Batman: Arkham Origins All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS UHD

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[Music] drop it there Frank check the breaker looks like you've got my invitation just you and me [Music] [Music] not so fast Deathstroke he's my kid [Music] you find a body no and next time keep your other adapted out of my way you had your shot Deathstroke you're not the only assassin in town and the night is young police and emergency services are urging Gotham residents to stay on the roads and in their homes tonight in light of the severe winter storm you just ran out of time Julian Gregory day commissioner love any comment on the rumor that it wasn't actually the cops who captured mr. day there is no such thing as a Batman all units all units code n at Blackgate prison sanitation is down possible 211 up to six four roof dispatch 519 Berko 10 this is a breakout perfect identified as black back repeat code tests affected blacks math Commissioner Loeb is being held captive repeat Commissioner Loeb in 701 do realize it is Christmas Eve it's like black mask entered the prison here I need to find Commissioner Loeb before it's too late no please not a god oh I'll kill you but by the time I do that I won't be the only thing you'll miss what is that French stuff originally no stay away no heartbeat don't heartbeat I heard the rumors you you're not supposed to be ringed toward this place apart I don't know what it is it's huge where is black mask I I don't know he's here for Commissioner Loeb maybe one of his men knows where he's headed and I am assuming command security personnel and GCPD these are black mask's men I'll make them tell me where I can find black masks where's black mask how the hell should I know I'm going to make you talk how much pain you endure before that is in your hands oh no I don't have time for this okay okay he said the execution chamber with ball smart move now you get to take a nap [Music] doesn't belong wonder who's controlling it Oh you gotta base the meat I don't wanna fight anymore the only way to advance is to grapple up and over this gate I should hurry crazy look like that's what got into this mess in the first place he's wearing body armor knocking him off balance with my cable expose him to my attacks they see crime technically this conditioners blankets because they are what have I got to show my own man in the slammer my mobile boom tonight we make some changes the calendar man only what's all this about scientists haven't I always come through for you you may have your hand but things have changed we're starting with a clean slate and you're not on it what are you talking about I'm not on it show's over boys I'm too late Commissioner Loeb is dead black mask has a lot to answer for I told you the Granton memory card you wanna smash next thing that gets smashed well be on face memory card is damaged but I should be able to recover most of the data back at the Batcave my college the sand I know I caught yours spirit where's he going geez I want answers wait till black mask's assassins get through the water says whoever wins is gonna be famous at least we know he won't be Mowgli not to know no such thing as a Batman are you back for the knife huh shall I warm up Christmas dinner no it's going to be a long night over I just ran into a human-shaped crocodile it told me black mask has hired assassins to kill me Assasin's as in more than one that's right and you heard this from the muffler crocodile man his name's his killer Clark he's already behind bars oh I pity his cellmate I don't let's see what else is on the drones hard drive each of them gets one of these envelopes I need them delivered tonight they're all hired killers the best in the business black mask isn't messing around Slade Wilson Deathstroke former military subject of a failed medical experiment failed Garfield lynns aka Firefly burns on 90% of his body his obsession is going to be his head how unlike anyone I know here's the face I don't recognize Copperhead strange these reports reference a male not a female 14 escapes huh well you won't forget not what Floyd Lawton aka Deadshot says here he's an expert sharpshooter colonist suspected of many assassinations dangerous but reckless Street tough named Lester but schinsky calls himself electrocutioner shocking shiva her skill is unmatched here why would he be taking money as a hired killer is that warden Joseph must be help black mascot inside the prison he uses torture for intimidation and entertainment aged assassins after your head what are you going to do I'm going to find out who was operating this drone make them tell me what they know then I'm going to find black mask and put an end to this yes sir I may be stating the obvious here but you do realize that since you and I are the only people who know the Batman's true identity those assassins will all fail their mandate if you'd just spend the evening yeah they'll put innocence in danger to attract my attention I can't take that risk and you think it's a better idea to just put yourself in their crosshairs there's only one person in Gotham looking at his hands something like this the penguin he's been tracking black mask its next Waypoint was a rendezvous with penguins men a Jezebel Plaza I'll make them talk the fraud this is wise I know what I'm doing well in case you change your mind and want to Train tonight instead now keep your training facility active the batwing is prepped and ready to take you to Jezebel processor a question sir if I may how did Wayland germs come to be the way he is atavism from the look of it an unfortunate genetic mutation using the condition causes physical pain who might that explain his rage it goes deeper than that imagine growing up looking like he did children are cruel Alfred so our adults am all part of the human condition worse of this we have a tendency to fear often outright despise that which is different if you're serious about getting to jezebel Plaza in time to find penguins men you'll want to leave soon so I've got the tracking is - it appears the control channels you use feel for their nap systems are putting out a jamming signal storm damage you having it down there who find that out for yourself self got it close to one now [Music] there's no secret plan here what the hostages you see in this what the hell is it I'll pull this trigger I ain't playing I can drop smoke pellets to conceal my movements get up and out of danger can't shoot what he can't see attacking head-on is a good way to get myself shot and probably the hostage too but they won't expect an attack from above nobody ever does [Music] I can I could fix the tower whatever you want just please don't hurt me all I want is for you to get yourself to safety [Music] I don't think this tower malfunction is from storm damage I need to set up a crime scene and find out what