Overpowered $2500 Gaming PC Build (runs anything)

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foreign [Music] [Music] so this is one of my favorite PC cases at the moment this is the Dan C4 sfx I mean the things that you can cram in here are just ridiculous you can build an insanely powerful PC in a form factor which let's be honest is about the same size as a shoebox that's pretty much what we're doing today this is going to be an Enthusiast tier ITX build which is pretty compact but uh yeah with a ton of performance and a mountain of airflow as well alright so let's dive into the parts uh so for the CPU we have gone with the ryzen 7 7800 X 3D which is basically the fastest gaming CPU at the moment so being an Enthusiast here ITX build we kind of want to Max this out but you really do have quite a few options here like you could go with the 13600k even which has been around for a little bit that's still a really great option you've got some flexibility there between ddr4 and ddr5 as well or if you want to kind of get the most bang for the bark you could go with the ryzen 5800x3d which is the previous version of this chip gaming CPUs in terms of you know gaming performance have kind of flatlined not really much is happening if I'm honest but the main thing here is that you know the am5 platform is going to be supported until 2025. how much that matters you know he's kind of debatable how much faster are gaming CPUs going to get uh you know it's really up to you whether that upgrade path matters but I thought you know what it's a fresh PC build uh why not build on a fresh platform now as for what we're going to be plugging this into we're going with the b650i edge Wi-Fi from MSI it's a b650 motherboard so not as expensive as those X 670 options a bit more of a mainstream offering here and the really cool thing here is that you pretty much have everything that you need for a gaming PC build without the extra features the extra USB and without those really bulky overbuilt vrms that you will find on x670 so if you compare this to the x670 strix that I've got in my personal rig that thing is an absolute Beast it's arguably pretty overkill for what we're building today but again here you have pretty much everything you need for a gaming PC build you've got three onboard four pin fan headers you've got a front panel type c connector right over here you've got a primary m.2 slot here and then a secondary one on the back but yeah you know pretty tidy board I think for an ITX offering it's looking pretty good especially if you don't need like a bunch of USB ports which you would get on x670 and you know it's not like we can use the extra pcie Lanes of x670 here anyway because it is an IT export after all so let's go ahead and install the CPU we're going to lift this latch here and then we're going to lift up this part of the socket just kind of Pull It Forward everything will just kind of sit there nicely and then we can just open up our CPU and then from there just very carefully placing the CPU into the socket the gold triangle on the CPU will face the top left hand corner which is marked on the CPU socket as well which is pretty handy then we just pull this part of the socket down make sure it goes all the way down and then just slowly and carefully close the latch at this point the plastic cover will loosen up and that's it CPU is now installed all right now next up we have the storage and in 2023 you know this is pretty much it this is the storage for your PC on this single stick here so for build guides I like to do it pretty simple just a one terabyte m.2 nvme drive uh the one that I've gone with here is a Samsung 980 SSD it's just the standard 980 not the 980 Pro it's kind of like a entry level to mid-range offering you could also go with a crucial P1 or a P3 those are pretty good options I've used as well I think for most people's PC builds you know one to two terabytes is a good starting point and also do remember that we do have that secondary slot on the back there as well so if you do need to add some storage down the road you can just Chuck a second drive in that slot and you will actually have full access to that slot even when the PC is fully built and complete so just removing the heatsink here for our primary m.2 drive also don't forget to remove the little kind of film protectors there's one on the top of the heatsink there's a couple down here on the thermal pads as well which are the most important definitely do not want to skip these now if you look in the bottom of the motherboard box you'll find a set of these tiny screws grab one of those and we'll actually be using it to secure the m.2 drive to the motherboard then we just take the stick carefully insert it just like that and then you can go ahead and just lock it down on the included standoff and that is pretty much it just lock down that heatsink and then just those final two screws now for the memory am5 is a ddr5 memory platform only so unfortunately we do have to Fork out a bunch of cash for this ddr5 memory at least that's what I would be saying if it was like a year ago now though ddr5 is actually kind of affordable this 32 gig 6000 megahertz cl30 kit I mean that's relatively high speed was only 120 bucks and you know you can get some slightly slower kits 6000 megahertz cl36 those are like going for 90 bucks to be honest comparing ddr4 vs ddr5 now it's like a 40 maybe 50 difference I think once you get into like those 128 gig kits yeah the difference is going to be quite a big difference there but I mean if you're just going for like a pretty high speed 