Brutal Legend: 15 years Later

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oh man don't tell me I've been slaying hot girls this whole time there used to be a time between the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 era where games were the most unique in terms of their setting game play and anything you can imagine and this was due to games not being as expensive or difficult to develop back then Brutal Legend is one of these games and it's one of the most unique and loved music games I have ever played but what makes Brutal Legend so well brutal let's find out so the premise is this you play as Eddie who is a roie and he's one of the best in the business he lives in a world where metal is no longer well metal all right do you people want to hear some heavy metal [Music] and as you can see metal has been replaced by phones who pretend to play metal or that the metal genre in itself has died after rescuing one of the band members Eddie is stabbed and blood flows onto his belt knuckle a Awakening a colossal Metal Beast Eddie goes seemingly into a coma while the Beast wrecks everything in sight Eddie suddenly wakes up but he's no longer in the everyday world he is now in a new world a world of metal all right nice nice try lady or whatever you are I'm supposed to think you're a nun but I know you're really some kind of big ugly demon so let's have it aha I knew it big ugly [Music] demon kind of sexy though in a weird way huh the development and concept for Brutal Legend were in the works for a very long time Tim schaer the head of double find Studios had previously explored the idea of a Road De sent back in time with you know the character inspiration from hogi from day of the tentacle Tim schaer says I started with a backstory for the game that was inspired by Norse mythology but just kind of more of that Spirit of Norse mythology like the world and Mankind being created by this giant cow licking and I flow and eventually it licks this piece of ice clean enough that it becomes a human you know it's very crazy surreal images that inspired me to make my own mythology for this world then the story flowed out taking Dad as a backdrop and then throwing a road into it and how he would try and deal with this situation and I mean schaer also wanted to create a strategy game similar to Warcraft no no no not that Warcraft the warcraft but more or less with demons instead the title which she described as sounding like the hardest core fantasy thing out there the vend the games were the Publishers of double fine back in the day and they had previously worked with lemi from Motorhead and the idea regarding the concept of Brutal Legend about the roone back in time to World of Medal and Eddie being kind of like Jack Black but they never thought they could get Jack Black to do the voice for Eddie but then we heard that he had played our previous game Psychonauts and he had liked it so team shaer went with Jack Black to a meeting at Four Seasons where they showed Jack the concept art and the game's premise explaining how the game was inspired by the spirit of Tenacious D and Jack's personality uh probably both the band and the Obscure TV show Rockstar sperm for sale Rockstar sperm for sale since you know tenous D was a comedy band they never made fun of the music they took that [ __ ] seriously it's also quite similar to death clock from the TV show Metalocalypse bleach is healthy it's mostly water and we are mostly water therefore we are bleach anyway enough taking let's start drinking Mery face you go first just a little bit just a little Dr E keep it down keep it down bro we're saf for probably got some inspiration and even used the advertising for the game Death Clock what's up okay guys I set up the Pyro tuned all the guitars and lined up chicks for everyone for after the show um except for you murder face why sorry dude no takers yeah no problem all right cool just let me know if you need anything else stop talking to me or I'll fire you I'll be over there after hearing the proposal Jack was immediately in and after that they managed to get many other stars to do cameos it was supposed to be released by vend games but after they merged with activation activation dropped Brutal Legend thinking it was just a waste of time and resources and the game would later be picked up by EA although there were a lot of drama regarding the rights of the publishing which ended up being settled out of court as Brutal Legend was initially going to be a multiplayer game it was later ter turn into the single player game we see today and the exciting part is when the trailers started to show and they were not showing much of the uh real time strategy aspects and this because the higher ups had said no one likes RTS games that is a dead genre and if anyone asks anything about it change the subject so when people got their hands on the game they were quite surprised that this was the game play schaer was not concerned about the commercial success of Brutal Legend as despite poor sales of Psychonauts as long as you make a cool game Publishers want to talk to you and the character Eddie or Eddie rigs whose name is derived from both Eddie the head the Iron Maiden mascot and Derek Riggs the artist who created the mascots but it was the first time we pitched the game to Publishers back in 2005 before the first Guitar Hero I came out and there was a pressure to change the genre of music to hip-hop and you can see this did not go well this was more or less due to the rock and roll genre was not that popular at the time one publisher even brought up counter music as an [Music] alternative and shaper was like no it's got to be it can't really be just hard rock it's got to be heavy metal because of the lore heavy metal sings about fantasy themes epic Norse mythology and all the crazy stuff of Legends that other music genres don't have so the game had to be all about metal and they would never compromise that but then when it came to time to pitch the game again when they switched Publishers the guar Hero Games had become quite popular and they were owned and published by Activision at the time and it was much easier to talk about the metal and rock because of this and that made it a lot easier in a development and so the game game combines a action adventure and real time strategy with both a single and multiplayer mode the game was released in 2009 it was well received on launch by fans and critics alike they loved the voice