happened I should start by identifying the victim the victim's name is David Shannon a Gotham optics employee sent here to repair a faulty network tower but what killed him scanning the DNA impact on the wall should provide an answer impact analysis indicates the victim was killed by some kind of explosion originating at that access panel I should scan it for additional clues [Music] it looks like the panel was rigged to detonate when swiped with a keycard someone really didn't want this tower repaired and it looks like that same someone left a set of fingerprints behind Alfred I'm uploading some prints for analysis let me know what comes back they belong to one John F Baker he's a rather unremarkable criminal small jobs mostly that's curious what's curious mr. Baker's did his body was recovered from the darman's district just under an hour ago looks like someone's tying up loose ends I can bypass the booby trap to access panel with my cryptographic sequencer but I'll need the encryption codes from the victims access card reviewing the crime scene will show me where it is [Music] this card has the codes I need to hack any of the network towers access panels alfrid contact the gcpd let them know about the body send the data from my analysis - does this mean you found the source of the disturbance I think so well well if it isn't the Kings thug himself figured it was only a matter of time before you showed up sorry about the mess downstairs who is this think of me is a great big mystery one you are never going to solve enigma then oh you must think you're so clever well how's this for clever I've taken control of towers all over the city as long as they're active your batwings useless and it looks like it's gonna stay that way I mean this one's practically begging to be taken offline and you still can't hack it pun intended of course hmmm blackmask not going to like this what are you talking about wouldn't you like to know with the jammer offline I can travel here with the batwing those relays are part of a distributed security system under what they're protecting that must be where enigma set up shop I need to pay him a visit I see you regained control of the batwing fair that's the plan then I've also got a lead on enigma well don't overthink it too much we both know you'll eventually wind up doing those trust me I'll take out those assassins before they even know I'm there it's not just that if some curious child Rockside to see those pattering across their rooftop they expect Santa Claus not a black bat creature I don't matter [Music] looks like I'm the first one here I need to find a spot where I can stick this place out unnoticed [Music] penguin not a dime changes hands in this city he can't tell you about if anyone knows where black mask and his assassins are it's him but penguins are defined as men are doing a deal here I'll make them talk so little boys what do you want for Christmas away I already know now let's see if you've been naughty oh nice punk in the santahat must be in charge where's the rest [Music] don't don't whatever you're gonna do don't where's the penguin don't tell where is he I swear damn wake up time to talk where's Cobblepot let me go if you insist please stop stop okay too late I already have what I need just raising it Friday I can read this SIM card they be able to locate penguin Alfred I'm getting interference on my comm systems is that on your side no sir I'm seeing it as well it's from the nearby GCR tower it's the same signal jamming the bat wings Auto nerve systems I've highlighted the tar on your map only disturb that signal before I can track down the penguin you know if you ask nicely I'd have opened it for you congratulations are in order maybe you're not as stupid as I've been led to believe why are you doing this enigma direct I like it Gotham's sullied it's filled with brutes who control this city through violence and intimidation you didn't answer my question I want to get rid of them Batman to improve Gotham's intellectual and moral standing but I'm not a thug like you my approach is a bit more refined what you're doing is no different than stealing there's nothing refined about it your response is predictable as it is banal goodbye now I can access the SIM card I took from that arms dealer in hack penguins communications the paint looks pretty pissed off about the deal gone south yeah Bao was the fault in that happy all my way out of the city Alfred I'm reading a signal from penguins men but it's not associated with any known wireless frequency ah yes I see it here looks like penguin runs his own private wireless network using laptop transmitters serving as ad hoc comm stations he's feeling his men frequencies for two-way radio furniture these comm stations near your position good mark them on my map if I can find an hack those walkie-talkies I can triangulate penguins position [Applause] Batman you expect me to believe that it's funny to find the next comm station back then I'll be able to triangulate penguins position they mess with our shipment I've save it so das so next time you can stock up a story you better hope the person you're telling this number at you are oh that's right there right now I'm coming at you mr. Cobblepot I swear it was the bat he dropped Ricky off the roof of the clock tower straight into the Christmas tree I don't care what you think you saw if you're not back damn eyeballs out and then you won't have to worry about seeing nothing ever again Thank You Leah yes mr. Cobblepot I'm sorry mr. Cobblepot all right everyone listen up I know I or cancel our annual boiler ten fights after what happened to my dad Isabel Plaza but does it to show you better nice god I love that fights are still off so get yourself down to the ship right now if you want in on this they've been hiding out of an old ship no wonder it's so hard to find white for like us Batman looks like someone brought a bat to a night [Music] [Music] [Laughter] right there sto losses to be you're gonna have to embarrass yourselves without me God knows you to do of course the business take care of the bills I don't want to be disturbed eleven advice that I get back my penguin will be in this office Tracy should know where that is I'll make her talk now that the nori gazer proper noe the trouble coming here last night I'm starting heart okay [Music] I'm looking for where is he I ain't get to talk I miss your eyes this is your last who wants to show me where the penguin is or are you lousy much time turn your snapper you're not sure where's topple pot ain't telling you jack a little more pressure and I'll crush your larynx what's it going to be alright alright but you'll never get past Tracy Tracy is not a problem but chin skis come - and now he's on the lam I should have tied him up and called the cops to get him Alfred I had a run-in with one of the assassins Lester Burtynsky the