Building a Work Shop: Installing Plywood and Steel on Walls

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what's up guys a little bit colder today lost track of time I don't care what day it is we're getting really close to the end I think it's day 15 if I'm being honest got all my cameras got my GoPros gonna get set up I think have a really good chance of getting this interior done there's moving a piece of machinery in we had a couple screws to hit on the outside I've also got to still do my outside corners but first thing we're gonna do is wrap our jams with coil stock the door right behind me they're the 10 foot wide by 8 tall we've got that coil stock cut Greg just sheared it down and now we're gonna go ahead and get it laid out I like to do that and the reason we don't run any ribs steel throughout that area is really just because as the door opens it has to go straight up before it goes out away from the wall so we got to have about I think a 20 inch clearance and to be honest I just think it looks really good when we just do the flat stock maybe you guys don't I don't know I'd love to hear your opinion but I think it looks nice and clean just to have that big flat area and squeeze a between TOEIC crab down I don't know kind of a huge role I only get so high are you good you can take us up a little bit right near enemy yeah check boys we gonna coil some little big dogs yeah thank you buddy I'm about okay go ahead we used to put these door trims on right here this j-channel this is what our high wood is going to slide into down low and then up top our steel is gonna go and do it used to just stamp a line from top to bottom but then you get all that chalk dust everywhere definitely line lasers they've become cheaper easier better stronger faster all those good things so definitely check them out if you're doing any sort of work where you need to level or plumb something up just go get yourself a nice cross line laser dude how awesome is this look at this so going with this a seep I would not all of them are lining up but I assumed this was how when you use some really good plywood great stuff and it comes off the mill and you got that veneer just rolling out you're gonna get sheets of plywood that are basically a continuous piece that got cut in the mill so you can see here how these seams are basically the same sheet it's just where it's just where it got cut going through the mill so when you look at the wall now it looks like one continuous piece obviously there's a small crack but that is pretty sweet I'm loving this plywood all right well there we go we got the plywood all installed and believe it or not I thought I was gonna be about a half-inch know a half of a sheet shy I did all the math I don't know how it worked out unless they somehow gave me an extra sheet but I was actually able to do it all with what I had and had about a two-foot spare so that is awesome because at almost 40 bucks a pop I don't like having a lot of extra plywood sitting around yes I will use it somewhere but now what we're doing and you can see back here we're getting our piles of Steel set up because on the back wall typically we have all of the same lengths of steel but with that mezzanine if you look back there that mezzanine back there that's a ten and a quarter inch rise that way I can do a two by 10 joist and then 3/4 plywood so that's those steel sheets are going to be taller and with the vault up there they're gonna even be more staggered so they're gonna be all different and then coming down this wall this wall is different and then when you get up to the very front that's different too so we've got all sorts of different sheets of Steel different piles to organize we're gonna get that organized probably head to lunch real quick so when we get back we can bust out some steel it's going to go quick so this is going to be great I'm just adding sound effects to my video oh yeah oh did I just stuck my finger in the poop I don't know huh it does kind of look like oh yeah dude just seen it on my finger we got back from lunch and I thought it was super important to finally get these corners done every day either coming to the jobsite or leaving home from the jobsite I turn around I look back and I'm like oh my gosh we forgot to put the corners on once again it just I like to see this color change over here on the corner I know some some building manufacturers some people they do like the same color as a side steel personally I like that it gives it a crisp corner to look at so I think you know you can tell a lot by trims and if you just use the same color trim I think it's easy to hide issues versus really just show off the work and effort that went into the building and the layout and making everything as perfect as possible when I well that kind of stinks just started raining which not a big deal normally but they're calling like two to four tenths of ice with this rain so my goal is to move a piece of equipment home so we're gonna go ahead and call it so I get that moved and then we've also got to do a little bit of sidewalk cleaning for a commercial snow account I put some salt down so we don't get you know into trouble with ice but as you can see behind me we had a great day we got this steel rain down this sidewall we got that back end well done we got all the plywood laid we started coming around this corner here with the steel so that means we really just have to do this over here and cut out windows doors trim them and this interior is gonna be done there's also an attic access right back there and that will get cut out and be accessible for the insulators who are gonna install an r38 fiberglass remember we will be insulating the ceiling whether or not I show it if I'm around I will if not just know it's getting insulated so with that being said hope you guys enjoyed today's episode and definitely appreciate you guys following along this one's really close to wrapping up but we've got some great projects coming down the wire so make sure you're subscribed to not miss those I've got a bunch of different videos that I would like to put up that are involving of the trades and how to's and tips and just things that hopefully can help educate motivate or inspire people either in the trades looking to be in the trades or really just maybe entertainment for people that like building stuff or the thought of building stuff because I have an office job I don't know but I do appreciate you guys hanging out it will catch you guys on the next episode video whatever it is whether it be a tools day a build series or just a how-to tips and tricks about something construction related appreciate it we'll see you guys later
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 91,749
Rating: 4.9819002 out of 5
Keywords: rr buildings, pole barn, post frame, how to build a pole barn, building a metal building, metal building how to, insulating a metal building, how can you finish the inside of a metal building, awesome space for a work shop, installing plywood, installing steel on walls, building a work shop, how to build a garage, pole barn construction, how to install insulation in walls, do it yourself
Id: fvzJna_SrwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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