acting particularly the performance by black and Osborne most critique was towards its hybrid gameplay which felt awkward and did not mesh well with each other considering the fact that the game is from 2009 the world of Brutal Legend is quite beautiful just to drive around in and it looks unique compared to other games in terms of its presentation I guess the games that would look similar would be Darksiders or Overlord in terms of its you know Gothic metal is theme you can tell that the developers truly embraced integrating the metal aesthetic when creating a world where everything is tied to metal animals have spikes all over them there are huge swords sticking into the ground all over the place and statues of ancient Heroes and Titans scattered throughout the world a lot of the art for the game was based on various Rock album covers you can see it particularly with the color palette and lightning they used a broad color palett which is associated with heavy metal art every character model is ooing with style in terms of Aesthetics with the metal spikes hairstyles eyeliners and t-shirts making them all look like metal fans they're also unique in terms of what faction they're in even just a change by giving the headbang a new cut of hair or bling for the enforcers is enough to give them distinct Futures you are going to visit many different locations throughout the game from the dark marches to the snowy mountains lava world the Beachside caverns of Darkness castles and so much more it feels like everything makes sense in this game especially when you consider the lore behind the [Music] world considering how the music is the central theme and aspect of the game it has to be good right well one of the best aspects of the game is the music they completely nailed it unfortunately I can't really play any of it because it's copyrighted as hell there are many different music Styles and genres and themes in this game and they even align with the actual story and I have never seen a game do this before the Victory jingle when you complete a quest is like a dopamine hitting you at light speed there are music Styles such as hair metal emo gol heavy metal black metal it's all there in full glory and it's reflective of the different characters instead of relying on labels or bands to provide the game with you know possible songs to select from the development team sought permission to use specific songs that they wanted in the game as for songs from bands that had long spit up double fine needed to contact each band member to gain permission and this proved to be valuable as some original bands were excited about their music being used in the game in one particular case L Ford was able to provide the game with a song with slight modifications to the lyrics from a version that she was about to release all in all the music is a methal as hell and you're going to love it [Music] the game playay in Brutal Legend is quite unique and I would say it's divided into three different sections combat vehicle and strategy and combat which is the meat of the gameplay you know is the actual close quars combat where you have two different weapons at your disposal your trustworthy axe called the separator and the guitar named Clementine and with the axe you deal M damage where you can either do this basic attack heavy attack or block there are also different combos that you can unlock later in the game the guitar is used for long range combat where can either summon electricity to stun enemies and deal damage or you can also charge it and release a devastating fire attack to deal more damage Eddie also has the ability to use the guitar Rifts to summon various things or deal damage and here's a list of the available summons and it's uh quite a few and you have to do the correct button mashing when you do each of these Rifts and of course there's also the power slide power slide is that enough turn off the vehicle section is more or less you know to Traverse the huge world of Brutal Legend you can summon your car named the deuce and it's standard vehicle mechanics you know like any other game where you can drift you have a Neer boost for a shorter period of time until you upgrade it uh the vehicle is quite unique when it comes to combat as it has guns attached to it which attacks everything in front of the car and you also have a secondary attack which is an AOE around your sides of the car and behind the car and it can be you know oil slicks flames even blood of course you can also drive over enemies in the car the awesome part is you can summon it in combat during the strategy part of the game which is fun as hell and then there is a strategy part or DOTA and it's either hit or miss for most people from what I've heard and it's like a RTS game now which reminds me a little bit of Overlord in terms of how you control your different minions to do your bidding but it's essentially a castle Destroyer or or DOTA where your goal is to destroy the enemies stage H there are neutral objectives on the map where you remove the worm sucking up all the souls and create a MCH Booth where you can gain fans of course you can recruit a vast amount of different minions you have your basic rounds range units healers beasts stage Crashers range vehicles meted vehicles etc etc you can also have these unique interactions with your minions where you can directly control them but also use a special skill when Edie controls them for example when controlling The Headbangers they will create a mush pit attacking everything that they touch you can ride the Beast and it breathes fire you can carry and throw en forcers Ed it can also fly during this stage of gameplay which gives you a clear overview of the map and it's easy to move around and directly help your minions and if you die as Ed here you will respond to your base after just a few seconds so dying is only a minor setback so you're free to play as aggressively as you want personally I didn't really mind this it was more of a struggle at the start since the game has an awful tutorial in general when it comes to combat it literally throws you into the water expecting you to swim but after gradually playing more of it it becomes quite fun and I would love to see more games refine this approach and apply it in other games there is also a multiplayer mode where you can choose one of four different factions to play as and it's the same you know mobile mode as in the base game the multiplayer is not really