Brutal Legend All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] okay don't say a word just keep walking real casual okay let's do this I'll show it to you but you can't tell anybody else where it is okay deal they keep it way in the back with the really rare stuff hey what's up how goes it good to see you the kids who work here don't know where it came from of course but neither do the old-timers none of them bought it so there's no tracking number as far as they know it's just always been here okay this is where they usually keep it oh no no did somebody buy it man I would have bought it myself but I just felt like it was too big too valuable like the kind of thing no one man should possess yes here it is okay you sure you're ready for this because what I hold in my hand is not just gonna blow your mind it's gonna blow your soul go ahead open it if you do [Applause] watch it did you check it oh hey Riggs uh sorry I smashed your guitar last night what it's like new whoa how'd you do that yeah I'll try not to smash it so much this time don't mess with that guy he scares me hey Eddie man I hate to ask but our manager wanted to know what are you gonna build us like a new set this Stonehenge stuff was funny in a kind of ironic retro sorta way but look Eddie don't get me wrong you're the best okay the greatest roadie in the biz everybody knows you can fix anything build anything well so maybe you could build us something that would speak more to our tween demographic he's all I'm saying sooner or later you're gonna have to join the modern world you know [Applause] Oh these people want to hear some heavy matter [Applause] [Music] I can fix anything except for that you know who's dead [Music] never feel like you were born in the wrong time but you should have been born earlier when the music was real like the 70s earlier like the early 70s I told you not to climb on that your stupid mother baktun please let him fall damn it good roadie knows his whole job is to make someone else look good keep someone else safe help someone else do what they would put here a good roadie stays out of the spotlight [Music] he's doing his job right you don't even know he's there [Music] once in a while he might step on stage just to fix a problem to set something right but then before you even realize he was there or what he did was gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa huh the day has finally come for us to serve our master hey hey I'm not your master no you I gotta get a weapon I totally know the math about arms we're really good friends you've known each other since kindergarten moment and if anything were to happen to me he'd be super pissed I gotta get a weapon stay the [ __ ] away [Music] just tune that thing [Music] yeah hey you like the flavors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright nice try lady or whatever you are I'm supposed to think you're a nun but I know you're really some kind of big ugly demon so let's have it ha ha knew it be a godly demon [Music] I'm sexy though in a weird way [Music] burn my fingers off you got to get clementine a breather okay all right well here goes oh man gotta get this thing moving let's see here dear evil messed-up demon powers of darkness and unimaginable evil please transport me off this awesome corpse pile I am but a visitor in your strange world which some would call hellish but I have to admit it's kind of badass so firstly lords of gross leather things then the S&M type where you know you guys really have style that battle none did she was hot sorry about killing her but you're evil though right so we're cool dear wait should I CD I didn't even know I could do that with an axe I have no idea why my guitar is setting people on fire and stuff but maybe if I could just talk to whoever's in charge oh hellish beans by your good graces get some answers evil Grayson oh nice cheater moves guy oh man don't tell me I've been slaying hot girls this whole time the axe so you come for it as well no but these guys jump man hang on it was just sitting there so you handle it very naturally yeah that's kind of strange isn't it I've never touched an axe before who are you uh red shoulder we've got to get out of here before he arrives yeah wait before who arrives and bird to Vic Ulis who Emperor to Vic Ulis where are you drunk it's kind of hard to say I kind of live on the road be assured you don't want to be here when he arrives what's the big deal you're smothering his personal guard for one thing oh ha ha so come on we have to run this way we have to get to the door before them too late take a look outside yeah that's a lot of dudes [Music] what is this place place of ancient power but no one knows its true purpose created beauty by simply rocking that's all actually yeah I think so [Music] [Music] [Music] is it a minecart I call it the druid plow let me show you how it works what you do you slam it into cue whoo-hoo hello looks like it's working already we have awakened the spirit of the Beast himself I hope so [Music] oh yeah this is much better you need to reach the bridge before they shut the feeding area gates feeding area where they feed will get there fast enough you might not need to find out what's up with Crazy Legs they've called in reinforcements why such a large force what because we're badasses or maybe Emperor what's-his-name has something against you okay I haven't mentioned it yet but this place is nuts yes these are dark times for our land but there are a few of us fighting to change the way things are is that why you've come to join us in fight for the liberation of humanity you know I don't really know never really thought about it yet but so far that's the best explanation I've heard [Music] oh come on [ __ ] sick of you guys alright well I'm slaying these dudes you get that gate open okay god she's awesome Oh sorry did you know those dudes Oh I can't believe you fell for that twice smells like a whale hit a bunch of cabbage died in your mouth like a year ago you'll never french kiss again what's french kissing it's Deon gates open oh what's that I couldn't hear yet like you got a list for something over here you foul and rotten worm you're gay waiting there it is dead and you I will now teach you all hang on I shall now teach you of French kissing hang on my lady don't worry we'll weigh it out of the box yet the britches really just a little speed bump smooth sailing