SUPER SPEED ! New Parts and New Vehicles ! Trailmakers Ep. 4 | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] oh what's going on everybody c here welcome back to some more trip like yeah gosh darn it we're stuck all right new worry we'll just uh we'll just swap to this guy real quick yeah see we're good we're fine everything is fine okay back to the sped this is the sped but anyways welcome back to some more trail makers hopefully you're having a wonderful day i'm having a pretty good day myself now today we're gonna go explore and try to get some more blocks um and i'd like to get some more flight blocks to be honest because i don't think we have we don't have a lot of flight blocks uh i'd like to make a plane or something i'd also like to make a submarine at some point too oh hold on there's a giant piece right there how did we miss this this thing doesn't turn very well i need to fix that how do we miss this piece what are you let's go see what this is all right and uh and we'll switch to this one okay cool let's go uh yes this way what is this one oh how did i miss this i have no idea what are you a spiked wheel oh we have to have that we have to have that okay all right we're gonna have to load up our previous blueprint i thought we were done with this island area but apparently we are not oh darn it okay this yes uh yep good to go okay all right this is what we need in our life spiked spiked wheels yes that sounds amazing sounds just fantastically amazing okay so we have to grab this and we have to absolutely hope for the best here this is not going to be easy all right let's get over top of this i want some spiked wheels i do indeed what the heck it starts moving immediately no it's gone okay so hood okay can we can we not do this okay so apparently if i get too close to it it's gonna start moving so we have to be hold on hold on hold on i need to lift up that thing right there yeah yeah okay and we have to be prepared because we have to grab it it's gonna roll away from us it's gonna run away come on no no no no no no no no no no no help stop it stop it bad bad no stop it no we're not having a good time right now okay um maybe we should lower ourselves down a little bit here let's do this let's get under control all right we're going for it get over here okay we have it we don't have it we don't have it and we're not getting it either dart it oh uh it says i'm currently airborne right now i i can't i'm not airborne okay um you know what actually this is actually gonna go down in this water and it's not respawning so this might actually work out for us oh heck yeah this might actually work out for us for sure okay all right let's bring this up and uh yeah let's let's go see if we can do this i thought it was getting touched down here and it was gonna like despawn you know immediately and stuff no it didn't it didn't do that heck yeah got it all right let's take it back we got this now we got this all we have to do is drive around oh my gosh we're gonna have spiked wheels okay uh i have to get under here okay this is this is a this is a problem you see the problem here is that this is too big can't really get underneath of it um i need you to collect this yeah there we go spiked wheel unlocked how big is the spiked wheel uh non-field space yeah i know i'm aware of that hold on how big is the spiked wheel is it like a monster truck wheel just not a monster truck so hold on let's take a peek here if i deleted that one we throw spike wheel on here oh god no it's tiny tiny tiny tiny okay uh needle though that's cool all right are we good we're good so that's super cool i don't know was there any more over here spike would i don't know if there's any more over here uh we do have the one in the lake but hmm i don't know if we're gonna be able to get that one and then we are not flying capable yet i think it's time to go start looking over in this area um i also really want to get up here on this pine island because there's a ton of lane here however the only way in is right here so uh let's do that let's go let's figure out how to get up there and make that happen the spiked wheel might actually be our friend with that so let's hop in the water let's get the sped boat and uh we're gonna we're gonna quickly go over there and see what's going on oh my gosh i love the sped boat it's so much fun it is so fast i love it it's pretty great actually i mean we're hitting like 90 miles an hour that's super cool i love it it's so much fun to play with uh actually i think we can go through here let's go through this way oh we got pieces up there too that we haven't even played with yet maybe we'll go do that if we can't get up on this island we'll go do that all right so this is the island that we need to get up now it looks like this wall right here is pretty much our only chance so we've got to crawl up that thing in order to get up there so i would say a build for this now we are gonna have to float a little bit to get over there um because we have to go from we have to go from a land we have to go from transition from water to land and we have to be able to get up there actually you know what let's load up this and let's make some adjustments to it let's pull these wheels all the way forward yeah let's do that and then what do we have for engines on this thing i don't need this many engines let's go ahead and let's delete some of these and then we can throw some more raw engines on here uh actually a thruster would be a thruster might actually be handy okay let's do this we're gonna do thruster but i wanted to keep me stuck to the wall so we're actually gonna angle these down like that and we're gonna do another one uh right there possibly maybe and then let's get uh let's get some more let's get another engine in here okay all right let's try this uh no hold cancel what's unconnected oh it was these okay is there like a thrust output speed okay all right we're gonna try this all