supported anymore but you can get it working by using the fan base programs of course and it's quite an interesting concept being able to play the free other playable factions and have all of them you know have different units with pros and cons make over make make make over makeover make over make make make make for you and me the customization of this game is awesome and you can tell this game was made before the 2010s because all of these customization options would have been behind a pay wall or mic transactions if it came out now because you know back in the old days you unlocked stuff by playing the actual game anyway there is a great variation of clothes pet guitars axess car deers main weapons side weapons nro different types of attacks with your weapons everything from a more powerful attack to chain lightning you can also learn different Combos and upgrade your guitar to do more damage you pay for all of this with the fire tributes that you gather from doing various main quests side quests certain challenges like freeing up statues or doing cool stunts but in this game you can gather currency quite quickly which a nice change compared to many modern games and there are many different side quests in the game although some of them are just way too repetitive such as the Ambush quests where you just kill an oncoming Army and that's it hey who we ambushing bad guys want to help let's make this an ambush for the ages there are more interesting ones like the race and Cannon side quest where you raise a metal toad who is not who does not really like you and the other one is being a cannon calibrator for an enforcer namely Kyle Gas look I know the guy sent you to give me a hard time but you know what you can all [ __ ] off because I never asked for Mortar Cannon Duty it's not my fault I suck he always has a cameo in whatever Jack Black is in and he's also the guitarist for their band tenacious St there are also different hunting quests where you task to kill a certain amount of beasts and you gain some unique rewards for completing these there are also quests such as the ones at the beach after delivering a bunch of cakes from the beer trees you have to carefully drive and not shake the cakes enough for them to break on the way to the beach and after getting there there is another Quest where you need to keep other dudes away from a girl so this headbanger can hit on her awesome party this party sucks and it's all your fault what well everything was great until you recruited those thunderhawks Riders sure they heal us and keep us from bleeding to death and stuff but they're stealing all the women I've been trying to talk to that girl over there but every time I get close one of those jerks moves in and cramps my style of course if there's also a lot of collecting in the game and a lot to unlock to use in combat both melee and summonings and there are several monuments that you can raise by using your rice Relic riff which gifts you certain new Rifts and these can be face melter summon animals rally troops [Music] Etc now the story of Brutal Legend is is uh surprisingly good like really good it has tons of Mythos and the world is well integrated into the story and of course the metal aspects it also has some of the most interesting characters different arcs and realistic moral questions after Eddie wakes up in this new unknown world he meets with some cultists Who attack him and wants to kill him uh hey hey I'm not your man Master no you are not and after lifting the axe and killing the cultist he meets a girl named ofilia voiced by The Talented Jennifer Hae and you can clearly tell that Eddie is into her and it seems that she was also after the same ax that Eddie is wielding both of them ban together and need to escape so Eddie manages to construct a vehicle a car named the dece is it a mine cart I call it the Druid plow let me show you how it works what you do you slam it into goooo hello looks like it's working already you are attacked by an enormous sent ped monster which reminds me more or less of a Dark Souls boss and after killing it with the gate opilia recommends that they go back to Blade henge to meet with the resistance and the rest of her group although you can hardly call it the resistance assistance as at the moment it's only composed of Lars their leader his sister and well ofilia so yeah it's not much of an arm yet Lars who is the leader of the group is someone who takes all the leadership responsibilities very seriously and he looks like the classic hero type [Music] Lars [Music] ailia and Lars are also a pair which slightly bothers Eddie Lars although a great leader does not have a neck for strategy or managing resources fortunately Eddie excels at this as he knows how to put a crew together organize it and take it on the road as his Road skills are second to none and are ampli defied to the max in this world Eddie tells them how he got to their world through the belt knuckle which resembles a beast called armagan the fire beasts and how according to a prophecy he shall bring a warrior into this world to either destroy or deliver the rebels so before we continue let's delve a little bit deeper into the lore of the world of Brutal Legend So apparently this world of metal is the ancient world so back in time by finding and unlocking different statues throughout the game you can unlock these different cutscenes which explains the world's Mythos history and these are fairly short and have some stunning artwork in them first there was only Darkness where the demons rule the world as they prefer the darkness not having to look at each other but then armagen or the Eternal fire beasts which we see at the start of the game being summoned by Eddie spelt knuckle was the creator of the world he his flames and light enlightened the world and the demons hated him for it because they were forced to see each other and themselves and they hated it so they hid in the dark and shadows waiting for a chance to kill armag goodon the demons lived by drinking from an ancient tree and this tree was fueled by itula who sang deep below the Earth beneath the tree and giving it the nectar with her voice but a greedy demon crept down and captured her in a cage forcing her to sing only for him giving him essentially power over all creatures and becoming the first king of demons and this Demon King used the song of aulia to bait the fire beast and leur it into a trap where they started to cover it with mud to try and