from here on out watch out for that hole on the left we're gonna drive in there way they come stupid wait one more put your hands up this one okay Wow you like the car yeah I can't wait to show it to Lars de Vic ulis they say it was the fire Beast Oh m'god in himself far worse than it was Coria I can smell her blood the season of time is upon us but why has she returned now what if you want more finally [Music] we should keep moving we'll be safe and blade hinge here take this map What's in blade henge blade hands is the center of the human resistance movement aha army headquarters huh well right now the army is just Lars his sister and me come on Lars is a great leader truly inspirational but we've had a few practical setbacks an army needs food shelter transportation so many details to manage sounds like what you need is a roadie what's a roadie uh it's a long story how about when we get to town we have a big powwow with your whole army we'll have a campfire and I'll tell you all about what I do and where I came from over a big flagon of mead what's a flagon of Mead it's a drink aren't we in medieval times aye we only have beer but you can have as many kegs as you want - bleh - Oh philia demon if you allowed to fall you home this time oh hello don't mind leta she's Lars his little sister little high-strung Lars [Music] so let me get this straight these performers they don't even have to tune their own instruments now that's our job the roadies the rock stars job is just to deliver the audience to the promised land of Rock fascinating um can we get back to the part where you are summoned here from another world oh yeah by this little guy here you were brought here by Norma Godin the eternal fire Beast the cremator of the sky destroyer of the ancient world yeah I accidentally got a little blood in its mouth and I totally went nuts on me [Music] there are those who speak of a day when Orma Godin the fire Beast shall bring a warrior into this world to destroy us to deliver us there is some dispute about the translation but having met you I can tell that you are here to help us to beat us to wage war against the deed is to liberate humanity hell yeah I mean hold on a second I don't know anything about waging war but I'll tell you what I do know I know from meeting you Lars that you are the true leader here not me what I know is how to put a crew together and how to keep it organized and how to take it on the road that my friend is exactly what we need but I'm sure you must be longing to return to your homeland all right so where's your army lies we have none general lyin White has taken away most of our young men's of toil in his minds and he's taken our women to serve as slaves in his decadent pleasure tower well let's go get him back no you are not to go near lion white again you were almost impaled last time compromise we'll get the dudes first and then they can help us get the ladies wait time to break the chains I'll show you the mines but I think you'll find these chains very hard to break so this is it the crushing pit hundreds of our strongest young men toiling their lives away like their fathers and grandfathers before them given no tools forced to break solid rock with nothing but their own thick skulls well come on let's bust them out of there where's the gate there is no gate what they have nowhere to go no idea how to function outside the pit society has no use for them so they stay underground I wish I could help them but I mean what do you do with a bunch of kids who don't know how to do anything but bang their heads all day long you started revolution Lars right now it's time to sound the battlecry have you been looking at my sword [Music] I need to get back to blade henge before Ophelia does something dangerous I'll meet you back there with an army fit for a king hey dudes knock it off for a second you're mining days are over we're busting out of here you don't have to be slaves get lost [Music] what is that sound it's a devil screaming it's an angel singing it is the pounding of creations hammer upon the anvil of time it's [ __ ] awesome it's called heavy metal and it's the real reason you should bang your heads not for that guy yeah screw this place yeah let's get out of here metal hey hang on guys I know we're all struggling right now but I'm telling you this is all gonna pay off really soon yeah our manager says that if we just work hard and produce a high-quality product that we'll be able to move up to coast guard jobs in the generals pleasure tower there's gonna be piles of chicks and booze and stuff we're with him hey man sorry but we got a sweet gig here and we're not about to let you grease bags ruin God walk out I heard those guys over there say they're organizing a union we'll go sound the alarm okay dudes don't worry I have a plan hey did I say charge man I have wanted to do that forever that's for killing charlie bastard oh hey okay see how much a see dudes kick when you band together like that that's awesome and now with just a little bit of practice I bet I can turn you dudes into a well-oiled machine of death you into it okay first when I do this it means you got to follow me okay okay let's try follow me got you that's what I'm talking about okay now let's practice moving in formation okay now opposite style when I do this it means don't follow me stay put defend this hallowed ground got it defend this pile of crap with your very lives okay here we go okay I'm gonna turn around now and if I see anyone following me I'm gonna be really disappointed yes you guys pass for now but now we've got to huddle up for the big finale you did you're with me oh yeah first kill that step now this time we're gonna mix it up I'll defend this area well you do to go kick the [ __ ] out of that statue over there yeah it's good okay so when I do this you go completely nuts [ __ ] on whatever I'm pointing at okay get ready kill them all Mayon white suck stiff July boy I hate stir juice well done I'm proud of you boys but to build an army big enough to take on the real lion white we're gonna need some more dudes we got to bust all your fellow head bangers out of these stupid mines what do you say are you with me [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah you guys feelin it then all you got mittens traitors I don't know I'd rather see you get three [ __ ] the triping dryer burly ungrateful man okay we have to guard