Budget Prepping: Dollar General Shopping For Preppers

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so previously we checked out Dollar Tree so today I'm gonna check out Dollar General and see what I can get there for inexpensive prepping supplies all right we're back home I spent I would say I added it all up and it was like 39:55 so let's say 40 bucks now Dollar General is a little different than Dollar Tree Dollar General has a lot of stuff that is a dollar but not everything is a dollar like Dollar Tree so we're gonna tear into the bags I'm going to show you what I got I got a little bit of food and mostly food and a little bit of first-aid stuff so it'll definitely show you how you can stretch a monthly budget really really far by using Dollar Stores so let's get into the bags and see what we got right off the bat I got two macaroni and cheese these are 50 cents each um if you store macaroni and cheese store these kinds the kind with the cheese in it already that you squeeze out of a bag always goes bad after a year or so I had to replace bunch of them because I thought that cheese would be good forever the cheese gets hardened rubbery so this is what you want to store for long term uh see canned ham $3 I wrote the prices on everything because I didn't want to have to dig through the receipt as I'm doing the video these were 50 cents each not really an exceptional deal I think Walmart has them for like 48 cents but still when you're there you might as well pick it up I've got some soups now again I didn't buy as much as I buy if I was prepping I just bought a little bit of an example of everything this is 65 cent chicken instars one of these Hormel completes these were $2 each these are very good as homemade MREs by the way because they really are meals ready-to-eat really literally have to just heat this up in a pan if you want but this can be eaten cold and tuna buck each for each one $2 chicken and dumplings now that is easily a meal for two people that's a big can of it a smaller one dumpling some chicken for a dollar and of course I had a try and we will try this out I want to this and see what it's like and see if it's horrible clover Valley luncheon meat basically this is spam I can't read my own handwriting the dollar 95 that's not a great deal because the dollar store has their home brand for a dollar but again I was there just goes to show you if this is all you have in your area it's a way to save a little bit of money let's get into the next bag alright next bag up I've got a small thing of vegetable oil for cooking excuse me that was a buck pretty good deal on it of course what prep shopping trip would be complete without promise - now this is actually the deal these were a buck four five so not horrible you know pretty pretty decent deal let's see 68 cents chicken and rice soup that should have been in the other bag but that's okay now if you guys haven't tried these these are pretty good this chicken from Starkist this is the buffalo style it's the one I like these were buck 75 I don't remember if I ever picked these up in the Dollar Tree that's everything where everything is a dollar but that's a pretty good deal because I know at Walmart they're around two bucks a little money saved applesauce two dollars and it's much it's a brand name it's not some off-brand now this cheese speaking of cheese kind of the same deal I wouldn't buy this for a very very long term but say in a camp bag or a get home bag or something if you want to add some cheese to whatever you're cooking can kind of make a little MRE that's not so great a little more palatable this is actually pretty good this was a buck and it is just cheese sauce I would recommend you use it within the year because it does again it gets gets rubbery inside these are my staple piece for a dollar and these are just those little individual hoping them up for you so you can see you probably know but those that don't might not know these those little individual tubes of coffee instant coffee like that these are awesome for your bug out bags you get humming bags whatever and just for regular preps if you're probably in a smaller environment like an apartment or something you can't afford just stack away bunches of coffee and you do drink coffee kind of handy they're also a good barter item too you know hey I'll give you a couple things of coffee or something I need you know one of those deals and extra-wide ain't noodles read my handwriting on this one dollar fifty my marker wasn't working very well known as writing so my handwriting looks like horrible so a buck fifty you get a whole bag it's 12 ounces of extra wide a needle so we're gonna move into the next bag next bag has some first aid stuff in it so let's bring that over here and check it out all right last bag hey I noticed something here and I didn't see this on my receipt but I noticed that it says you they have digital coupons now I'm not sure if that pops up on your receipt it says text to join if you got a cell phone there's another way to save a little bit of more money on your prepping and on your purchases I've never noticed that before and might be something worth doing Dollar General is a little bit far for me compared to where Dollar Tree is Dollar Tree is like a mile away from my house Dollar General is about I want to say maybe 7 no big deal but a little bit further and a little more expensive but this video really is for people who may not have the option of a Dollar Tree and they have a Dollar General or a Family Dollar type place they're places that have good deals but not everything is a dollar so let's tear into this first off a throat meal there's breakfast for a week dollar 95 can't beat that and witch hazel this is really good for insect bites cut scrapes minor abrasions it's kind of old school but let me tell you something this works very very well you ever get an itch cat scratch or something you get a really bad itch cuz I get that too because I'm still mildly allergic to my cats even though they