month it's tough for 21 years that's been my commitment I read four books a month sometime I don't make it so I'm gonna make three books depending on the size of the book but my goal is to read four books every month I've been doing pretty good over the last twenty years I read four magazines every week The Economist's US News and World Report Newsweek and time and read them I want to know what's going on I'm trying to destroy ignorance I'm trying to get rid of ignorance why because whatever I don't Satan controls me in that area your greatest enemy is not sin not that Satan your greatest enemy is ignorance God said my people are destroyed not because of Devils or demons or sin but my people are being destroyed because of what ignorance is destroying you so the less ignorance you have the less destruction you experience the Satan can only rule in darkness he rules over ignorant and that word darkness means ignorance and in Hebrew the word dances with ignorance but in Hebrew the word knowledge means light and Jesus is known as what the light of the world Satan is known as what the Prince of Darkness the more you get knowledge the less Satan controls you so if you've been destroyed in your health don't just ask for prayer for healing check what you eaten maybe your knowledge in your area of what you eaten is destroying you and Satan is using them canned foods but all that preservative to destroy your life mmm maybe you're sucking on a cancerous or sniffing some coke or something or may bring us something beer on the side and the devil is used in that era of ignorant to destroy you that's why God gave the train of Israel help laws not just healing but health laws because knowledge keeps Satan away I like what Jesus said he said I am what the light of the world light meets what I'm the knowledge therefore he says I am the revelation the world needs and then he says Satan has no part in me in other words there's no part of me controls why because I know everything give my hand he's awesome God yeah but don't clap and want you to crap for yourself because then he also says now you are the light of the world see you're supposed to know so much that Satan doesn't have any part in you either give yourself ahead you're getting more knowledge right now my number one passion in life is to destroy your darkness that's why I teach some Gillis Lee that's why I teach so simply because I want you to get revelation knowledge so Satan can never destroy that air of your life again tell your neighbor hate ignorance say it again I hate ignorance psalm 119 we read it he says the law of the Lord the statutes of the Lord the ways of the Lord the precepts of the Lord the decrees of the Lord the commandments of the Lord the word of the Lord I want you to notice that all these words are used in that one want one passage the word law means establish standards which means principles the word statues means fixed predictable image which means established principles the Lord uses the word ways ways means predictable attitudes precepts means predetermine ideas decrease means committed purpose commands mean express law word means intent and several desire now all these words are used in one chapter and God's if you follow these you'd be right in everything you do everybody get the concept so far so all these words mean the same thing they mean principles the law of God is the principle of God so the Ten Commandments are really God's principles by which man supposed to live this book you have in your lap is simply a book of principles if you follow the principles you live successfully you violate them you die you destroy yourself there's a way that seems right unto a man but the end is what destruction but look at number three he says if a man's ways please the Lord the amoebans enemies got to be at peace with him if you walk in the ways of God David says they make my foot Shore and I would preserve my life the ways of God is the principles of God if you follow the manufacturer's instructions then the car will always function and so what some successful marriages the key to life then an effective living is knowledge understanding obedience and application of the principles of the Creator and I think the greatest tragedy in life is ignorance of these principles of life and that's why Jesus came he is for the word God sent a word because we were lacking instruction of the principles Hebrews 1 verse 1 says by his son whom he appointed heir to all things and through whom he made all the universe the son is the Express image of God's glory and the Express image of his very being and he upholds and sustains all things how but a word of his power or the power of his word in other words God not only created the universe but all of the universe including the earth is functioning on principles principle simply means the word that the manufacturer gave when you buy a VCR or a toaster or car or refrigerator or you buy a microwave oven when you open the box of that VCR that microwave the first thing you see is not the product do you know it's covered by a little booklet and the book always says before opening this product please read me completely do you really completely don't lie you don't now what does that book call it's called a manual everybody said manual write the word manual down very important the word manual now the word manuals from the word manufacturer the word means to make ma nu means to make to fabric ok menu means to make manufacturer means the factor that made it so the manufacture is the factor that made it manufacture a factor menu that which makes the product is called a manufacturer the factory labayda you get that okay so manual means to make now look at the word manual write that down the word manual also has menu in it which means make to make but but when you put the word man you all together it means the mind of the maker so the word manual means the thoughts of the maker on paper in a box so when you open the box the first thing the manufacturer says before touching my product please read my mind completely why does the manufacturer say that because the manufacturer is stating clearly you don't know my mind concerning my own product now some of you have bought a VCR machine and your VCR machine has 12 functions but all you know is for stop rewind pause and play anybody guilty let me see your hands yeah look at that all hundreds hundreds of you all right now you paid