all three of these dryer supporters [Music] let's do stuff about that fortify this location [Music] enough you think you've killed them all don't you while you forgot my favorites my managers the ones who keep all the other workers in line the only two I know I can always count on here and pay [Music] [Music] Bogart's Code Red [Music] [Applause] no way there's too many what are we gonna do we're gonna need another army well we need like a million more gun no problem here [Music] wah [Music] yeah [Music] Letta get Clemens on a breather listen up in other you guys we're calling this new army iron head with an e on the end so people know we're not messing around Oh your head I like it so let's get back to blade heads and get this army started I see you guys have already met Lars and Lita and Kofi Lia where is where's olaf's anyway oh oh [Music] Oh philia [Music] you didn't try to free the girls too did you no they're already free we have to take her to the kill master bars no lion white knows about us now we need to lay low out of my way you have to stop him please stop him I'm gonna give him a lift [Music] Lars how is she fading we need to take her to the kill master the what do not fear him he chooses that name to scare off intruders oh and protect his flock of giant spiders he is a powerful healer all right let's take a filly to him now I tried ambushed on the path lion white loyalists I can handle those guys just follow me we must hurry I spit yeah a mosh pit would really help wash it up you say spot right about now hey hey leave that guy alone deep you'll pay for that nobody touch Eddie where'd you go danger ahead [Music] [Music] now what the hell noble kill master this woman did you see the signs we don't like visitors up here but she's dying yeah so what's their excuse I beg of you heal this woman who wanted only to free her sisters from the grip of general Lian white if I in lion light [Music] what didn't you say so I hate that bastard [Applause] [Music] what's happening did you uh possibly out for one [Music] these are the view strings I got can't your spiders spin new strings thicker strings my little darlings here know the metal Queen that's big enough to spin the kind of strings you need but we don't go into a lair any more or less she bites in half suck out our roads and lay our eggs and our eye sockets I'm going then you'll both be dead and what good is that I've got to get those strings Lita no lares listen you have to let her go you'd like that wouldn't you [Applause] [Music] okay I'd rather walk into a spider's nest and get involved in this family's last what hang tight affiliate I'll be right back with the strings you need [Music] that feel like the greatest thing that ever happened to you right anybody want to come with me to the lair of the metal Queen anybody I'm headed into the lair of the giant Spider Queen anybody got a problem with that my friend is dying I'm heading in there now you sure you don't want to talk me out of it no okay oh okay I would ask nicely for some of your giant bass strings [Music] I want to burn my fingers off [Music] that took way too much time if I'm gonna get these to the kill master in time I'm gonna have to book Nate pretty let's hope it's fast [Music] nice thick as a baby's arm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lars I can always count on you can't I you know we could really use guys like you and your men in our band I mean army I am much of a joiner but I'll do anything if it pisses off flying white drug your wounded up here before they die and I'll heal them all all right come see us and blade hinge sometime got some new t-shirts coming in I'll totally hook you up [Music] nice Thunder huh man you make that badass he'll 'mobile yourself ha ha hey you about done let me check that out so what are you gonna tell us how you got hurt I'm not why because then you wouldn't let me go back and finish the job no that's Lars I like watching you fight all right meet me at the razor fields if you want to see some more please don't tell Lars okay [Music] ladies I'd like you to meet my razor girls it's all of these women have escaped in general line whites pleasure talent with your help I suppose I've kept them a secret for their own protection but now they want to fight and I'm here to arm them with pigs carcass said the razor fire boy when properly dissected can be turned into a powerful long-range weapon this is what almost killed you isn't it well if you're gonna try it again I'm gonna help what are we waiting for let's go this time though let's keep the doctor nearby just in case I'm gonna drive a couple of them over this way stay put until it's time to attack okay when do I get a car stole their engines you [Music] what's it dear not much until we rip out the gizzard flush the chamber and name the barrel Hey get busy we need a lot more right how are the birds you got there ready you all right I think we got it let's clean these up we got bigger pigs to slaughter I gotta clean up a little meet us back in blade heads for a weapons demo ready fire ladies welcome to blade henge excellent when do we attack attack wonder attack [Music] see the warning lights what's happening general line White's army has been spotted on the move headed this direction what's the plan the plan the plan is victory Lars this isn't a fortress how can we stand our ground here I can build you something quick trust me man we can put on a hell of a show in a hurry bring your best engineer and meet me in the northeast field I got a plan Mangus are you an engineer what's an engineer no idea come with me this is the direction they'll attack from you think yes from there then this is where we'll build our stage I think we've got enough stuff here to put on possibly the best rock show ever a show and then where I'm from this guitar makes noises here it blows stuff up so I can't wait to see what a full-on rock show does young man welcome to the road crew get some friends we got stuff to do now yes now right on [Music] okay rear floods rear floods nice okay side pots side pots awesome okay glowing people check wait where's the button for glowing people oh by the Titans I've heard stories the Titans were said to have summoned a force from deep within the ground with special rituals chance and and music long-forgotten they used this force to power their entire civilization they do seem to have an energy about them they're