electrocution ah are you all right yes but he managed to escape his gloves put out a strong electromagnetic pulse if you can isolate this signal I'll be able to track him down I'll get to work on that where are you off to now I'm on my way to the final offers casino I'm going to make penguins assistant show me to her boss pain in the ball please be on your merry way sounds like cobblepot's office it's connected to the theater and the entrance is controlled from that security room oh no Bernie deep in it candy Ruth she's under self a dry snap she is that better be lipgloss you're reaching for and wins office is connected to the theater I need to hack the security system and get the theater doors open girl sharp you know like welcome and you know what we do to twist well you're about to find out right [Music] what do you want I didn't do nothing who's your boss what does penguin want with them Alberto Falcone but I got no idea what penguin wants with him I swear I don't know what your game is but old man Falcone would be in your debt if you take Cobblepot down he's right through that door back there no thanks I don't need the Falcone ease in my debt now where were we candy you suggested little Alberto over here hey baby to try to convince his father to take early retirement he disagreed and called you a let's see psychotic little bastard oh no no no please now you best listen Falcone because this is the last time I'll ask what are you gonna tell your father that we're getting out of the weapons business I promise I'll make him do it Asya lives flattened Bernie but they ain't making the sound that what I hear it's I got nothing you know done black mask put a bounty on my head where is he not okay temps are different easier for crunch you know popular broke in his town you're running out of time wait wait lacy towers there was a murder it was supposed to me is a badly open a packet each got problems of his own ups a somewhat broken there [Music] [Music] it appears the game is over before it even begins I'm not playing games Slade tell me where I can find black masks about why I was pushover after all it's over Slade what are you no saying your Batman feel free to let yourself back I can't let penguin get away there's more I need to ask him you'll not get into a nun Skippy's they get into this way go baby the bid on Alvin see if you can find any information on the murder at lacy black master dead I'm on my way there now Alfred get GCPD to take a look at the final offer Lord at Dixon docks they'll find Slade Wilson tied up and waiting for them along with some of Penguins illegally obtained weapons the cops investigating this crime should have a relay station set up don't look like a mobile satellite dish probably on a rooftop [Applause] Rovio what's your 20 on the balcony first smoke with Jimenez it was men on the balcony that could be my way in fingerprints right by the potty yeah we got penguin now like to see him screw him out of this one the police believe penguin murdered black mask but why would he send me here if he was the killer it doesn't add up this crime took place days ago the fire and the exposure to the elements make identifying the victims difficult the male victim is wearing a black mask but I can't positively identify him as Roman say honest without a DNA analysis something I can't do in the field I can identify the female victim based on her fingerprints Tiffani Ambrose Roman scientist is girlfriend or one of them at least she was no angel long list of priors but nothing to indicate she was the target here the fire spread as a result of a Molotov cocktail thrown into the room it may have been intended to destroy evidence a shallow trajectory of the bullet suggests the shooter could be someone of penguins height but the grooves on the floor suggest that the victim was killed by someone leaning back in a chair this bullet was fired from a revolver ballistics analysis indicates a low angle of trajectory the shooter could have been someone a Penguin's height but the pattern and the gunpowder residue suggests the bullet was actually fired by someone lying on the ground these fingerprints are a match for the penguin but they're on top of the soot from the fire the cops were right penguin was in the room but these prints prove he was here after the murders were committed if he didn't kill black masks who did the only thing I know for certain is that Tiffany's shooter was lying on the floor but why these white streaks her shoe polish whoever shot Tiffany was being dragged along the floor besides the victims there were two other people in the room Tiffany's shooter and whoever was dragging the shooter the location from which the male victim was shot may tell me more a DNA doesn't belong to either of the victims whose visit the fight burg out when someone startled the shooter it's not clear who won the fight could have been either one of them [Music] I should review the evidence to see if I can learn anything more about either the intruder or the shooter fabric analysis indicates the intruder was wearing a white suit or sport jacket this fabric swatch could help identify the intruder but I still can't identify the male victim shooter there's one impact area I haven't checked for clues this DNA is from the female victim the level of oxidation suggests it's been here for several days if I review the evidence I may be able to find out what she was doing when she was attacked she was sending text messages to Roman sionis about someone named the Joker someone killed black mask but this crime took place several days ago and I saw black mask earlier tonight the answers I have raised by the questions he is the Joker was he the killer here or is he one of the assassins I have a body an unknown shooter has an unknown assailant who attacked the shooter to match the DNA samples against the records in the National Criminal database to identify who was in the room [Music] alfrid I need access to the National Criminal database well the only way to do that would be to infiltrate the Gotham City Police Department then that's where I'm going sir you'd need to physically hack into their servers if you insist on doing something that foolish only two powerful non-lethal weapon I recommend coming back here to pick up your concussion detonator not a bad idea welcome home sir but the concussion detonator is on your workbench remember if you use that instead of your fists you'll be less lasting damage to those police officers and civil servants noted watch Subarus gods have been doubled in police precincts still lives murder no need to find a way to sneak in that won't attract attention otherwise you'll never make it to the server room understood Thanks yeah probably another water pipe bursting love to go take a look but you know my shifts over slow-mo understood the problem is Gordon Tina this won't be easy if I'm going to access the