quench the Flames rather than being extinguished the fire Beast roared and exploded into a million pieces where his flesh would become the minerals his flame went into the sky and created the Sun and his blood was so thick that it became the oceans his death would create a new era the age of metal from the blood there came New Life the tainted coil which was one of the worst beings ever to touch the Earth as they were Twisted angry and they were hated and feared by everyone they were almost exterminated but from nowhere came the Titans who took pity on the creatures and kept them as pets they started to wear ornaments to cover their deformities because more than anything else they wanted to be just like their beloved saviors the Titans the Titans mined the beast's metal flesh and found its Need for Speed as they created swords that cut the wind armor light that made their Warriors run faster and chariots that were too fast for any stallion to drag them which was you know basically the car Eddie uses after itula escaped The Demon King and fled into the ground she started to mourn the fact that she was the reason for armag gardon's death and started to cry she cried so much that an ocean of pure sorrow was created and she was turned to dusts but now anyone who drinks from the ocean will gain some of ulia's powers but they will also be consumed by the same grief the Titans dropped a mountain a top of the Sea of Black Tears fearful of its power but it said that through the cracks you can still hear itula singing luring people to come and drink from the water Titan civilization exploded with new art and Technology where they were Pounding Metal they invented a new type of music that was as hard and heavy as the fire BEAST's metallic flesh and other characteristics but it was also part of fulia Sorrow which made it even more powerful and they called it heavy metal centuries later after more or less Mass mastering everything and evolving to the final stage of evolution for the Titans they were to ascend to the Heavens to become Metal Gods but before they left they took their time to leave instructions for how to build the ancient weapons music vehicles and everything else about the Titans and their predecessors all they had invented into the natural world teaching spiders how to spin guitar strings and how trees to grow exhaust pipes the Titans servants the coil one never understood the Titans instructions and were left behind and they were instead consumed by their feelings of Abandonment and betrayal for leaving them the only Trace left of the Titans was a nail from one of the titans the creatures used dark and foul magic to try and recreate one of the Titans but instead the creation became humans who were smaller which mocked the tainted ones and this is of also why they hate the race of man so back to the current story so Humanity has at this point been enslaved by the demons lais and general lion white who has taken most young men and women making them work in the minds or the pleasure Tower ofilia wants to free the women first but the last time she tried to get him close to the pleasure Tower she was almost impaled Eddie compromises and plans to get the dudes first and the ladies afterwards you follow Lars to the mines and inspect his sword which gives Ed inspiration to create a new Rift to inspire people so you enter the mines and freed the nearby Headbangers and these guys apparently never skip neck day they are your average Headbangers who mindlessly toil away for their overlords unfortunately or as Lars puts it they have no meaning meaning in their life as they cannot function in society and Society has no use for them at all and all they know is just banging their heads all day well this got real you need to free them from their slave labor but at the same time create your army you apply a riff called Bell cry near The Headbangers and they will now follow you digging the music heavy metal what is that sound it's a devil screaming it's an angel singing it is the pounding of creation's hammer upon the Anvil of time it's [ __ ] awesome using their head banging for badassness and again the writing here is superb when you have liones lack Gates trying to convince them to stay as their hard work will surely be rewarded soon yeah our manager says that if we just work hard and produce a highquality product that we'll be able to move up to cush guard jobs in the General's pleasure Tower there's going to be piles of Chip and booze and stuff we're with him you are me with one of the first enemies of the game the enforcers guard guard Riot walk out I heard those guys over there say they're organizing a union these huge dudes who have skipped leg day and head day while only train their fists this is also when you start to really build an army and control it and you know there is a standard go there stay here come to me and attack I found the key layout for these options pretty hard and it will take some time to get used to the F keys on the PC the leader of the mine is an enforcer with a sheep headset who commands the guards to stop breaking the G's support and you need to protect these different supports with your grunts for a certain amount of time with incoming ways of enemies where you learn how to split up your army and have them defend a certain spot while you take care of another spot after that you face the boss where you use your ground smash ability to open up debris from the mine cards to kill him in his last breath he calls for more enforcers being swarmed by them Eddie uses the headset and guitar to master all the remaining Headbangers in the mine eventually overmanning the enforcers The Headbangers now fully agree to join your army and when you return to Blade henge ofilia is missing although she later comes back barely able to walk and is close to death after having saved the women from Lion white on her own you need to find a kill Master to heal her after fighting your way for lion White's minions and [Music] okay hey hey leave that guy alone uh-oh you reached a kill Master played by Lenny from motohead he is not able to heal ailia due to her grave wounds he needs more powerful bass strings to play the him to heal her unfortunately the only strings that are that powerful are with the Spider Queen after making your way down her Lair and killing all the brood spiders you meet the queen and God damn it's a decently difficult boss fight if you don't know what you're doing I died a few times on her you