fans they've come for the show and yes with the energy of the fans we can do anything look bored I can fix that yeah definitely our fans now this is what it's all about guys the fans be true to them we can never go wrong the more fans we have the bigger shows we can put on all they need from us rock oh and merchandise quick mangas we need to build a merch booth fans are gonna want t-shirts posters maybe hats [Music] [Applause] you see mangas ban merchandise is like a wedding ring it's a material thing yes but it's also a symbol of a deeper devotion that helps remind why in whites men have been seen approaching the field what should we do all right it's Showtime folks everybody to your stations mangas get in your booth and I'll call you when it's time to send someone to the stage boss I'm already in the booth right well let's get some head bangers out here now that is what I call an army this is gonna be a bloodbath well some sort of bath is definitely in order Lars Halford why are you poaching my employees your former slaves are revolting lion white just like your clothes hmm we'll see about that the most sophisticated miners have remained in my employ as of the girls who know what's best for them and kill master even some of your own men have decided that there is profit to be made from those little spiders of yours are you done talking I'd like to get this over with don't worry this won't take too long I know how to handle petty labor disputes [Music] hey we haven't done our move in a while [Music] destroy [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh Eddie what is it nothing I think I just got shot in the back is there something stuck in there could you pull it out you four dudes on the way which direction they're coming from from the far side of the field they're coming around that big guitar statue so like 11 o'clock no right now man right now 11 o'clock is the direction mangas see that dial on your soundboard with the 12 on the top 11 o'clock bring me there [Music] I see somebody not friends not friends [Applause] what's wrong with your head but just [Music] Oh enough I've never liked this town anyway I don't know what's gotten into you Lars but I know one thing you will regret what you've started here [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] for too long we have lived in pits waiting for good fortune to trickle down to us but our days of waiting are over we will not sit here and let Lian white decide what happens next we will gather up this great army and take it on the road we will march on Lian white and free every man woman and child in that city and then we will bring it crashing to the ground you [Applause] so you're like one of them handy types I take it pack her up quick I'll be back soon and we'll hit the road copy that [Music] hey his flowers are telling me that this relic needs to be raised these flowers are telling me that this relic needs to be raised [Music] that's my kind of relic [Laughter] well it's about [ __ ] time not that looks like you figured out the instructions okay you've got some demon flesh on your bumper but that's the way the world is today I'm afraid who oh me oh I'm nobody I'm just a guardian of metal oh wow great so you want to help me fight demons and stuff no I'm not a fighter a more of which was a keeper of timeless secrets that's all prove yourself worthy maybe I'll share some with you for instance did you know that this world was once ruled by an ancient race of titans no there was something they took every part of that old fire beast they took his blood his fire he's still flesh they even took his scream and I made that car there and a million other things including music [ __ ] beautiful music man and when they rose to the heavens and became gods they left his structures behind how to make cars music the whole deal didn't anybody notice yeah bunch of wankers no one figured out any of it until you whoever you are so you must be somewhat worthy of the God's favor uh suppose so listen if you do something that pleases the gods they might reward you with a fire tribute hahaha when they paid you enough tributes come see me I'll share some more secrets of metal with you like how to turn that little piece you got over there into a real month among other things got it what do I have to do for a fire tribute please the [ __ ] gods of mentleman figured it out right okay I'll be back soon covered in metal God love oh God ready to go just a few more hours you got 20 seconds it's time to go I only need 10 let's go no sleep till better Smith no matter what happens keep driving mangas anyway I'll take care of anyone or anything that tries to stop us hey we're not taking that brand-new tour bus for wheeling over that fields okay just turn right up ahead and we'll cruise down the main road nice and easy just keep moving I'll take care of these guys [Applause] [Music] if they try to make a roadblock up ahead any [Music] the boss I think we're here [Applause] that's the main barracks of Lyon White's guard and beyond it the Cleve of the impaler Lyon White's Tower is just on the other side of them what are we waiting for mangas unload the bus when I get back battle time ready just about is it time mangas the hour of rock is upon us oh man okay breaks over people [Applause] oh my god get away from those fans you you leeches boss head work thus drew is at the temple they must have poisoned their blades with demon venom will remind me to send him a thank-you note I feel great you need to lay down in the bus [Music] listen to me I know you're all freaking out right now but I promise you I feel fine I'm even stung with some sort of poison demon juice but I'm sure the effects are temporary I'm still just your old pal Eddie so before this infection wears off I say we use it to our advantage let us not fear this blessing from the Titans he's right everyone get ready for battle the enemy is upon the field I was afraid this would happen don't worry about me I've always kinda wanted wings in fact when I was a kid I used to dream about it all the time I hope my parents were wrong about this I'm gonna do a trick yeah yeah yeah this is awesome hey Lars I can see your house from here from this new vantage point I can totally see what the problem is bunch of gross fan leeches are eating our fans silence ground Walker now then the first thing we have to do is drive off those leeches [Music] down [Music] I