National Criminal database you wanna find out what happened at LaCie towers we need to find the server room without being discovered there's a to SAS ins in town from the info we've been gathering they're among the most dangerous criminals on record after interrogating Waylon Jones we've learned that they're all competing for a huge bounty which black mask has offered for the head of the bat where do I sign up our goal is to ensure order in this city so our number one priority becomes bringing in the bat before these assassins get to work now the closer it gets to morning we're desperate the assassins will grow yeah well they were supposed to be guarding the crime scene not must you be so brutal sir these are city employees they're as corrupt as they come and they're in my way I wish you'd think twice about that approach sir you never know when you might need their help at any rate your objective is the GCPD server wrong I've marked it on your map I won't stand a chance against that many armed men I can use Deathstroke's remote claw to pass above their heads undetected well you Joker's were playing clean up black mask if any of us can kill the fat before the assassins get to him we get the bounty all $50,000,000 up and for those of you ain't too good with the math that means we all retire early nice that's what I'm talking about let's take him down then yeah what are we waiting for enough I've gotta be quiet so those SWAT officers don't hear me Clary's day sir you got it so what does this disrupter of yours do a little bit of this little bit of that mostly though it does a whole lot of noneya damn business no you want to play it like that all right maybe I'll have the guys over at evidence lockup and take a look they can get kind of rough though hope it's not fragile you want to play hardball buddy how's about I tell my cousin at the Gazette about the payments you boys been extorting from penguin and the like scum like yous got a cousin at the Gazette you expect me to believe that don't see you talk or you won't be walking anywhere ever no way that rooftop I know you have to answer to me how does this disrupter work ask one of the pigs they got it never that's lockup how about we take a little walk up to the roof okay okay you win it jams weapons overrides electronic locks all right oh you gotta let me go how'd that work out for you last time he is the worst kind of criminal the kind who thinks their actions are justified Dweck's completely outside the system system is broken Barbara wait Alvar it I can't access the evidence Locker I need an alternate route the evidence Locker well according to these schematics it adjoins an old elevator shaft which you can access by the infirmary you should be able to break in from there I've added it to your map accident you know good you've made it to the infirmary now look for an entrance to an old elevator shaft that will take you to the evidence Locker got it now I should be able to bypass the security on the server room door the way to get through is to use the disruptor he's gonna let us down we'll make our way out Christmas after all like you've done it I got a pulse easy I need access to the National Criminal database it's right here you must spend a lot of time here cool poem box you're bypassing the network security but you'll need to physically bridge the intranet to the external telecom wires if you want to uplink remotely this kind of knowledge could get a young girl into a lot of trouble hey you run under the building what does the telecom wires you can access them through the sewers wait why do you do what you do because I made a promise alfrid I'm on my way out but before I can access the server remotely I need to hack into the telecom wires under did you see you should be able to access one from the sewers which run below the building I'll take the closest entrance on your map I don't want to hurt you what you need to stay out of my way never listen I'm on your side my side my side works within the law my side doesn't leave suspects with broken bones and missing teeth we've earned Gotham's respect that were true I wouldn't jordan clear the line of fire hold your fire if he moves take him down you've got nowhere to run booth garden I'm taking him down [Music] I've highlighted a nearby man's old on your map those sewer tunnels lead directly under the GCPD good work Alfred oh and do try to keep out of here a marker down there remember strange these are black masks but not the kind of guys that expect to find a running around in the sewers please be sent an expert martial artist like master Bruce you under ectly beneath the GCPD the telecom wires should be right under your nose Alfred confirm we now have access to the National Criminal database connection confirmed you can now perform DNA analysis I'm also sending over the police file for the listed towers KITT this photo was from the day of the murder it's a perfect match the DNA tells more of the story but here's something the police overlooked Romans sionis owns the Gotham merchants bank and he installed biometric security only he could access alfrid I have enough information to solve the Lacey Towers case here's what happened by now Gotham PD thinks Romans sionis is dead the casualty of a turf war murdered by the penguin but I know better someone's boots ionises girlfriend so he sent her to his safe house which was anything but safe sionis showed up later ready for trouble and founded or so it seemed the Romans always been paranoid he's probably why he's lasted this long he'd sent in a decoy giving himself the element of surprise but it wasn't enough there was a fight Sallis lost the killer didn't hesitate to shoot the decoy but he wanted roman alive to access the cached order the Gotham Merchants Bank sionis under control all the remain was to tie up loose ends but it wasn't the fire that killed sinuses girlfriend [Music] what kind of monster forces a man to kill the ones he loves the Joker he's the shadow I've been chasing now I know where he's going next Gotham Merchants Bank Alfred see if you can find any information on someone named the Joker searching now sir there doesn't seem to be anything coming up what do you know about him not much but he's taken black masks hostage Honus isn't dead I don't think so and what I can tell he's worth more to the Joker alive The Joker wants to use him to break into the Gotham Merchants Bank I'm on my way there now bodies everywhere the Joker may still be here in the vault I should use caution they're all dead there's something more sinister going on here think you can just waltz them in my bank huh Roman I'm here for the Joker the Joker never heard how about you dog no the Joker and user named Joker ring a bell you son of a [ __ ] you think you can steal from me got away with it you're a dead man [Music] [Applause] it's been you this whole time you hired the assassins