Transforming My Brothers Messy Room Into His Dream Room!

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[Music] so this is my older brother's room and as you can see it's extremely dirty like he's been living in the same room for like the past nine months and it's been progressively getting more dirty every day like I genuinely don't think he cleaned it once like he has old food and towels and clothes and stuff like that on the floor like I promise you anything you can probably think of he probably has it on the floor and bro to be honest I don't know how it gets this bad but today we're literally gonna change all of that and I've actually done this video in the past too like look at this that video turned out to be my most popular is video wait is that you say it post populars most popular popular most popular this video is a show so yeah not only are we cleaning it but we're also gonna like transform it upgrade it build them a whole new setup and just like turn it into an overall goaded room you know and I might as well record it and take y'all with me you feel me so now we're about to head to a few stores to pick up some Essentials [Music] [Music] so great foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right so we finally back home you feel me and the first thing we did was take down his LED lights I love you feel bad for him because like I bought these from in the last video and they turned out to be like such horrible quality bro I felt bad but it's okay though because I got them way better ones with this video but yeah bro I'm not gonna lie I think I spent around like two thousand dollars on this video bro that is actually insane I don't think I ever spent that much on a video so just saying when the boy asked you to like comment and subscribe on the video it's the least you could do no I'm just playing but check me out though today's actually my birthday my 18th birthday we finally legal man so I posted on my Instagram Story by the way follow the Instagram at hey it's Webby but I asked you guys what video should I post on my birthday and the response I got the most was a video so but anyways man it feels so weird to be 18 bro I started doing content when I was 15. you know I'm saying I was just I was just a little kid bored and quarantined started uploading videos and now it's my life bro I just feel blessed man this is getting weird but anyways the LED lights came out looking very beautiful as you can see all right so now it's time for the soundproof panels how high do you want to do this it's your room bro so the reason my brother actually wanted these was because he's actually like starting his own YouTube channel and he wants to build his own like own like you so basically the camera died right and I didn't know it actually died when we were filming because I was like cutting up the tape and stuff but basically we finished it right and it looked like this and we both went downstairs to go eat some food and then we came back upstairs and um they all fell down all right man the reason they fell down was because like the adhesive I bought like for the panels was like really really bad like and they they just would not stick to the panels so I basically ran to Walmart and bought like 150 worth of like the really really good adhesive strips we fixed it up so I guess it turned out okay by the way if I sound tired um I'm currently recording this voiceover at like 4 53 a.m it's like the sun rises in like an hour I have school in like I think two hours so yeah young man is on the grind but yeah what I was gonna say earlier before the camera died was that my brother one of these panels because like he's starting up his own YouTube channel and he wants to have like his own like YouTube background and stuff because he's gonna like show his face and stuff obviously so that's pretty dope when he told me that he I inspired him which is like pretty cool as like a little brother you know what I'm saying could y'all please do and go to my brother's Channel And subscribe to it and just show them hello made me look good in front of everyone bro please because I honestly love that man for real he's honestly my inspiration and I hope we both succeed in life this came out looking very clean bro you can't lie [Music] all right so as y'all know I got him a TV right uh it's a 55 inch 4K TV and definitely the coolest thing I got for him for sure [Music] yo it's all empty bro yo the TV about to look fire though [Music] okay okay 55 inch hey you got that yet yes so okay okay bro okay let's go over but I'm not gonna lie I'm actually mad jealous bro like the picture quality is so good bro I never seen a TV with this good quality [Music] in there [Music] but yeah bro the final result is tough bro the picture quality is so crispy bro on a side note I finished Demon Slayer last night that joint was so Peak bro it was so far the fights are so cool if you guys got any anime recommendations you know what I'm saying drop it in the comment section down below as you guys know your boy messes with anime heavy anyways moving on [Music] okay so I don't know what I was on in the last video but I got on these two little weak curtains and like these is not blocking no sunlight whatsoever bro so I got on these uh little blackout curtains that and like these are actually going to cover the entire window and so it actually does its job you feel me but yeah you can never go wrong with some nice curtains in a room you feel me [Music] so for the posters and stuff we got this Tunisian flag and if you guys don't know this is actually the country we're both from it's like the small little country in like Northern Africa and he actually got this flag in Qatar like when he went to the World Cup so it's actually pretty cool Tunisia did unfortunately uh lose the World Cup we didn't even qualify for the 16 uh but you know at least we were there you know so at least we were there we made the World Cup and then I got in this poster of like Hitachi from Naruto you know what I'm saying Itachi one of my favorite characters I'm gonna hit my top five you're my top five but yeah it definitely matches like the theme that we're going through the room like the little red theme you feel me like red and black so yeah definitely a w poster foreign so he told me he wanted to decorate his bed a little bit so I bought him these LED lights that we can put on the back of his bed to have that little glow kind of like how I have it in my room and it took us like five minutes it was really easy to set up and it looked really cool honestly [Music] turn off the lights [Music] and uh that was pretty much all the decoration I could possibly think of for his bed but we finished it off with uh these new black bed sheets to match the room you feel me but yeah the room is locally coming in looking pretty tough bro [Music] all right [Music] [Music] December shows so great [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ly building the setup man so we started off with the mouse pad y'all know how dirty it is from the beginning of the video bro like I don't even know how it gets this dirty like what even is that white stuff bro but it's okay it's okay because we're gonna clean it right now I've actually never cleaned one before but you know there's a first time for everything [Music] thank you [Music] so great [Music] thank you [Music] so the mouse pattern are pretty all right you know saying to be honest I could have done a little better but we were kind of in a rush but it's all right though it is what it is so for the setup we really cut this super basic like we really didn't do anything crazy at all to be honest I mean we mounted his monitors and stuff and I was like probably the coolest thing we did like he wanted one vertical one but like other than that we really kept it super basic it's literally just a typical setup nothing crazy at all because like low-key my brother's not the type of person to have like a crazy Overkill setup like as long as it all works and you can record his videos and stuff like he's happy with it but yo check me out real quick rate this room one through ten in the comment section because low-key me personally is definitely way better than it was in the first video but this transformation was low-key crazy I'm gonna give it a a solid 9 out of 10. I don't know it's gonna be this big though you want to give me a birthday present please all I ask for you is to go follow my Instagram and show some love on there because I'm gonna be posting a lot more on there so stay tuned for that oh and also buy some merch too because it's on sale [Music] oh [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Webby
Views: 3,442,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, fortnite, gaming, day in a life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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