Apex Pros Try To Guess Ranks From Setup Photos..

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hey guys welcome back to the nrg apex youtube channel in today's video we asked you guys to submit pictures of your setup and me and ace are gonna try to guess y'all's ranks based from those photos and whoever gets the most correct by the end of the video wins a thousand dollars hope you guys enjoy first one on the docket it's nikki dubs7 and his setup is worth around a thousand dollars gaming off a laptop it's the second laundry like a monitor with a keyboard got some nice water right there too so he's hydrated that's a good sign wired mouse a wired mouse kind of a red flag i'm getting gold vibes from the corsair mouse seems like a nice little casual gamer let's see where's the where's the headset audio is overrated especially in apex there is no audio to hear so it's okay i think you see it above the controller is that a headset just unplugged it still has the mouse box you know he just unboxed that because the last one is probably hella crusty we had to get the new one out for the picture i respect it almost as a gold up yeah i'm getting gold two vibes for sure locking it in the correct answer was bronze nicki dubs seven is bronze well he's got the basics there to get the gold we were giving him a little buffer next one up is cami this person's setup is worth around 2500 to 4 000 definitely more serious definitely got a nice little wireless g pro got the razer keyboard hyperx mic their gamer for sure can we can we scroll on the desktop real quick and see what games they play crab game love that for them oh they play tarkov okay i'm getting a very gamer vibe masters oh masters oh you might be onto something here saying like if they have like cs if they play cs you know okay maybe you may even go to diamond i'm gonna hit up lat one cammy is masters damn you made me second guess myself that's mine i had that you gotta trust your instinct there definitely don't trust me i suck at this apparently yb veena's setup is worth around a thousand to 2500 i like their style they got golf palace stickers or race sticker got a kunai in the back very stylish stickers i'm liking the setup they got a good little keyboard right there stay hydrated g pro wireless earbuds let's go anime stickers watching the nba finals casting the the finals above them smart you're muted but i'm sure you're ready i am definitely i am definitely muted say some baby wipes got a little plant i have the same kunai if you watch this much anime and you're this like committed you have to be somewhat decent i'm gonna say diamond i'm gonna walk into that i'm in seven four yb venus is diamond definitely just copied your homework matrices and this setup is worth a thousand to 2500 just like yb venus there's like a whole mixer amp down there like what the they definitely stream they have a go xlr stream deck and you have the gpro wireless looking good three monitors very impressive what's up what's the book on top of the amp is it an apex guide it is not all right programming all right they're very smart big brain probably can rotate through the map pretty well is that a foot pedal uh stream deck foot pedal dream deck foot pedal oh my wait that's a thing oh my god i need one of those i'm gonna say plat i'm thinking plat i'm gonna say okay i don't want to steal your answer again i'm gonna say gold matrices gold okay okay it's all the diet coke and that was kind of the red flag for me oh my tad smith and it's worth up to one thousand dollars this gaming on a mac i think just the second monitor vibes again is your computer behind them they have the 12 inch monitor that's all that's what i'm focused on right now everything looks so small even the kunai and the pills small everything's just very i'm just cute though i like i like the little supply pill that's cute not using a 60 i'm gonna say silver true i see that like the function macro keys on the far left and i don't know how i feel about those very small monitors oh my how to communicate their comms are going to be on point wait a minute i'm i'm going to hit another gold right here tatsmuth is gold merits m-e-r-y-t-z his setup is worth allegedly five thousand dollars they got the hermie right there the hermit i mean yeah that that white screen plus the herman xlr why is that monitored i think that's a shirt yeah i have that same ooh good duster okay yeah it's like a handheld electronic duster wait electronic yeah it's right there and on amazon you might have to copy that's nice yeah just recharge it you know just just run out it's actually really nice i actually i really really like it got the blistec chapstick keeping it moisturized okay very gamer setup right here what uh do we see any do you see any games what are they watching on the right monitor fortnite videos okay fortnite red flag i shouldn't be looking at that i mean honestly with that monitor they can't be taking it that seriously i'm going to drop the silver i want to say like high gold or low plat i'm gonna go with plat merit is diamond diamond maybe that monitors the play and i'm just sleeping i have one of those really wide monitors having tried gaming on it though beans with the 1 000 set up where oh my god this thing is look at that desk is that it's not even a desk that's just a two by four like oh my i don't even how do you move your mouse that's a good question i don't think he does g502 hey that was my first mouse as well i'm gonna go with like silver they're a dedicated gamer if they're if they're pulling out this setup i'm gonna drop into the gold if you look at the wasd i didn't even realize that i think it worn off just completely discolored beans is platinum flat okay okay respect no mouse pad at least like a magazine or something bro yeah like a notebook like we gotta figure this out gotta respect that setup another five thousand dollar setup from were they watching he's penguino it looks like greenway who's is that to the left it is greek yeah okay that's not to say they have greek skin be looking nice if you're watching this bro drop the skincare routine well their setup costs more than mine i can't lie this is extra gamer they have an actual uh you got a cam a cam cam dslr cam sure mic call xlr stream deck 60 keyboard you're running a dual pc setup custom keyboard too that is looking nice all right they're watching greek as well so they're almost like diamond or masters yeah he is masters nice 1000 to 2500 for this setup from ecray p gaming that computer is adorable it's like a little puppy it's so is it like just some small games i have a case that small small little keyboard with the little foam thingy they got the mouse cord bungee what games do they have on their desktop apex minecraft the essentials rocky league ballerina i'm feeling gold to plat i'm gonna say plat almost like gold he is platinum i'm just getting lucky i can't lie big boy three two seven two with the thousand dollar setup you got the nice little xbox right there what headset is that