have to use your guitar and electricity attack when the queen raises her bosom and then hit her in the head it more or less wins a repeat and down she goes and the music in this boss fight is great though you immediately return to the kill Master with new thick Bast Rings ailia is revived and kill master and his gang agrees to join your side by aiding you in healing and moral support ailia thanks Lars for saving her not knowing it was actually Eddie who went to get the bass rings to save her back at blade Hench ailia wants you to meet up with her around the Razer Fields without telling Lars to help her train the newly freed captive women the Razer girls they want to join the Army but they need help to gain some new weapons it's also revealed that the wound that nearly kill ailia was not to Lion whes when freeing the women from the pleasure Tower it was actually from the Razer boards to try and turn them into guns Eddie decides to help her by Hing them into a kill spot where ailia and the Gang disassembled their bodies to create these long range weapons or just rip them out of their bodies I guess so after arming the Razer girls you meet them back at blad henge to try them out when they suddenly get information about General lion White's Army marching towards blade henge the place has no defenses but Eddie as a roadie decides to build them a stage as a defense more or less staging a rock show as music in this world means brutal power and badassness after the stage is built something weird happens creators with green ghosts start to stream out of the same creators it seems as they have come for the show they are in a sense fans and by playing a fan tribute Rift you create a merchandise booth and can now harness the power of the fans which will now become a resource for you to recruit different units General lion white played by Rob hord the singer from udas priests has one of the weirdest hairstyles I have ever seen in a game and you know this game is weird as you know some of the graphics are beautiful and others are God awful and that hair quality I'm not sure if it's bad on purpose to make a joke about hair metal so he more or less has the same Army as Edis except they have better hair I guess the more sophisticated miners have remained my employee as of the girls who know what's best for them and kill Master even some of your own men have decided that there is profit to be made from those little spiders of yours it's still interesting how there are Waring factions within Humanity where some have differences with each other depending on their views regarding the best solution Rebellion or submission oh and lion white can apparently fly with his hair okay so after successfully Defending Your Base against waves of enemies it's time to go on the offensive after an inspiring speech by Lars the Rebellion grows even stronger long we have lived in pits waiting for Good Fortune to trickle down to us but our days of waiting are over we will not sit here and let lion white decide what happens next we will gather up this great Army and take it on the road we will march on Lion white and free every man woman and child in that City and then we will bring it crashing to the ground and now it's time to get to show on the road after building a huge Roadie bus Eddie goes on the side hust to find an ancient being that could help him and after racing the garage from the ground Eddie travels to the center of the planet's core where he meets the guardian of metal played by Aussie [Laughter] Osborne well it's about [ __ ] time not bad looks like you figured out the instructions okay you've got some Demon Flesh on your bumper but that's the way the world is today I'm afraid who Uh Oh Me Oh I'm nobody I'm just a guardian of metal oh wow great so you want to help me fight demons and stuff nah I'm not a fighter a more of a what should we say a keeper of Timeless secrets that's all prove yourself worthy maybe I'll share some with you and down here you can upgrade your attacks your vehicle you can customize your clothes your car back at blad Hench the road bus is ready to go when you're are suddenly ambushed by by something resembling demon monkeys from the whistle of us and they are on bikes trying to destroy the bus and you need to defend it by using your car with its inbuilt minigun and AOE Flames or well blood in this case and yeah this is pretty much an escort quests without any health bars which makes it hard to know if the bus is taking a lot of damage or not and these sections are quite me and there will be a more of them unfortunately so after defending the bus it's now time to attack line White's Garrison which is also the entrance to his main Castle after once again building a stage the fan Wells are suddenly disrupted by large flying suckers and oh oh my God apparently these flying worms suck up the spirit fans and you need to kill them with your minions you can't kill them yourself to build your merch booths upon the gazers all of a sudden EDD is grasping the ground feeling a tremendous pain coming from his back where he was shot in the previous battle and out of nowhere Eddie suddenly Sprouts wings from his back and his flesh becomes orange with his eyes resembling a demons Ed reassures the gang that nothing is wrong with him he just feels fine and it's probably just some temporary demon juice that got injected into him from the last fight however something seems to bother ofilia she knows something like this would happen and that she hopes that her parents are wrong about this so with this new demon wings Ed can take to the skies giving him a broad overview of the map where he can control this armies and see the enemy's movements and think of him more or less as a hero in a mobile game fighting with his minions you manage to destroy lion white stage with your minions lion white is not really happy about this and dismisses the enforcers as they are just guards with hands bigger than their brains Eddie feels sympathy for them though and invites them to join join the Rebellion after infiltrating The Garrison you enter a long and dark tunnel filled with automatic defense turrets shooting harpoons the last obstacle before lion wi's castle and there's no way you can make it through this Corridor as long as those turrets are online but you suddenly spot some large husks moving towards you without being shot at from the turrets and these guys appear to be Ries lifting a ton of gear and these were the same guys who helped