Installing Android On Proxmox As A Virtual Machine Using BlissOS

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hey guys what's going on St here from Nova Spirit Tech and welcome back to the channel and today we're going to be installing Android on proxmox so let's get started now there are a couple of operating systems you can choose from to install Android onto x86 one being Android x86 but that has performance issues no matter what I try or what I do I really can't get past the performance issues that Android x86 has so that's out of the picture next we have Prime OS now Prim OS hasn't been updated in a while so that's something I don't want to touch because it's just outdated which leads us to Bliss OS now Bliss OS is open source it does have a GitHub and you can compile it yourself if you want and the latest update also allows you to use vert GL which if you don't know what that is I'll leave a video link on the top left for you guys I've done a video on it before but allows you to basically use graphic acceleration through proxmox so Bliss OS basically checks off all the boxes that I need now before we get into installation I am going to show you what the desktop looks like so here we are on Bliss OS and this is basically the wallpaper that comes with you do have the Play Store but there is a version that you could install that has open apps instead of G apps if that's what you want but I install the gaps version and Play Store does work all I had to do was just sign in and there we have it I have all my apps or whatever I need to do now I did install a few apps on this but this is mainly for trying to get Android to work on my server which allows me to use Android only apps for my environment so if you have a baby monitor a security webcam or something like that that only has an Android or iPhone app at least I could install this onto my server and use it remotely so this is what that is basically made for now if you're wondering what I'm using if this is called remote viewer which allows me to use spice so that's how I get the accelerated graphic to show up on my desktop instead of trying to use VNC over console now on the desktop you have two different menu options you can slide this up and then you get the menu or you can press this like a start menu on the bottom left now they do have something called about Bliss which gives you all the information actually what it's using right now it's using virgl and the website and everything that you could take take a look at even the uh the source code from GitHub everything that you need another thing they have here is calibration so if you are using this on a regular PC and you need to calibrate the touchcreen you could use the calibration or you could take a look at the kernel which I think I believe it's yeah 6.1 so it's pretty new but it's not the latest latest is 6.6 as of right now but 6.1 is still very very new now you can see that after I installed this I am a couple of versions behind so you could see this is 11458 I'm on 11448 and keep in mind that this is also Android 11 it's not Android 14 or 13 or whatever it is it's on Android 11 now if you want to rotate your screen they do have an application called this which is I think selection let me see if I pull up the main let me close this out pull up the big menu come on do this let's pull this out and I believe that oh set orientation you could use this program and kind of set what you want landscape portrait stuff like that and um you could leave it as disabled that's what I have it and it'll just keep it in a screen like this but if you have any apps that require vertical resolution you can switch it over to that now as far as settings goes there's not much things going on in settings um right over here it's the standard settings that you would see how much storage it's using 65% but I did install some games in here uh there's a few other things that you go through which is the normal Android settings uh you can configure what they called the boring Droid settings enable PC mode full screen apps stuff like that uh but that's basically about it there's not much going on as far as the settings go but here you can see look it's Android 11 now heading back into the main desktop we do have the Play Store so we like I showed you before you can download apps if you want on here I did manag to install Angry Birds on here so Angry Birds is loaded right here and you can see the graphics is moving around now I couldn't get the sound working uh I think through the VM and stuff like that it has to be a particular audio card but I couldn't get the sound working so we're going to have to play around with that but I'm not again using this for sound really I'm just using this for um monitoring applications and stuff but yeah you could see me playing Angry Birds and it's doing all the animation and everything that it needs to it's pretty impressive but not all games work so if I was to go back into the menu now let me drag this up go here and try a different game like Asphalt 8 it will try to load but it doesn't work so I think this has to do with the graphic drivers and stuff like that so it's causing it not to load so you'll see it's trying to load and they'll just kick you out of the game unless this time it decides it will work then I don't know what to tell you yeah there you go it kicks you out now YouTube