How to locate your Bed in your bedroom using Fengshui

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hello it's cliff again and today i'm going to talk about bit placement in the bedroom for feng shui so let's start with the basics this is a basic square room and i'll teach you how to put your bid in this room most of you would know what to do or at least most of you would do one of two things you either put your bit in the furthest corner or you put it in some place that gives you a nice circulation around the room you'll not put your bit right there to block the door right so a lot of this is comes from feng shui principles or at least feng shui principles they address a lot of these concerns where to put the bit in a simple square room like that well the answer is the command position listen very carefully the command position is basically the place the part of the room which is the most protected and it has the best view towards the door the only factor in this room is the door so you want to be sure that you can see the door at all times and you're in the furthest corner of the room because there's most energy rushing through this door this is called the chi chi is the energy that comes through if you have a window there'll be energy from there as well in this simple room there's only the door and so we think about that you place your door at the furthest your bed at the furnace furthest corner of the room like this or like this but feng shui generally prefers to leave a little gap so that both people can enter the bid equally you don't have to climb over someone the other important thing to know about this um commanding position is that you don't want to be placed in front of the door like that because this is where most of the energy rushes through and when you sleep you don't want people to be looking up your legs that's just that's just not comfortable as well having a bit here you have a lot of energy rushing through on your side as well this while this corner is a command position and some people say that you can do that this is not really advisable because another factor for have for the command position is not where it is but what it has behind it you need to have a solid wall behind it if you are in the best part of the room let's move on to the next picture here if you are in the best part of the room but you have a window at the back that is not the command position anymore because you need to have a solid structure behind you so that snipers can't shoot you while you're not noticing for example so you in this room there's only one command position which is like that you can't do this because the person in the bit can't see anyone entering this is not command position neither is this because that you're too close to the door this is against a window or if you must have it against the window fine but put a very strong bit head one more thing i wanted to talk about which is not about the command position is for bedrooms you generally don't want to put your bit head against a bathroom wall because there's a lot of water element and it's not good for sleep i mean um sensibly if your bathroom is not well maintained or you have leaks in the wall you have more growing around that it's not good for you to have your head so close to it that's the that's the reasoning think about that so you wouldn't place your bed here you can put it here or you can put it here now let's look at a real life oh wait before i do that what's let's what if you want to have two bits right if you want to have two base you can't do that you they both have to be equal equal size they both have to be singles all doubles if you have that kind of space the reason is like this it just shows a couple and a single it shows an imbalance in the relationship almost like a third party entering a relationship so if you want do that yeah and always have a little side table dividing them to give them their own space so let's move on to a real life example well a more realistic example so this is an apartment with a small and very challenging room i was thinking of how to draw the most challenging room possible it doesn't look like much but it's actually very challenging because of the way the door opens so when the door opens like this the energy is not rushing straight anymore it's actually rushing in this direction which means that if you place your bit here you will get the energy rushing towards you first and if you put your bit on this side which is slightly better in that side your head is against the window and if you put your head like this your head is against the toilet wall if you put your head like this it's against the window as well and all this is all against the window and if you did this your your head is just right in front of the entrance which is not desirable anyway so how would you even solve this this is quite a difficult room to solve i admit and you must and compromises must be made so this is why i'm showing this room because i'm going to show you how to deal with the different um compromises you know um so let me see you you need to consider what you want to use for the rest of the room for example if you want to have a study in your room always be sure that you don't have to cross your bed to reach your study so let's say i put my bit in this most this is the most desirable feng shui position by the way in this room but if i did this with my study over them it's not great because every time i want to enter the room i i need to actually i need to come here close and squeeze through the bit so this bit becomes a kind of obstacle for me to use the room and then it it just doesn't become a peaceful place you know you're part of it becomes a kind of excess circulation you don't want it there this the other side is definitely much better somehow somewhere there because if you study you can do your stuff if you want to use this as a sitting area fine you can sit and read your book and finally at the end of the day you can go to sleep and so this is the most peaceful area in terms of energy so let's say i do this i put my actually feng shui prefers your desk to be off the wall um so you're not looking you're not against a wall but i'll talk about that next time so let's say my office is here and i want to put my bit on this side if you did this you'll be against a window if you do this it'll be against the toilet so which is better this is when you need to ask yourself there is no right and no wrong you need to feel good for feng shui to work on you so it's not magic it's basically telling you how teaching you how to put your bit in a way that you feel good so personally although it's very against all these feng shui rules i would put my bed like this yes there's a window behind me but i can put a very stable headphone or maybe a window is not even very big so it wouldn't be that much of a problem like this i can have bedside tables on either side is equal it's balanced this is a quiet area of the room and you have light coming in there's the chi energy rushing through from here to here not so much like that because of the door again so i think this is great it's not what most people would do some people would do this which is not so bad i did not avoid this because of the toilet warm honestly i don't mind the toilet wall it's just that it's a bit of a tight squeeze you can't have space for a bedside table and it's almost tucked away in a corner so this is what i would do you can think of what you will do and post them in the comments below so i hope this helps you understand how to place your bait in the bedroom and yeah i'll see you again now you know
Channel: Dear Modern
Views: 2,579,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fengshui, bed placement, interior design, feng shui, bed position, bedroom layout, interior designer, space planning, plan your space, bedroom
Id: _cbZsbrs1PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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