you've been running sionis operation technically it's spy operation now isn't that right boys you got me let her go oh I could be so simple if you were all I wanted no you're just a distraction compared to what I've got of my sleeve [Music] [Applause] [Music] any sign of him the Joker knows I survived the explosion I need to hurry before he kills sionis or anyone else stop where's the Joker going guys nuts killed about a quarter black masked man they want to take orders from him unless you want to join them talk he said something about the steel mill that's ionises mill it's Joker's milk now hey no way you're getting in there I didn't ask for your opinion alfrid pull schematics unsoundness industries steel mill Joker's taken scion us there he's going to kill him unless I get there first Jukka sounds dangerous he's taken over black masks operations and slaughtered the men who wouldn't turn he's the one who hired the assassins Oh Lord shouldn't you think about letting the police handle this one not a chance he's mine I've isolated the electromagnetic signal on electrocutioner scoffs do contracting with your scanner now a bit late Alfred I'm about to get my hands on black mask and maybe the Joker too right well it's ready to go this is like that scene in a horror movie where you know the monsters just outside that house and way to come in what's wrong with this guy I need to hack that computer so I can find the security code for the door Alfred I'm uploading data from one of blackmask servers and he codes to bypass the security door in the loading dock receiving it now huh interesting scientist had a pacemaker implanted it says here he had prolonged QT syndrome anything that raises his heart rate could trigger cardiac arrest sionis was having the Joker followed these photos show him obtaining chemicals used in making explosives if I find sionis he'll know what the Joker's planning I found the security codes you were looking for you have access to the building now molester Bruce looking through Sciences files I found reference to a chemical similar to the compound you need for your glue grenade I'm going to try to synthesize it in our lab if it works I'll have a prototype for you as soon as the resin cures good I'll need it the more I learn about the Joker the more I realized there's something very different about him what was that I'll need to find a way inside that room with the crate we're supposed to be rocking this place Ceri knock it off Severn Odenton gets past us and any of you to survive well we shouid Dennett attend to looks like the crane shorted out I've got to find a way to get through that wall that's more like it who did this I can use my evidence scanner to examine the body for clues no signs of assault his system is shut down acute toxicity he's been poisoned holding sionis in here somewhere what do you say Joe did you let him out let me they give us that raised us [Music] you waiting for something get me out of this thing where's the Joker go to hell wrong answer by my count there are still nine more ribs I can break do you think that'll make me talk that's what he's put me through the torture turn my men on me stole from me murdered my woman he's my - not yours I can control your pacemaker remotely you want to see what 250 beats per minute feels like an empty promise from a fallen king I know about the Joker couple of freaks you two deserve each other what did you do to me I killed you and in a few more minutes your body will realize it that's it use your strength with every effort you hasten your end must scan the room for copperheads poison female perspiration Copperhead came this way all I need is one drop of poison there it's a powerful neurotoxin Alfred uploading analysis a neurotoxin I need you to synthesize an antidote your vitals off-the-charts what happened never mind just get up to ground level so I can send in an airdrop and after this you're coming back here so I can have a look at you I need to get back it's a ground level what would your father say if he could see you nothing throwing away your family's hard-earned fortune on these frivolous nightly escapades and for what you're not this city's Savior you're a Wain and a spoiled wasteful disappointment of a Wayne at that have you forgotten what your family name stands for you disappoint you discipline [Laughter] you could have saved me you get on it come sooner okay what were you doing you're no hero a real hero would escape me how many more must perish before you realize leave yer you are cursed upon sent a plague on all of Gotham leave us alone we were off without you they'll be alive is that the best you can do you are not gonna like what comes next how is it be defendants of your mind then I yes keep trying No I see you falter why you are doing Batman you think you're my poison is still in your veins and it will remain there as long as you live which won't be very long you think these ties will hold me maybe not tell me he's called the meeting all the assassins will be there when you set me free I'll tell you where Thanks you already did alfrid send gcpd an anonymous tip tell them to look inside the shipping containers at the steel mill does that mean you've dealt with Copperhead yes and I'm about to deal with the Joker I don't think that's wise after what you've just been through you should come back here for medical not now Alfred electrocutioner gloves emit a powerful electromagnetic signal which I can follow with my scanner he'll lead me right to the Joker but I need to get out of the steel mill first I should destroy the canister before moving on I need to destroy that canister Alfred sir I'm uploading a chemical sample I need you to run a scan of the city look for high concentrations of the compound find this source and I can shut it down certainly I'll alert you as soon as I found something [Music] there I just need to track the signal to his location [Music] well sir Bruce has the joke had taken the rule at the Gotham Royal he's in here and swatter doing his dirty work keeping Gordon and the media away from whatever's going on inside doesn't Brandon realize it's not black magic he's working with I guess you'll find out when I bring in the Joker do you know just where in the hotel the Joker is located not yet why well it looks like there's a security room in the hotel lobby you could use the cameras to find him okay I'll try that there are enough explosives here to take down this building wonder what other surprises all find friends assassins welcome to our first quarterly performance with me as you can see here Batman deaths are coming in far below projections we are really gonna have to totally miss him and by we I mean you got that mr. junuh just kill the bad bad thing else to contribute that didn't think so this fruitcake is fantastic anyone wanted he's alright meetings adjourned get out there and kill them move it