my parents told me to clean their room.. so i Built Their DREAM BEDROOM!

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this is the story of how i made my parents their dream and this all started from a little joke my mom made three years ago so now when are you gonna do my room fast forward now and none of us have a bedroom we've actually had to camp downstairs because of the mess i made with my videos now luckily lg's helped me with renovating their room however they're challenging me to get this done by father's day which so happens to be my mom's birthday as well that only leaves me the next seven days to actually do it which only leaves me with one option mom dad what is that what does that mean i'm gonna kick you guys out of the house where are we going oh my goodness wow look at the view tonight it's gonna be fantastic oh look at that you guys will actually be staying here why work on your new roof here's the camera i might be giving you guys some updates so yeah i'll see you guys soon okay bye hey mom and dad everything's going great your what's gonna be done by the time you come back i promise it's gonna be brandt's picky news oh i'm literally this is absolutely the worst the house has ever been i can barely walk in the hallway now if i was gonna get this room done by the end of the week i have to figure out where i can find some new furniture as soon as we can however every store i went to had the same problem how long would it take to ship uh probably about a week week and a half actually lucky to have it in two weeks i had this problem making the living room i didn't learn from that lesson why do i do this to myself and to make things worse i put the bar high because my parents are getting used to staying at a five-star hotel this week okay so my mom just texted me giving me some ideas of what she wants for a room i like modern and luxury mom you got some big taste so i went online to find the coolest things from my parents room out of stock no no and this was gonna cut it really close because i'm not gonna be getting most of this stuff until like one or two days before my parents come back and have to show them the room but then i came across the coolest bed i've ever seen before this is literally a dream bag but every site that sells it says that the shipping time is a few weeks however i found the company that was making this and it turns out their local furniture store here in vegas how's it going i saw one your beds online i think it's called the hariana yes wow this looks way better in person you guys do a homie discount homie discount [Music] okay mom and dad hope you guys are enjoying your stay i know you guys may be wondering what color i can be painting your room and mom i know you wanted something kind of luxurious so i thought i would give you guys a little hint [Music] i don't want to spoil too much for you guys i'm just going to stop here i'll see you guys soon anyways so uh yeah what is it looks it looks green for me pretty worrisome it's not the color i like i feel like my parents are gonna hate this gold wall but once i'm done with it it's gonna look really cool bro this is not looking good this is taking way longer than expected and it just keeps coming off what do we do albert try this oh man this tape is so expensive and it's so bad it just does not stick you think that's gonna do it april i actually thought this glue might work however i quickly found out it wasn't gonna be the case this put me in a very bad spot because the bed was going to be delivered tomorrow and i can't touch up this paint until it dries so i just had to do what i could and that is to hope that as i fix it it doesn't get worse [Music] this is looking way better it's already like 5 a.m the sun is rising my parents are coming in two days so we got to figure out the furniture part [Music] oh thank you so much have a great day i need this in my room i might just and definitely kick my parents off i'm thinking this house is too nice but now that we had our bed we needed to find a mattress asap guys sleeping on the job here don't bother people sleeping you know but he should be selling us mattresses he's the silver yeah we need mattresses yeah i need a mattress whoa whoa whoa is that vibrations and it just the legs go up this thing has everything i wait how much does this cost okay well that's for this one so let me show you a normal one how soon can i get this delivered three days that was not gonna cut it because we literally need it by tomorrow hello [Applause] this is worse than buying a car i mean i don't have much experience with beds do you think my parents would enjoy this or not i don't know like would they have fun with it do you really want your parents to have fun last one dude so if you don't get this one it's gonna be about two weeks before the other one come in how do they fit a freaking mattress in a box like this the bed is self-inflating it's like breathing in the air [Music] the last time my parents bought a bed it was like over 20 years ago they've had the same mattress for over 20 years with just over one day before my parents come back home i had to get a bunch of last minute furniture i don't even know if this is going to fit inside my car i don't think about these that type of things oh my god we freaking fit everything inside the frenzy probably though let's go but i felt so bad putting my parents through all this headache after all the whole house is an absolute disaster right now so i wanted to give them a chance to win some money how's your stay good so i prepared three questions for you guys uh related to my videos and each one you guys get right you win five hundred dollars each question let's do it okay so for the first question all you have to do is finish the title okay my dad told me to clean his car so i made his dream what you make my garage that's 500 okay question two as you may know i recently made a room out of chocolate what was one of my inspirations for making that room no he said that before he's been talking about it for a couple years or almost i'll take both answers you guys just want a thousand dollars right there two questions right okay so as you may know i've renovated to my subscribers room i made their dream room i need you to name one of their first names the one in the uk i have no idea i can't remember the one in florida i think it was uh [Music] hey on the bright side at least you guys want a thousand dollars with this being the last night before my parents come back home it's pretty crazy to think but i never tried to be an interior designer heck this all started because i wanted to make my room a bit nicer i barely knew how to paint a wall i never expected all this to come out of it renovating all these rooms for both my parents and also you guys i've learned so many skills through these past few years and at the time i just took my mom saying this as a joke so now when are you gonna do my room and then we have my parents dream closet i especially don't think my mom's gonna expect this she's gonna freak out now this is probably gonna be the thing that my parents love the most besides me of course now a few months ago lg reached out to me saying they love these before and after videos and they wanted to help out so not only did they sponsor this renovation but they also hooked us up with their brand new the lg cinebeem ultra short throw projector hu915qe they wanted me to say that it's long every night before bed my parents always watch a movie and this projector is like having a 4k premium home theater in your room and on top of that you only need about seven inches from the wall about the span of my hand to get up to 120 inches of screen this thing is bright i have to turn down the iso this projector has 3700 anti-lumens and a 2 million to 1 contrast ratio which pretty much means you have cinema level quality in your home what should we watch bro look how good that looks oh my god wait that that gave me an idea now we really feel like we're in willy wonka usually projector would be mounted somewhere on the ceiling or you would have a tv just take it up the whole space and this thing just blends in with the whole entire room and it fits on pretty much any type of furniture which makes this perfect even for the smallest rooms and it's definitely one of the best projectors money could buy so if you're looking for a luxury home cinema definitely recommend the lg cinebene the product link is in the description thank you to lg for helping me make my parents new dream room now let's go surprise are you guys ready to see your room yeah yeah yeah we are ready now because we are tired make sure to close your eyes okay ready guys alexa turn on the lights okay mom and dad i present to you your dream room open your eyes on oh oh thank you it's beautiful it's beautiful i love it hopefully you're going to keep this yeah when am i going to get my room after my gym i go like that i go like this [Music]
Channel: FrenchieFries
Views: 11,512,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, FrenchieFries, #HU915QE, #USTprojector, #4KProjector, my parents told me, dream room, room, renovation, room makeover, gaming, secret, ultimate, dream gaming room, ultimate gaming setup, room tour, parents, surprise, clean my room, game room ideas, room setup
Id: QUK8nok3T7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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