DARKSIDERS 4K Game Movie (Warmaster Edition) All Cutscenes Ultra HD 60FPS

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[Music] since the dawn of time the armies of heaven and hell' have waged an endless war drawn to the conflict was the charred Council an entity bound by ancient laws to preserve order and balance it held that any great power unchecked threaten the very fabric of the universe in time heaven and hell the council and its laws for none will be on the swift and terrible justices enforcers and fearsome Brotherhood known as the four horsemen amid the turmoil the first humans emerged the council foretold of these weak but cunning creatures would someday be integral to the balance thus the third kingdom was named the truce was forged to be broken at the appointed time when man his kingdom stood ready for the end war bring balance and determine the ultimate fate [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] impossible a baton what is this where are my brothers this cannot be final seal my lord how did this happen the Seventh Seal was not broken have you done what in heaven's name have you done unser call [Music] [Music] [Music] to hell with your claims the seals were broken when I wrote heaven and hell were already at war now the dawn was there she used something the dog fell far to off the chaos you unleashed I fast powerless against the demons and still your cues made the defeat proves nothing likely the destroyer cast you aside when he was finished I serve only the council only the balance as the horsemen always have send me back I will punish so arms responsible then I will fail and the demons will have carried out your sentence [Music] yeah remember that I will really get under your skin [Music] [Music] for the services perhaps it's like a Balkan the council confers with demons now decision since the truce was broken some demons have fallen from the Destroyers favour vulgrim is once at our caste he has long sought an audience with us how long have I been here looks like our trajectory was a little off that's a fast Horseman let's lay down a few ground rules till this is over you're a dog on a leash I say but your bag and I've had to kill you you'd better not bare your teeth understand or should I teach you to play dead good boy [Music] here comes the Welcome Party war why don't you introduce yourself [Applause] how long was I gone in earth years about a century long enough for the last of the mouth-breathers to die off boom the third Kingdom is lost subtle I almost didn't hear your coming rogue rumor the council finally took me seriously if so you're surely not empty-handed for this shall be the briefest of introductions there were a few young ones spectacular you'll seek the power behind the one called destroyer you will find the answers and the font of his power there Oh such haste to die you aren't even a shadow of your former self you wouldn't last a heartbeat besides the way to the tower is shrouded by demon magics even I do not know the way who does feed my hunger and I'll feed your curiosity we have enough Souls to see votoms hunger now maybe feed our curiosity [Music] these ancient gates have a mind of their own but with this you may reach an understanding beyond the gates seek out samia's prison once Samael was closed in power to the dark prince himself some might even say [Music] friends you will find he has no friend to the destroyer seek me out when you've gathered more Souls I will make it worth your while corner fires a star always killed at last from the greenish we are free now now free while the destroyer still breathes the destroyer ask do we service we are bothered the enemy's sweeper made so his enemies who he's called Fred - now friend will stream the three must breathe free Dodd wait to find out what's behind Naga supera do you know it's imprisoned here they're things even you should fear horseman once you are strong but now you are weak and you are alone the destroyer knows of your coming even now he moves his legions against you then I'll make this quick [Music] yeah [Music] just one are you here to play executioner they should have said all four of you I have no interest in killing you Samael the destroyer is beyond your reach beyond my as prison made you a coward aha Sara's away but you who need to get inside the Destroyers spire the tower is guarded by four of his Josef bring me their hearts and ask me no questions my reasons for helping you are my own where can I find these Guardians first seek the Twilight Cathedral where the back Queen Tiamat has gone to roost the whole of her domain is a blistered inferno by land you will never reach it find the high ground with this and bring me her still beating heart I have come for the destroyer my brother spoke of your coming but a powerful curse holds me now I cannot help you any curse can be broken yes but these servants of the destroyer walk unseen within the realm of shadow my their blood we are powered by their blood shall we be free I can no longer move within the shadow realm much of my power has left me you need not enter it I will grant you the power to see into the Akashic realm for a time but to what end what hope have we now against the Destroyers power source tree hope will not bring you freedom flight where these shadow lurkers hide until them all it can't be that hard to find [Music] [Music] [Music] I always knew you had it in you [Music] sister sprays this way it's nothing some demon trick