I Built a $7,221.51 PC (Worth it?)

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yeah so my last video actually broke my PC it finally happened it finally happened yep she is done for so 12 you know how's your PC broken well listen after I uploaded that video my PC just kept freezing I don't know why my beautiful 490 PC with no problems just kept freezing I mean just like that but for real and after trying to troubleshoot it tear the whole thing apart it got worse I mean it wouldn't even make it past the BIOS screen this ain't even Windows bro this is running off a USB bro this computer she locked bro damn so something in here is actually broken and I'm just going to take that as a sign from the universe to build my dream PC now a little bit of a hint I done stole the 490 out of this one so we are doing a dual 4090 workstation build I'm either a genius or an idiot for this so I took out a small loan got all the PC parts picked out ordered it and 20 days later it was time to build this thing yes sir I'm excited I've been without a PC for almost 20 days we do not care so needless to say I am feing for a PC it has been 20 it has been 20 days without a PC bro I got work to do all right here the specs we got the AMD ryzen 9 7950 x 16 32 threads $540 then we got two 4 TB m.2 ssds $572 damn and then this right here is the bad boy that's going to power the 2 490s A600 watt power supply by seic it's Platinum Platinum rated and uh that that going to cook bro hopefully don't let me stop there boom and then I got this NZXT AIO liquid cooler it's got a little screen on it so get a little creative with that one I beg your pardon $282 and then the most expensive motherboard I have ever purchased that bad boy was $290 um it looks good though I like this one I'm trying to go for like a white color scheme like white and black with a little bit of blue and uh this thing look nice this thing look nice and then somehow the cheapest thing I bought was this beautiful lean Lee case we got Corsair ddr5 ram beautiful 64 GB of that bad boy two sticks 221 $ got some fans and miscellaneous stuff and then last but not least the RTX 490 right here $2,312 and so that was one of them and then uh I think I'm going to throw up H this like if you're a broke boy just say so I hope it's worth it because CU after tallying everything up including the old GPU this bad boy costed $ [Music] 7,221 hey can I get a dollar just give me one1 that's all I need RP to the bank account I mean at this point the the freaking PC better edit the videos for me like please but uh all jokes aside I'm actually just super excited because two RTX 490s is ridiculous I mean it's such a rare build like you you don't even hear of that and let's just see how much faster two RTX 490s are over one which is already the fastest graphics card you can get so two of them so I got to building this thing like a kid on Christmas now I've built maybe five PCS in my lifetime some for friends and some for myself but this is by far the most expensive PC I've ever built and it's a little emotional because every time I've had to build a computer I've always had to budget myself and buy certain things and then upgrade them later down the road so building the best of the best out of the box with everything that I could dream of is incredible I'm just very very thankful bless up but the build was going great up into this point I hadn't had any issues besides the fact that it was incredibly messy I mean there were so many wires and it's all thanks to the freaking RGB fans and the fan hubs and the freaking RGB controllers the I don't know I'm done talking about it but then it was the Moment of Truth putting in the Dual 490s starting with the first one nice and then it was time for the second one you know I had double it I mean the hopes were high honestly I didn't even do that much research on this I was just like 16600 wat power supply 2 490s what could go wrong yes yes yes yes no no no F I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment that didn't sound very good it wouldn't click all the way into the slot and I was sitting there Wondering Why didn't it fully go in it's because it it didn't fit I mean it was one slot off I mean these are massive cards they both take up three slots on your pcie covers and compared to the top one you can see I'm one short which was just straight up blocking the GPU from going all the way in I think the worst part is you can see I have three slots but my motherboard has an m.2 there instead so it pushed everything down one it's not even a joke I actually was devastated and what made it worse is I was literally sick for 4 days and I had started building this PC like a week ago so the excitement that I had at the start was dwindling out I just wanted a PC man that's all I wanted bro but Nick A3 always taught me never back down never I had too much into this all right I had to see it through this was the game plan I can either cut a hole in the case right here where that Mark is or I can just shave this little bit off the 4090 I'm [Music] uh oh my God bro oh hell let me get out the bus I've officially lost the plot and lost my warranty because I just cut this off a $2,000 GPU call me the handyman though cuz this G look kind of good I'm not going to lie that OEM right there baby but will it fit Now it worked yes yes sir I was so excited so that means after getting sick having an emotional roller coaster saing a $2,000 graphics card and spending almost a week building this it was ready for its first [Music] boot Lord have mercy I'm about to bust thankfully I had zero issues getting this thing to run and besides looking at the back of the PC you'd never even know what I did to [Music] it the PC looks incredible and the color scheme turned out exactly how I [Applause] imagined and my animated logo is the cherry on top but we still have to answer that question how fast is dual RTX 490s now obviously we're not talking about gaming because the second 490 will never get used in games unfortunately gaming doesn't support it but that's not why I built this PC on my main Channel I do all kinds of game Concepts and I do most of them in blender and blender uses path tracing so we're not talking about FPS frames per second it invented a whole new category fpm frames per minute so let's compare the speed between 1490 versus two okay so I have nothing on this PC yet so I downloaded a blender scene and for some context I have the Mac sample set to 256 and it's also in 4K resolution and 1490 managed to render this realistic scene in 54 seconds 1490 in 4k 54 seconds then I enabled two 490s and it took a whopping 33 seconds we went from 54 seconds almost 1 minute to only 33 seconds so literally like half the time which makes the Dual 490 48% faster over just one and to give you guys some context to how fast this actually is you're going to have to buy Buckle in because this scene right here that you're looking at made by my friend Mr Shuda on a 3080 TI was going to take him 6 to 7 minutes to render no no no not for the whole thing just for one single 4K frame what hell and if we do a little bit of math this clip we're looking at would have taken him 21 hours and 40 minutes to render and the Dual 490 would have taken that almost one day render time to only 1 hour and 43 minutes it's actually insane to think about so back to the original question was this upgrade worth it well we've established that it's 48% faster than my last PC which to some might not sound like it's worth the price tag and I don't know if it's the copi I'm talking but the time saving really grows over time see if I'm rendering a 10-second clip I'm already saving about 1 hour and 45 minutes over this single 490 now you do this a bunch more times eventually I will save like hundreds of hours So eventually it'll pay for itself right now eventually though you know what saying eventually [Music] though
Channel: 12th
Views: 900,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12th hour, 12th, ultimate gaming pc, 4090 PC, 4090 gaming pc, RTX 4090, dual 4090, 2 4090, build, expensive pc, high budget, gaming pc, 10000, ultimate, expensive, custom, nvidia, rtx, 4090, amd, Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL, asus, Ryzen 9, Gaming, gpu
Id: 04qM2jXNcR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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