scratch the heck out of me and when they they'll just tap me with their paw about an hour later don't this huge welt in the big red spot so this stuff works very very well at calming that down also isopropyl rubbing alcohol dollar-fifty good for your alcohol stoves cuz it's 91 percent which I try to only buy but also good for general cleanliness and taken care of injuries triple antibiotic ointment 250 that's pretty good that's a pretty good deal I know the Dollar Tree has them for a dollar but they're a little bit smaller all right what's the last first-aid no there's two more first-aid things strong strips okay you guys might remember Oh a couple months back I had a big band-aid here and nasty little cut on my finger these things are awesome they go through water you go through all sorts of stuff so I wanted to stock back up this is actually going into my preps I wanted to stock back up on them because they're very very good they last a good long time when I had a regular bandaid on it it would fall off the minute I washed my hands or the minute I did something out here with one of these on it it stayed on until I took it off so now that that's all healed up I remembered I got to get more of these so this is actually going in my preps all right next up minced onion now they have a ton of spices some were a dollar some were 68 cents I find minced onion the most handy for me to just toss into stuff as far as prep cooking you know so I bought one of these but I'll probably be back to buy a few more things and vegetable beef soup a buck and a clover Valley is their store brand at Dollar General and I think a couple other dollar stores canned chicken puck 95 good deal on that that is definitely a good deal and lastly rice-a-roni these guys are like instant racer oneis this could be repackaged in say a vacuum sealer and put into a homemade MRE because all this needs is water and time really you can microwave it for three minutes so you can boil it and it's ready to go so these were both a buck it's a little on the high side but these are a bigger size but it's a high side comparing it to Dollar General which probably has them for like you know a 98 cents or 60 cents doesn't really matter it's still a pretty good deal so just to show you if all you have in your area in the Dollar General and you don't have a dollar tree or anything like that I mean with a budget of 40 bucks if you were to do 40 bucks a month or 40 bucks every every week you can amass a whole lot of food now I'm gonna get all the food out and put it on the table for you to see so you can see how much one shopping trip with 39 50 or 40 dollars will get you alright so here it is all out on the table now let's say you let's say you have bucks a week to spend on your preparedness supplies that's a whole lot of food to get started with and honestly I started with a little I don't know what they call it but it was a plastic kind of container you keep your outside stuff you know your clippers and stuff for your gardening and it was never used so I stuck it in my closet where my clothing is and I filled it up with the food and that's how I started prepping in a closet I mean I really didn't have a lot now I have an entire storeroom but that's how I started and this is how I did it you know I go to we had a grocery surplus place and where we lived previously and we'd go there and I spend 20 bucks a week and the food just added up and I ended up and sometimes they'd have sales and I'd spend a little extra so you can see with a small budget you can really start putting away some food for emergencies or preparedness and I like to think of it as insurance you know it doesn't mean that you know the polls have to shift and Bigfoot has to be kicking in your door and the zombies are coming it could be something as simple as losing your job you have food to eat its food insurance you know you have supplies if you have a medical issue like I know I'm gonna use this witch hazel for all the times my cat scratched me there you go I got extra you know what I mean so you always want to be able to have something put away so that's pretty much the video for today I hope you enjoyed it it's a very simple concept but it definitely saves you a lot of stress and aggravation and if you can budget your money and spend a certain amount of week you can end up with a whole lot of food or even a month even if that was all you could get every month you're doing better than 98% of them people in America so anyway thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to check out our amazon links down below we have our amazon store there if there's nothing in the store you like you can just click the link and shop as you normally would who really helps the channel out and don't forget to check out our thrive life store we have a video coming up with a bunch of thrive life stuff that we're gonna be testing out some of it were gonna be testing out some oh god I'm putting away I've been slowly converting all of my threat and I can vegetables to thrive life stuff because I find that it is a whole lot better and a lot tastier and canned vegetables tend to get kind of mushy nasty after they've been stored they're still good to eat they'll still last a long time they're not gonna hurt you but they don't taste as good so I've been converting my vegetables over to thrive stuff so we'll be showing you that money would come up anyway thoughts thanks for watching I just want to do a quick video today to show you all you can get if you budget your prep purchases you can get a whole lot of stuff so stay safe and stay prepared
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 51,267
Rating: 4.894875 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, bug out bag, budget prepping, prepping on a budget, cheap prepping, frugal prepping, budget preps, bug out gear, bug out food, emergency supplies, bug out, frugal, preps
Id: hQYAYi9FxJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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