Building Proxmox LXC Container from Scratch - FlareSolverr

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from Nova Spirit Tech and welcome back to the channel and now it's time to start building our own Linux containers on proxmox so let's get started as we are building more to our proxx media center even though with the use of proax helper script there are some things that are missing in that that we would have to build ourselves namely what we're going to be installing today will be called flare solver which is an app to bypass Cloud flare DDOS guard so a lot of our indexers actually use cloud flare as the front end now this tutorial also show you the way how to make your own Linux containers so you don't necessarily have to install flare solver but it could serve as a guide for any services that you plan to install in the future anyway let's jump into the desktop now here's the application that we're going to be installing called flare solver and you can actually get this from GitHub and I'll leave the link down in the description below and it shows you flare salver is a proxy server to bypass Cloud flare and DDOS guard protection and it has a bunch of other stuff down here on on what it uses and how it uses it like selenium is a python module and chrome drivers so it probably needs Chrome or chronium so we'll get through this in a little bit but let's jump into our proxmox now I do have two test machines but I'm not going to be using those I'm actually going to be building one from scratch this way you could just follow along but before we do anything on our last video I actually did not show how much resources we are currently using with all these containers running even on a low-end machine like what we have right here which is the Z a blade only about using 2.5 gigs or 34% of the ram that we have out of the 8 gigs of RAM and it's actually doing pretty good on what we have as far as resources go being that we have minimal resources and it's not a very fast CPU as you can see the ceron j3455 it's still crunching away all right to start let's jump into our create CT on the top right and wow we're up to 10 already and I'm going to call this flare solver with two RS and we're going to pop in a password over here and we could add a tag if we want and the one that we've been using is proxx helper script which if you use this it'll actually maintain the blue or you can add other stuff and it'll change the color you see how it's like pink as soon as I type in there so it's really up to you but I'm going to leave that tag in there hit next the template we're going to be using is Debian 11 we could use Debian 12 I found Debian 11 to work better just in general uh for our containers for the dis we could use 8 gigs of storage it actually does not require much and here's the biggest difference between using a VM in a container it's the resources that it consumes as far as VM goes you might need a minimum at least 20 gigs uh 4 gigs of RAM or 2 gigs of RAM for a Linux operating system and a bunch of other stuff to emulate which reduces the speed of the virtual machine itself while container uses a lot of the host specs so you don't need a lot of storage because everything pre-installed in the host uh 88 gigs of storage is definitely more than enough for what we're doing today CPU I'll leave as one we could use two as a matter of fact chronium does take a lot of resources you might want to up this to two but in our case I'm just going to leave it as one because we don't have that much resources uh 512 512 is perfect uh Network this is where we're going to change to V mbr1 and we're going to do DHCP and we'll call this ethal one that's fine and next next and then finished now I'm going to let this create give or take what 30 seconds a minute maybe less depending on the speed of your CPU but this would be done as soon as this says task okay all right there we have it task okay that took maybe less than 30 seconds and now we could go to our flare salver and console and we're going to start this right up and start building it and this is what I like about building these things I actually rather enjoy it more because I could make it mold to the way way I want and get it to the way I need it so once this starts up we're going to jump into root and the password we could always make a user if you want but in my case I'm just going to leave it like this and I am going to first get apt update that is fine we got 48 packages that can be upgraded and we could just leave this as normal now as far as flare solver goes if you scroll down a little bit they should have a Linux installed there you go from source code which is what we're going to be doing you can technically download their release and just run it off that way but I'm just going to get it and they do have an option for installing it on Docker as well which is the normal way I would normally install this because it's so much easier but since we are creating a container I try to minimize it without having a second container like container to Docker and then another container that's resources I don't need to use so I'm just going to build this from Source now we do need python 3.11 Chrome or chronium uh xvfb and pip that's about it all right right so what we're going to do is jump over to python test and we're going to add all that stuff in so we're going to need let me clear the screen if I make this bigger it looks so weird like I don't know if that's like a the best way to do it I'll just leave it like this for now and see so flare solare we're going to do AP install python because that's what it's need a Python 3 actually 3.11 we're going to need get so we could get that stuff we're also going to need our chronium we can use Chrome but prefer chronium xvfb that's another one and pip so python 3- pip okay hit enter I'm going to let this all install in one time it's going to cost me 980 megabytes which is not too bad and again depending on the speed of your computer this might take a while this might not so also dependent on the speed of your internet as well while we are going through this I'm going to pop over to the GitHub of flare solver and one of the things that they did mention is that we provide an example system theunit flare sol. service which is unavailable I cannot find it in this resource at all maybe they got rid of it um or it might be even in the releases but I'm not too sure as far as the source codes go I can't find it anywhere I looked I downloaded this get somewhere else and I did a search for it and I could not find this actual Service uh file for systemd so what I ended up doing was creating my own I actually now have an repository called Linux system Services which I will start adding more and more services as I go down the road but it's pretty much the general sense of what we have for starting a service so in Linux Theory services are not like Windows where you can just put it into a task or put it into a folder and just have it auto start uh in our system D we actually have to create these files called Services files now in the first part we will have the unit the name of the file and after this is very important the after is tells you when to start this particular service so one of the big thing is Network Target that means this will only start if network is started