for eight functions but you're only benefiting from four tell me why because you did not read the manual what's the manual the makers mind that means you are ignorant of what he thought about his product that's why you can't benefit to its maximum it's like going into marriage and not figuring out God's thoughts about marriage and instead of benefiting you suffer marriage was not created by the government of this country it's not a product of social scientists it's not the product of psychologists so why do you keep going to psychologists to get help for your marriage it's because you haven't read the manufacturers manual you do not take a Jaguar to Toyota to get it repaired come on let's talk a little bit here you don't take Mercedes to Ford to get fixed so why take marriage to some ungodly psychologists to get it fixed they didn't make the product Oh past I need a week just to deal with marriage you know cuz we don't understand we keep trying to make it work but parts that don't fit you don't take a Jaguar to tell you why because Toyota does not have genuine parts you don't take your marriage to some psychologists some psychiatrists because they don't have genuine path matter of fact they've been divorced five times and you trying to get them to fix yours [Applause] tell your neighbor read the manga before you touch the product say it again read the manga before you touch the product hold your Bible up say read the man before you touch the product the purpose for the manual is to teach the customer the principles by which the product is the function so the safest thing for you to do is to learn the precepts the principles life is very simple just learn how it works and that's what Jesus came to teach us how easy he's the manufacturer of life so he knows how it works let's take a look very quickly at Genesis 1 let's see one of the principles here about male and female relationships Genesis 1:26 says let us make man in our own image in our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air over the cattle of the field and over all the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created him male and female created he them and then God blessed them and said unto them be fruitful let's pause there a minute the word man as I mentioned yesterday is referring to the Spirit being that God created and the word man is therefore referring to the entire human race it's called man man's name - species now follow me carefully boy look at me I want you to understand this Toyota makes cars no not really Toyota makes vehicles so everything that I ought to make is called what a vehicle but Toyota doesn't only make cars they make vehicles help me Lord Mercedes makes vehicles but they don't just make cars they make vehicles they are in the motoring business they make motor vehicles follow me God said let us make man God makes man Toyota makes vehicles but the models are different hmm Toyota makes trucks and cars and Jeeps Mercedes makes cars and trucks and jeeps and lorries okay but they simply make vehicles God says I make man one modulus meal the other model is female but they are all man let us make man male and female models he made man so my wife is a man and I am a man but she's a female model of the company's product and I'm the male model of the company product now why does a company make different models because of different purposes when Mercedes makes a truck it's because the purpose in the mind the manufacturer is that this particular vehicle will carry tons of weight then it makes a family car why that's not to carry tons of weight that's to carry a regular a weight of a family of four so the the purpose determines the design of the product what is more important a car or truck y'all sound confused let's try a simpler question what's more important a spark plug or a battery okay you see value has nothing to do with the product it has to do with the function my wife are now completely equal we both man but we're different because of function she's the man with the wound so she's a wound man a woman I'm the man without the womb so I'm the man the womb 'bless man now in Matthew 19 can you turn there with me Jesus is approached by some religious leaders they were always as greatest problems because religion is a very strong spirit and they approached him with a question concerning relationship in Matthew chapter 19 verse 3 some Pharisees came to him to test him they asked quote is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason good question stop reading please now they asked him a question about what divorce Jesus ignored that question you got to study him carefully because you think he answered the question he didn't answer the question they said should a man divorce his wife for any and every reason now that question is a very important question 2000 years ago because if you study the book of Malachi which is 400 years before Matthew you will notice that in Malachi the ends talking about marriage and divorce and all the brokenness in the homes matter of fact the last verse in Malachi says he returned the hearts of the father's back to the children children back in other ways it ends on a broken family and a broken home and a broken community and then the Bible actually States at the an Amalekite that if the fathers don't go back home and fix their families he'll destroy the country that's in your Bible in other words the nation of this very of this very organization here the very nation you live in your community is being destroyed because the fathers are not at home how's that for simplifying the problem God says that's why I wrote that book on fatherhood every problem in the society is it can be traced back to the father women all your problems are men let me talk to you for a second here see and you men you don't want to accept that but I'm giving it to you we are the problem brothers that's why when the human race fell God did not ask for Eve even though she picked the fruit if this man was doing his job she wouldn't have gotten to that tree if you study the Ministry of Jesus listen carefully I'm giving you an assignment now homework assignment I want you to toe to your computer typing in your Bible program the word father hit the key and tell me how many times he mentioned the word father in the four Gospels more than any other word Jesus's safety was in his father not his mother if you ask any man in this place who was there