should have known better than to hire guards whose hands are bigger than their brains you're all fired every fat worthless one of you stop Edward they are no longer working for Lyon white they are no longer our enemies our real enemy is through there let us move forward got the stage all packed up boss ah I see I'm already cured I told you there's nothing to worry about stop right there if you can make it through the cleave alive then you must work for general Lyon white Oh knock it off leader they work with me so that's how you smuggled them out but how did they get through the cleave undetected yeah let me guess you guys are really great at hauling stuff you hang out in the shadows you only wear black and you're really hard to see from far away what I don't my friends these are roadies and they're here just in the nick of time they're gonna get us through this canyon but first they're gonna need some monster amps you mean like those of the screaming wall not sure but I like how that sounds okay meet me at the screaming wall with your roadie friends and we'll see if they can carry a little extra wattage hey nice mortar cannon dude come on man don't patronize me what man it's huge and cool-looking I'll bet everybody's totally afraid of it look I know the guys sent you to give me a hard time but you know what you can all [ __ ] off because I never asked for mortar cannon duty it's not my fault I suck oh hey must be fun to punch that thing well yeah they do like the punching but you aim it at the bad guys and by the time your cannon thing hits the ground they've already run by well how much do you lead him lead who how far ahead of your enemies do you aim man what are you talking about look I'll show you really you'd help me out you just worry about the punching I'll take care of the rest oh man this could be fun okay you keep your eye on me and keep your walkie-talkie on when I give you the signal you fire a mortar right at me but you get out of the way don't worry about me and you guys you guys watch out for incoming mortars and don't make fun of our cannon ear okay okay here we go dude just tell me what aim this thing here comes they're all dead I can't believe it yeah dude I'm [ __ ] awesome yeah yes you are I told you you could do it well I didn't do it all on my own yeah well I had my awesome cannon - what are those guys doing here they want to help up I feel bad okay but I can't be holding their hands the whole time get it cuz their hands are too big are you ready to see the screaming wall let's hit the trail okay watch out for rocks legs and seagulls seagulls this opportunity no problem we just want to help everything in that general direction must die [Applause] cool kick some ass [Music] okay you guys want to help out all right then can you do this great now over here I'll be right back I'm hoping Hey ah [Music] all right careful with those the feedback from them is deadly lift with your knees not your backs you got it okay let's head out can you shake those girls I don't like the sound of that you got to do something to get rid of those girls [Music] here that I was feedback very dangerous not to be toyed with it's out of everything didn't you well I wanted to make sure you got back before your boyfriend got jealous oh don't say stupid stuff hey it's pretty clear you love Lars of course I do he's a great man an inspirational leader selfless heroic not that hard to look at either his chest it's like a brother to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] would you mind if we went back separately I just don't think a bunch of gossip would help us right now okay gotcha all right are you people ready yeah for like an hour how about you totally ready bring on the impalement first off we're gonna kill that towel you like I worked with some good roadies in my day but you guys really know how to make yourself invisible they totally can't see you coming oh yeah that's what I'm talking about bring the house down [Music] you that thing looks like it's controlling all the wall-mounted impaler's oh you think so hey sorry it's my first time in the cleave okay you okay time to take out the next hour let's hear for the road crew [Music] we put these down now look at that banner I think they know we're coming oh let's take that down a break Lars is hard and you're hoping to save that pleasure for yourself they don't trust me I think I'm a tiered drink art why do they think that because my parents fought in the black tea rebellion it's a long time ago but now none of them will ever really trust me no matter how much I do for our cause now I told you you won't trust me either I trust you until they turn you against me here my dad gave me this he said it belong and my mother it's the only thing I have first I trust it to you no matter what no matter what what treachery is this no one shall kill lion white this day but I what's the holdup what holdup I was waiting for you dude you were supposed to set up the stage an hour ago larsa's really mad uh-oh hey what's the holdup Lars is really mad at you guys [Music] Oh Bravo goody someone is putting on a puppet show honestly you people embarrass me I try to show Emperor the Vic ulis that we humans aren't all dirty brutish animals I show him that we can be refined we can be beautiful and that we can be profitable I do it to protect you people from TV keyless I am the only thing standing between you and him and what do you give me in return grief the time has come for you to shut the hell up lion white you enslaved your own people for profit stole from us our dignity and our history the Titans who came before us left a precious gift in our hands and you exploited it cheap and it sold it out for your own commercial gain but powerful music of the past you almost made us forget about it almost today we shall hear it again the music of the free people from the singing of our blades through your flesh to the pounding of our fists into your skull for the honor of blade hench for the freedom of its people and for the glory [Music] [Music] destroy yeah kinda well it's just some of the guys beat you something check it out oh man that's so sweet of them [Music] tear down the pleasure tower [Music] [Applause] hey what's the deal I thought you were committed to this project get back inside right now [Music] now we can finally live in peace lion white was only a puppet he was not our true oppressor Emperor do Vick