Off Grid Earthbag Workshop Part 71 Facias And Turfing The Roof

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good morning everyone in uh this video i'm going to be fitting the facial boards and stuff to the roof and probably add the drainage and stuff as well uh the last two videos i put out has done really really well so thanks to everyone that's watched the channel over the years and especially those last two videos because they've gone a bit mad and uh as a result i'm gonna get a bit of extra money coming that i wasn't expecting to get so it means i'm gonna be able to get a lathe and a mill and a plasma table quite a bit quicker than i thought i was gonna be able to do it i thought i was gonna have to save up for them individually secondhand machines of course but um yeah should be able to get them all in one go so i can kick this workshop out um much faster than i was gonna expect and uh debt free of course because i never buy something unless i can just afford to buy it what all right got a few bits bro on the side done as well i love the curvy look yeah following the roof line with it obviously and it results in these lovely uh sweeping curves um i'm running low on this really nice timber so i'm gonna use some of the worst stuff around the side there so i'm going to start doing a bit around the front because that's where my nice stuff is yeah should look pretty cool right so bye so what i do is uh because obviously we're curving up and down and in and out all the way around so each each section each section of the rafters you know the the angles change so in order to make that simple to do a join i have them overlapping at each intersection you see i can't now get one in here so i cut an angle on that one and then an angle on the next one with the chainsaw which you saw me doing the first one of the first video clips and i slide the last one behind that one and then they get squeezed together and screwed together and then it gets fixed into the next rafter so i just cut that angle down on there so right i'm going to call it a day there because uh it's just started raining it looks like it's gonna absolutely chuck it down i've done about half of it um so tomorrow i'll have most of it done but i haven't quite got enough timber so i've got to do some milling so it's gonna end up being a three-day job so i'll have it done by monday today saturday there's not bad so it is the uh next day next morning i'm starting to get around the front with the halfway point of the front actually running low on materials now particularly nice big bits and long bits um yeah i'm only going to get around to that corner before i need to do some milling that's all right thank you up there and we'll fit a piece thank you so it looks really like a japanese pagoda which i didn't really realize it was going to look like but yeah really pleased with it actually very japanese pagoda look to it i managed to uh bring my traps around the side and get the bucket up so i can get access to this other side some of you might remember i dug out just to orientate you i dug out around the lower workshop down here and filled it with all these sticks and stuff and you see it's screening over now yeah it's a long way down there it's five meters down from where i am down there so accessing it's quite difficult but i've just about managed to get the tractor over the uh on the edge of that that mound and just about got access to get this corner in yes i should be wearing eye protections animals the next one for this rafter come along tuck in behind that overlap and i'll trim it all right so it's not been a bad day i got this front wall done and it looks really cool the old pagoda workshop with the curves and wiggles and it's quite difficult because of all the curves and wiggles but yeah looks good yeah we shall carry on tomorrow we've got about a third left to do or something so not too much all right good morning everyone so first job today is to uh do some milling and i want to get those fascias finished off so i can start doing the other jobs and try and get this roof covered up yeah it's currently running on about uh 50 vegetable oil so that's why it's a bit smoky to start with i'm experimenting with it see how much see how well it'll run on what percentage vegetable it's got no heating or anything like that it's just was put straight in the tank and i think this time of year i'm getting away with it okay it's a little bit more smoky but yeah seeing how it's going right so that is actually the last the of the 16 tonnes of wood i had piled up here the log pile it's all gone all gone through the homemade bandsaw mill um and during that time i've had no issues really at all um i haven't had to change anything or do anything there are some things i could change on it to make it slightly more efficient by adding like a measuring system and uh uh well yeah just just a few little fiddly things but generally i mean i've put 16 ton through it and it really honestly it works great um here's the log pile up all gone so there's where the log pile was it's all gone all that that's all that's left but not really meal quality so yeah homemade balance or mill anyone wants to copy the design from the videos it works really well right let's go and get these faces finished uh all right so that is all the fascia's done excuse the hat doc made me wear it yeah that's all the fascia's done now um about 50 meters of them one and a half inch uh 400 millimeter wide boards large it's a naturally durable timber but i'll give them a sprayer treatment as well done exactly the same way as it did the lower workshop um they they are a uh item that would have to be changed you know on a sort of i don't know 10 15 yearly basis something like that you know they won't last forever but it's uh three days work to change them so it's not a major big deal so so i've had this uh foil insulation type stuff uh you're probably familiar with it seeing it around i don't know what good it is is insulation really but i found uh no where did i get it from my mum had it spare left over two rolls of it they've been in my shed for five years nearly and i finally got an excuse to use it i'm gonna cut it in half and use it as a underlay for the um the roof membrane the pond liner so we'll just cut that down the middle i've already got some of this i'm gonna double double it over i've got a foam board for all of the internal walls or the internal roof sorry there's just no point in foam boarding the overhangs it's just a waste of material and there's a lot of overhang you know these are 50 meter rolls and cut in half it goes around once that's really 25 meter roll so cut in half it goes around once so 50 meters all the way around and uh 0.75 meter wide so yeah a lot of square meters you know be a lot of money's worth of insulation board and wasteful um so yeah just using this stuff which i've already got as a uh as an underliner for the pod right now little enough to double it up as well hey everyone so some time has passed since the last uh video clip i done when i was up there cutting out the holes for the drainage uh sam's come and helped which has been really helpful but next week is some really bad weather and basically i think the weather's going to be pretty terrible from then onwards so i've been so pushed to get this thing done and covered up the roof at least and so all the foam is down and the pond liner's up and today we're going to start turfing go up and