32 gig kit yeah you're really not spending that much more it's certainly not a big difference in the scheme of like a couple thousand dollar PC build but yeah I've just gone with an all black memory kit from G skill this is their Trident D5 Neo kit happens to be an AMD expert kit as well so the timings we shouldn't have any problem with those yeah let's go ahead and get these installed installation is pretty straightforward we've got these two latches here which we're just going to unlock some of them will also have them at the bottom of the slot here too but as for this motherboard we've just got two at the top there one for each slot then we've got a little Notch here that we want to look for on our module we're going to line that up with the notch that we see on the slot so in this case it looks something like this just line up the module slide it in and then apply even pressure on the memory dim and that's it should be fully locked in same thing again just lining it up with the notch sliding it in and then even pressure should hear that nice satisfying click and there we go now we've got our CPU storage and memory fully installed now CPU cooling in the density for sfx you've actually got like a multitude of different options but the two main ones that people should be going with are a 280 mil liquid cooler on the side here or a beefy air cooling solution like the noctua d12l this is the biggest CPU air cooler that you can fit in this case now that liquid cooling setup will allow you to run just insane CPU performance like if you want to push a ryzen 7950x or a 13900k to the absolute limit with kind of just untouched performance that would definitely be the way to go like for an engineering workstation for example liquid cooling is definitely the way to go and it's kind of unbelievable that you can do that in this form factor however with a 7800x3d and especially under gaming loads where we're going to be pushing less than 100 watts of socket power we are more than covered with our noctuar d12l now we're not going to be installing the CPU Cooler just yet it because it's going to make it a little bit more difficult once we get the board into the case to start plugging cables in and stuff like that so we'll leave the heatsink off for now but we will install the mounting hardware and that is pretty simple we've got these gray spaces for the am5 kit which we'll just go over the default mounting pins then we've got the mounting brackets which can be installed like this and remember that you have them facing this side up and kind of bowing inwards towards the socket and that's it the motherboard prep is completely finished also I do have some fans pre-installed here these are just slim 120 mil noctuars you can actually put 140 mils up here believe it or not I'm not sure if we'll even end up using these because the GPU that we're putting in here is actually pretty massive I'm not sure if these can even fit up here or even if they'll be beneficial for the kind of triple fan design that we have the side fan though the 140mm Arctic p14 I think it is we'll definitely be leaving that there that does add a bunch of cooling to this case yeah this is going to be a pretty beefy system man the uh GPU that we're putting in there is a a 4080 actually which matches the motherboard quite nicely now pretty much every PC case out there the motherboard is installed in the top left of the case but in the Dan C4s FX it's installed in the bottom right so we've got this kind of unique inverted layout which looks a little something like this it's um actually pretty easy to get this in here just work around that power supply cable and then gently drop it in like that over the motherboard standoffs so yeah the motherboard is effectively upside down inside the case and that means that the GPU is towards the top that's going to give us the best GPU thermals and Acoustics for this style of case the small motherboard screws will be included just four of those on the motherboard standoffs and then we're done alright easy enough we've made some pretty decent progress now uh CPU Cooler is looking at me that wants to go in but first before that we need to deal with the power supply and the option that we've gone with here I mean if you've watched any of my high performance ITX builds this is pretty much what we just go with like it's just the standard Choice it's the Corsair sf750 Platinum you would just imagine that by this point using this power supply for like what four or five years now that there would be like at least an 850 watt or maybe even a 1000 watt version but no still the 750 watt model and I will mention the Dan t4sfx does support larger sfx L power supplies which basically have the same footprint as the sfx model which I'm holding here but they're just a bit longer so it's going to make Cable Management a little bit harder the clearances are a lot more difficult than you could step up to like an 850 watt or a 1000 watt sfxl unit again though for a single GPU setup even with a 4090 the sf750 Platinum has proved to be just an absolute Beast pretty neat as well it comes with some nice sleeved cables so you don't have to go out of your way and make custom cables unless you really want something specific but something that I always do for the sf750 cables is just tame them a little bit with a couple of zip ties and I swear the material is different on this newer model usually the sleeve cables are like a little bit dry a little bit kind of fluffy but this is like maybe even a little bit higher quality than usual which hey that's kind of nice to see so we have the