ulis will not let us live in peace ever we can hide for noon no we are done with that we will keep marching down the great highway until we are at the Vic Ulysses doorstep and then we will truly end this once and for all get some bad news for you buddy ready to hit the road the problem is that something already hit it lion White's house oh yeah crap well there must be some way around it we could take that old aqueduct up into the mountains and come down the other side oh yeah that road leads all the way back down to the sea of black deers doesn't it Ophelia hold on a second that leads up to fire barren country I hate going up there all those old pyromaniacs are long gone they left the mountain as soon as general poodle hair showed up trust me they'll be back when we least expect it they'll sneak up on us from behind oh man that gate looks really strong it's gonna take forever to break through that dude how about this how about you take off your [ __ ] diaper lay down your little baby foo-foo and go do your [ __ ] job right now dude not cool I wear this thing so I don't have to stop the bus to take a leak Lars aren't you worried that we're pushing our luck with this plan my little sister nothing can shake my faith in the future of our people the days ahead hold only the promise of happiness and sunshine [Music] Dobie Gillis enough Sakura you disrupt my industry but I understand you try to make me look bad so you can strip me of my power a very commendable sabotage you destroy my servants colony but I do not blame you it was an abomination which we permitted only to keep the human warlord obedient but what I cannot comprehend is why do you live amongst these humans your mission was to spy on not to join them and now it was you at the temple of Alma Godin pirates maleo blood they're just a second smelling now let us wage war sakura a terrible and beautiful war the dog live amongst these dogs for one more day or we may never get their stench off of you these dogs these are free men and women and they no longer serve you or anyone else do not dare to speak to me you insect who do you think you are I am proud to say that these free humans have named me their king well in that case it seems I had less to worry about tonight the Lord Mars my little sister you must take care of her get him to the bus you son of a [Music] I just get everyone on the bus get out of here we'll catch up go come on [Applause] whoops [Music] we made it we're safe he can't protect you anymore no one can later she sold us out told them we were coming later why would I do that because of the black water still thick in your veins you crave it you'd do anything to get it trade anything well don't worry I'll cut holes in your coffin and bury you so deep the Seas dark fingers will be sure to find you later don't make me do this will you not let me avenge my brother let you I'll help you avenge your brother but first I need to talk to Ophelia alone don't Edward she'll manipulate you but she did with Lars wait here hey what are we gonna do with her she's gone nuts what did he mean about your mission what to spy on us des Vick ulis he wasn't talking about me alright Sakura so who's that I I can't tell you can't tell me what are you hiding from us I was trying to protect you protect me or protect yourself I was doing it for you doing what leading us into a trap you said you trusted me I did and in return you kept secrets from me and how large is dead what do I care if you turn your back on me just like the rest of them you just like the rest of them they warned me that something like you might return they warned me about a lot of things but I just don't care anymore what happened to forget about her but what if she goes back to her old ways if she doesn't have her parents she can't the black tears are sealed up forever anyway I'm sure all she wants to do right now is forget all about us and move on why didn't you kill her I don't want to talk about it hey no one's around with me if you trying not to cry about Lara's never again I'd sooner have scorpions crawl down my cheek than tears I'd be an awesome album cover actually what now part of mangas drive me said that we needed deaths clutch is that like saying I'll see you in hell you'll see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Eddie mango see you on the board too early man take a look down here it's later than you think I don't know I don't know but we got to get rid of them so we can secure our fan base [Music] [Music] okay that's the last you know and the source from which Bing thing all I know is I have to take care of our fans right now hey Eddie look oh [ __ ] so be it let us not keep death waiting I told you they'd be back is this the outfit that murdered the general right then the other guys man those fire Baron's are fast please don't tell them all the bad stuff I said okay come on can't let a fighter battle for us [Music] like that there's what were that game bro Oh philia now do you see what she's capable of she has merchandise do you finally see the black tears are the source of her power but the CEO black tears was sealed forever where have you guys been ridiculous open up the see right after line white bitties we had to keep moving north just to get away from these gloomy mothers de Vic ulis why to set human against human to let the uprising destroy itself again it's time to get out of here but where are we gonna run to to the sea of black tears that's suicide can we come i'ma go do a little solo recon when I find a way to get the bus over the gorge I'll give you a buzz no rush hey mangas come here you gotta check out this bridge I built yeah you see mangas those guys from your really understood the value of craftsmanship and look people are using it already [Music] [Music] and look at he I finally got myself a car it's got a special seat in the back just for you Oh philia what have you done you know after you tore out my heart and left me for dead I'll admit I was a little down but then I pulled myself together started making new friends The Vic ulis is not your friend can't you see he's using you as a tool against us and I began to use all that stuff you Tommy Eddy then you know you taught me so much you taught me about trust and loyalty and betrayal and you also taught me the power of music here's a little song that I've been dying to play for you blankets backup [Music] [Music] [Music] hey well so