ofilia smuggle out the women who were as enslaved at the pleasure Tower so these guys in general are stealth units that can break turrets and buildings but first before they can destroy these turrets they need some some equipment from the screaming Valley which inhabits a ton of speakers or rather a literal wall of speakers which makes the wall from Game of Thrones look pathetic you guys want to help out all right then can you you do this great now over here I'll be right back I'm helping so after reaching the wall EDD constructs amps on the road this which deal heavy sound damage and when these now equipped they will be able to demolish buildings although when you finish this Quest there is a scene that kind of creeps me out so ailia starts to talk about how great Lars is with his leadership his beautiful chest and inspiration when Eddie asked about her so-called boyfriend and then Eddie kisses her while she talks about him she kisses him back and it feels awkward like why I did not feel that much you know Synergy between these two characters it just felt really offputting I know that Eddie is into ailia but I'm not sure ofilia is that into Eddie at this point and because let's be real this is pretty douche baggy from both of these people Eddie knows she is together with Lars and ofilia well because she is currently together with Lars so you know not cool and then AIA tells Eddie how Lars is like a brother to her yeah it can probably be interpreted as she is talking about Eddie and not large when she throws out these compliments still it just feels offputting in the whole situation oh well they decide to keep it a secret so as to not create any drama inside of their Rebellion with the new speakers online you command the Ries to destroy the automatic Towers to gain access to the cave Corridor with some cat talk between nilia and Lara's sister Lita concerning breaking lars's heart I think they know we're coming oh let's take that down that would break lars's heart and you're hoping to save that pleasure for yourself the others apparently don't trust sophilia due to people thinks she is a tear Drinker because her parents were part of the black tier Rebellion she believes now that Eddie knows this he will never be able to trust her even though he reassures her he will trust her but she knows deep down know that the others will turn him against her Ed he gives her a necklace that belonged to his mother that he never knew and is one of his most precious possessions and he now entrusts it to opilia as a promise to always trust her and to never betray her so the final confrontation between the rebellion and lion white is at hand so a stage is set up at the pleasure Tower when all of a sudden lion white swoops in and bares the Gang with insults regarding how they make all of the humans look brutish or dirty animals as he has essentially sold his and others Humanity to Emperor doviculus to essentially Grant him certain privileges if he's able to control the rest of humanity working as slaves for the emperor he sees prophets above all which makes sense considering how the dialogue in the slay Minds was basically how people went to strike and how that was a huge issue like white sees himself as the guardian of humanity since he's the one standing between humanity and doviculus destroying them so he's essentially protecting them of course the ideas clash between what way Humanity should take live in safety just sign away your life and uh work as a slave but you will live or you take the risk and create a rebellion to assur the ruling class and bring freedom and Revolution to your people and I think the quote from bioshop fits quite well here Lars contradicts lion White's claims as he sold Humanity out for his own profit and how the Titans who came before left him with a great gift which he exploited sheened it and sold it out for his commercial gain and I think this a critique of hair metal how it sheened the metal from where it came and turn it into a commercial business instead of respecting its roots and this game is deep so many levels you manage to defeat lion White's Army and Destroy his stage creating a quake that knocks down a massive mirror at top the pleasure Tower Falling Towards lion whites he does a metal scream which destroys the mirror but he's impale by the shards and he passes [Music] away Victory is shortlived when the Demonic Emperor doviculus voiced by Tim Curry arrives enough Soria why you disrupt my industry but I understand you try to make me look the gang tries to hide in the fountain but he shouts out the name sukia as to why they are trying to destroy his industry and Status Quo he thinks the reason for this is to make him look bad so they can strip him of his power and take over his position he does not understand why Soria lives with the humans when the mission was to spy on the humans not to join them he knows it's the same person as sophilia sword from the Temple of Armageddon in the first level is in his hands and he can smell the blood he now wants to start a war between him and zoria which will be Oh So Glorious Lars unable to take any more slander about humans steps forward to insult doviculus and say how humanity is no longer his puppet and how they will start to defend themselves doviculus is well of course annoyed by such a pesky human as he does not have the right to speak to him Lars is proclaimed as a king and he dies yeah he dies in one hit well in that case it seems I had less to worry about than I thought okay in his last breath he wants Eddie to take care of his sister Eddie wants immediate Revenge but before he can reach to vicus a pod suddenly crashes to the ground revealing a humulus of some kind kind that starts to attack everyone sending the whole gang on an escape mission towards the north more of these pods and more of these monsters appear and it's a race to survive after succeeding in escaping the Endeavor Eddie and ailia are stopped on the road by Lita who confronts ofilia for selling them out to doviculus of course ofilia denies this notion but L continues to berate her for having the Sea of Black Tears in her veins making her unreliable as she would do anything for it in order to just get a taste of it once again leita wants to kill her but is saved by Eddie Eddie confronts ailia on the matter of Soria spying for doviculus when ailia refuses to answer who Soria is even though she knows who it is Eddie is upset by this as she is hiding something from them and is