wrong mothers say their mother we are sick oh I don't want to get on the father gets me all wound up here when these big athletes make this big plays and you put it right in their face they don't mention it that I want to touch my mama I want to touch my mama oh shut up what about your daddy I don't want to get on that see that's our problem he says the fathers are not home most of you men in here are feminized [Music] can I talk about it for a second all the men sit up straight stop Lakes up straight at a number one assignment of Jesus with misted brothers he says when he calms the Messiah when have one focus he returned their hearts of the father's back to the children and the children went back to their mothers put to the father's one cuz we ain't got a mother problem they always home I don't want to touch this the crime in our country is because fathers are not home the jails are filled with men because the fathers weren't home the children are pregnant at 14 because the father's ain't home the young girls are wavered because the father's ain't home the mothers are lonely because the fathers ain't home the mothers are struggling paying the rent and bringing up five kids because the father ain't home it's the father problem I don't want to touch this than believe that [Applause] so in Malachi the book ends with family disaster matter of fact it is in that book Malachi chapter 3 where God says I hate divorce it was in that book what divorce was so bad in monitize day that a man could divorce a woman if she sneezed this is true historical fact if a woman burned the food he could divorce her if she went to bed and have sex with him and didn't tell him she had a period or her menstruation he'll divorce her if a woman walks into the room while a man was with his friends he would divorce her it was so stupid by the time Malachi came around that divorces were happening just like that so by the time Christ came to earth the community was a disaster so that question comes from that environment they said you claim to be God you claim to be the rabbi that knows everything they said answer this question is it lawful for man to divorce his wife for any and every reason now they asking who the manufacturer don't talk to the manufacturer brother because he knows the product Rena's answer his answer was watch this his answer was haven't you read that at the beginning now look what he went you see Moses wrote the bill of divorcement but Christ jumped over Moses the men behind him and that's where you should always go past this let me say something real deep you study it later I used to be so excited about being a son of Abraham until I discovered Christ never claimed it see this blessing you're talking about Abraham blessing you living below your privilege I don't want Abraham's blessing I used to crave it until I got attached to Jesus Christ Christ never claimed Abraham hmm the charismatic movement is living on leftover blessings brother that's why all you can think about is cars and houses that's Abraham's stuff that's that's local stuff that that ain't a real thing one time they told Jesus we know who our Father is our fathers Abraham he says now let me tell you something before Abraham was I am the only person that he claimed ready for this was Adam the first Adam and the second Adam he said no on the last Adam he's I am Adam the word last means original he's I am Adam the original friend I'm the one that they got the prints from I am the plate you don't understand that you know the printer it's Abraham knew about blessings but didn't know about Dominion so you could drive a car and still be oppressed you could build a big house and still be oppressed so when you kick behind Abraham go behind Moses Moses represents what the law called behind the law tap into your original self the one in the garden who has dominion over the whole planet that's who I want to be that's what I want I want dominion over my circumstances hallelujah I say hallelujah that's why Christ did not breach Abraham he didn't even preach blessings he went behind all of that and that's why I am right now you come on Friday we're gonna get it right I'm going to show you how to live a life in a different category altogether it's called the Dominion mandate you see Abraham was blessed but he never dominated blessings don't make you a domain a Dominator it just makes you comfortable so that's why price preached King Dominion I'm getting off into this I better quit the disciples said to Jesus what shall we eat what shall we wear where shall we live how shall we live Christ said stop it that is a faith that's worried you calling it fate it's worried and then he said why do you worry what you will eat what you will drink which you will wear where you will live how you will live sounds like a prayer line doesn't it yeah that's a prayer line isn't it charismatic prayer line believe in God for some food believe in God for some clothes believe in God for some cars but even garver some house see that's the charismatic prayer line crisis why do you worry about those things they are not supposed to be pursuit they supposed to be by products he said you don't worry about those things don't even pray for them he says but seek first go behind Abraham he says go seek the King Dominion first and it's righteousness and all these things they come with it you got more power than you think in this city man but you got a shift from blessing to Dominion and this place will impact the country so much they'll be in a in fear see when you hit kingdom you hit rights you hit justice what is justly yours that's what you go after kingdom people never beg for anything they demand things how do I get off into this I got ten minutes five minutes Jesus said look your problem is not divorced oh please don't miss this last seven minutes please they said divorce is our problem Jesus everyone's getting divorced fifty percent of the homes in this country are divorced most of the past has been married twice so are they working in the church either we got Saints in the choir divorced Saints in the ministry in the congregation divorce so something ain't working we getting blessed with the homes are falling apart something ain't right so he they asked the question his answer was strange he said have you read from the beginning it was not so God made them one male and female from the beginning for this reason should a man leave his