Building My DREAM Room ( Aesthetic + Clean )

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over the last three years I have built some of the best rooms on the internet but they all focused around my gaming setup so it's time for a change something new and well I might have built the best room on the internet now if this is one of your first times watching my videos um I say this in every single video where I build a room I'm not good at building things at all so uh I'ma be honest this could take a long time I want to give a huge shout out to my friends over at cosplay because they were actually kind enough to send me out this bed frame as well as all the furniture that you're going to see in this video I'll talk more about it in just a little bit but for now let's go ahead and get this bed frame started just read the instructions it's looking like this is gonna be a really long video I'm also just not remembering I haven't really taken a shower yet today because I used to take my showers at night or in the morning I am just fully rocking the Bed Head I'm no genius by any means but I'm lost I don't know what to do oh my God I didn't know the parts were labeled oh I'm just kidding I know what to do now [Music] I finally have the sides of my bed built and then as you can see back there I have the headboard built yeah now we're gonna go ahead and do the final touches and just put the whole bed frame together hopefully this won't take like an hour this time foreign [Music] part of the bed is now built and it only took me four hours shut the but now I still have to build like the entire center part so I'll see you guys in like three hours I put every single one of these legs on the wrong side of the pole [Music] uh and after only four hours I finally have a built bed frame now my mattress is in this box and I am honestly really wanting to sit in my bed so I'm immediately taking this thing out and we are getting this bed assembled thank you I don't really know how long this is going to take to expand so we're just gonna let this expand for a little while and build some more furniture wait is this thing already built oh my God because this thing builds turns out they're already pre-built and literally all I have to do is just attach the legs for them you know this actually looks pretty good in my opinion all right so this is my first bedside table I honestly think it looks super super cool I don't really know where I'm gonna put it yet until I get a lot of the furniture in here so for now I'm just gonna like push it into this little corner foreign place this is just temporary to get it out of my way all right so I got drawer number one and door number two now built a lot of this is decoration but this is actually my bamboo plan so I'm really wanting to get this open and see what this thing looks like out of the box [Music] is this this is real that or it's scented [Music] real quick though again thank you so much costway for making this video possible so if you're interested in any of this furniture or the multiple selections you have on their website I'll have a link Down Below in the description if you want to check some of it out all right that I have though so I'm just going to kind of assume that it's in here oh okay it's literally the first thing that I see oh this should be actually like really easy what the heck [Music] wait yeah that looks pretty fire in my opinion now it's kind of like 3am and it's really really late and I'm really tired and I have to be up super early so I think we're gonna call it here I'm a really really big fan of like these forest colors I think they look really really good on me it's what I like you know it feels good it looks good all right but anyways yeah I'm not recording my camera because we're actually about to leave to go to Lowe's real quick we have a lot going on today so this is literally the only time that I actually get to go to Lowe's [Music] so I'm heading out and getting three big shelves and two small shelves but I'm also wanting to get two like really small ones but I'm not seeing them anywhere so all right so I kind of forgot don't have a level for my rack or any of my shelves so I'm having one of my family members bring one over for me but for the time being I think we can go ahead and start putting up some posters I also honestly don't remember which posters are in which packagings this one isn't the one but this one might be it oh this is gonna look so good oh my goodness okay I want to go ahead and get this thing framed and put up on my wall [Music] that was very loud actually oh wait there's another side how do you do this so This goes here this isn't like fitting yeah that's just not the right size am I supposed to cut this myself um I mean if I got it to fit you know it ain't perfect it it's in the frame okay all right anyways though I'm thinking I'm gonna put it like behind my bed frame okay we can make this work I actually did that kind of perfectly all right this one I'm actually really stoked about okay this is what is this framing oh yeah like I was saying this one I'm actually really really excited about look at this thing oh yeah Arctic Monkeys oh my goodness they smell like fresh paint now I'm hoping this time around maybe um this one will be easier it may be more properly sized [Music] boom this looks fire all right and now we're gonna try and properly hang it at the same height yeah these are pretty even but they look they look fine huh come here you're fine no I'm not Jason how to do something okay are those even that one's lower by a little bit of a lot like can I move it huh yeah right there oh I can move it up like literally like a millimeter that's a lot better that looks just fine in my opinion I feel like I actually did a pretty good job of hanging these pretty evenly but this actually looks so fire this room is slowly starting to come together the people who actually like watch my content I did hang these blinds up in my last video but uh I kind of wanted to make this video like a full room transfer Mason so let's just pretend that these weren't already hung up before this video was made okay but all jokes aside the blinds really do make this room look super super good I really am interested in this grass rug and I've always wanted to get one but I've never had the vibe for it I mean it looks super super cool it is gonna go like down here yeah something like that and that looks super super sick I have these Govi strips so I plan on putting the strip behind my bed frame that way my entire bed has like