wondering if she's just doing this protect herself or not Eddie says that these secrets and keeping them is what got Lars killed ailia who thought Eddie would always trust her breaks down throwing the necklace back towards Eddie and they leave ailia behind crying Black Tears they warned me that something like you might return they warn me about a lot of things but I just don't care anymore after burying Lars we get a Time skip to three months later where well nothing is really happening until a strange person approaches an eeral ghost and a couple of Emos or Goths surround a lone headbanger Eddie so these are new enemies from an unknown faction that is now attacking the group they are apparently followers of the black tier where they have drunk of its Waters all hope seems lost until a group of bikers namely the fire Barons and the leader who is played by well Rob hord again he decides to help them out and after inspecting one of the GF corpses they find the symbol on a t-shirt which is Ofelia's symbol that she carries on her swords as she now apparently has merchandise just like Eddie's crew the baron tells the gang that the Sea of Black Tears was sealed forever but that doviculus has opened the sea once again wanting the Rebellion that would set humans against humans again laying the uprising destroy itself they make a plan to travel to the Sea of black tears and after repairing a bridge they are met with a car with Gothic Aesthetics and oh so ailia is in her Emo or go face with such good fitting music to the style and that outfit of Black Tears Soul she has apparently learned everything from Eddie from building a stage to merchandising and to building cars and how music can be used as a weapon she has a whole new outlook on life and blames Eddie for tearing out her Beating Heart leaving her for dead she instead decided to join doviculus she destroyed the bridge by playing some sweet Tunes but now in order to repair the bridge once again they need to build a scaffold so F can't destroy it again and after getting the material necessary back in Blade henge you play another vehicle escort Mission with the same demon monkeys yada yada yada after succeeding Eddie builds a huge scaffold over the bridge and on we go Eddie and the Gang now enters a lush green jungle where they come upon these huge cats that can bre fire Eddie suggests that they could be used in the war effort if only they could tame them somehow so to try and tame the big cats first you must find them and annoy them and make them follow you to a circle of light and then you are to trap them inside a ring of fire using The Baron's motorcycle where Le will jump on their backs and try to tame them they still have the problem of how they can tame them but apparently the solia the beast's companion can ride them and speaking of the Salia they have you surrounded and uh you can clearly see this game was made before the 2010s in a positive way so the Salia with makeup that would make the band KISS blush traps them inside a cage where the fire slowly Burns towards the gang so more or less a human sacrifice they escape when Eddie placs the Riff of The Relic racer racing the temple once more and and Reviving The Legends of a previous hero namely Eddie's father he was the leader of the black tier Rebellion named raro and taught the solia how to defend themselves they are willing to join Eddie once it's revealed that he is ringar Rock's son apparently he was the only person in the Army who was able to withstand the temptation of the Black Tears but also the only one to survive he tried to assassinate the emperor but failed the mission as he was never heard from again the Legends tells us this as the humans were enslaved and suffered for ages until a leader emerged who taught them to make weapons and clothing and United all the humans ringar Rock was his name and his Effectiveness that the coil became desperate and opened up once again the Sea of Black Tears knowing it was dangerous for humans and how it would turn them against each other this became the black tier Rebellion raro was the only one not to give into the sorrows and was the sole survivor you are getting closer to the entrance of the Sea of black tears but there is the manner of the swamp and graveyard that's in the way crawling with ailia scons you ride on top of the Beast back with the leader of the Salia and you need to defend it while removing all the obstacles from the road blocking the road bus you are ambushed by ailia minions making it difficult to proceed and this level is just really annoying because it makes you think that you can skip all of these enemies right but no they will chase you forever and these black squid or mustache monsters ones have really long range high durability which makes them annoying as hell to kill after finally destroying the last obstacle you enter the Quarry close to the entrance of sea of Black Tears when you are once again confronted by your filia who explains well what happened to her after Edie left her and I was kind of conflicted if ailia was now go or emo but after hearing this line I'm quite convinced it's emo also the hair clips in the hair and we pretty much get a backstory that more or less explains oia's Journey To The Sea of black tears and you know QE the song Mr Crowley so can't play that one and after beating ailia at the surface you travel down the mine into the sea of Black Tears where you suddenly start to hear some beautiful poetry which is quite touching through the woods a girl came sadly something broken in her chest she had dared to love another alas no better than the rest up my path the girl came gladly something opened up my doors I longed to stop her bleeding heart and so I called her to my Shores those you trust will hurt hurt you badly something now I'm sure you see so drown your tears in me my dear as you drown my dear in me ailia reveals that Eddie is not the first time traveler as the demons have already done that long before Ed day when they sent their own Emperor into the future to take back the Lost secret of the Titans where apparently Eddie's dad went with her on his own accord one last show to defeat ofilia Tila reminisces how Lars would see them from heaven and think how Eddie would lead them towards Freedom how much he has done for them and never gotten much credit or even time to rest and how TAA and Eddie you know have not really gotten to know each other that well and you can clearly see how much Tila is really into