Building Aceu's Insane $7000 Gaming PC

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I wish I had more than 92 FPS bro what am I on console we have nothing damn Mercy yeah I would love to restack oh that'd be great I would be fantastic nasty PC incoming let's [ __ ] go wrong hi from hype [Music] so yeah this is for real we are actually building ASU a new gaming PC which still completely blows my mind now a bit of context his current PC has a 9900k and a 2080 TI which not weak specs by any means but he is just not getting the performance that he should be now I was watching the extreme one day he was having these performance issues and I kind of just joked in chat I was saying hey I'll build you a PC uh I was serious I didn't think he would respond but he did and here we are we now have you know absolutely insane Parts behind me and I can't wait to start building this thing now let me just start off here by showing you some of these parts because they truly are insane now when I reached out to Nvidia telling them about this project I guess they were excited as I was because they sent over an RTX 3090 TI currently the fastest GPU on the market and the founders Edition model key has an absolute Behemoth triple slot cooler packed underneath that cooler or over 10 700 crude cores boosting to around 1900 megahertz and a monstrous 24 gigabytes of the fastest video memory on any 30 series GPU at 21 gigabits per second now I am really happy that Nvidia sent over a Founder's Edition card for this build and not say a aftermarket triple fan design because these Founders edition cards they're actually partly a blower design so as you can see here like a lot of the heat from the GPU just gets it dumped outside of the case as opposed to say an aftermarket triple fan design where all of the heat actually is just exhausted inside the case now for the CPU we need something that can keep up with the 3090 TI as much as possible we definitely don't want to be running into a CPU bottleneck which is pretty common in competitive style games at low settings so here we've gone with Intel's I9 12900k 16 cores 24 threads with Boost clocks up to 5.2 gigahertz not a whole lot to see here honestly but man 12900k with a 3090 TI what an insane combo now just when you think this build couldn't get any more crazy think again for the motherboard we're using by far the most insane board that I've used for any build this is the Asus z690 glacial extreme and the fact that it ships in what is basically a suitcase might be a little hint that it costs more than most people's entire PC builds most of that cost is due to the crazier liquid cooling solution that was developed by EK and covers the CPU the vrm and the chipset and conveniently that's all brought up to just two ports above the CPU now aside from the Bonkers water block on this thing the motherboard itself is also a beast in its own right it's running a 24 phase vrm with ridiculous 105 amp power stages as well as a bunch of water cooling headers which we will be taking advantage of I'm going to be completely honest and just eat the obvious here this thing is pure overkill for what it's going to be used for but Asus wanted to send over their best and I have zero complaints then for the ram I'll be using two sticks of G skills ddr5 6000 megahertz cl36 modules 4 32 gigabytes in total now I know what some of you are thinking 2 6 of ram in a build this high end is kind of dumb but it actually kind of makes sense because if you're going to run four sticks of ddr5 in this build you would have to underclock the memory to lower frequencies so here for example we're running two sticks at 6 000 megahertz but most four-stick ddr5 kits at the moment are only rated for about 4 000 to 4 500 megahertz so we could run four sticks on the motherboard for sure it would look a lot cleaner as well because you get to populate all of the memory slots on the board but at the cost of slightly lower performance then for storage again a little bit Overkill here two two terabyte sticks from Samsung these are their 980 Pro nvme drives these are Gen 4 drives as well with read speeds of up to seven gigabytes per second and write speeds up to 5 gigabytes per second and with four terabytes in total that's a nice little bit of Headroom to play with his current PC only has one terabyte of SSD storage in total so this is definitely a beefy upgrade for the power supply a suit Center over the 1000 watt Thor Platinum 2 and I probably don't need to explain why this is needed for such a high-end build with the GPU alone pulling upwards of 450 Watts we needed something with a high power rating high efficiency and overall something that could handle all of that load while being as quiet as possible it's definitely on the extra side of things as far as power supplies go but realistically for a build of this spec it's not even that Overkill also it is pretty nice that it comes with sleeved cables now as for the PC case that we're going to be cramming all of this expensive Hardware into uh this is something that I did go back and forth with Ace on and he does sort of have this tendency for something you know a little bit more compact as far as the mid Towers go and something with a clean design aesthetic so in the end we did go with an NZXT h510 flow Edition with the ventilated panel at the front and that is in matte white so the h510 it's a case that I'm pretty familiar with I've built two custom Loops previously in it and I'm pretty comfortable overall we could have gone with something much larger and over the top with a flood of RGB but that wouldn't have really been suitable for him for his actual day-to-day system now the first step to building a PC of this spec especially if you're factoring in custom water cooling is to just make sure that the parts that you have actually work Dead on Arrival parts are a real thing and it would be a real shame to build this entire PC only to find out that a couple of Parts don't actually work so what I've done here is pretty much just assemble all of the hardware on a test bench and this way we can get most things set up and verify that everything's working as it should so everything boots fine which is great I've then updated the BIOS on the motherboard to the latest version and both storage drives as we can see are recognized without any problem now stuff like fan curves CPU power limits and XMP for the memory all of that stuff can be done after the fact now I have to do some of the boring stuff like install Windows and the graphics drivers for example let's uh skip ahead a little bit and get to the part where we actually install some of these parts foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so far most of the parts are inside the case now which is great and I think now would actually be a great time to take a quick break and just talk about what we're actually doing here so as you can see we're not actually liquid cooling to GPU the reason for that is mostly kind of just considering the upgradability of the system as a whole 3090 TI I know it's kind of absurd to consider anytime upgrading from that kind of GPU but hey maybe in two to three years