along dig boy no he's coming for you now and when he gets here I'm going to kill him [Music] so you wait well this should be interesting that lift should get me up to the ceiling so I can get out of here maybe electrocution or shot gloves could restore power to this platform excellent what about Court all right bet be ready to move what I arrived were you able to find the Joker sir yes he's in the penthouse I feel profited from my advice yet again not yet getting to it won't be easy the elevators are down and the Joker's men are everywhere well I've no doubt you'll figure a way uptown you know you are a little late for supper lucky for you your dear friend Vayne just refused to stop them you rescued for you and I'm still way ahead and the employees killed column I know it's tempting with all these goodies lying around but don't go helping yourself to a gift they're not for you here [Music] oh crap hurry someone's about to get shot looks like the one getting shot is you sucker born every minute [Music] these guys [Music] [Laughter] what is this like what I've done with the place what can I say I can be a tad Oh compulsive from time to time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try to pull them out electrocuted I'm going to have to play along [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please please don't come back back to the PAS why are you doing who are you I'm here to help there are more of them they have my co-workers there they're forcing them don't worry I'll get to them before anything happens okay hurry the bat ain't showing up your weight of the ice these guys yeah what the hell listen to this he says we can kill guys look [Applause] the hostages are safe I need to hurry to the penthouse and stop the Joker I've never seen anything like this these bombs are set to detonate December 31st I should be able to disarm them with my cryptographic sequencer you just couldn't wait till New Year's we're still getting this we're still reporting from the Gotham royal hotel where there has just been a massive explosion after years of on-and-off unconfirmed sightings with no recorded we've seen the bat twice tonight and caught him on bill this be the turning of a new lead for the mysterious vigilante yes he about to become a public figure one thing's for sure after what I've seen him do tonight he's on his way to becoming a household television this is Vicki Vale I just need the coffee bar open use there until guests are these safe not now Alfred are you all right your voice I'm fine Alfred I've dealt with Psychopaths before but this sir I strongly suggest you call in captain Gordon he could be a valuable ally for you I don't need any allies [Music] nice of you to drop in just in time he's my dinosaur remember you have one minute do you even have manners where he comes from you see it's a tradition in my house to open one present each on Christmas Eve how about this one [Music] did you just take I think that was just a little stocking stuffer a construction site blocking my view but this what is it you have long waited for this moment with your death I will find things now the moment you've all been waiting for I present to you the death of the Batman [Music] [Music] I'm calling captain no not now I see there is yes now beat head out of him before Christmas it all through the house did you so hard it hurt me [Music] you just ran out of time [Laughter] there's no schnapps getting too hot back [Music] why would you lose I'm the one who's trying to kill you those were two very very bad man the things they've done you really don't want it now they deserved death just like [Music] don't move freak I think he's talking to you let me guess he got away take him to Blackgate well so we jump off a building to save your sorry ass you know officer I was wondering the same thing I said welcome to Black Gate we're gonna do a quick psychiatric evaluation bad day huh see we've beaten on the second defenseless tell me something dear have you ever had a really bad day and what do you mean by that you all people should know there's nothing so cruel as memory the pokey biting to offend adults and wanting party crashes screaming for your Flex's inescapable unrelenting not at all friendly you can't even escape into madness and then you meet someone who changes your life and you feel them you don't even know who you are anymore isn't it funny how one little encounter to cleave up little pieces of your past do all your memories and persona too if your whole identity and as you realize is how foolish it opens your laughter I'm gonna need more specific some word association that sounds delightful except it isn't look I'm only doing it to help you let's try this again my favorite stage okay one more and I need you to be serious for this one faith you want to know something funny I used to think of fate as evil predetermined not by some higher power no but by the rules of human nature tonight let's change what changed have you ever had the feeling that your entire life has been building how you feel oh yes now I realize it all the battles bad daisies to be everything leading up to whom I've met tonight and you might say it's changed every I think do you realize what a wild world how lonely it is to wave through all that wretched filth on your own it is kind of of course you understand even in a crowd of Earth screwballs you're so lonely pick call you'll scream at the top of your lungs like you don't even exist sometimes leading nowhere just emptiness now you feel like you've got someone by your side to share the journey with you how does that make you feel I feel adrift floating like someone's pulled the stopper on my reality and I'm sick down the drain into something new it's all very exciting really you wouldn't know what that feels like I'm sure I might can you tell me more about how this person makes you feel it's like meeting someone I can actually relate to which believe me dear have never felt before you understand you're someone who's not afraid to let go in fall free falling and I didn't peckers shoot [Music] you know it's a me yeah yes they do I figured you would so Marianne who is this person Oh someone very very special but whose real name I don't even know yet my name is Colleen Colleen Quinzel what a pretty day your friends call you Holly I don't have a lot of friends there oh you got one now I try to give the worst kind of criminal wait why do you do what you do master Bruce it might be a bit anticlimactic but I hoped you might finally be ready to celebrate Christmas Eve now that the Joker's behind bars Bane is still out there I've got to locate the signal from the tracker I placed on him even you must eat sir if you hadn't called the police he'd already be in custody you know I made a promise of my own to your parents not now Alfred sounds like this could be Bane or one of his men if I hurried you the GCPD