multiple 24 pin we've got the CPU H Pin cable uh these are both included with the Corsair as of 750 this however is not this is a custom cable from a mod DIY which you will need to buy separately but it is absolutely essential for this build without this you actually won't be able to get the side panel closed and that's because this is the power adapter that ships with the GPU that we'll be using which is an RTX 4080. take a look at how stiff this thing is yeah just good luck bending that trying to get the side panel closed but yeah custom cable from Mod DIY uh this one is 40 centimeters I'm sure you can get it mid from other places as well but mod DIY is just what I recommend for 30 bucks as well they do ship pretty quickly quality is good and yeah just haven't had a problem with them link down below of course now we can go ahead install the power supply we've got this power supply bracket which we can just remove with four screws on the opposite side of the case you can actually use the included screws which come with the power supply too which is nice and then from there it's just a little bit of uh cable maneuvering I guess we could say you need to plug in the power supply adapter cable while feeding these cables through and then eventually we can get the power supply sitting in there happily all right so we've made some pretty good progress now I'd say we're about 75 complete just a few more things left to do uh next up we need to plug in some of these cables now luckily the front i o on The Dan c4sfx is super super minimal we just have a power button and a USB type c how button is this toucan connector and that will plug in towards the bottom over here probably easier actually if I just grab my phone and show you guys what connector I'm talking about so two pin that's going to go to the front panel connector right over here uh don't mess it up for the USB or the audio jack we won't be using those and then as for the USBC connector that one is going to go right over here then we've just got the motherboard 24 pin over there and the cpu8 pin down in the bottom right and you know what I'm actually going to uninstall these fans here because I'm not sure whether it's going to suit the graphics card that we're using in terms of the airflow setup that is something that we can play around for sure a little bit later see if it makes a bit of a difference uh for starters though I think I want to test it without the next order of business though is of course that CPU Cooler that thing has been begging to go in uh before we do that let's apply some thermal paste on top of the heat spreader for the CPU so thermal paste will of course come with the cooler don't overthink the application too much uh so usually what I like to do is apply a pretty generous amount that looks something like that then I usually just grab a piece of cardboard or something flat maybe some plastic would work quite fine too and then just spreading it out making sure you're getting a nice kind of full coverage application and then yeah something like that are pretty much perfect that we just remove the clips removed that fan from the heatsink and then we're going to go ahead and install this really important that you do a couple of turns either side and get that really even kind of mounting pressure across the heat spreader rather than going through and tightening one side all the way this way we know we're getting the maximum performance out of the cooler we don't need to put this fan back onto the heatsink uh which actually is impossible if it wasn't for this cover right here so you've got this cover on bottom of the case which you can actually remove four screws and then we can yeah go ahead and install this fan and I'm just going to quickly change these mounting clips around that way we can mount it on the bigger portion of the heatsink here while still intaking air through the rear and pretty simple just clip it onto the heatsink and then plug in that four pin connector into one of these top fan headers on the board here alright so this thing is really starting to come together starting to look like an actual PC uh one thing left to install and that's the GPU and for that we are going with the RTX 4080 specifically the gaming X Trio from MSI which just happens to be a white one which matches the motherboard so yeah kind of unplanned I asked NSI if they could send out a 4080 Ventus which I do know for a fact will fit in the Dan C4 sfx they said okay we'll send over the gaming X Trio and I said ah actually I don't know if that fits and to be honest I still don't know if it fits this is my first unboxing of the card the Dan c4sfx can fit cards up to 336 millimeters in length and this is 337 so it's one millimeter too long but I'm betting that it should fit that is looking like a nice graphics card to be honest I actually don't know if this is going to fit it is huge okay it it should fit it should fit all right let's let's just take a look now you could definitely go with an AMD card here the 7900 XTX they should have models that will fit in the c4sfx but the main reason that we've gone with the 4080 here is due to power efficiency so nvidia's architecture at the moment it is just you know better in terms of power efficiency versus AMD most of the time for a 4080 you're going to see it around that 280 watt range maybe for this aftermarket card probably closer to the 300 watt range but honestly for such a beefy triple fan uh actually over triple slot design uh this should have no problems cooling that at all and it does look like it's gonna fit looks like it's getting