first so if you are creating any software that doesn't require the network you can actually remove this line and it'll start up even sooner so it depends on the placement of what you want and because we are hosting something which is flare solver and requires a IP and a port the network target has to be available first then you have your directory which this needs to be changed to wherever you downloaded flare solver in my case I just left it as root uh restart on failure just like Docker uh restart within 5 Seconds the type is simple uh execution command which is our Python 3 and then our file that we need to um execute and then on uh the kill signal will be Sig in timeout and then system and then wanted by multi-user so that's another thing you want to be careful for most or almost almost all programs are multi-user Target uh you can go for single user Target as well but well generally it's just multi-user Target and that's makes up basically the service file all right let's see if this is done all right it is so let me go to flare Sal right over here grab this URL I'm going to copy that with contrl c and clear the screen again and we're going to do get clone and pop that in and there we have it we have our flare solver now in the flare solver we do need to do requirements right here and it's in their command as well if you go back into the readme file uh it basically says you have to pip install the requirements so we're going to do pip install d r requirements hit enter and this will install the stuff that we need like selenium uh functions uh stuff like that so we're going to let this run and I'm not too sure how long this would be maybe a few minutes it's pretty pretty quick it's only got a couple of modules that needs to install and there we have it that's all done hopefully this isn't really an error I'm going to try running the program now so let's do Python 3 period slsrc and then flare solver dopy and it runs perfect launching web browser which is chronium and again because of this this actually uses quite a few resources all right so the port is 8191 and I don't know what the IP is on this which I should have grabbed a second ago but we're going to head back into our wrt go to status overview and let's take a look at what flare solver would be right here 179 okay so we're going to copy that IP address we need that locally in this system we're going to hop back over to prowler and in here we're going to go to indexers and add the flare solver click on that and we are going to change that Port I mean the IP address to the new IP 1050 50. 179 again if you're confused with this IP you got to watch the previous video on our open wrt video and let's test this and as soon as I try to test this incoming request perfect detected it's coming from 156 which is our Prowler IP address and everything is okay we should have a green check actually let me test it again and then you will see a green check everything's working which is good there you go the green check and then we could hit save now this is still in its manual state where you have to bring it up every time which is something we don't want because if it reboots we lose uh flare solver so what we need to do is cancel out of this or control C I'm going to clear this screen and this is where we're going to build our system service so we're going to do a nano into Etc system D and then system and then we're going to call a file called flare solver do service all right now we could go into my little service tab which I should talked about earlier grab this we're just going to copy this and then we're going to paste it in this terminal and there we have it now because all my stuff is still in root I don't have to change any of the folders but if you did install it somewhere else remember to change that contrl X save this buffer yes hit enter and just to double check I'm going to do uh PWD and yes the current directory is root slf flare solver and it's the same thing perfect and now we could do system CTL enable flare and there you go if you hit tab it autocompletes because it knows it's in that file so we're going to do flare solver it's going to create a symbolic link and then now I'm going to hit up arrow and go back and do start just to start the service itself now just to make sure it everything started up correctly we could go back and go to status and there we have it chronium started ports opened and let's double check it we're going to go back into our Prowler go to flare solver hit test and if it's a green check mark then we know it's good to go there we have it save now we're going to do one more test just to make sure everything is working we're going to hit Q to get out of that clear and we're just going to do a reboot now we have to make sure it survives the reboot and once it does we could test it one more time then we know everything is all complete and we are done with this we we pretty much built our own Linux container all right there we go it just started up I'm going to give it a few more seconds because I think it might be running chronium in the background and I'm just going to not even log in I'm just going to leave the screen like this go to proxies flare solver and then let's go to test if it's it's a green check mark then we are good to go if it doesn't work it'll actually be a red X okay there we go we have our own little service all set up and then now if I go over to summary this doesn't take much resources 66 megabytes of memory usage and it doesn't use much uh CPU resources but watch this if I was to put this off to the side grab this and drag it out and you can see the resources right over here I'm G to click flare solver test you're going to automatically see it pops up you see that it goes up to 99% uses about 200 Meg of RAM and then it drops back down so that's basically the test so if you have a lot of indexers that uses uh flare solver just be mindful of that because it actually does take up a bunch of resources just to run the initial process of getting the cookie last but not least the only thing we have to do is go into options and make sure this starts up on boot up hit okay and that is it anytime when your system reboots it's going to going to run flare solare as well and that's how you would create a container in your Linux proxmox it's basically a server install of any Linux that you're doing you don't have a desktop you don't have a start menu or anything like that it's just the bare root uh console version of any Linux now you don't have to do this with Debian you could use this with Arch Linux you could do this with Rocky Alpine whatever you want whatever you're comfortable with I'm more comfortable with Debian or Ubuntu that's why I actually chose it to use this way but if you wanted to save a little bit more resources alp is a great change of pace as well anyway that is it for this video if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and I say my nerd cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 11,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, proxmox lxc, proxmox, proxmox container, debian container, flaresolverr, proxmox setup, lxc container, containers, virtual machine, qemu, linux
Id: zFhxSXzy1_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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