much for driving to our deaths at the sea of black tears no no I could fix this but it's gonna take about five thousand cubic but loads of scaffolding to do it Oh what yeah I know the only place that has the stuff we need yep is back in blade hands so come on what are we waiting for man this place doesn't look so hot terrible things have been up in here we will always be a safe place now [Music] whoa we've been gone a while look one enemy at a time let's take care of Ophelia first and then we'll come back here and run the ugly kids out of town okay we'll have a huge party I swear but first we need some scaffolding [Music] there's the stuff the cubic buttload yeah more or less let's call manga so we can get out of here exactly what I was thinking okay it's all loaded up now can we please get out of here before someone notices us everybody in the bus whoo driver's side [Applause] Wow yeah dude you know I love the pirate look now on we got to be a little more stealthy we're trying to surprise Effie Liam remember you don't want to know okay I got a plan but um no run it over with the bus no poison catnip no I'm gonna recruit them they're gonna join our army tell me you're joking dead serious so here's the plan we are gonna win snare the beasts and a ring of fire then Lita drops down on the Beast from above and rides it into a cage what cage the one you're gonna build how am I supposed to control them with your stubborn and forceful personality and then what you'll just sweet-talk them into fighting for our side no more questions I can't tell you the whole plan right now okay you might get captured it's for your own protection okay let's saddle up okay this is the area where we're gonna trap them to make it easier for Lita to pounce easy right not the plan this is not the plan why are you burning them I thought we wanted them alive no sorry fire in the hole jump leader jump what now we do it again sorry why are you burning them I thought we wanted them alive fire in the hole jump leader jump see I knew they could be ridden I wasn't riding them I was holding on for my life there's no way to really ride these things not true there's all you do it all the time who does olya these beast companions and protectors [Music] yeah so long story short I'm from the future and I'm here to recruit you for my army we're already an army and you're not welcome to join it stay cool everybody let me think no it's not it's just an illusion confinement is playing tricks on your brain [Music] I know it's just darling after all the fires I've set in my life don't you think it's kind of ironic and here we are a fab to burn to death [Music] you know that ain't me that's my dad Eddie that's a famous warrior of our time not yours he was the leader of the black tea rebellion his name was red note Ragnarok he fought alongside the salya he gave us the skills to defend ourselves when the black water last rose yeah he gave me something too I found this in his attic after he died apparently there's a lot about my dad I don't know but it seems one thing I do know is that he somehow once fought at your side when your land was in danger so I ask you will you fight at our side now if you'll still have us in your army son of ragnarök all right so my old man it turns out did a little time-traveling of his own big deal and while he was in town he might have fought in the same army as Ophelia's parents does that mean you don't trust me now your father was a hero the only one of his army to resist the temptation of the tears the only one to survive when they poisoned his army rigna Rock left on his own for one final mission to assassinate the Emperor of the demons he was never seen again so do Vick ulis opened the sea of black tears back then to destroy my father's army just like he's doing now do you think do you think you were sent here to finish your father's mission it's not his mission anymore it's mine all right everybody we're headed into the swamp if you're allergic to leeches get on the bus don't worry about me I got a ride through it enjoy yourself it's too big how you baby let me see if I can clear it up [Music] you are those nurses I probably just put here to scare people away actually those remember people who find themselves lost in the swamp would rather die by their own hand than by the creatures of the mire see mangas service for travelers wouldn't know if you did this [ __ ] to figures help wow this stuff is better than any fog machine I've ever used I think it would really help our stage show do you mean from a defensive point of view yeah that too you guys stay on guard I'm gonna go Scout it out all right time to grab this ice now yeah my only worry is that we're not alone here what happened to you do you really want to know oh don't worry his song only hurts me you Eddie Eddie what what happened to her five the stage Oh philia my father retina Rock was that the secret you couldn't tell me what about it that he used to beat you you know your parents pop you don't know anything you're doing [Music] [Music] the eyeliner right off [Music] he's here yeah now she's gone but I do see something dangerous and I like it I think it's time our show had a second stage well I hope you finally in the mood for death mm-hmm which is waiting for us down the road let's hit it oh man I'm ready mangas well done stay back here and keep the Julie's off your bumper mangas or whatever you do don't stop [Music] gilligan just washing it so give it up [Music] in the future this is referred to as getting saved you think you're the only time traveler this world is known the demons beat you to it long ago they sent their own Emperor into the future to take back the lost secrets of the titans probably just did that to escape getting whacked with my dad I know where you live I know the waiting game is deep end you deserve some more weapons through the woods a girl came sadly something broken in her chest she had dared to love another alas no better than the rest of my path the girl came gladly something opened up my doors I longed to stop her bleeding heart and so I called her to my shores those you trust will hurt you badly something now I'm sure you see so drown your tears and me my dear as you drown my dear in me [Music] so there it is the sea of black tears [Music] huh it's really more of a lake of black tears isn't it if what she said is true if Britney Rock went forward in time with the Emperor