right so that is an issue we might need to throw it might be beneficial to throw some thrusters going the other direction too okay okay okay um let's see we have 13 power deals you know what let's pop this guy off and let's grab uh grab a couple of these and we will put those that like that okay maybe let's see how this works all right and then thrusters oh baby come on oh my gosh yes yes yes oh my gosh we've done it and look at all this stuff here oh my gosh i've done it okay and of course it's dark outside god it's always dark in this game why is it always dark look at how much research is here though oh my gosh we're gonna have so much fun here you know what uh i'm not even gonna hold on to this i don't even need it it's well maybe i should no i'm not going to we're gonna swap over to this guy and uh yeah this is this is oh my gosh look at all of the goodies laying around here oh it's so nice okay um i'm gonna wait for it to be daytime because it's really it's i know it's hard to see i don't i don't know why it seems like it's always dark in this game all right you know what under cover of darkness i'm gonna start collecting these things they look like they're tubes they look like they're all tube pieces so super cool super neato um but yeah i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna start collecting them because this night time is just forever in this game i don't understand it just takes so long all right so i have collected all the little pieces now for the big one this is actually the cockpit how cool is that i'm ready to play with this um i wonder if we can use this for like a submarine maybe i don't know it looks like it has like a seal on it and it's definitely oh my gosh i'm so excited okay so we have to get this big boy moved uh over there and well let's see what blueprint's gonna work i don't know this one might actually work let's do this one yeah delete my blocks do that fantastic um oh this is even this is even big for this it might work though hold on let's bring up that oh this thing is such so rickety okay can we can we go back please are we are we able to move here okay let's try to get this between oh my gosh um okay that's not going to work let's do this we're going to we're going to build something else here we're going to build something else so let's just build a big huge version of the other thing that i have lots of wheels big pushing lots of engine uh all that fun stuff and then probably some magnets wouldn't be a bad idea either all righty we got something to play with here i don't know how well this is gonna work but we're gonna try can we push this uh kind of but we don't have a lot of control over it i'm thinking maybe we should have had the back wheels been turning wheels okay come on all right come on we can do this all together now oh well kind of sort of maybe um you know what what if we put the uh what if we put these on pistons and try to lift this thing a little bit let's try that let me uh let's delete these guys and let's throw some pistons in here all right let's see if we can give this a try here so let's pull those down we're going to go try to get we're going to go stick on it and then i'm going to try to lift it up just a little bit so hopefully it's not sitting on the ground i don't know if this is gonna work or not but we'll find out here all right so we are stuck we lift the thing off the ground not really no that is that's not really an option here okay but we can push it a little bit it's just kind of hard okay okay all right we're moving we're moving oh come on we might actually be able to get this happen come on come on let's turn let's turn this way turn this way okay uh you know what i'm gonna try to keep pushing it into this area and we'll go around and grab it from the other side a cockpit though i feel like that's gonna be super nice now that is definitely required for our um our spaceship with like no doubt okay all right we're having a little bit of an issue here because this tree okay all right come on baby we got it we got the cockpit oh my gosh wow that wasn't required for the the spaceship at all are you kidding me okay so uh hold on cockpit an aerodynamic flight seat okay so do we have a do we have a uh so there's not submarine one hmm okay so let's throw that on here i actually kind of want to see if we can use this as a submarine seat like is this a thing oh it's bigger too ah interesting interesting okay well i don't need this piece but i do need this piece okay so that's very cool oh look i'm like super stuffed in there this is awesome okay i think we have all of the pieces of this island now yeah this whole island's clear um okay so let's do this let's um not enough build space okay can can we get in here okay so i'm gonna save this as uh i don't know big pusher we'll save that uh but i really want to try a submarine thing i want to see if we can use this to make a submarine so let's go ahead and let's load up let's load up this and then let's actually swap out the seat with a cockpit and uh okay wait you're really contains connect cancel what's not connected oh those aren't connected uh there good good enough ah okay uh not quite let's just delete these we'll push this up here and down there like that good okay now oh gosh we're so slow what happens if we go underwater now can we go underwater now like if i dive into the ocean into the water are we gonna be okay like i would think that i almost would think that this is the submarine seat too you know i feel like it would work for both but i guess we'll find out here shortly is it gonna work no interesting okay so that is purely for flying only oh wow okay so there's no submarine seat hmm well there's a submarine seat we just haven't found it yet okay uh well let's go ahead and swap to our speedboat now let's talk to something a little bit better we should put through the flight seal on this too okay well i guess we could go over here now yeah