Net Boot ISOs with iPXE boot using iVentoy!

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all right so today I'm going to show you guys how to boot an ISO through pixie boot using I ventor so let's get [Music] started now a couple of days ago I made a video on how to pixie boot using NYX boot XYZ in your environment so you could actually boot through your network my only complaint on that was that I wasn't able to load my own ISO files so there was a couple of operating systems I wasn't able to load if I wanted to now after a little bit of research I was able to find I ventoy which actually answers my question to that problem so I'm going to show you guys right here now here I have my test environment same from last time I am using the same computer but you can see this is now the ivent toy solution and I have a couple of isos popped in there so I am actually able to load into those so here I have Ubuntu 24 I have Debian 12 and I have cute fish which is an operating system based off of Ubuntu so I'm going to try to loading into Ubuntu itself in here as soon as I hit enter it works right away and there we have it's just loading right into buntu installer and this is an ISO that I just put in I didn't have to do any special technique I just had to upload the iso to ivent totoy and it loads right away so I'm going to reboot this machine jump right back into this option which is number three and you can see it's picking up Pixie Boot and it jumps right into ivento now they do have a web guey that you could actually play around with and here you could see that I have the free edition they do have different editions for this this is my IP address this is the current machine that loaded it's in Bios mode and if I go into configurations it'll I have a little bit of playing around here I could change the resolution I could change it the HTP mode and if I go into Mac filter I could either go into deny mode so I could actually add Mac addresses to block uh so I don't have ivento loading to those machines or permit mode or allow mode so this has a little bit more configurations that I could do over net boot XYZ as far as permissions go and then in my image management you can see I only have three isos and I can actually configure something with this like if I go into diban I could actually may set this as default if I have autoscript installer I could add it over here and there's a few other things that you could do off to the side same with the other isos as well and then registration information has to do with subscribing from free edition to Pro Edition but mainly this is what we have to deal with but yes if I want to load into another operating system say Debian I can load right into Debian and you can see how fast that was and it's loading directly right off the iso that I have right over here so ivento basically answers all the things I need which is loading my own isos over the network using pixie boot so I'm going to show you guys how to install this all right so we're going to create a container and you can still I still have my net boot XYZ over here but it's still under open wrt so we're going to do the same thing because a lot of the heavy lifting is under the open wrt to point the server to the correct location so I'm going to create a CT over here I'm going to do 103 and I'm going to do I ventoy and then I'm just going to give it a password and I do have to make it so it's uncheck for unprivileged like that uh template I am actually going to be using ubun 222 doesn't matter you could use Debian you could use Ubuntu I was just playing around with Ubuntu so I'm just going to stick with it uh 32 gigs of disc space this all depends on how much uh isos you want to put in here so uh obviously the more space the more isos you could use so I'm going to just put 32 but it's easily you could easily increase this if you want to so I'm going to do CPU 41 memory half a gig of RAM now Network for me I'm actually going to use vbr one which is um under my open wrt container and I'm going to change this over to DCP hit next next and then confirm and I'm going to let this start up now I can close this out go to ventoy go to console and start this up now I can log in and from here we need to actually grab the vent toy releases so basically from their website all you have to go do is go into downloads head over to their GitHub and in their releases this is the latest release this was only about a couple of days ago I'm going to right click and grab this copy link and I'm going to W get and paste it over here next I am going to Tar and extract this with zxvf ivent toy and it's going to list out all the structures and now I have a folder called ivent totoy so I'm going to CD into ivent toy and we're going to have a couple of folders here the data doc isos lib log and users now I'm going to grab the IP address for this machine which is 198 and I am actually going to run ivento so I'm going to do period SL ivento uh- a start now if you're running into issues like I am right now I had this before which P ID equals z and that has to do with the unprivileged container mode even though I have it checked right over here uh I believe I have to still go into shell of the main host over here and modify the config file and add unprivileged equals z or colon zero like that and from here I am actually going to reboot the vento because I just put in new effects so I'm going to reset this let's see root and then I ventoy and then I'm going to run ivento Das a start all right and there we have it if you can see status even though it returned back with P0 uh I tried it again and then it came me back with a PID so it did work for some odd reason I I had to do this a few times times before and if you want to be sure to that everything is working you just run a net stat and let me see I don't have net stat so let's do app install net tools and I could do netstat das plant and you could see that the port 2600 is open and