morgue I can inspect the body and the autopsy report well before you leave I've run some tests on the compound you found at the steel mill looks like a match for your globular projectile for non-lethal restraint you mean the glue grenade indeed the resin has finished curing it's at your workbench stop I will not in good conscience allow you to go go out match by these right after which God not some hardened vigilante you're a young man with a trust fund and too much anger got in over your head I don't want this see would you look the boy whose shoes you used to tie every morning the teenager you drove to his first date well you are here every night I am out there the only thing between the innocent you and the mage we know not maybe I am when the mugger were the thief stops to think twice that is fear that is what I am that is why they hired assassins because I am the reason the criminals proven easier when the Sun rises so no outward I have not in over my head [Music] but it will be theirs I trusted you realize you can't just waltz into the GCPD after everything that's happened tonight I know I can't do that find a way in Doral avoid detection indeed look I'm sorry about what I said before you left I hope you understand it's just because it's okay I understand it's not vain but one of his men the same one I saw at the riot and the precincts holding cells earlier I should scan his corpse the victim was dosed with a chemical that caused temporary deformation of his physiology we'll need to check the autopsy report to find out more that computer should contain the autopsy report I'm looking for interesting the victim was using a powerful compound with many similarities to the street drug venom at the time of his death it changes the users muscle and bone structure greatly enhancing strength for a temporary period it appears that whatever this compound is it reduces mental capacity in several ways including severe damage to the brains memory Center prolonged use could seriously compromised the users memory there's Bane's tracker my tracking device is in here somewhere which means Bane is likely in here as well impressive work but it looks like Bane hasn't found a way to counter the damaging side effects this compound has on the brains memory centers [Music] now RIT Bay knows who I am you're not safe at Wayne Manor please no I can't risk them discovering my identity as well just secure yourself in the Batcave what are you going to do I'm on my way to you I'll figure something out I need to get back to the Batcave and quickly respect is airborne in a jet pack armed with a flamethrower multiple hostages on a pioneer bridge Firefly he must not know Joker's behind bars he's putting those people in danger to get to me Captain James Gordon is the officer in charge a lot of lives could be at risk at the bridge if I can hack fireflies communication channel I can learn more and if the cops try anything stupid kill a few hostages sure thing and how long before we set the timers on the farms not until the bat shows will wait all night if we have to there's 50 million dollars riding on this Alfred Firefly has hostages on the Pioneers bridge I need to deal with him before coming back don't you just let the police handle mr. Lin's especially in light of what we've just learned I can't abandon those hostages they're in jeopardy because of me because of the bounty Joker placed on my head he'll be safe in the Batcave do not provoke or engage the suspect he's got hostages in the bridge sublevel just get yourself into position I need to draw a firefly away from the bridge so I can approach safely Gordon will never reach if he knew about fireflies bombs I've got to stop him before he sends his men into a trap dispatch this is Vereen four where's the tactical command post we're supposed to report the course daddy wagons he's a cop Harvey he'll do his job don't send in your men Firefly has the bridge rigged with explosives show yourself you have a go no call them back if Firefly blows the bridge there's no telling how many will die you're the reason those people are in danger he's doing this for the bounty on your head give yourself up I'm going to bring in Firefly myself don't send anyone else in until I tell you it's safe you'll stay the hell out of this you hear me damnit anyone have eyes on present all units maintain your position no one else goes in without my order okay okay I surrender how many bombs are on this bridge for one here one directly above us in the fridge sub level and what board each under the bridge those are the big ones that's all of them I promise then I promise you a good night's sleep for bombs on the bridge with the largest bonds at each end I need to disarm this bomb before going after the others one bomb down now to find the other three how are you just gonna stand there untie me you've been up to the bounty on my head all night untie me you self-righteous son of a [ __ ] it was never sionis the Joker put up the bounty and now he's behind bars I heard but I still got a score to settle with you yeah I'm giving you the rest of the night off that must be the fire no Gordon engaged Gordon opened the fire door in the train depot so I can disarm fire flies bomb at the north end of the bridge get off this frequency now listen I'm on my way to disarm the bomb at the south end have this door open by the time I get back Alfred there's a fire door blocking my progress I need codes to get past it the police should have access to those codes perhaps captain Gordon Gordon won't cooperate I'm heading to get the other bomb get those codes to me by the time I'm done right I'll do my best these last two clubs but around that possible Batman but back in talking- Davy are assigned patrol if fireflies watch your target he can set off this bomb one more bomb could go on the opposite end of the bridge I have those files or codes you are small okay I'll call you when I'm at the door I also thought I'd let you know the hostages you're released have escaped they're telling tales of a hero who saved their lives I'm not looking for praise Alfred I figured you'd say that last of all before Gordon and his men force fireflies hand [Music] various looks like it's gonna be a Merry Christmas after all the sound boys god neither inning black Tiffany Joker's behind bars there's no more prize money you can give up now or I can make you surrender your choice [Music] [Music] the best whitening know what I mean [Music] [Music] don't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Laurie [Music] I need to grapple under Firefly it's a risk I've got to take you need a new hobby he did it you mean the back don't give him too much credit something tells me that if you hadn't given a bomb squad the breach would this bridge would be at the bottom of the river get him out of here [Music] you didn't listen not big on taking orders from wanted men and