I know what I saw he's right Julia it's there we need the stench of this place you can sense it ancient from neither the white city nor the black depths something lost between [Applause] he'll got to I'm I assume guess she wasn't up for having visitors today [Music] [Music] we use the hospital coming assassins Oh Sam I help but solitaire because if you are a sailor rider perhaps freaking striker here you won't like my terms this will not end well for you class me she still lives I want to hear I can believe it can you restore the balance no wonder Samael wants this thing it's God thing with power you really think he's going to let you live long enough to collect on your end tragic without your feathered friend how will you escape this prison of rock I'll find a way you have certainly proven yourself resourceful perhaps I can provide a quicker way speak plainly demon a7 Tolls ancient paths that worm their way beneath the husk of this dead world and beyond I use them to get about and for a price so can you what do you want Bodrum a trifle really the chosen heart I felt its power the moment you stepped from that tower you owned mayhaw ceman I would never come between you and your friend Sam I am No I only wish to look at the heart one glance and our bargain is seared [Music] [Music] semion will be pleased the seven holes are yours Hoffmann seek me out when you wish to use them I trust that she suffered not nearly in half beautiful the second Guardian the griever moves in tunnels beneath this place but first there is an obstacle that must be removed ful fayn one of the old ones who didn't mention that before changing the deal already and I ll be silent willful my business is with the horseman old Thane is no ally of the destroyer but you won't find the griever without confronting the black hammer and that will require strength you don't possess tell me what you how you stifle Horseman's true power in order to keep him on the council's leash war destroy this parasite just me in here you are war rider of the Red Horse not some profit on this pathetic creatures dreams focus your anger a great rage stirs within use flooring to get out you must release it's for a puppet you are reborn what the horseman is broken but there is still much power in him for a moment I saw one who would stand alone against the Destroyers army come on already are you waiting for you plan on using them behind seven again your best no go touching the Warriors Oh thing you know me but I don't know you that I don't like strangers especially the uninvited kind and maybe here you are don't matter as much as what you want I have come for the black hammer well yeah welcome to give her another goal after not a PEZ not catchy around here again it's you what's that no the black hammer it's you do your worst but let me tell you a little secret boy the one in the dirt is by far the easier of the two I've been tagged in millennia 100 years since the day Abaddon was taken from us I have prayed for this moment for your crimes I would see you tried in the White City but until this world is free of the destroyer its gates are closed to us and justice will not wait i sentence you here and now you know justice can wait till we finish our little scrap Missy need no Spartan jumping into a tussle but don't concern you go on fly away pageants that are AppLocker blasphemer it is you who takes sides in a battle that doesn't concern you please Allah that's what you get for touching were in years are dark if I were you very won fair and square [Music] [Music] your fate Abaddon will be advanced defender search it's all worked up just thinking about doing her - it could be you really are who you say the pagin see maytee convinced behind so once again you know me but I still don't know you the grievers lair the grievers beyond here the seal these passage is up tight to keep our pants out of my yard lil bastards kept dropping by and infected taking things what don't belong to them and I am who I claim to be you kill a cleaver even make it back I to the hole that'll be proof enough then now promise we'll have words now get off my property before more pigeons come looking a crap in the yard mr. job and don't throw around with her this time [Music] [Music] two down two to go we might figure to the tower after all then the real fun begins now let's get this thing back to Samael Oh welcome back horseman you could have knocked by suppose that is in your way is it why are you here strange questions saying is how you're the one broke into my house you aren't always the black hammer you huddle in exile a hermit among tombstones why what role did you play in this all Thane [Music] horseman I've got something for you a fair bear works but that's a bet dainty for me it'll serve you better you didn't answer my question old one maybe I like to seen the me was it to you you asked for my help and I gave it you go on being ungrateful and I'm liable to get upset do I look like I'm afraid of death boy [Music] it's not death you should fear [Music] did you enjoy yourself warned the black hammer plucking pigeons you see a great many things from inside a prison Samael there is little you can keep from me horsemen once I have a mind to know it and what do you know have Uriel I thought the horsemen were above such earthly pursuits she believes I killed Abaddon the hell guard worshipped their fallen Lord and leader and Uriel some might say her admiration was less than professional she will