caught on something okay so the front i o cables definitely need to move those out of the way because the heat pipes on the graphics card are actually touching it there we go locked in and look at the fitment I mean that is about as close as it's ever going to get let's go ahead and get this secured on the other end and then finally we can just go ahead plug that right in uh to be honest you probably could go for like a 25 centimeter custom 16 pin as opposed to the 40 centimeter one that I've used here uh this one is the perfect length for the form T1 but yeah and the density for us effects you could definitely go with like maybe like a 20 25 centimeter one and then of course just definitely making sure that that cable is fully seated I've got to say the white graphics card I'm a big fan I think it looks really really good especially with the white motherboard as well it's by no means an all-white PC build but yeah this kind of matching aesthetic just looks really good the very last thing you'll need to do is install the side bracket with our exhaust fan and this p14 from Arctic will actually do quite a bit of work here in the C4 to help reduce the temperature build up within the case then we can just remove this bottom panel again and actually get that exhaust fan plugged in and on this motherboard we're going to plug it directly into the one next to our CPU fan so you yeah really happy with how this turned out looks super super clean I do actually like the white components quite a lot let's get this thing up and running and see how it performs foreign [Music] installation is pretty simple just create a USB installer turn the system on and follow the steps plenty of videos online on how to do this if you get stuck once we're in though there are a couple of things that we'll definitely need to do first is to update the motherboard's files just restart the system spin the delete key and then load in that new bios from a USB we'll also need to enable Expo which is the high speed memory profile for our ddr5 then just press F10 to save and quit next we need to install the AMD chipset driver really really important that way our CPU is functioning correctly and we get the max performance you'll also want to download the latest Nvidia Graphics drivers and of course disable Mouse acceleration the very last thing that I'd recommend doing and something that I do for every PC build out there is downloading fan control this is a completely free software which gives you access to all of the fans in your system and more importantly all of the temperature sources as well so load it up follow the normal setup and then you can go through label each fan and then create your own custom fan curves for example I've come completely disabled that tiny SSD fan which can get a bit loud and I've also set the side exhaust fan to start ramping up based on the GPU temperature these are two things that you can't do within the Motherboard BIOS and the outfits in cyberpunk are so so interesting I swear you can just look at these all day except for when you run into two people who look exactly the same uh yeah not really sure what's going on there but anyway to address the performance of the PC it's running really really good like pretty quiet we've got the system running full bore now for about 45 minutes in cyberpunk 2077. we're also running the ray tracing Ultra preset here at 1440p there's no dlss turned on so no Ai upscaling No frame generation or anything like that typically you turn those features on you'll get higher frame rate but you'll also kind of be cheating your way to lower power consumption lower temperatures it's not really uh honest way of me showing you what this system is kind of capable of at full kind of GPU load and yeah the temperature on the GPU is really really decent you know under 70 degrees with the room ambient now at about 22 that's Rock Solid I was honestly kind of you know iffy about not putting those two slim fans at the top there but honestly that gaming X Trio cool so massive that it just doesn't even need it and then while we're here we might as well just go ahead turn on some dlss turn on some frame generation let's go ahead turn on the path tracing mode as well which is absolutely brutal this guy looks so real he looked annoyed when I walked up to him how he's holding that buggy though does not look real and the person is actually going to be using this PC he does actually play quite a bit of OverWatch too and I know it's not the most intensive game but oh yeah I want to see what the performance was like here especially the CPU which I've added the metrics for there and I mean that thing is barely pulling 65 Watts even at 600 FPS GPU around 250 Watts here 65 degrees 600 FPS locked I mean performance here is basically as good as it's going to get I'll tell you what with these iems in I can't even hear the PC even with them out this thing is so so quiet yeah CPU under 70 40 80 under 70. all right at least we killed the soldier at least we killed the soldier yeah if you guys are interested in building something similar I'll leave all the parts listed Down Below in the description as always a huge thanks for watching I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Optimum Tech
Views: 178,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build a pc, optimum tech, dan c4-sfx, itx pc build guide, best ITX PC, gaming pc build guide, how to build a gaming pc step by step, Noctua, rtx 4080, Nvidia 4080, Ryzen 7800x3d
Id: PpENpqI7BiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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