did work for a good amount of time but for some reason right now everything I try to play is turning green which I don't know why it's doing that but I did have this working before I was filming this video so I'm not particularly sure what's going on with this green screen but I'm guessing I might have to reinstall the app or not anyway that's just a quick preview of bliss OS so you could do with it what you want but yeah it does install on proxmox pretty well now let's jump into installation because it did take me a couple of tries just to get the install to work correctly so we're going to be installing Android on our proxmox and the first thing we need to do is create a VM now there are a couple of step that we need to do so first we're going to name this we're going to call this Bliss os2 because I already have a bliss os1 I'm going to hit next and then on the OS SSD here I'm going to choose the actual Bliss ISO that I downloaded earlier which I'll leave a link down in the description below for that hit next system OS this is where you would choose verg GPU which allows for graphic acceleration the machine would be Q35 and you will need to use UEFI and from here you would have to choose wherever you want to EFI storage and then you have to uncheck pre-enrolled keys and then you hit next after that uh give it some storage I don't know why I did this but I actually ended up switching this to SATA instead but you could leave it in scuzzy I think it's not a problem now I'm going to choose uh SSD for this and we have 32 GB that's fine if you're using an SSD like I am just remember to turn on discard CPU I'm using two memory I was using 4 gigs of RAM which it looked to me like it should need a little bit more depending on what you using so 6 gigs or 8 gigs would be good I'm just going to leave it at four Network confirm and then that's it all right now this is blank we can start this up head over into console let it boot up for a second now what's cool see you see there's a VM option I'm not going to boot from it but I'm going to show you the options and in here you can see it's actually using verg FFM Peg but yeah we're gonna head directly into installation it's telling you you need a ufi boot system so that's what we need to build first what you need to do is create and modify partitions hit no and then from here we want to choose GPT for ufi now we're going to create a new one and the first disc we're going to create is 024 m capital M for 1 gig all right now we're going to choose our free space and 31 gigs and we're just going to hit enter so now we have two file system SDA 1 and SDA 2 so now we're going to scroll up to SDA 1 hit over to type and then scroll up to EFI system because that will be our EFI boot dis and then sda2 will be our data go over to write and then type in yes and quit and that's it it will restart the installer it's going to go in and say it doesn't have a ufi but you see two disc now SDA 1 and SDA 2 so what you do is go to SDA 1 I'm going to format to Fat 32 because it's a blank disc name it ESP hit enter do you want to format yes and then that's it that's the EFI is uh done now sda2 we're going to select that we're going to format to ext4 we're going to call it Bliss OS format partition would you like to install prepared OTA update I hit no because I I'm playing around with storage and stuff like that you need more storage if you're going to do yes um now from here you could choose either grub 2 or rfn D now I've played with grub 2 for a very long time and I wanted to have a prettier boot loader so I decided to choose RFI n d instead it's up to you you could choose grub if you want but I'm going to choose RFI n d now this takes about like 5 minutes maybe less depending on your speed of your VM once it's done all you have to do is either reboot or you can run it so I'm going to reboot the system just to make sure everything went properly and here we have our bootloader now once you choose this the first time it's going to remember this setting so boot from Bliss 14 you see that little icon this is all you have to do and then you're going to see the boot up and here we have it guys the first time we boot it now you do have an option to choose if you want Bliss launcher or this you can play around with whatever settings you want so in my case I'm just going to choose Bliss launcher and hit always and that's it guys and that's how you install Bliss OS onto your proxmox anyway that is it guys I always wanted some sort of Android installation on my server just so I could run those apps that are particularly only installable through Android or iPhone and then have it in a server environment instead of having to use it off my phone every time so that's my main purpose if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below and if you guys a NewTube Channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and as same in archive hack tail it hearts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 7,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, bliss os, proxmox android, android on proxmox, bliss os on android, android 11, bliss, os, android os, android, gpu, proxmox, homelab, android virtual machine, virtual machine, vm, android vm, android x86, android bliss os
Id: LEyElt_yP50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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