stop at nothing to punish the one responsible I fast the demon who killed Abaddon and he will be punished draaga is the strongest of the chosen no doubt you'll face him again he draws power from the spire and won't stand to be away from him along with all I have taught you you might even survive the reunion does harsh would you have demon the stickier this king of the ancient world that now plague the Ashland's it won't be easy the worms grow well in such fertile ground facile Virgil with death decay all the land is covered in it from ashes of the Dead but you may be in luck it seems that some fool demons have taken to capturing the worms for sport and they hunt other creatures as well the strongest are mates of bite in cruel arenas the demons seek to tame the Stygian not knowing that within the monster there breeds a black heart of the chosen now that the demons avoid the ash worms you know of the cruelest fears a gift of the old ones they said that a master the Chronos fear is to master time itself one could stop time or even move it forward and back indeed none of the old masters exist but the demons have learned to use them to a lesser degree I can grant you a basic understanding of the cruelest fears it would be much perhaps just enough to avoid the world perhaps perhaps not what in this life is certain horsemen rather than outward of course [Music] huija support me hosting you look quite small from up here you can look me in the eye when I kill you let's see how you fare horse man with only two legs to carry you what do you think you're doing things lost its mind [Music] enough I said I won't fight you you fool i order you to break and if I refuse you'll kill me now take my chances [Music] [Music] are you not entertained [Music] [Music] but that was only practice for the stygian the biggest and meanest of them all [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] do what you were born to do [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is there's nothing left to do but give the stygians Arbuckle Samael so all these hearts the power he'll get from them I hope you know what you're doing one more just one more and then war you get your tower silithus worm infested lair is far across the great chasm in the Ashland's ruin has yet to regain much of his strength but he will make the distance as facility' just get there and she'll find you the brood mother is a collector of sorts most who enter the realm she feeds to her young the one she takes an interest in those are the unlucky ones though she keeps alive and they can live a long time long enough to tell her things you could say she collects stories information a lot stories will she tell me about you Sam I am careful or your ending will be a tragic one sometimes the hero dies in the end but horseman I like stories that have a happy ending now bring me the final harsh silithus lair must lie beyond that sticky barrier let's finish this [Music] mmm you honor me with your presence Horseman there are so many stories about you you have killed three of the chosen taken their hearts is that why you would come just lay the final tower Guardian to take my heart did Sam I'll tell you how he came to bear his sainted blood peace within our forest it is not the tower that the chosen protect Osman our charge is to prevent Samael return at any cost you may kill me and we turned a semi helm it's my heart but in him you will face a threat greater than all the chosen combined I did not come for your counsel spider or your stories my children will advance music have your screams [Music] [Applause] [Music] Samael we'll be waiting for the last heart you think he's going to let you live long enough to collect on your end [Music] [Music] I was beginning to worry you might not live up to your end of the bargain give it to me you lied to me about the chosen they never got in the tower what does it matter how deal wasn't for ancient history I promised you the tower and usual habits [Music] did it amuse you to deny me what's rightfully mine with my powers restored I am like unto a god I can suck the marrow from your bones before you through another breath I could but I too have a code right which I do business besides say what you will about balance and your ridiculous law I recognize the quest for revenge when I see one and revenge I respect as for the details of my resignation well I do not approve of the company my master keeps why did you challenge the destroyer Samael see your journey to its end the horsemen you will understand soon enough you trust him who knows where in the nine hells this portal will take us we will meet again Azrael even helped me the 7cr was not broken what have you to fear from me an angel of death if you do not intend to kill me then perhaps you will help me you've given me no reason to do either listen to me the gate must be shut the tower must be cut off from the well it is from the wealth of the destroyer draws his power the whirl of souls millions of souls yes enslaved twisted a corrupt power to fuel the Destroyers armies you are stewards have the underworld watcher of the world not a single soul flows back into this world without you knowing unless gatekeeper you opened the way the destroyer sent the mightiest of his chosen against me I fared no better than you did horseman again stronger stronger you will take me to him you have my word well then tell me what I must do Angel of Death please you must find some way to drop power to this