Building a 1500hp Billet 20B 3-rotor | fullBOOST

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today we are at Pro matters and we're going to be filming the Assembly of this very shiny 20 b3 rotor for over 20 years Australian master performance powerhouse pro mates has specialized in everything rotary powered from mild Street engines to utterly wild race applications premiers also carries their complete driveline and EFI tuning upgrades we caught up with the team while they are piecing together a very high output 3 rotor 20 B engine capable of over 1,500 horsepower so Simon from primaries I'll do a lot of work with you but I've never filmed a three rotor assembly tell us a bit about this awesome place I think we've ever filmed anything engine wise so this is our first time which is good these build the plates are obviously made by Billa Pro they're the best in the world amazing products these have been on the cards for quite a while it's a special purple anodized they were really nice yeah it did come I'm not that's a long process because you've got to make all the individual more made and then take them all down to get anodized at once then get them back get all the engraving done and all the studying machined and everything like that get all the bridge porting done and on the CNC so yeah obviously what we're filming in a way is sort of quite simple in terms of there's so much what you just did there's so much work not only with these but with the rotors and the housing that goes before assembly like any engine but we're just going to show some assembly stuff now and I know you said to me earlier it's actually going overseas yeah it's going to New Jersey yes it's not going into a Mazda now it's gone into a BMW BMW he's doing bit of drags some half mile stuff okay so sort of like a street yeah it's great but more we're back guys nice trick oh yeah Ronnie that's it all right into it we'll get into it so saman this looks like a bridgeport yep so it's a Bridgeport semi pp our primary ports because of the billet Pro plates allow us to run a really big primary pot helps with a lot of low down talk and a lot more power and what have you been building these master engines for probably 26 years now 20 26 or 27 yeah people get very trouble with yeah everyone build engines different you know I still do stuff nowadays that I was doing 27 years ago yeah just the habit and yeah you just want to stick to the same system all the time is crank no Spitak you yeah so this crank is aftermarket replica of the factory crank with Billa pros are added bearing support for the center plate it's got a special sleeve as part of the crank here whether the roller bearing runs on now I help support the nose of the crank oh yeah yeah 20 B suffer a lot from that we found it to be really good and reliable so we use factory high rings most reliable always put the join the inland port wishing machine was your massive tub of Vaseline no that's a late you look Vaseline petroleum base so it's really no good for the eye rings yeah it's a that's a big no-no usually I'll prep the road as with Vaseline but I haven't done that in today I've you actually used a silicon grease I'm on it and I just so you can see the side sealers a lot of clear up by not putting Vaseline all over yeah you can only you can't see anything yeah I always spend probably AZ two days prepping this engine before this assembly process Luke's probably spent a day prepping the plates getting them ready putting all the gears in and getting all the inserts in from once it's all been machined as you can see these inserts are amazing quality so they're cast iron yeah it's a cast iron into it right so now I'm gonna start with the sinner rotor so we always start from the center build the back first we've got two shorter studs that will hold the back together while we flip it over and do the front [Music] so when you do the dump don't you assembly how much of this do you do none of this I don't put the rotors in so everything but their owners you just pretty mix the studs in and make sure yeah just mainly for the the crankshaft make sure I get all my in float make sure everything's right there so something about these semi peepee which is a a lot different than other people that machine them in so bill a pro have come up with this sort of design where it's a ring between the two surfaces it's actually what it can run in through there and not leak and from here it looks factory yeah it's beautiful setup very nice finish we've tested it to probably 75 80 psi it actually bites into the gasket no ring or okay that sounds perfect tree yep gasket a lot of people from know ring there yeah yeah an o-ring and a gasket and creates all sorts of problems so yeah we found this designed to work the best for our needs this has all been probably Scott Hanselman yeah awesome job to me that's a lot of work a lot of people run like a 25 26 mil port semi PP we're probably the only ones that run a 30 mil 130 I know that's a bit bigger than what some other people begin a better service I guess you guys do a lot of testing yeah but the 13 Bay's up around the 1,500 horsepower so with this same port what sort of rpm would you limit an engine like this to on either 20 bees don't like to rpm