my IP address here is actually 198 so what I need to do is now forward the correct Port so I'm going to go into 192168 to my router and in here I am going to go over to network firewall and since I played around with this already I'm just going to go back into my invent ivent toy and change the IP address to the new one which is the 198 save and I'm only forwarding Port 2600 again depending on your router this might be slightly different but you just need to forward the port so you can get to it well I need to you guys don't might not need to depending on how your router set up and then now I could refresh this website and you could see this is the newly loaded ivent toy and this has 198 has the little play button which means nothing is started yet the server is not started yet and you can't start this server unless you have at least one ISO in the folders which I do not have yet and then if we go into configurations we do need to change some settings here too so in DHCP mode we do have to change this to external so we don't manage it internally and then we could change some of the settings over here and I will change this to snpf I and you could change your boot resolution depending on your device uh most standard is 1024x 768 so I'm just going to leave this I'm just going to hit save and then Mac filter I spoke about this earlier and then you have image management which I don't have any images so we're going to have to upload some and that is it everything is working next thing what I need to do since I got that all configured out is go back into my open wrt right I have to go into the shell or SSH into here and I will have to VI into Etc DNS masquerade and in our case I'm going to pull the same examples that I did from last time for neet booot XYZ and it has a bunch of things over here updating your uh router so if you have a pfSense you just need to do this if you have open sense you need to do this for us we have uh open wrt so I need to run these files now I don't need all of this because I just need the first file so I'm just going to grab this and I'm going to copy this and what we need to change is this file n boot XYZ kpex and your server IP so in my case what we need to do is go back into ventoy head over to documents and then if you go over to dhtp server third party it's actually going to have the file right over here called iventory loader 1600 now 16,000 or not 1600 16,000 is actually the port of your HTTP server so if you change a port of your HTTP server to 17,000 then you need to change this respectively but default is 16,000 and I'm going to leave that as is so I'm going to head into my open wrt and go all the way down here and if you could see I already did this into my DHCP for my preview before all I have to do is change this to ivento loader 1600 and then the IP address now the IP address is slightly different from what my last test was so it's 198 this time and I'm going to change that and leave the I ventoy loader 1,600 like just like that escape coolon WQ right and quit and then I can reboot this router and it will TI in the effect as soon as this gets rebooted now in my ivent toy I do still have to load ISO files so I'm going to go into the iso directory you could see and there's nothing here I'm going to go into Debian and download and I am going to download uh the net installer which seems to be the smallest so I don't have to waste all that time and we'll see if this works so I'm going to grab this copy link and I'm going to do a w get and paste this link right over here which shouldn't be that long because it's much smaller but it should still be able to prove at an example that I boot into this all right now that this is all downloaded what I need to do is head back into ivent toy refresh the image list list I should have one which is the net install go to boot information and now I can hit play and now it's running how I can tell it's running is if I go back into ivento I could do netstat das plant and you can see Port 1600 is running right over here so I'm going to go over to my test machine which we created earlier before it's only a 6 GB one core standard VM that I just put together I'm going to hit start and I'm going to hit Escape over here here oops let me reset this because I missed it I'm going to go into pixie boot press number three and it should now pick up the new pick V ivent to right over here and there we go it is picking it up and there you go I have my net install ISO that we installed earlier which is only 629 Megs hit enter on this and again read their documentation they do have a lot of stuff but they do have also tested ISO so you can see what isos they already have like Windows work diban Ubuntu deepin all these operating systems already tested on this and it does work so uh CBE fish like I was testing earlier was based off Ubuntu so I know it was going to work Windows does work and there's a few others on here that you could look through if you are interested to see but your mileage may vary depending on what operating system you're playing to test but yeah that's about it to me I find this to be a much easier way to load the isos that I want to test instead of having to rely on net boot XYZ to create the files for me and it's a lot easier just to upload the iso to this area and get it booted onto the devices that I wanted to install it on anyway that is it for me guys if you have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hit that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and as Sam arcave hack till her
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 25,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, netboot, iventoy, pxe boot, ipxe http boot, ipxe, pxe, ventoy, iso., iso, boot isos, isos, netboot iso, netbootxyz, usb boot, bios boot, bios, uefi, homelab, self serve, home lab, proxmox
Id: 2cajcKWlYyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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