MORTAL KOMBAT 1 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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special thanks to WV games for the free and early copy of Mortal Kombat 1. [Music] my friends your patience is about to be rewarded for I have saved the best for last I have recently discovered a cure-all of unrivaled potency it will soon be on the shelves in every home of outworld this Elixir is crafted from an ancient recipe it has patreon flowers margovian nectar powdered teeth of an Arctic in Dragon all this and more infused with powerful lucorian Magic there is a village in the next Canton over where everyone has purchased this miracle cure overnight all diseases even Target have disappeared now magic this potent is expensive and I am sure you're asking yourselves can I afford it but the true question you must ask is can I afford to be without it you lie Shang Tsung your cures are useless I'm sorry you are someone full enough to have believed you my daughter was dying when you came to my farm you promised a miracle and I gave you all I had but only days later it's dead that is impossible my magic could not have failed her there it's nothing just forcing tea the Mage is mistaken kind sir my elixirs are of superior quality their efficacy is guaranteed [Music] thank you excellent rules your disguise Backwater folk are far more likely to trust a kindly old man here on behalf of a dissatisfied customer if it's Revenge you want have at it if it's restitution there's nothing left what I want Shang Tsung is to elevate you to make you the great sorcerer that now you can only pretend to be a generous offer why me you are uniquely resilient who else could eek out a living traveling outworld's Hinterlands selling quack cures and fake magic a living it is barely survival and you were meant for more to live among Kings not peasants but since before you were born you have been conspired against by those who fear how formidable you could become how do you know this who are you I am your deliverer Shang Tsung join me and I will put the Realms at your feet foreign [Music] this is a good harvest come now yes it is a blessing Raiden you would rather we starve now no of course not but we've worked these fields since we were kids in 40 years we'll still be here stooped and feeble like old man way thank you as long as I've known you you've dreamed of leaving things Young why can't you be happy here our ancestors fought in great Wars they died with honor and Glory stories of our great adventures passed down for Generations it may not be glorious but what we do helps the village thrive I know but is it so wrong to want some excitement if that's what you want may I suggest a bet dinner at Madame Bose tonight last to fill their cart pays you work faster than me since when you're on Raiden [Music] thank you that is amazing I'm starving I wonder what Madame Beau is making tonight for YouTube whatever you want thank you madambo you spoil us like the sons I never had thank you have YouTube been practicing my lessons as we can the Harvest leaves us little time for martial arts since your first words Kung Lao you've mouthed nothing but excuses if you fail to prepare your preparations will fail you good you haven't forgotten but we'll see if I make you anything special tonight I'm glad you're paying Madame Beau might just pad the bill with her anger I am paying you finished work last but I delivered my card first delivered the BET was filled that's not what I remember so that's how it is eh what do you say we settle this man to man hmm wait you mean fight yes right here right now Madame bone can watch critique our form best two out of three fair enough we must be careful Madam boat will kick us out if we break something oh this won't last long enough for that to happen you will be down in no time fight [Applause] foreign come now [Applause] keep telling yourself that [Music] you were hungry oh everything was delicious madambo thank you Raiden you boys are always a pleasure to cook for await your answer I have been busy smoke me who are they don't know but I don't like where this is going what do we do stay ready Madam Bo it is a simple Choice pay for our protection or risk harm to this fine establishment you'll get nothing from me that Madame Beau is unfortunate foreign [Music] oh you two are brave but against us you are in over your head we don't care who you are or who you are with you will not Menace mad bro fight all right now who's in over his head this was you honestly I'm surprised too Come On Let's Help Madame Bo om [Music] [Music] how does he do that I have no idea you interfere with liquid business leave or face our wrath abandon Madame Beau not happening [Music] [Applause] want more I have plenty you should have fled when you could prepare to regret ever crossing the link way fight oh it is you who will regret Crossing me [Music] laughs incompetent oh that works I have had enough of you then go before I put you down like the rest of your link way you have into prayer against the linquay's Grand Master fight oh are you sure you're a grand master interesting [Music] Madame Bo she's out cold oh no is she dead not yet Madame Bo how are you come out soon Madame Bo are they ready a bit thick in the head perhaps but they are ready his eyes are glowing I Am Lord Liu Kang Ard of fire and protector of Earth Realm God earthro Madame Beau has been preparing you for this moment since you were boys today you have proven worthy of joining my Champions this fight was a test of your ability and character yes [Music] so these two aren't thugs the Lin Quay is a centuries-old clan dedicated to Earth Realms defense you keep saying Earth realm don't you mean Earth you boys have so much to learn Earth is only a part of Earth realm Earth realm itself is one of many Realms together they comprise the whole of the universe the Realms can be fierce bitter rivals that's why we need Champions to defend ours the time draws near for the grand Martial Arts Tournament between Earth realm and the realm of outworld held once each Century it allows each realm to demonstrate its strength while our Realms are at peace there are out welders who would prefer us to be at War our victory in the tournament will temper their Zeal I've taught you everything I can you must finish your training with Lord Liu Kang more training these two couldn't defeat us what they were pulling their punches had we