like the twin rotors yeah but I could say one of these engines going to you know 1,800 2,000 horsepower yeah yeah but yeah the limit is gonna be the crankshaft but that's why we've got the extra bearing support to help it on its way but yeah this will make a comfortable 1,500 yeah but everyone talks horse pass not just if you've never experienced a 20 B it's like small-block versus big block yeah and it straight like it's just instant talk yeah we'll just done one recently and it makes 800 horsepower through the auto and your wheels yeah so it's close pretty nice yeah 950 horsepower flywheel and it doesn't pretty easily in about 20 22 pound or something like that [Music] this is part of my 27 year a but that I'm struggling to break never let me down I look terrible but it does the job I've seen this stuff used in many many applications ah old mechanics love it we just gotta come up with a better brush [Music] okay hypixel time so these are unbreakable aftermarket Oh pixels I'm sure if you can see in the camera but the machine work on them is amazing there are real good high quality aftermarket seal that we use and recommend and a handle big power the good thing is they don't break so if you have a little mishap these aren't going to shut all your housings you know they'll Bend and pull them out put another set in and off you go again I like to put them in with the assist piece on and fight the way I'm fighting em but at least I know the assist pieces it's actually super glued on and it's how they are from factory when I was over in Orlando they actually broke them off and they'd put them in a lot different than what I'm doing now which for me and it didn't make me comfortable doing it that way [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is the way the intertel then it's got this single nut the Titan Z inserting it tightens it evenly in the middle you'll see a lot of billet plates with screws all over them we like these because they actually talk down the center to 100 Newton meters and um yeah clamps it down evenly in the center and obviously the rotor housing when you see when you see it apart and being put in you realize it you can't come out no that's an insert I'm mark and I with my fingers but the quality's amazing yeah that's where the threaded nut goes in to holding it you're probably wondering why I've got Norton products behind me here because once we finish I'm gonna clean it all and there's nothing better than Norton's liquid ice to clean it all up we make it look even better than what it is RIA plate can go on and we can tighten up the the rienne spin it over and do the front so here we've got a couple of standard sides studs so and so billet Pro stud kit was it are three different links that there are main ones they go through the whole engine we need assembly one so there's two to hold the rear together and then there's two to hold the front together and then we can put it all together so obviously the engines fully studded which holds it all together precision the main reason we stud an engine obviously when you start making power the engine starts to twist on itself so by studying it and you're talking sixteen studs right around the engine and their precision Lee precision machined they can't move another engine can move these two studs will hold it together while we flip it over and do that front of the engine it will say well we got it here at the back you'll notice sir that's facial year with a whole heap of bolts they're obviously a billet aluminium plate can expand contract we feel the more bolts the better space holding that stationary gear in but we've never had any movement or anything like that now that looks awesome that's looking good so now we'll assemble the front you can see the Torrington bearing inside however what the shaft these have a torrent barring standard up no no no they're just some Babbitt they call it babbitt bearings factory well bill a probe added this in to help support the centric shaft the most important thing when you're assembling tapered to be shafts is the taper must be dry really dry so no oil it's pretty crucial it's always good to lap the tapers in we go oil on where the bearings gonna run one important thing is obviously keyway factory ones are not recommended high horsepower high predation [Music] Mazda factory machine their dowel pins so they're loose for the front plate obviously we don't want that we want to have an engine is locked in and tight as possible so we run the standard dowel pins in the front and obviously the studs right through the engine just in the front yeah so just in the front they run a like a floating gal let's say let's say that would help feigning misalignment in the front because a two-piece crank and they're not too concerned about movement because they don't make much power a bit like in our excites on it nothing like that exactly twenty B's and rx eights shouldn't be in the same sentence unless you're putting a twenty being an hour excited well you've done that a few times yeah that's a good [Music] Simon I notice you haven't been using a hammer to smash this into pieces what's going on oh all goes together nicely when it's all prepped well and it's all brand new so yeah yeah when it's new and the billet