logitech i don't know juicing behind the monitor filled with water that's a that's a play and a half i can't lie this man is extra hydrated i don't even know what brand monitor that is but i'm sure it's fire dell monitor is it dell the oh no idea never heard of it and this one's kind of tough i'm gonna say i'm gonna say gold i was like three two seven two is gold yes last minute change there quintessential i love your formatting and his setup is worth a thousand let's see what his rank is okay so you can solve a rubik's cube it's a subtle flex right there two controllers like the little spider kinda scares me i i dislike the spider personally no no i'm not a big spider person can't lie under the rubik's cube is that manga no wii games okay the variety gamer what is it is that is that a xbox no it's the playstation playstation are those controllers anything special i don't know what i'm looking at oh a scuff they got a scuff all right i'm gonna drop a plot right here just cuz this stuff i'ma go with platu as well quintessential is platinum oh hey we're getting good at this crazy sour 2500 to 4 000 for this latest setup is that a dx racer that's kind of a red flag it kind of looks like one is that a wired mouse looking kind of wired oh yeah a little razor dude over there i want to say gold dropping the gold i'm uh i'm gonna go with silver for this one knock him into gold for the chair crazy sour is diamond diamond okay another laptop setup from light clips valued up to 2500. i don't know what to go off here got the dual laptop setup dual laptop that's different not a 60 keyboard crazy that's a big razor dude right there wired mouse i'd say in shambles that poor poor headband part okay um hmm i mean they're working with what they got and i respect it oh this is kind of hard i don't know i feel like they play a lot but they don't have like the best hardware here you know i'll go with a gold i'm gonna go with silver white clips is a bronze apex player damn if they got a computer they would be diamond i i promised them this set at this valued up to one thousand dollars very minimal what's this headset is it fuzzy it looks fuzzy a little playstation oh that's about it i mean i almost say gold maybe silver i don't know i don't know yeah i don't have to go off on this one i'm gonna i'll go with silver just like the base of his monitor gold pizzas a silver player very clean very minimal another one thousand dollar setup from zrum all right they had to flex the little what is that it's the the far left by the laptop is it was it an sp is that what it was called it's cute okay remember it's nice it's nice i like it laptop second monitor playstation vibes are they okay so they're playing on the station oh i see titanfall 2 up in there so they understand the mechanics i'll go with platt right here a hard read i'm gonna go with silver drum is a platinum player damn is that a two by two rubik's cube i don't even know that was a thing not complete though that's why i went with silver you got to figure that out come on this next setup from drayton x is valued up to 4 000. they watch anime must be the pc i'm very confused about the whole death set up here we got we have like an l desk but like right in the corner of it i used to play in the corner of my desk like that and it was not it was not the vibe i like their 60 they got a g-pro what is that thing under the mod is that is it a rock it's one of those like salt lamps all right we're getting our chakras aligned here we have candles a cactus they really like apex a little apex like book or something up there they have a rave portal on their thing so they probably they play rape that's a good sign i want to say diamonds well i also want to say play i was thinking more of the plaid range but yeah i'm a lot going to play it here oh void walker okay maybe it is a diamond angle a little diamond diamond for that one i'm a locking diamond [Music] sharp sharples one it's valued up to one thousand interesting photos is he laying in bed tim buck says he's laying in bed tim buck says he is lounging socks are on sweatpants he probably has like a bag of chips next to him like i know if i played laying down my bed would be just like a pantry full of snacks wide assortment of pencils and pins down there very busy person this looks like a dorm almost definitely dorm vibes for sure a little family portrait nice jam is important all right good gibby skins 66 on the battle pass they play a little bit in a gibby main that's going to say plus they do be vibing on the bed so yeah i'm not gonna flat i like that yeah i i can see a plot there sharp sharples one is a gold apex player gold okay blue plot in no time shadowcat number one fans setup is up to 2500 in value a lot going on here the like street fighter wallpaper the ultimate star wars comics okay dc comics they're a dc comic fan love it recontrollers that's a lot of controllers that's the kunai it's hard to gauge which monitor are we playing on i would assume the left one this one's hard i don't know um again weird advice from the star wars poster i might have to lock him like a gold here the corsair keyboard that's not that bad chipotle the chipotle card yep it sure is okay i might have to bump them up like diamond purely off the chipotle card that's some gamer fuel right there i'm feeling plat i feel like i should say plaid i want to say diamond but i feel like shadow cat number one fan is bronze all right all right yeah i gave him too much too much credit for the dc yeah me too me too i will just trust chad d4d's value at five grand based on his pc but this is our last community member the mouse pad strictly for the keyboard oh there's another mouse there okay you have the gamer tilt on the keyboard that's a good sign so that that's at least flat they do sweat i got this 60 tilted keyboard two g pros mouse pad not a big fan on the chair you know not a fan of the swamp but at all they have a stream deck okay so they'd be streaming occasionally and their monitors tilted up oh i do that as well i'm about to give a bonus points diamond i'm a walk-in a master because i have not done one of those yet chad d4d is a diamond apex player nice thanks to everyone for sending in their setups and be sure to follow the energy twitter in the description down below to get involved in the next one see you guys next time
Channel: NRG Apex Legends
Views: 761,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex legends highlights, apex legends, apex legends moments, apex legends best moments, apex legends funny, best apex legends player, NRG aceu, aceu, aceu apex legends, NRG, apex predator, nrg apex, nrg apex legends, nrg dizzy, aceu apex, lululuvely apex, lululuvely, nrg apex highlights, aceu movement guide, apex, new apex update, nafen, apex legends gameplay, crylix, guess the rank, apex guess the rank, streamer setup, gaming setup, streamers react, aceu react, lulu react
Id: t5ADE-Erazg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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