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so I've shown a few people this PC build over the past couple of weeks uh they know it looks different but they don't really know why they can't put their finger on what specific thing it is that makes this build look unusually clean but if you take a closer look where there's usually cables connectors plugs fan headers it is completely blank and that's because they're all exiting out the back here is the motherboard 24 pin here are the CPU 8 pins they just plug into the back of the motherboard like that so this is a new trend happening in the PC space right now personally I am all for it it may look like a total mess at the back here but the interior compartment the result is super super clean gigabyte we're actually the first company to do this to my knowledge at least with something called project stealth U my impressions of that were that it was you know kind of cool maybe a little bit gimmicky but mostly it was just like this cool prototype that would never really become a thing fast forward to today though you can actually buy these components what I'm showing you today is not like a concept or anything like that this whole rear motherboard cable thing is something that you could actually build with if you really wanted to the case specifically is the MSI m100r project zero it's a relatively big Micro ATX case huge glass portion on the front which wraps around showing off all of your hardware and it actually comes with inverted fans mounted on the side these three fans are actually pulling air into the case usually you'd see a Fan Hub and frame from the interior but now all you see is the RGB illumination and the fan blades which is pretty neat I know other companies have already done this but it's pretty cool to see those pre-installed now this reconnect connector feature is really easy to implement on the case side of things because all you really need to do is make a larger cutout right behind where those connectors are and that's pretty much it the connectors can then pass through you can also see as well on this case there are the usual you know 24 pin and 8 Pin cutouts so that you can actually use it with a normal motherboard down the road if you plan to speaking of motherboards though that's where this gets really interesting here I've got the b650 M project zero also from MSI something that I didn't realize until I saw this firstand was that every connector on this board is on the back not just the main power plugs but every single fan header and RGB header they are all completely hidden from the front now not only is this more visually appealing from the interior not to see all of these unsightly fan headers and stuff like that but it's actually way more functional too there have been times where I've mounted the motherboard in the case and then installed a large Tower air cooler like a nocto nhd15 some of these fan connectors are literally impossible to access so having them all accessible at the top here you know on the side down here that is so much more functional compared to you know trying to reach around a CPU Cooler or underneath your GPU down here for example another really cool thing about this layout is that you could be using the ugliest most basic set of power supply cables but still have an aesthetic build like this which usually you'd have to spend 100 150 bucks on a cable mod extension or replacement kit that stuff gets pricey especially if you haven't factored it into your build whereas with this layout it literally doesn't matter now something that I'm actually not a big fan of with this case it's not even kind of exclusive to the rear facing connector discussion here but it's this integrated fan and RGB hub for the pre-installed fans it is just an absolute mess I mean how are MSI going to make this clean minimal case but then ship it with this Abomination I know it's not visible you can't see it but it is still part of the experience and yeah it is an absolute jungle back there I am not a fan at all this actually ties pretty nicely into my next point which is that MSI did send me an AIO to put in this build but I'm actually not not going to use it for these same reasons there are cleaner more cable-free solutions out there like this Corsair link 360 I mean if we really want to make this build as clean as possible with minimal wiring uh in terms of liquid coolers I think this is probably one of the better options out there the fans are all connected with Pogo pins which dramatically cuts down the amount of cables needed and where you'd also have a bunch of different cables pouring out of the pump block here you have none at all there is some hidden wiring through the hoses which you can barely see and there are still a couple of visible Cables near the radiator that need to be connected but for the most part all of the main connections can be done completely out of sight and it's still very simple and straightforward there is one more piece to the puzzle of course which is the GPU uh and that's where this build kind of falls apart or at least gets a little bit more frustrating for me because we still have this visible connector otherwise there are no real visible wires in this entire build now I did 3D print this which is basically just you know a simple cable guard which covers that front 16pin connector also works as a bit of a GPU support as well as well but does it improve things uh honestly I don't really know I don't really think so it definitely hides the cable but it's not an ideal Ultra Clean solution what would be ideal here would be a rear facing connector at the back of the graphics card and I have seen a few gpus out there with that I tried so hard to get one for this build but I just can't find them available anywhere even internationally I do think though by the time next computex rolls around this will likely be one of the more trendy newer things on display and hopefully is even more Hardware to choose from new motherboards new cases and hopefully new gpus as well because you have to agree it looks immensely clean you know I have to confess flashy midtower builds are not really my thing I prefer more of the ITX stuff but this is something that I can definitely approve of there doesn't seem to be much of a premium on this Hardware either for this hidden cable look the case from MSI is a pretty typical mid tower pricing and the motherboard is currently sitting at 230 whereas a similar b650 board would be around 170 I would probably wait until the next round of Hardware launches and then see if this is something that you're still interested in see if other companies are diving in as well and see what other options you have available to you upgradeability is something that you'll want to think about but yeah even if you jump in now and you build something like this then you are left with an ultra clean PC
Channel: optimum
Views: 893,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zero cable pc, hidden cable pc, rear connector pc, cleanest pc build, MSI project zero, optimum, Gigabyte Project Stealth, optimum tech
Id: Y-Qrs_J-NmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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