plates make it easy as well they're all precision to it it's all down together really well these see space on the rear went like that if you can see the assist piece there oh yeah yeah it's our building the front we put the assist piece down not up like we did on the real can you accidentally do that wrong doesn't really matter mmm that's a NASA space help the pressure on the apex seal it doesn't matter whether it's up or down but I like to keep it consistent yeah but there's probably somebody out there in Hell will disagree with me but you probably noticed the corner seals as well some people notice it'll be different they're actually aftermarket race corner seal as well we've had a lot of success with them so we run them in all their customers engines last plate last plate and we can put the two short studs in flip it around and put all the big studs in that's an easy our seals are good so same as what we did on the rear and got a couple of short stats these are for the front these will hold it together while we flip it over and put all the Long's studs in these are our rings we run to seal them you probably noticed I didn't put any on that backside but I will put them in once I turn it back over this will seal any coolant it wants to come through those studs don't want on new siren so I'll actually bite into the stud and it's seal right around and bite into the plate whole Bella pro stud kits come with a RP half inch nuts and washers you know that and the beautiful it's looking isn't it again [Music] these are made of 4140 senilis ground bar while we like to think they're all perfect they're not but the closest you're gonna get to a straight rod so this is how I used to wind down or me nuts sounds a bit rude but I know but times have changed and young guys come here and introduce me into these so we just won them down we're not pinching them we're just winding in there fastening a lot of these new impact wrenches have you no finger taught finger type yeah anyway all we're doing is just bringing the nuts down it saves us a little bit of time and you'll see how much we have to warn them down with the torque wrench what do you set these - these are set to 40 Newton meters some people want so hard to be two times to be too loose that's my setting how it works for me all my race engines you'll see I'm nowhere near my torque setting with that gun you can hear all the excess pieces starting to break yeah as a winding everything yeah everything starting to clamp up it's an old torque wrench but it's made in Australia it's a my trust the old torque wrench that I've always had some people got digital ones and all sorts of stuff this is my choice silver talk we know you can spend a bit of corn on a torque wrench days these days yeah apparently there is a sequence that we're doing there's another assist base breaking off they're all super glued on so as the lights come together it'll crack them off they're designed to break yeah designed to break that superglue sorry that there was beautiful that's a good sign so we already got our rings under these and we put earlier so no need to take these back off just talking them up well actually let it all settle and then we'll arm will recheck them again from here on I've already done it I've preassembled this engine before we assembled it tonight because I always do a dummy check make sure everything's perfect and while I do a dummy check of everything I always do my in-flight so the inflates already been done so we'll just assemble all the front and then put the front cover on it see how beautiful it looks I use on breakers because they're rated at 12 point 9 yeah there's our stencil that you'll get so yeah there is a torque setting for this here my risk like I've done plenty of a saw and I exactly what I'll have attention them to three Akkad ogres okay that's for the flywheel so where are we up to so this here the thrust washer spacer so you aim flight spacer a lot of problems can occur when people pull the front pulley off so it sits into the bottom thrust bearing so you see it locates there so what happens is sometimes when people change a front pulley of the engine they lift it off the spacer comes up the bearing drops behind it and then they crush it all back down okay okay it causes big problems so I don't know I don't even know what's happened nah you won't know what's that but well you can check you inflate and that's a good sign that something's happened there so it's very important when you pull a front pulley off a rotary that this must be checked mm-hmm the ultimate way obviously is to pull the front timing cover often and just check there's theories behind how you should do it and how you shouldn't but at the end of the day that thrust washer drops you're in big trouble you chew out bearings that's a counterweight so this was provided with the crankshaft we can buy a factory one still yeah but we go for the aftermarket ones because they can run a thicker or they can run a heavier count away because what we run is actually serious for turbo which I should went through this years but um so it's too beautiful that were you lower yeah they love 8.4 to 1 compression ratio compared to your 9.0 in a factory 20 V yeah they're they're heavier which means