love big on taking orders from cops I should have gotten to that last bomb yeah and I should have given you access to that security door but between the two of us we've covered it pretty well [Music] Alfred Alfred I am in your house come on say your goodbyes once you've had time to turn grief to anger you'll be ready to face me I have left enough life in him for some final words if you re [Music] now fridge al fresh budget tech division is down hang on Alfred the computer isn't working I need to restore detective vision before I can find Alfred that should do it Alfred Alfred [Music] Alfred can you hear me I'm going to get you out of there Alfred I'm afraid offer to Kent don't have me to the wait okay No come on dammit I'm going to be alright I know I haven't always been supportive of what you do but I understand now go they need you out there I can't defend Gotham huh I can't even defend my own home mr. Bruce [Music] master Bruce know is not the time for doctor I can't do it I can't stop them no you can't not on your own but it's high time you realize that you are a man not an item and demands the strength comes not from just drawn and intelligence but also from his allies [Music] [Music] need you know they need us [Music] I should check on the hostages are you okay what's the to you you were almost killed Oh occupational hazard look I know why you're here he's in the pen opticon and he's waiting for you stay here where it's safe until the police come yeah I'm sure I'll feel a lot safer around a bunch of cops [Applause] [Music] apparently the Joker's afraid of me wouldn't let me out and for good reason I don't like having my time wasted you should have known trying to kill me was a waste of your time well you won't have to worry about that anymore not unless someone else puts up 50 million bucks I wasn't worried [Music] [Applause] what a dope I understand you had a chance to let me die and you didn't take it then right now you're wishing you had IQs a lot of people the city to its knees tip it let's do this okay okay so with our friend feign alternate and is a heart monitor once he clamps it on every beat of his bacon little hard will charge the battery on this electric chair and when it's fully charged so either you kill bang no won't kill him but you will you will find me with all your resolve or you will die someone is going to die you me or the clown the question of which one of us it is is in your hands [Applause] they compassionate mourning the loss of his surrendered lifelong companion right now get here try to remove Oh watch out for the bane train don't move maybe you should go good lord careful Jim Annette samples off that's 2,000 folks who won't make it you don't need to Jim Jim Jim have a seat Jimbo who fight together like two little potato Landers study hard choose your game do you find the peace in death that you need not find life I'm not looking for peace cumberly stop being sorry Oh cannot wait me the game is over Joker let captain Gordon go yeah put the bug down freak how about it would you do that's the Christmas well I'd love to stay and celebrate your victory but I've got stockings to stop mistletoe - hey and about 15 skyscrapers to blow up before sunrise Engadget had you Vestal [Applause] he's got my gun Gordon Joseph I need your help to stop the Joker our help you're the so-called vigilante or is one kill enough for you tonight Baines in cardiopulmonary arrest I have only minutes to resuscitate him before it's too late you mean you didn't it's not how I do things now go [Music] come on [Music] you leave me no choice way alfrid what do we know about gn1 the compound I found in veins lab one he just injected will reach it good Hank Harvey I need you to secure every exit out of Blackgate sewers front doors I don't care Joker cannot escape we're rotting [Music] well let's give God we got the place use your any update my winter one I think the children's hitting to death row inflation around no way towards at Blackgate prison Joker has a pitch down at Gordon reinforcements throwing one cake Joker has Gordon pinned down in death row hurry you have only minutes before the tianhua takes full effect uses electrified doors to your passion it's over Alfred I've defeated Bane Boston fine [Music] master Bruce can you hear me yes and thank you for the help with pain I drop these down for cookin Sonny he's secure and it appears the tn1 vein took damaged his memory permanently does that mean he won't be revealing your identity looks that way he's still on the loose but not for long where's Gordon thank you help me keep these guys off the warden [Music] you fight why this doesn't make us friends I know Joseph they're on their way they're going to make it where's the Joker you went through that door towards the chapel Thanks oh shut the kill it back from our a vein still alive now that's not funny this this rage all directed at me and for what know you that say let me finish a sentence you might learn something you might learn that we're not so different you might learn something about your you need to learn to shut up for me but there's still hope for you do stop now what are you waiting for you just can't get it through your thick skull we both exist because of them give up through lost that's why utility isn't it you like the way it feels come on baby meet me tell your knuckles bleed I quit there you know there's only one way to stop me any one of my guys would have killed him the city deserves better than that you know my daughter thinks you're a hero but I still have to bring you in I'm in the chapel we got the Joker I had some help I keep asking myself why I didn't bring him in and I now know the truth is I let him go because of you because you believe in him I don't know they put me in charge of a station full of rotten cops and I can't change them any more than I can change this damn city or at least that's what I used to think [Music] Hopkins but that is fun good one dad is going to be [Music] maybe maybe I can give them something to believe in maybe he can give them something to believe in figured you'd be by sooner or later and what happens if I don't sign you rot in here or you work for me [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 2,330,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, batman arkham origins all cutscenes, batman arkham origins game movie story, batman arkham origins ending, batman arkham origins all cutscenes 4k 60 frames per second uhd, Batman: Arkham Origins All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS UHD, gamer, gamers little playground, glp, batman, arkham origins, all cutscenes, ending, final boss, batman vs joker, joker, gameplay, story, movie, cutscenes
Id: NCLp3tdMQQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 22sec (11062 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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