that really cool glow look I got 16 feet and I'm pretty sure this should be enough but I'm not like a hundred percent so I'm just probably you guys gonna kind of work out come on no you've got to be joking dude hang on you guys can't really see until I plug them in but uh oh craps all the way around until it just stops yeah so it turns out it doesn't go all the way around why so annoying you know if I'm going out I had to get another coffee anyways though we're now heading over to Target and I gotta pick up some new comforters and I also need bed sheets for my bed but and while I'm there I'm gonna look around for some mini decorations that I can maybe put up on like like everything also I'm looking at my hair and eat it right now [Music] um so per usual I couldn't go to Target without spending way more money than I intended oh wait I forgot something I couldn't go to Target without spending a lot more money than I intended on um this wall behind you is feeling a little bit empty I picked up these little black like shelf thingy it's really really low to the ground so it's not going to be in the way now one of my purchases I can't justify actually I can't really justify any of this as you guys know I'm hanging a clothing rack and let's be honest you can't have a clothing rack without some wooden hangers so I spent like 15 bucks worth of wooden hangers and then I got two smaller plants that I saw that just looked really really cool one's like a cactus and one's like a little Bush I don't know look cool and I got two big plants I got this one it just kind of looks it looks really really neat and it also takes up a bunch of space which I like and then I got this plant which is pretty big it's not it's not like a massive standing plant that can get in the way and then of course I actually got my comforter and like my bed sheets and everything so I can finally complete the look of the bed at least um so yeah now I have a lot more that I gotta work with I'm thinking I want to go ahead and get the comforter up just to get this corner of the room a little bit more situated [Music] it Blends in so much now you can see I have pillows you know that I have the level we're going back to the original plan which was to go ahead and start getting decorations hung up starting with my pole [Music] I got my clothing rack in my little shelf above put up so this little corner is honestly almost finished it's really coming together really well I think we're gonna go ahead and just take the closet doors off just for the fact that I won't be able to do it if I wait like another 30 minutes yes I can explain how hard doing that always is [Music] I'm sweating so much oh my God that's another door down so I think real quick I'm gonna go ahead and like take my shoes uh put them on the rack and I'm just gonna hang some clothes on the rack just to go ahead and get this stuff out of my way [Music] okay yeah this whole area is starting to look super super sick okay ignore it ignore them so yeah got some more Govi strip lights these are just the best oh wait can I focus please these are just the best gym lights you can get oh shoot that actually looks so fire [Music] right holy crap like I feel like the lighting my camera isn't doing Justice how crazy this room looks there's so much going on and it fits so well especially whenever I move and you can actually see like the shoe shelf and everything like look at this this is so sick looking it is currently like 11 p.m and I still have so much around my room to do oh [Music] it is genuinely not even fair how good I am at decorating rooms all right but now they have this area done I still have so much to do I really want to get this wall done because this was going to be absolutely insane so I mean yeah this poster just looks absolutely insane and since I'm designing this wall around this poster I feel like it's only right if I put the poster up first I am legitimately obsessed with this poster oh it looks so fired wow that is actually pretty perfect look at this that is crazy good now the second shelf I am making it uneven let's do I'm doing it on purpose so I'm not wanting to disturb my door and how much my door can open and with the measurements that I just did the door and the Shelf will be about that far apart I mean that works in my book okay here we go will the door open all the way [Music] oh can you guys see that yeah oh my gosh I did that so perfectly oh yeah oh yeah these are sick this is looking crazy we are finally coming down to our final wall decorations oh I just want to lay in bed so bad like I love decorating rooms but I'm not joking I've been at this for like hours ah go ahead and get this final poster over with [Music] yeah it wasn't even gonna show like a big tutorial on how I'm doing this but I can already see it in my mind I'm gonna get a million questions on how I did this so I basically have two skateboards one is a really sick Baker board and the other one's like a uh like a panda it's called enjoy anyways though I am going to hang this up on my wall and I know I'm gonna get a million questions about how I did it so I might as well show you guys basically you should take some string I'm gonna be using this yarn and you're gonna feed it through the holes where like the trucks get screwed into and you're gonna make it like super super tight so once you get the string going through the back you're just gonna tie it very tight knot just like that yeah this little thing in the back you basically just put a nail on the wall and you're good [Music] all right what up guys that's about two weeks later um I've had a lot of stuff going on recently which has delayed this video and I haven't got to finish it up and finish editing it so like I said it has been a little bit since I last recorded and built this room I've literally changed nothing to it like what y'all last saw in the footage was the final bit of me building this room so I thought should I need too much the room is complete and there's only one true way to show it off cue the Montage baby [Music] [Music] When I close my eyes
Channel: Casp
Views: 335,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: room, dream room, room makeover, room makeover aesthetic, ultimate room, aesthetic, aesthetic room, transforming my room, building my room, building my dream room, ultimate room trasnformation, casp, justcasp, notcasp, room decoration, room decorating ideas, teen room ideas
Id: -6EGGQPx4q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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