show you i'm going to take you up there apologies it's like really misty and damp out today yeah we've got the uh pond liner up sam's just putting on these trims on the back of here sorting all that out and we got the drainage ditch in the gravels gravel ditch all round and then there's holes cut out for the drainage there's one just there you see it yeah so today we're gonna get it turfed hopefully yeah i haven't done much filming i just really stretched for time got this really bad weather coming just need to get it done hey everyone it's uh pretty early in the morning uh yesterday got two thirds of this roof turfed with some friends and my neighbors came down and helped which is a massive help i'm blessed with some really nice neighbors and they came and helped turf we're putting a really long day uh we're pretty tired there's only about a third left to do which i'll show you soon but now this is covered and watertight i'm keen to get these tarps off the walls because um all they're doing is preventing everything from drying out at this point uh see ya let's uh get these tops off and we'll be able to actually see what it's going to be like in here which is really exciting foreign like unwrapping a christmas present times one thousand so so so so i've had a bit of a tidy up as you can see not over the top tidy up because we are not by any means done with uh making mess in here a few things that i've had to mess about with a few things have moved and i have to make a couple of changes that back windowsill i don't know when it moved but at some point it moved when it was all covered up and everything and the seal was sitting tilted right forwards um so i forced that up with some uh some timbers which are plastered around i think they'll probably stay there maybe not not sure yet the center window is uh it needs a center support now so i was going to have it so clear of any supports and i put in the extra reinforcement and it's currently not even turfed yet just because in case it wasn't strong enough and i was going to do some more strengthening to it but uh an unforeseen thing happens is that um because the seal is in two pieces without a center the seal comes up in the middle it bows upwards um so regardless of the arch needing any additional support which only it does um i was going to do some anyway just for the sake of it but then he needs it i still got to put some kind of center in to stop that windowsill buckling in the middle and coming upwards because you've got all this weight on on the ends and on the ends nothing in the middle and it like that so i've got to change that well we've got to have a center support but i shall incorporate it and make it part of the window and so that's that thing but that's that's it that's about it really the the roof is turfed off it's loaded up and other than that i haven't seen any sign of anything moving or anything to worry about really so yeah i'll show you the uh turf it's a bit windy out so yeah check it out it's all turfed weather's coming in got it done just in time really there's still stuff to do still ends to trim stuff like that but the whole roof is actually turfed about 20 tonne of turf on there and some bags of gravel still but we are getting very very close to having this done so i uh made a bit of a mistake with this gable end um i have nowhere to put this liner without taking all this rafter or anything off um and sam came up with an idea of uh just flashing taping this to here to seal that but then extending the roof out to uh to overhang that better so just don't have enough overhang really to cover this uh this join between where the where the liner comes up and everything it's a difficult thing to do and uh i didn't really plan around it well enough so that's what i'm going to do the flash and tape it so it's sealed clad it and then add these pieces overhang it and then shingle that and then that should be watertight that's what i'm doing now yeah the plan is get all this uh sealed up so this water tight the workshop will start drying out then i'm gonna focus on getting these shingles finished and this whole roof finalized that involves a trip to uh london and then after that once it's dried out a little bit start doing a bit of plastering ah right so now i've got the end cladded i'm gonna put a row of flashing tape over uh from here down over the cladding and then we're gonna make an overhang as well um so there's a lot of different layers that the water has to try and get through so i think that should do it hmm okay so there's the uh flashing tape sealing around it and then i'm gonna have this uh extended overhang which was sam's idea and then the chances of anything getting through there are slim if they do they'll end up meeting that flashing tape i should have made the overhang bigger to start with never mind done now not really the right size anymore but it'll be okay i haven't got any wood left to mill so i'll make do what i got now all right so there we go gable end sorted still need to finish the shingles and everything maybe even add a bit more uh detail to this to fill it in but it should be watertight if it's bad weather coming again and yeah the roof is well mostly turfed a little patchy in the middle once we figure out what i'm going to do with that center window and uh generally getting there been a long old slog but we are almost watertight okay that is what they look like from the inside so i might still uh insulate all that and uh maybe even um then clad over that installation to decorate it but stages stages priorities just getting sealed in and watertight that's the main thing and that is now so that's good all right it's emerged from my cabin it's a lovely lovely sunny day but the weather has been absolutely terrible it's chucked it down for like two days straight and uh 50 mile an hour winds and we only just got that roof covered in time so i'm glad i didn't film the whole process because i'd have been behind and not got it done yeah hydro is on again now as you can see the older stream's flowing pretty good yeah the hydro will be on now for the next six months or so yeah sun's out as well today let's take you up show you what the roof looks like in the sun now it's all done and covered up yeah so there it is turfed up in the sun looking lovely so please do that such a big milestone i'm having a hard time filming it getting good views and angles for you so i've actually used some of the money from the previous videos to uh buy myself a drone so i should finally be able to get some good shots of it for you so i'll do that next week now we'll have one last look inside and then we'll call it a day uh morning sun shining through the big door how nice is that so it really won't be long now until uh we're in here making hydroelectric turbines and maintaining all my equipment and set out with lovely lathe and mill absolute dream come true and we've reached a massive milestone with it getting this roof water water tight as yeah very pleased that it's been a long slog very tired uh be a major milestone getting this roof water tight so the next job is just to finish that little details then we start plastering all these walls and there's a lot to do okay hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching
Channel: Kris Harbour Natural Building
Views: 14,984
Rating: 4.9880562 out of 5
Id: Vba6B5skWCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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