your counter weights need to be heavier okay so if we use the 20 B ones that we actually got a slug them by buying aftermarket ones they're heavier and then we can machine them down to suit our balance weights that we need our oil pump gear which we're not using we still need it there and there now crank angle sensor yeah that's it farming cover this beer keg is nearly complete sauna nearly there so when we tighten the front nut we're actually forcing the front lobe the taper of the front lobe on to the main shaft yeah so this has to be very tight 270 Newton meters huh okay tight let's take let's tire and this is a good part to hear a turnover for the first time it's always a good noise nice and smooth feel the two shafts movie 2.04 2.09 yep here's our inflow as I said I've previously done it so now it's perfect let's have a look at her and then we're gonna get the Norton liquid ice onto it [Music] Simon I think you've created a masterpiece thank you it doesn't matter what angle you film it from looks crazy today you'll notice we've engraved his logo in the housings you know it's coming really good come on very nice rowdies garage and subtle yeah the same time so Norton do a wide range of products that's not only cleaning products or or grinding but we use them like for deburring or anything like that so your little flat wheels you'll know on the exhaust ports or when you you want to deburr something they give a really good finish as well and some one thing I don't know if we touched on earlier was the compression of the engine what have you done with the rotors so the compression stays the same as we 8.4 compression ratio 0.4 to 1 compression ratio so that stays the same but what we do with the road is it was we machine side clearance them typically ransom and also face clearance and what we call face clearance so the side clearance in allows because you get a lot of flex in the shaft our bearing support tries to stop that but you're gonna get flex in it so what happens is that the rotor starts walking and moving so by side clearance singer and tip clearancing it you allow it to move without touching the end plates with the face clearance in when when that does move and when on the compression stroke and it tries to flex it to the other side of the rotor housing we face clearance to help that as well so to give it more clearance so when it does flex they won't hit the housing one thing also is a lot of people lighting their rotors yeah yeah so the thing is when they lighten the road is what happens is so they lighten them yeah it looks good it's fantastic and then when you go to balance them so the balancing gets done on the basically on the side of the rotor and they take material out of there to balance it when you lighten it you can't take any more material out so then they start taking it out of the oil cooling area so we they take it out of that it's never happened to me and because I don't lighten them but I've seen it in the past where it starts cracking through there yeah and causes more problems than what it's worth so we don't like now Roeder's and yeah thirteen be making fifteen hundred horsepower a you know without light and rotors probably more something you hear back in the day with naturally aspirated one hundred percent yeah and that's really I spray that you know we're shoving seventy pound a boost through on it's amazing something you know this size can make you know fifteen hundred horsepower isn't it yeah it is a no not even yeah looks like a transmission you know it's sound yeah they're a beautiful engine actually look like an electric motor yeah yeah yeah that day you're right so yeah it's good that we can advance and make all these products and obviously we're gonna move into doing some rotor housings and rotors and as things get a bit cheaper and so we're always developing well eventually you'll have to because they just won't be any this stuff no that's at that point it's 12 days and everyone everyone used to throw them in the yeah in the bin yeah so now twelve days if we need to rebuild a 12a and put new road housings we've got to get 13 B ones and machine them down yeah the 13 B ones well hopefully they'll be around for a lot longer because to produce them is very costly it's the aluminium then with the chrome liner that's where the cost lies so there's no one that can do it cost effectively it's amazing how well Mazda got that you know so what 50 60 years ago yeah yeah nice to haul up tonight you'll see a lot of the early engines and that they're all got studs in them it's weird we've gone back to that sort of they're not as tired as tolerance is what we're doing now but you know so some of the stuff from back in the 60s late sixties you know we're still using them yeah so using the same materials or same housings and sasame a lot of people were probably wondering what something like this is worth now you have to take into account what an OE 20 B is worth it's a hot one out yeah yeah so basically I reckon by the time you pay 15,000 Ozzie's around Australian dollars for a block then strip it down rebuild another 15,000 both on your bridge Porter and all the rest so I reckon you it's a good part of $30,000 Australian dollars so I reckon for another 10,000 on average