Eddie still she knows deep down that his heart is wi ofilia Eddie falls asleep and dreams of him and ailia in a field of flowers kissing [Music] in so after starting the battle against ailia you summon the ultimate creature The Rock Crusher which is you know a pretty much a ultimate unit which is expensive as hell the unit is basically a tank that you can enter and more or less summon a Garin ultimate de which crushes the defense turrets now Edie wants one thing and needs to kill the emperor and finish his father's Mission but he has forgotten that the emperor and his father were traveling companions Eddie mentions how the emperor and his father went to the future but then the emperor came back here to be ironically killed by Eddie but you know here's the twists the emperor actually never came back in time and it's revealed that the emperor du was not the emperor back in the day it was someone else someone we have not heard of before you go off to finish ofilia when doviculus steps in and congratulates you two for putting on such an interesting show between each other Eddie thinks ailia is Soria but no Soria went back in time with Eddie's father and she was not really killed Eddie's Father impaled her with something else and Eddie is the product that's not um exactly what your father did to her he's the spy and this is also why he had demon powers he's half demon half human and now he has brought back the Titan secrets to be used by the demons and the smell he felt at the pleasure Tower was Eddie and okay okay this is kind of cool and I did not see this one coming at all so zoom in what does Eddie's t-shirt say Soria it was her shirt and her ax that Eddie has been using all game long and you know twists like these are quite rare in games and you know this is just such good attention to detail and I completely love it I love this twists so now the final confrontation with doviculus can start doviculus tears out oia's heart and stores it inside his chest UL knows the Titan secret he can now summon things and summons a huge demon that can create smaller demons and thus the final battle begins How it Go Mangus get back on the board and this mission is fairly hard as uh he will just keep on spamming unist that drops in pods all over the map and they are tough as snails and it's probably the hardest mission due to the fact that doviculus minions can spawn anywhere on the map while every previous opponent has their Spawn from the same stage your objective is to try and kill the huge demons two accompanying heads by ramming into them but you need to summon your car and drive it up the right and left the Rams to fly into them and looked a Jerry Springer jok that one was for ailia you know I'm glad now that your mother refused my advances all those years ago because at least I know you're not my son there aren't many who can say that so after killing the two heads you find doviculus and you start a classic boss fight Mano Mano which is unfortunately fairly easy and you end it with a decapitation and after that Eddie jumps into the sea of black tears and finds the real ofilia and tries to swim up but is interrupted by the Black Tears trying to drag him down he's rescued by ailia who hauls him up and dream of that flower field is fairly similar to this situation back at blade H hands there is a party and celebration where they hail the man who defeated the demons and freed Humanity from its bonds and the name of this great person is Lars whose Legacy shall forever be remembered and a statue of him will be raised for all the upcoming generations to know who they should thank for for their freedom Alita is also now the leader because remember Eddie does not like to take any credit he works in the dark and makes others look better of course all of his friends thank him for all of the help because they know the true story but Eddie feels that he has to leave because a ro is always on the move and while Eddie drives away a single black tear is shed by ailia and that was Brutal Legend a game with a wonderful story interesting characters a decent combat system a unique RTS style and the story of this game is much better than I expected and for being you know a double a game the game succeeded with flying colors it sold really well and I don't think we are ever going to get a story that is so integral to metal ever [Music] again so what's the future are we going to get a brute Legend 2 well there was a brutal Legend 2 in development double fine believed they were given the go ahead to develop a sequel to Brutal Legend after the game's release and had invested a great amount of development time towards this but we're told later by EA that it was cancelled as of 2013 schaer is still interested in a sequel to Brutal Legend but that would require appropriate funding and resources as a inde dependent developers to make it happen since then double find launched a successful crowdfounding Nots 2 in December of 2015 schaer said that if the game does well there is a good chance that a sequel to Brutal Legend would be possible furthermore team schaer said on June 13th during a appearance at E3 2017 that Brutal Legend will eventually get the sequel so it seems that we are going to get a Brutal Legend to in the future although it might take many years I do hope they will make it though double find students is one of the best in the companies that deserve so much more recognition than they are getting at the moment they have created so many good games out of nothing and they should be praised for that to summarize Brutal Legend was a passion product by Schaffer which by all measures should not have worked on paper but by gathering all of this Talent around the project both in the game and behind the game it succeeded with flying colors the game has some of the most unique art Direction I have ever seen in a game it felt like I was playing a rock album as a game the voice acting was near Perfection with everyone putting out awesome performances I highly recommend that you get this game it's sheap it's quite short around 8 hourish and I promise you you will not regret it thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next video bye guys come and see me when you grow a pair as big as your mother's hope he's talking about horns
Channel: Svikters Nepotism
Views: 4,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 43sec (3883 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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