Transforming My Basement Into A Movie Theater!

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so today i'm gonna be transforming my basement into a movie theater now as you can see we already have like the base of it done because me and my mom have been working on this for like the past like two to three years it's been a project of ours for a long time like i'm trying to build like a whole concession stand right here like some straight out of like a high school football game you feel me and today i'm trying to like fully finish it and like make it perfect get like movie posters like led lights everything like that and you know me man i might as well document it [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] all right so the first thing we did was the drinks and like the mini fridge and stuff like that i didn't buy a new one because we have like three of the exact same mini fridges in our houses all i had to do was like get one and put it in the basement but at walmart i'm not gonna lie i bought like hella drinks i bought like arizona arizona fruit punch cocktail is actually my favorite drink of all time but we also got like capri suns and like welch's something and like gatorade and stuff like that [Music] but in the end it came out perfectly i ain't gonna lie bro [Music] so the next thing we do is the snacks and like little candy things and stuff like that i'm not like i do not like candy at all like candy actually like makes my teeth hurt i also have these like little white basket things to help like prop up the things like the candy boxes so it makes it look really like you know what i'm saying like more like a concession stand and we already have like a popcorn machine so i just bought the popcorn like kernels like the seeds and put them on the side but i'm not gonna lie we rarely use the popcorn machine because it's like takes so long to clean and stuff like that so like but it still looks fire like you can't get me wrong like this is literally fire so for the decoration we kept it pretty basic and simple i had this like little like led sign that says the word snacks on it [Music] me personally i think it looks fire but my mom loki was being a hater she said she didn't like it she said i was like doing too much but you know it is what it is you can't win them all you can't make everyone happy that's kind of tough [Music] so right by the screen we have like this little like thing that holds up like a thing for the projector and like it's looking mad empty it's like nothing on top of it so i got like these two little like decorations like this little like black like film thing you know it was pretty cheap so i'm slight nothing crazy at all honestly so near like the staircase i got these two little things it's like one of them is just like an exit sign that says exit this way where you walk down the stairs and the other one is just like a little cinema thing and we already have like the nails in it from other decorations we had previously but we didn't really like it i ain't gonna lie but i thought these two fit way better than the other one [Music] so in our basement we have like this little exit thing but like if we're gonna be watching movies in the basement we're gonna need like the curtain to cover the glass like the sun won't get in my mom bought this curtain like i think like seven years ago i was really old but it's kind of nostalgic though because i remember having it in my old room back when i was like 10 years old bro so yeah this didn't take long at all it took us like maybe like literally two minutes as long as it covers the glass we'll be fine [Music] so before we add the rugs like on like the couch area and stuff like we obviously needed to clean it because it was kind of it was really dirty i ain't gonna lie like we haven't cleaned the basement like as a whole since like 1994 but but like it doesn't get that dirty because no one really bees in the basement because the only person who really uses the basement is me and my sister because i watch anime in the basement because like the view and like it's better for reading like subtitles because i watch anime and sub yo drop your favorite anime in the comment section down below i need some new anime to watch bro so yeah this rug is pretty old as well i didn't want to waste money on things that we already had so i got this rug from like my mom's closet she has like a bunch of rugs in her closet that just like collect dust and honestly i think it fit well like the color matches and everything like that so this next work that i got i actually bought something super slight nothing crazy at all to be honest i don't know how i felt about it it felt a little forced to put it there but you know it is what it is let me know what y'all think in the comments so the next thing i want to do is actually sound proof the room and i did some research and the cheapest way to do it is like install something called a door sweep and an indoor weather seal [Music] they need to cut your nails bro and essentially what they both do is like when you close the door like it fully closes off and like nothing like no sound comes through like literally them combined costed like 10 it was literally that cheap [Music] so we ended up not putting the door sweep on because my mom was like against it because we have to put like screws in the door and she wanted to keep the door like clean so we ended up just not doing it [Music] yo high key let's just not put it on bro let's not put it on so the next step is to put on these govi led strip lights yo it looks so weird with the thing off bro low key it took us like like 30 minutes to figure out where to put it on but then i had this genius idea to put it behind the projector so you can add these like cool effects around the screen it would like make watching like the action-packed moments will make it look so much cleaner and stuff like that and i'm glad this is my favorite addition to the movie theater because it's just so clean bro [Music] yo bruh this is actually tall that's cold [Music] and the cool thing about these led lights is you can actually control them like through your phone and there's so many settings you can put them on like there's like at least 100 settings you can put them on like and it's just so fire bro so for the posters i only got two of them because i didn't want to like overdo them and i got like one of like of the movie e.t and back to the future and like back to the future is my mother's favorite favorite movie of all time like she loves that movie like we watched it like together like at least three times so you know i had to hook her up with that one yo if you're still watching this video go comment like apple juice in the comments to confuse people also rate my basement 1 through 10 in the comment section because me personally this is low-key a 10 out of 10 basement like like this movie theater is so clean i'm glad i did this video for real mexico on pros and bro basically this thing i know i said the lights on the projector was my favorite thing but i know like this one is way better bro it literally bro the colors on it is so fire and it adds like that warm color to like the rooms like you know like i don't even have to have the lights on in the room i'll have to do is turn this on and i'll be fine and it has like a way better color you feel what i'm saying and it's the same thing with the other one like you can control it through the app like and it has like so many different settings and stuff like that but i ain't gonna lie this joint took us like an hour and a half to build because it was it was like kind of complicated to figure out but once we got the hang of it like it was like easy from there but this is my favorite addition to the room i ain't going live bro if you like these led lights just search up like govi glide on google bro i promise you they'll get you right bro i love these led lights so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: Webby
Views: 526,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: room transformation, room, vlog
Id: 1Z5HjiupDzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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