because you can talk about different shafts and different obviously semi-pro fuel poured there's a lot of options for but keeping it simple you probably add another 10,000 or so by building a brand new block so billet plates brand new housings brand new rotors brand new crankshaft and basically similar sort of specs you seem to think around the $10,000 more so 40 to 45 thousand Australian you'd seemed to so it sort of shows why a lot more people are starting to use definitely that door once do it right it's not only about the billet plates but for one you can't buy a genuine 20 B plate you can't buy them so if you pull a secondhand motor apart and that's cracked which you know well nine times out of ten they're they've been through the wars so you can buy one you yes I mean you've got to go and buy a billet one so if you're buying a billet plate there then that sends your 30,000 Australian up to 35 so you're getting closer to that you still got second in part so this way it is everything in the hot in this whole engine is brand-new yeah like we're not these are 25 year old engines so that's right yeah so we're not saying that this one's got a few different specs in it so at the higher end of the market so yeah we tailor it to suit the customers needs and that can change price wise yeah and obviously you guys do twin and full rotor options as well see there's a lot of things 13 B's out there isn't it yeah you want your most popular engine yeah we've done a lot of 13 be brand new billet engines like we've built here not saying it's a full billet engine we're just saying that the ability billet parts and yeah for anyone yeah so Iran says are but they're not billet housings and they're not billet rotors and yeah we just call it a billet engine because it's got billet plates it's no different to guys using a billet block and using an OH&S cylinder head yes exactly basically our next build is gonna be a quadrotor for Japan yeah so that's something you probably want to come 100% see that get put together so that's another exciting project that we're working on that our quad rotors going in Sadie's bins so that's gonna be pretty cool I summon last time we filmed we didn't quite finish the engine because we were missing some of the parts just the Sun so waiting on the dry sump pant that's been made cnc'd at a 606 5 it's a beautiful product from billet factory so we're gonna drop that on the engine now and then it be ready to get rush it the good thing is they're lowering roofed that silicon either no massacre nice big - 16 we're gonna put some strainers in there just to protect the oil pump beautiful bit again you have a few other parts yeah oh no apart this is a billet pro electric water pump adapter with built in - 16a in fittings so it keeps a nice and short and compact compared to everything else that's on the market also it's got provision for your coolant sensor it's been hiring groups and they need fur gasket and gasket means CLN means miss yeah I ring straight on like everything else it's beautiful it's kind of fitting as a rotary yet so yeah [Music] what's that nice bit of gear you've got there another piece yeah this billet pro from Universal front engine brace it's got some Nala Fane bushes to be pushed into this we've gone for the front engine and then he can adapt it's going this car engine is going into a BMW this will allow him to mount it mount it accordingly everyone yeah perfect all right so saman that's it she's done what's it done we'll see a little lap and we got a special plastic crate that we're gonna put it in and send it over to New Jersey all right so the next time you see it hopefully be mounted in he's got plans of building a nice billet plenum yeah and that for it it's getting a fuel tech he's already purchased the fuel take ft 600 ft spark there's a lot of good gear going on it turbocharger wise we're gonna work out where we're gonna start him off first because always when you're building a new car from scratch it's always better to start on the lower end sort the carry out before going putting all this sort of power through it and then working out that you can't use it anyway so we're just gonna start off it's still gonna be a massive turbine it's gonna be a big turbo but yeah it's always better to start on the low it so I'm gonna be a 106 million yeah everyone does a big package and then tomorrow so it's not a drag car so it doesn't have to be no it's a bit of everything it's a bit of everything this car so probably be around the 91-94 mil so I'd like to thank Cody from Raley's garage for choosing promos to put their package together been really exciting it has taken a quite a bit to get it to perfection but I think we have we've nailed that and got it all the good bits in it got the color combination and he's after [Music]
Channel: Fullboost
Views: 1,386,230
Rating: 4.9055796 out of 5
Keywords: fullboost, promaz, rotary engine, 20B, 3rotor, 3 rotor, Billetpro, billet engine, mazda rotary, mazda, bmw, drift, rowdys garage, engine build, engine assembly, 13B, apex seals, crankshaft, enigne plates, aussie, australia, tech, fueltech, precision, engineering, CNC
Id: Vvh04D7hiZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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