chamber please you must find some way to drop power to this chamber [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Gausman I never imagined that you would be my salvation hurry now before struggle learns of your coming when I found you you said the Seventh Seal was not broken I've heard those words before Abaddon said the same right before he died the universe is sick horsemen the charred Council refuses to admit it but those of us who look we see we had to do something an open attack on the Dark Kingdom would violate the treaty what you're proposing is madness as real evil darkens every corner of creation and heaven waits the council ties our hands to question them is to question the Creator do you believe you know better yes old friend I do when the seals are broken hell will send its chosen to declare battle rights their leaders will be gathered in one place and there we will sever the head of the Beast the hurl guard stands ready breaking the seals will trigger the end war the kingdom of man is not yet strong enough earth will be destroyed though there will be no war Azrael we will cross the Dark One's before it's even begun the pact is a sacred covenant even in victory we will face the wrath of the council they will arrive to find the seals intact and it will be our word heaven's word against that of the Prince of Lies now do you see the seals will be reforged all will believe that hell's legions invaded and were delivered to justice by our hand for the glory of the light will you do this no are thrille you old fool [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah we broke all but one Avedon ordered the final seal must be harmed he protected his himself are you certain without question we dared not involve the horsemen we never dreamed we would have to until it was too late here trying to pay the price for your betrayal wreathen war you will move out all involved and make them pay starting with this one no fool you'll defy the will of the council you heard the Angels confession my service to the council is ended remember get up Azrael lives until he stops being useful after that [Music] stronger wits looks like you finally outlived your usefulness as we era and how do you propose to leave the tower once stronger has been dealt with stronger and the tower r1 even if you manage to defeat him you'll be trapped without me we need him pray the horsemen doesn't make it back alive the standard and struck remember but here toothpaste rather with no victory or estate is the lightest mr. solos and the last your master chose poorly [Applause] [Music] [Music] as I said stronger and the tower r1 now let's see how you su lie to me [Music] into the well hurry he came to me after his death Avedon alive and I wanted so much to believe I was such a fool Ezreal you saw Abaddon after he fell saw him I brought him here to Eden what treachery is this Azrael he doesn't exist not anymore urine sprite I bore witnesses the first ones were cast out in the garden fell to ruin that could not let heavens first gift and greatest weapon simply rot or worse fall to darkness I hid it away the Tree of Knowledge then a baton has been to the tree you must draw upon its gifts now if some way exists to stop the destroyer the tree was short to you I never dare use it myself perhaps if I had things would have been different and a baton was of his gift that was not for me to know each who comes before the tree receives a different gift some received nothing others are driven mad by visions or simply destroy it no I cannot say for certain come [Music] there's no way across it is for those who are worthy Porthos who can fly horseman you have fought against the darkness so long that it has marked you creatures of the light will sense it as I have in this place you are worse than a demon conquer the shadow then you may pass are you ready to face yourself in the light not all are prepared for what they see the mask of shadows yes you will see him to the Shadow Realm for as long as you wear the mask fight well Evans first gift awaits you I will remain here with the watcher I'm not letting the horsemen out of my sight where he goes I go indeed go then darkly make for the tree you will never reach the other side and don't forget who holds the lead [Music] would you serve in heaven or rule in hell the storm is coming Maria soon I will need you at my side I would follow you into hell my lord they do the best laid plans or so the humans used to say did this you plotted and schemed to call us to this world I simply took advantage of your initiative I will consider this an offering Abaddon and you my loyal servant join me and take up the mantle of the destroyer no once the throne learns what you've done you'll be cast down dragged in Chains before the council you are already damned so I offer you this choice would you serve in heaven or roll [Applause] now return to Azrael persuade him to help us then together we will change the face of the universe Abaddon must be punished he bends the law to this world laughs in the face of the council and truth do we have the seals are intact no doubt the angel had from home until now we will send one for whom vengeance is reason enough the blade is scattered I'd are the seventh seal this world is ours heaven is ours they'll had to know it was a one-way tickets [Music] well Abba Dominus the destroyer the angel he was betrayed he is only a pawn in some greater game you must bring him peace peace Abaddon