mother and father cleave unto his wife the two shall become united in one flesh so they are no longer two but one and therefore would God joined together let no man put asunder now he's talking about what they talking about divorce he went to something else I want to close on this very important we can pick up here tomorrow I guess I got to do this again tomorrow it's just my fourth slide he said divorce is not your problem okay let me explain this can I have you and your wife come stand here for me real quickly pastor I know you want to take notes but you could get the tape free we're giving a blessing just stand here for me please both of you stand side-by-side no you stand in front of him in front of him sorry no you stand no you stand in the front she was standing in front of you see typical old way of thinking now you know better from yesterday that's where she belongs so when Satan attacks your family you become the foundation so imma push it now put pressure on us that's a good man that's a good man rather brothers that's a real father [Applause] all the ladies says Lord let that be me that's the kind of man you want right the man who will catch you when things push you over come on praise the Lord somebody you want a man who won't run when the pressure gets hot you don't want a man who runs when it's time to buy milk and diapers and baby oil you want a man who will be there to catch everything [Applause] now his answer was interesting he said divorce is not your problem let me explain why write this down divorce get the word divorce now I want you to write it backward once you put behind that word marriage I put behind that word female I put behind that word male that's what he says he said divorce is not your problem why divorce is a symptom so he didn't deal with divorce he says divorce is a symptom what's a symptom a symptom is a sign that something else is wrong are you following me so when you have a pain somewhere the pain is not the problem pain is good God designed pain in the body so that the nervous system could send a signal that something is wrong somewhere so pain is good if you never have pain you'll never know you have a problem will they help me now so when you take a painkiller you are not solving the problem a divorce court is a painkiller it doesn't solve your problem that's why you get married again have the same pain so Jesus said your problem gentlemen is not divorce so I'm going to ignore that because divorce is a symptom let's go back and find a cause will help me now he said the cause is you did not go to the beginning to get your man and your woman it gets heavy here he said look if you've got the stuff that the manufacturer began with then you could get the results he'd guaranteed the manufacturer says you could be married for life and live happily and never be put asunder by any lawyer the manufacturer guarantees that but you've got to go back over Moses over Abraham and go back in the beginning where it was so now don't crap yet you ain't get it yet hi-ho so he said look if you're going to get married and be successful you must get the male and the female in the beginning you're getting it yeah okay watch this I promise before I say Amen and sit down you'll get it you see listen it's gonna save your life and marriage if you're single you can be glad you're here okay watch this listen so you have a cake and the cake is salty and hard that's what you have you can't curse the cake why you got a check to find out what went wrong in the ingredient stage crisis look ain't nothing wrong with your cake something's wrong with the ingredients you used so if your cake is bad don't curse the cake go back in the files and check and see if you use the right material when you open a cookbook on the right page there's a photograph of the cake beautiful on the left side all this funny writing this mix of writing you don't like that pot you like to picture that's the wedding day you see the bride dress and the tuxedo and on the photograph and the flowers that's the picture God says you want that you gotta follow my ingredients we keep telling God but the picture ain't right the picture ain't right why is the picture messed up the picture ain't coming out like your picture does it because you didn't follow the ingredients instruction the mail that you used for this product was the wrong mail he says it wasn't the mail from the beginning he says the female that you use was not the right female so when you mix them two together and you call it marriage Gazeta a marriage what's a beginning female and what's the beginning male the beginning mail is interesting mail five things about a beginning mail write them down this the mail you want to marry and if you already married you haven't helped you if you already married sir you better try and get these five things in your life otherwise we're going to see you on the divorce block the beginning mail the one before Eve showed up that's the one you want number one he's in God's image he knows his self image you don't want to marry a man who trying to be like somebody else you don't want a man who's still running after Nike shoes and and Tommy and Hilfiger you don't want a man who's trying to be somebody else he has no self-image you know what a man who's damaged by history and still trying to come out of oppression and try to find his own value or his self-worth you don't want a sick man like that you want a man who knows he's in the image of God and that is valueless attached to that image that's a hard man to find that's why you got big men 40 years old still wanting to wear bell-bottoms and and Nike shoes and I got a by Calvin Klein to feel important it ain't funny they're spending the the family money to try and salvage the image the first thing God gave that first man was his image he knew he was just like God number two God put him in Eden oh don't miss tomorrow we can talk about it Eden is the Hebrew word which means moment or spot it means presence that means the second thing that this first man had was the presence of the Lord he loved to be in the presence of the Lord [Music]
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 74,262
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Keywords: IGOC, KICC
Id: ZzW3t4N9Zhs
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Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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