Install ZeroTier in your Proxmox server a better VPN alternative to Tailscale, and Twingate

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greetings get ready to embark on an extraordinary Journey exploring the world of networking solutions to install in your proxmox server we are going to show you an app that you can use to replace your VPN this software has two unique features not found in tail scale netb bird twin gate we will be running zero tier in our proxmox Network so buckle up and prepare to be amazed by the Brilliance of this video now without further Ado let me introduce you to our proxmox expert Niko please note that Nik has a Charming doin European accent but fear not he speaks the queen's English fluently over to you niik thank you Josh hi there this video may become controversial we have already covered netb bird tail scale and twin gate with zero tier you get more than what these and other zero trust networking VPN replacement systems provide we provide a link down below to this blog page which will serve as the instructions for this video we have already covered netb bird tail scale and twin gate in our previous videos with zero tier you get more than what these and other zero trust networking VPN replacement systems provide to save time you can read the this on our Blog Page what I do want to point out is that zero tier in addition to support for Windows Mac OS Linux Android and iOS it provides support for microti and iot devices and that makes this unique we'll start by looking at zero tier so if you click on the homepage it'll bring you here and this is what we found interesting that zero tier supports iot I haven't seen this for the other zero Trust Systems so give us a comment down below if you have seen another zero trust system that provides this functionality in addition to iot zero tier provides support for micro tick and other routers next we'll look at the pricing zero tier like some of the other zero trust system provides a free account in this account you get a single admin user and 25 devices unlimited networks and community support and if we click on the community link there are two ways to install it you can go for the open-source version we are going to click on the Zero tier basic and that brings us here for a new user you will select which security provider you are going to use I will select Google select my account continue you can tick if you want to get emails I don't want to and then create a network now that I've done that I want to install this on my Linux laptop so now we are going to go to the download click this link it'll take you here and you will see there's a difference between this download and some of the other zero trust networking providers you'll notice that in addition to iOS and Android and Windows and Mac and Linux that there's routers here and this gives you support to microti and then this also gives you support to iot devices now that you've come on the download page let's have a look and see what there is there is a Microsoft installer there is a Mac OS installer there is a Linux installer and for our docka fans there is even support for docka here in addition to that they have published the code in GitHub they even support free BSD Nas devices we will now select the Linux we'll copy this command and open a terminal while we wait for this to install we will pause the video and they've now provided me with an address we'll copy it it is important to keep this URL as a bookmark and then when you do that then you click on networks and we'll create our Network we'll give this a more descriptive name that's fine we need to add our devices so copy this we'll put it on a notepad I'm going to keep this as a private Network now that we have created our Network you need to use your network ID notice that there is no dot there so copy this and paste it into your not pad remove the dot then we need to run these commands on our Linux laptop and also on our Linux server so let's go to the terminal we will run the first command to check the status and we are not connected to any network you will now run this command and replace this with your network ID so let's open the notepad copy paste now we will run this command to list the networks and we see that we are now connected to that Network after you have added your server to the networ network if you scroll down to the bottom you will get a section called members and over here you will see there's my server that I've just added so all I need to do now is to authorize this now that we've done that let's go and install this in our proxmark server we have created an lxc container we decided to call it zero tier so what we need to do is we need to start this container and open the console log in helps to type the right password again now that we've logged in we are going to run the same commands we ran on our Linux laptop we are going to run the C command to install the zero tier agent on our server and therea we are going to add the server to the network by running these commands so let's do that this is the command we are going to run we'll pause the video until this is ended and then the next command and then we had this command which you can see down there so what we need to do is put the network ID which we saved in our notepad and that is the ID and then we run this command to see what networks we have now that we've run this command let's open the browser and see what's happened and you can see here we have a new server so let's click there and authorize it and it said less than a minute ago and let's give this one a name this is our and let's give this one a name as well after we have enabled both our our laptop and our server you will notice that they provide you with an IP address and that is not in the range of the network that those machines are I am using 10.1 54.2 for my home lab all my machines on my network are in that range this IP address is out of range but it is the IP address of this machine so I would be able to from the laptop ping it and you can see that we have pinged this server I like the fact that it didn't generate the IP address until I enabled it so if you try to connect to my network I won't enable you and you won't be able to get an IP address so you won't be able to ping my machines but after this video I am going to delete this network well I trust you found this interesting please subscribe to our channel so that we can reach our Target and please let us know what you would like to to see why are you watching the videos of this channel what are you interested in so that we can tailor our videos to meet that requirement and with that back to your Josh thank you for watching this video exploring the world of VPN alternativ to install in your proxmox server we got to install zero tier and we surprised at how versatile this software is it also uses zero trust and is built on wire guard so it is very secure this is a good alternative to netb bird and a lot easier to install and use zero tier has two unique features not found in tail scale netb bird and twin gate it supports routers like microtic routers and iot devices running this solution in a proxmox server is incredibly useful if you have not given us a like please do so why are you watching our videos please let us know if you found this video valuable consider subscribing to stay updated with our latest content and tutorials ensuring you never miss out on informative videos your support is crucial for our Channel's growth we genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more enriching content stay curious and continue exploring and harnessing prox mox's remarkable potential in your home lab and devops journey thank you for being part of our community [Music]
Channel: DVP Development Best Practices
Views: 1,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: java, k3s, kubernetes, training, tutorial, how to, mastery, beginners, advanced, intermediate, ex, IBMer, learn, full, course, k3s-ha, proxmox, install, vm, docker, tailscale, netbird, Twingate, ZeroTier, zerotier, home, lab, homelab, Install, installing, Proxmox
Id: ofOKZHtu1x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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