i guess we might as well um interesting yeah we'll just go over here all right let's see what we got over here now we've already gone down there there's not a whole lot over there let's go over here and see what we have because i see some pieces like on these like pillars but there's no way i'm gonna be able to get those right now um i feel like we definitely need some like helicopter park kind of stuff and we don't have a lot of flight blocks we only have a few so maybe we can find something over here somewhere what is this is that just a piece of gold maybe nope that's a thing um where are we gonna take you though and let me move this down here okay so what what piece is this inverted corner all right well let's figure out where we can take this guy um i don't really see a place that i can take this right now uh it's it's an inverted corner piece what are you what is this one it's not gonna tell me is it uh oh simple tail fin oh shoot well we kind of need that i can't really get over there though oh wait no it looks like we could get up to that one right there okay okay okay all right let's go grab that little tiny piece and we'll take it up there since we already brought it this far uh we'll get that going to help and oh gosh that is a giant piece too um we're about to make something to to get these all right so there's our inverted corner piece delivered what is this piece right here what are you you look big what do we have oh it's a bigger it's a different suspension oh heck yeah let's go ahead and take this guy right back over here and suspension spring okay let's see uh there was another there's another small one over there uh that one was pretty big but it almost seems as though it was the same size as those ones so maybe we can drag that over here as well okay what is this guy oh it's a power core that's nice it always use more power cores power core unlocked i have three unused power cords right now oh that is uh awesome um i'm gonna go ahead and delete some of this stuff yeah i'm gonna delete these get these out of the way kind of and we then three unused power cords which means that we can throw one more big boy engine on here i can go right there let's go ahead and uh rotate that around and then we have one more power cord that we could use so let's just get another magnet and we'll just throw those right there perfect looks good now we'll see if that gives us enough power to hopefully move those bigger ones hopefully we can just like stick onto them and pull them over here all right you simple tail fin you get over here can we pull you back oh i think we can i think we can pull it back i think we have the power anyone can't really see my vehicle too much but hey that's all right oh we're getting a little we got a little froggy here all right all right let's let's calm down you know i wonder if it'd be better to push it can we push it or are we only gonna be able to pull it ah now we can push it too haha we've got all the power and a simple tail fan delivered [Music] we've done the thing my gosh it's a crucial part of your spaceship yeah it is it's a huge part of the spaceship all right so now we've got uh let's do a repair we've also got a piece right here that we need to try knocking off of there and i don't really know the best way to do this i wonder what piece that even is all right we're gonna try to ramp off of this thing and i'm gonna try to hit it um it might be better to put small wheels on for this so we can get a little bit more speed actually let's do that let's go into build mode let's swap our tires out for the spiked oil yeah yeah these ones i bet we'll get a whole bunch of speed going now all right well i settle with speed maybe not [Laughter] i think that was worse i think that was worse than the big tires oh let's put the let's put the big tires back on all right maximum speed let's go i could always throw uh we could always throw some some jet engines on here too if need be oh yeah not even close okay all right jet engines for sure all right we'll try this so we don't have a lot of power but we've got thrust we've got i don't know how much power that's actually going to give us but we'll find out find out here shortly all right and send it uh that didn't do like anything for us oh we got closer we got closer um [Music] [Laughter] we got closer not close enough though so i'm gonna throw regular tires on here as well uh are we bottoming out okay we're moving a little bit quicker with these so i'm thinking maybe with the the smaller wheels and the turbines maybe the combination will give us the speed that we need to get where we need to go all right oh buddy oh we're so close okay we might be able to we might be able to make this happen uh let's let's drop some weight here though um i don't need that and i don't need that oh that'll actually give us two more uh two more thrusters as well let's see let's go ahead and copy that i want to put it on the side i think yeah we're gonna do that and then we're gonna copy one over here as well heck yes okay more thrusters uh let's go ahead and let's remove some of these pieces okay that looks pretty good let's see what we got here i'm thinking less weight more thrust um honestly the thrusters on the top of my cab could be a bad idea that's probably pushing me over all right oh look at us go um we might be able to do this what what did it even say it was did it say power core i would just said it was uh okay hold on let's rotate this we're gonna put one there then we're gonna throw this other one right here perfect okay we're gonna lower that thrust just a little bit all right here we go send it we'll send uh i think we can do it i think we can make it happen i don't need to be a little bit more back end heavy so that way when we take off our back starts falling a little bit more come on hit it oh it's a raw jet oh my gosh yes we have to have that okay um let's do this let's throw uh let's see let's go to