time if Acer does want to upgrade to something else then it simply pull the card out and put the new one in I will say though physically fitting that 30 90 TI Founders Edition card in there was a struggle basically I needed to use paper towel to carefully guide that just huge thing in there but the result is some of the most satisfying fitment that you'll see now again Ace is the one who primarily decided to go with this case although he probably didn't know what it would end up looking like in the end I'm really happy that he chose the h510 because those who follow the channel know that I do kind of lean towards more dense and more space optimized builds and I think you know even in the mid Tower here we have really made use of the amount of space that we have now a couple of notes are to install that massive eatx motherboard into the h510 you do need to remove the cable management bracket but that's pretty easy to do also the radiator that we've got in there which will be calling the 12900k is the EK 280ml CE and it's physically the largest radiator that you can fit in that space it's actually so big that the mounting holes don't line up with nzxt's radiator bracket so what I've done here instead is used Gorilla Tape which is extremely strong a double-sided tape I know it sounds extremely janky but that basically holds the front radiator in place and trust me that thing is not going anywhere I've actually done the same thing with another h510 build that I'm currently using as my living room PC and it's a nice little hack to squeeze a little bit more cooling performance out of the keys as for the pump and Reservoir that we're using I've gone with the flt80 DDC from Ek really compact unit which will have no problem driving the loop for our CPU I've also mounted that with a custom 3D printed bracket which I'll link down below for those interested in doing the same thing but yeah it seems pretty sturdy overall basically it just uses four M4 screws mounted to the cable management bar inside the case there's no need to drill any holes or anything like that and I've also used a few rubber washers just to isolate the vibration of the pump at this point the only things left to do are installed the power supply and the cables do the tubing fill it up with some coolant and then test it out and see how it runs foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] and there it is the final build a mix of insanely high-end Parts in fact this is the most expensive PC that I've ever built now there have been a few comments so far about the case Choice here saying that it's a little bit underwhelming doesn't really match the spec of this build and that it's kind of cheap and yeah it is an affordable one but man this finished look this kind of clean minimal box with this just nuclear reactor of a system on the inside personally I'm a really big fan now though let's talk about performance now of course we're starting off with a bit of Apex Legends this is what Ace tends to play the most is kind of what he's known for and as you can imagine 30 90 TI playing 1080p I mean it's just brutally overkill for those of you who are playing on a 2060 or a 30 60 even you still do get those frame drops you know when the situation gets pretty intense when there's ultimates going off when there's like Bengal or smokes for example you might even see your frame rate dip below 100 FPS here on the other hand with a 3090 TI I mean we're pretty much at 300 FPS locked which is the engine limit you know we could render above that if the game would let us but it's capped at 300 FPS and it is holding that pretty consistently I will mention as well that we are recording with the GPU which is you know eating up a little bit of performance but not a whole lot and to think his current system is dipping like into the hundreds like a low hundreds this is going to be a massive upgrade for it oh this guy's got an angle I honestly think a 3070 at 1080p is like really really pushing things uh to the upper limit so you can imagine then a 30 90 TI how that would feel and what I'm personally interested to see actually is when Ace finally gets to use this system I am really looking forward to you know seeing him play some Apex seeing him play some competitive games on this system you know upwards of 300 FPS barely ever dipping below 200. wait she resting we'll get to the GPU attempts you know the proper GPU attempts when it's fully utilized but here it's good to know that you know while the system is at 1080p there's really no problem and here's a better look of how those fans are set up yeah nothing too complicated uh very simple fan curve basically when the GPU is heating up you know until it's upper limit which is about 80 degrees for the 3090 TI in this case that is uh that's when the fan speed is increasing and so you know during 1080p gaming also where the GPU is sitting typically about here or so those three fans are only sitting at about a thousand RPM so yeah 12 900k and 3090 TI for 1080p gaming it is brutally Overkill but when you're the best of the best in my opinion that is what you deserve to play on now when the GPU is at full utilization say 4K gaming at ultra settings that's of course where you will see a lot more heat and a lot more power draw surprisingly though we still do get pretty decent enough temperatures in the h510 flow high 70s here with everything at stock pulling up the 450 watts and with a more optimized power profile with the same clock speeds we can bring that down to the low 70s now if this was going to be used at 4K even 1440p gaming that's where I would recommend enabling that undervault profile but at 1080p gaming it really doesn't make a difference so for now I'll be leaving it disabled so yeah overall super super happy with how this one turned out it's actually in the same case that he currently has at the moment so footprint wires and case size wise is going to be exactly what he has but what's on the inside is going to be a massive awkward for him really can't wait to see what he thinks all right let's make sure everything runs well let's go ahead and open the video game real quick holy is that a 240 we reach we have reached 240 FPS boys I didn't think we'd ever be able to do it but we're finally at a nice 240. oh [ __ ] man so thankfully the PC got over to the US without any problems which was maybe my main concern for this entire PC build but thankfully no problems at all and performance seems to be exactly what we expected now of course if you haven't followed Ace already on Twitch and here on YouTube definitely definitely go and do that he's one of the most cracked FPS players that you will ever see and his streams are always a good bit of fun otherwise really hope you enjoyed this build video as always a huge thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: optimum
Views: 1,751,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aceu, fastest pc build, apex legends, 3090 ti, nvidia, asus z690, 12900K, fastest ever pc build, aceu pc, aceu pc build, optimum tech
Id: tB9Bw6U4XOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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