is the destroyer I'm pretty sure pieces of that table did you find any clues among the visions a way to stop him there was a sword one which broke the seals the Armageddon blade but after the seals were broken Abaddon ordered the blade destroyed on the very handle of its creation Auslander I fear the blade is lost to us now it will be made again what else did you see Abbadon guards the Seventh Seal he plots with others to storm the white gates Uriel will lead the he'll guard against him and fail what else did you see I saw nothing else I will open a gate to return us once it is closed the garden and its secrets will be lost forever when you are ready I will begin seek all fame he will help you he must help you a burden will have scattered the sores remains hidden them were none that walk in the light could find them the shadow roam yes use the mask of shadows assemble the broken blade then return it to the forge of a black hammer when this is done returned to me perhaps I can serve you one last time before the end [Music] as real at anytime who could have left me to my fate dead in the tower lost among the ashes of Eden why do you help me now wellness is over the council will see that justice is done I will kill Abaddon and all who schemed with him we all must answer for our sins husband on the hour of my judgement comes I will embrace it whatever the light decides go waste no more time on me and hello Thane he is the last hope of an old fool the blade was scattered over this ruined world find the pieces forged them at the Hatton of the black hammer then major this is no ambush Hosemann I come alone I uriel of the hell guard a champion of the White City call you Horseman to next sacramentum before I lay claim to your life before the Creator who you dishonored this law as well [Music] why because Abaddon said you understood honor and because he was the best of us the death cannot be broken until one falls by the hand of the other I accept you yes yes what are you waiting for vanish whoa don't you dare walk away from me the next sacramentum is mine I decide when the haines of dice not you you swore an oath to me abba tom is the destroyer liar to protect you he kept you from the truth you pledged to follow your Lord into hell never knowing what awaited you or what he would become avatar he was betrayed and became the enemy of all creation I've been to the tree it's gift was truth and I share it with you now remember the death off soon he must be fulfilled [Music] Oh my greatest work until now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's Avedon Uriel has led the hell guard against him it is as you foretold the hell guard will fall Angel of Death serve me one last time she mistook me for someone else she laughed him and I believe that he loved her foolishly he chose duty above all and died for it to the same health enhance you hell hates you all of creation cares not whether you live for Daphne the great sword will raise you up and our enemies will shatter against us the spoils of a thousand victories the mossad the Justice of a corrupt Council the Creator Dandan cease most faith I offer you this soy sauce Minh would you serve in heaven in hell I choose what once the cowards did not [Applause] [Music] my hat you're pathetic off No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have taught me something a baton sometimes duty must be cast aside to do what must be done yes he's not for duty that I kill you now you reap what you have sown betrayer [Music] [Music] they'll had to know it was a one-way tickets come so they knew you'd never play executioner because of your precious honor they let you take the fall they knew you'd butcher everyone involved to clear your name and you did know patience or I've got some for you too I'll take that if it were to get broken you might get ideas like not going back in your little cage it's tragic really you had freedom in the palm of your hand then you lost it not so damn funny even you wouldn't laugh at your own funeral laughing at yours neck's akka mentum the death is complete hell god [ __ ] what did you do no-no-no I'm going to pull your guts out oh yeah keep getting up I'll just kill you again I was just following orders like you the one are you going to do fight the council fight everyone [Music] you knew you knew what would happen you what I would do that's why you spared me No then why because I would not have the last of heavens honor died with its champion [Music] all debts are repaid the duty i uphold it may call me to raise my sword against you and if that day comes I won't hesitate you will be hunted the white City for certain the council and there will be others you would wage this war alone no not alone
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 525,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, darksiders all cutscenes, darksiders game movie, darksiders movie, darksiders ending, darksiders 4k movie, darksiders 4k game movie, darksiders warmaster edition, darksiders warmaster 4k, DARKSIDERS 4K Game Movie (Warmaster Edition) All Cutscenes Ultra HD 60FPS, darksiders cutscenes, darksiders warmastered edition, darksiders 1, darksiders 1 all cutscenes and cinematics, dark siders, darksiders 1 movie, darksiders 1 all cutscenes, darksiders cinematic
Id: _kATZdw1GeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 35sec (7355 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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