balance and let's throw some of these back here let's even get a little bit more uh rear end heavy so that way hopefully our vehicle doesn't nose dive so bad yeah that didn't help us at all okay so i'm gonna put one thruster pointing down where you have one thruster pointing down in the front to hopefully lift the front up a little bit uh we'll see how this goes hey there we go there we go that off of there oh heck yeah uh hopefully that doesn't reset the the research it does not okay all right so now we need to get off of here um i'm gonna save this save as uh jet thing all right save now let's go ahead and let's load up let's load up our standard one of these yeah delete my blogs put that in here put this guy in here okay cool i think i can survive this yeah not even an issue okay cool so uh we just need to pull this guy and uh yeah that's all we need to do yes heck yes all right we are on our way okay so i swapped out my monster truck wheels with the spiky wheels and the spiky wheels actually seem to be doing a lot better like uh the only problem is i get over this hill and i can't get over this hill so uh the spiky wheels definitely seem much better for this much more capable than the monster truck wheels because the monster truck goes i think they're just so big and heavy that's what was causing some issues for us um okay we need to we need to turn okay come on we're gonna go as fast as we can come on baby come on baby come on baby oh come on no come on [Laughter] my butt's in the air okay we need to go i think we have to go this way all right let's see can we can we get up here okay all right come on come on we can do it we need the jet we need the raw jet that's what we need so bad i want to fly okay here we go here we go here we go all right i'm trying to make sure we're not getting squirrely either oh darn it oh oh oh we're rolling we're rolling good let's not get too close to the edge there i don't want to lose my momentum oh come on oh no all right um don't roll away okay we're gonna have to expand this a little bit this is what we're gonna do we're gonna bring it out this way uh we're gonna bring it out this way a little bit we're gonna throw some weight on this side we're gonna throw some more tires on here and hope for the best all right so engines moved up we got four more wheels up here and i threw a bunch of weights on the front uh hold on your building contains unconnected parts what's not connected what is not connected oh we have a motor right here uh let's just throw that on top of my cab i guess no yeah let's throw it on top of the cab why not all right we're good all right so let's grab this and hey there we go yes look at that pulling like a dream okay don't don't get squirrely on me don't get squirrely on me oh like a dream okay all right let's get it in here come on go and get in there yes the raw jet that is a crucial part of your spaceship yeah that is a crucial part of the spaceship oh my gosh uh i gotta say these uh these wheels are kind of like amazing like i feel like we can definitely get cruising with them all right so we've got all those i think is that everything in this area now uh yeah it is oh well we got something down over here and it looks like we got some more we oh we have the floating islands too everywhere okay let's go take a peek let's look around here let's see we can find anything else i don't know how well this machine is going to drive yeah i don't it doesn't drive real well here but i mean it pulled oh it pulled like no problem should we try to do this epic ramp right here i think we should try to do this epic ramp right here oh absolutely okay all right let's back up and then we're gonna go for this thing we're gonna go full bore we're gonna try to jump it all right let's go let's go to it let's do it we'll send come on come on we're not going faster okay that's nice there's not even a point oh you know what we've got a jet engine we can play with hold on a second let's see if i got rid of let's go ahead and get rid of that that and that and then let's put in the raw jet oh my gosh yes we're going to put a couple of those in and three beautiful oh they're not touching anything what the heck okay and then configuration uh speed all right how much power do these things actually offer let's let's see here okay oh they get really hot really fast why do they get so hot so fast they're gonna blow up wait what they get super hot maybe it's because there's no airflow going to them hold on let's put them right there and right there could be because the intakes were blocked i don't know if that's gonna be like a thing or not well this one wasn't blocked um let's trash that one let's see what happens now interesting what is the deal with these engines a very powerful jet engine with a cool down period huh i guess it's just gonna be for a short temporary thing huh all right we'll send it let's see what happens here so it doesn't do anything it doesn't feel like it gives me any power hmm like what's what's the i guess if we had a smaller vehicle maybe i don't know that seems a little uh i don't know i mean we are cruising pretty quick right here uh there's the lava we need hovers for this stuff before we can do anything there um yeah i don't know i'm trying to look at the rest of the map see what we got left because like a lot of these areas we're missing a few things i think you know what i'm gonna try out this um i'm gonna try out this buggy we're gonna try this thing out okay not bad not bad it could use a little bit of a little bit of something here let's go and throw different wheels on let's throw spike wheels on it i like those spike wheels okay so we got some spike wheels on there uh i'd like to get a little bit more power out of the thing but here we'll see how this goes i mean it's pretty quick it's pretty quick i like the spike wheels can we crawl up these walls wow that is kind of amazing i'm not gonna lie i think we need more