then so what obviously that was part of my old man's plan because in the future there aren't too many demonic Emperor overlords walking around except at record companies I just don't think it's a good idea anymore for you to fight Oh feel yeah are you sure you want to go through with it definitely hey let's get set up for one last show yeah one last show what if Lars could see us now eh Eddie he wouldn't be surprised really you always said you'd lead us to a better life you've done so much for us never gotten much credit or even time to rest and you know we've never had much time to get to know each other not really have you ever wondered Eddie what if don't sweat it I'll take care of this one [Music] let me take it far away [Music] longing partisan [Music] Eddie I don't like the looks of that tree so one thing it's boozing and it got closed Oh you I'm gonna finish my father's mission and kill the Emperor don't make me kill you - are you forgetting that the Emperor and your father were traveling companions yeah the Emperor and my dad went to the future but then the Emperor came back here ironically just to be killed by me the emperor never came back what I've seen him you were with me when we saw Edward rediculous remember you think the victor is you think he was there back then later I want to go up there and end this myself but I just feel like I don't have the stomach for it anymore some people can run on vengeance forever but not you you're a leader a hero just like Lars and you I'm not going up there for vengeance what are you going up there for I'm just cleaning up a mess yep that's my job by Eddie how do we stop this Ophelia one of us has to die okay I nominate the person who sold us out to the demons you're right better you than me please do not stop you two have been having such an entertaining war I see you called in your boyfriend for health ASA Korea no wait Sakura Sakura this girl oh you think she is the grand demon which the white winged death this severe puppet couldn't hold a candle to Emperor Sakura the Emperor was our most fierce most bloodthirsty warrior oh I'll admit I was pleased when she left our time that's roam unattended but when she did not return I mourned for her I thought she had failed what are you talking about she did fail my father killed her right she's never coming back that's not exactly what your father did to her the road can be a lonely place don't you think no she succeeded in sending us a great wealth of secrets not from the future but from our through the vessel of her own child thank you son of sakuya for completing your mother's mission for teaching us the secrets of the titans and ensuring our rule over this land forever but he said that I smelled her blood in the temple I did just as I can smell it now of coursing through your veins now way imagines the Seif when I found out it was just viewed and not Sakura that two fights me for the throne why are you acting so surprised you're wearing her shirt you're wielding no we may finally crush this black tear rebellion forever starting like we did the last time [Music] oh please that was nothing compared to what you did you made her into a little monster [Music] how'd it go bankers get back on the board got a weak word are you yeah you better run second like my old self again what's this I'm not so sure it's dead you know I'm glad now that your mother refused my advances all those years ago because at least I know you're not my son there aren't many who can say that ass-kickers unites [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] you deserve some more weapons I thought we were the smart one okay let me go finish it off now what was Lars I'll give it up whatever picture is your demon blood grants Eve will soon be unraveled by your human witness come and see me when you grow a pair as big as your mother's hope he's talking about horns kill them all tear down that shitty birds food son of Sakura suckled by the dry teat of man you are half so many things I doubt any part of you is home is that even a word for a creature such as a human I'm a roadie I keep the trash off the stage [Music] you you [Music] you capitation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I knew that wasn't the real you [Music] [Applause] tonight we are here to celebrate a great man a true hero who fought by our side who led us to freedom who believed in us when no one else did a man who said never be who will never be forgotten [Music] [Applause] [Music] when Lars Halford fell the cause seemed lost but it survived because there was another great warrior in our midst let us not forget the sacrifice and bravery oblate to help and everybody [Music] [Applause] my brother saw goodness and people even in people for whom I had nothing but suspicions now I hope that we can stand together I hope we can all stand together for the honor of blade henge for the freedom of its people and for the glory of its meadow [Applause] [Music] hey man you're missing the party oh yeah you know I'm more comfortable back here yeah oh here I got something for you ah mangas you didn't have to give me hey wait this is my tour book hahaha yeah I swiped and it seems you wrote on it well I wanted to leave you a little note and then some of the other guys wanted to sign it for you [Music] don't forget about us man dudes I'm not going away I just got a couple errands to run I'll be right back you'd better I'm not doing the load-out by myself you don't have to do the load-out at all we're staying here for good the tour is over yeah man tours over we're home now the good roadie knows his whole job is to make someone else look good keep someone else safe help someone else do what they were put here to do a good roadie stays out of the spotlight he's doing his job right you don't even know he's there once in a while he might step on stage just to fix a problem to set something right but then before you even realize he was there or what he did he's gone you you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 667,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, brutal legend all cutscenes, brutal legend full story, brutal legend movie, brutal legend game movie, brutal legend final boss, brutal legend ending
Id: VAhVUXozckc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 37sec (8257 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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