speed though i think we need more power let's see what can we do for power wise um might be able to get rid of these and throw engines right there like that oh that looks that looks pretty nasty that looks pretty nasty and then oh something's not connected though oh they're not connected because that um oh here we'll just do this we'll throw some of these uh these guys in here wait where is it oh it's right there are we good now yeah we're good okay it's a little bit faster i don't really feel any faster oh yeah i know it is oh when those raw engines get going they get going oh we're going 100 miles an hour oh my gosh oh we're going super fast oh i love that i love that uh you know what we could probably throw these bulldog engines high acceleration these could give us that uh that low end speed i don't even i could put a few of these on here um let's do this let's stick these on the side like that then we'll throw another one on this side now let's just give us a little bit more umph uh and then oh can we throw another one what if we can throw another one right here sure can can we throw another one right there [Music] oh it's fast it's fast and nasty we got that little bit low end power there oh my gosh okay let's see we're going back through here oh yeah 120 oh my gosh i'm going so fast okay so where do we need to go because i feel like we could definitely probably go up that hill right there let's do it [Applause] ah not quite not quite i think we can make it happen though i really think we can make it happen here we go full send ah maybe nope not quite oh darn it and i think we're going into the lava uh yeah we're in the lava yep yep we're in the lava i love this little thing okay so what am i actually looking for here so there's stuff up here there's stuff up around us but there's like this whole area right here is there a way for us to get up there oh you probably just go this way huh looks like there's a road right there oh you know what we could do the jump we could probably do the jump and make it over to that new uh that new balloon all right here we go we're making this jump oh yeah i am speed oh come on okay okay okay all right we got this i think we can do it if i could i wonder if i can land right in that thing so it'll activate it because then we just teleport to it oh totally survived that not even an issue and we've got it unlocked oh my gosh very nice this is so exciting this thing is so much fun all right so let's see what we got over here so we've definitely got some stuff uh jump this one oh come on okay so we got over here let's see what's up here we've never been up here before oh there's another one right here oh nice what are these what we have here power core okay what is this one what are you uh a tank cannon what i don't know why i need that but cool oh there's also little pieces right there that we could probably get to at some point too and we have like that whole upper area over there oh there's all the green stuff up there we got a whole bunch of stuff to do oh my gosh i love this little speedster this thing is so fast so we just have a couple more pieces up here uh i want to see what that tank cannon is we could probably grab that real quick ah let's grab it real quick it won't take us very long uh i am gonna save this we're gonna call this the the spedster and then let's see we need to pull out this guy yeah okay perfect let's go grab this uh let's grab this stuff and we'll see oh actually well yeah that's fine we'll grab this we'll grab this one and then we will uh we'll play with a tank cannon real quick too because i want to see i want to shoot it at something and one tank cannon okay so let's i wanna we gotta check this out uh where are you is it a gadget it's a gadget fires explosives projectiles no way space okay oh that's amazing i love it what is the purpose i don't know but i love it so much uh hold on what happens if we aim it straight up like if we put it here like this does it become a firework launcher on c uh oh come back down it would be very funny if we could hit ourselves with them okay come on let's see what happens oh destroyed myself oh that's so much fun i don't know why uh but that's gonna end this episode thank you so much for coming out hopefully you're enjoying i'm enjoying trail makers this game is so much fun now i know some people are commenting they're like uh the multiplayer aspect and like the single player the the campaign seems short um let me go to the main menu real quick yes you will lose unsaved progress what uh i think we're good pretty sure it's saved but uh so there's there's single player options there's like racing uh island race there's the test zone danger zone now the sand boxing world i know some people don't aren't a huge fan of like sandbox style things which i get i understand i'm not like a huge fan of it either the rally though that kind of seems kind of neat too where you can build vehicles like rally race and stuff but then there's also multiplayer there's a strand in space multiplayer um oh look at that you can have your own server that's kind of cool too so i don't know we'll have to see we'll have to see how this goes but yes thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you did maybe consider leaving a like if you're new here consider subscribing or from returning from multiple times maybe today you'll want to subscribe if not it's all right but yes you have a wonderful rest of your day and i'll see the next [Music] one [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 102,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trail makers, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers game, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers expedition, z1 gaming, scrap mechanic, stranded in space, trailmakers campaign, trailmakers lost in space
Id: -yn61Mlq0XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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