not held back you would not have survived ah the monks at the wushi Academy awaits to continue your tutelage I am ready Lord lucang and you Raiden [Music] Lee fengjian I need it here Earth realm needs you Raiden you'll best serve the village by being one of its champions I understand excellence I will join you soon first there are other Champions I must gather foreign [Music] we should go back recheck the route it's this way [Music] thank you God damn it Alessia darts came from here can you open it without killing us let's hope so turn them off and we're definitely getting warmer how are these still burning oil bubbles up from the ground the chamber channels it somehow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and his shield what so there's metal in the floor that's not just any metal it's liquid mercury that stuff's toxic fatal only step where I step [Music] huh what did I say I'm sorry not now foreign get out the explosives that's our Bridge do this right fall across is it real I'll take care of the shibies [Music] fight [Music] [Music] got no time to die crazy lady you okay yes we ready physics for the win let's go [Music] this will be worth millions it belongs in a museum come on we are not have it you don't need it you're dead speaking of which you just killed my best friend and I'm not one to forgive and forget [Music] Now where's that Shield I am not yet defeated yes you are time to go home God Freddy I knew it oh I felt that one you felt it too right Temple of kataravala take 39 Tails Play That's a Wrap [Music] [Applause] Stephen this was fantastic thank you just like the old days and these props Jimbo killed it you did too Johnny hey uh about my pitch you know the karate Zombie thing I'm thinking four films maybe a streaming series Johnny I don't have to write not here I'll swing by your office after I change I can't uh I have to be with the editors Marshall will call you great have your assistant call me well that was great hon wasn't it though we need to celebrate I'm thinking private party Shawnee we need to talk you're not the martial arts Mega star you once were honey you're lucky Stephen owed you a favor I'm telling you Chris we're fine can you join me in the fact-based universe just once we're broke we have to cut back cut back on watch Step One is selling this place um I need a refill Johnny we can't keep this up you spent 10 000 on that sculpture 30 000 on that drone and this damn sword three million dollars hey Cento is history that's sword come from it's not the point Johnny Chris honey the parts the money they're coming Steven's movie is just the beginning that's why I can't cut back to be a success I have to project it if I don't Johnny Cage is done [Music] I didn't marry Johnny Cage I'm married John Carlton not give anything to have him back Chris come on Chris where are you going okay how do you like that Mr A-list foreign where's my wife what did you your wife left she's fine you will be too if you cooperate what do you want sento you some kind of higher gun or do you know Santo's history I know it it's my family blade no no way you're Tire Clan they've been dead for centuries Not Dead hiding with Cento in my hands I'll lead us out of the Shadows that's a great plan stranger except for one thing sento's mine and I won't give it up without a fight fight [Music] you tried Rob in the wrong house I am the ultimate Home Security [Music] my house my rules so you have a name or what Kenji Takahashi I knew you weren't Tyra Clan you know nothing cage 400 years ago the Tyra Clan were one of Japan's first families they lost Cento after getting slaughtered at the siege of Al Mori there were survivors they hid themselves by shedding the name Tyra for Takahashi they joined the bakuto for its protection the yakuza's predecessors from first family to crime family I will break us free of the yakuza's corruption reclaim our name and our position but my clan won't follow me unless I prove that I can lead that's why I need sento and that's Malibu's finest it's a great story but great you should seriously consider becoming a screenwriter what in the actual fun evening Johnny Cage I am Liu Kang protector of Earth Realm may we enter uh nothing's being shot here tonight uh you sure you're in the right place yes we come on a matter of grave importance we must speak to you and your guest what how do you know about him because I am the god of fire Chris you victim nicely done sure hijab come right in glowing eyes are a nice touch can see Takahashi a tragic figure with a noble cause your actions this evening do you know credits who are these people you tell me your scene partners I also know of your struggles Johnny Cage I am here to offer you both a path forward ah come on guys let's call this Chris was a doll to set this up but as pranks go this one's a bit obvious this is no prank if you please all right all right I'll play my part in this uh martial arts Warp the misses ought to get what you paid for ah okay [Music] get your damn hands off him I said get your hands off was that necessary brother to put him in his place that was a hit Julie one of a kind all right I don't care if this is a damn prank you cross the line come on come on and scene I hope you're insured because you're paying for my Julie imbecile you have no idea with whom you're dealing enough [Music] oh that's no special effect indeed Johnny Cage okay let's go back to one here who are you again Lord Liu Kang protector of Earth realm god of fire well that last one tracks but what's an earth round all will be explained Johnny Cage for now what is important is that you both have been chosen to join as Champions why him or me for that matter because I have faith that you will rise to the challenge and because your service will change the arcs of your lives [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is not a good idea it is genius Raiden the next time we see Sub-Zero I will have to thank him for inspiring it see it won't be effective foreign [Music] we just need to get on with it we've been cooped up here for months I can't base a Cinematic Universe on outworlds Monsters and magic if I don't ever see them that's why you're here Liu Kang said this gig would change the Arc of my life that's how it gets done my axle Rue the day she gave up on me so selfless oh please tattoo you're just here to get your sword back we all have our reasons for being here some better than others but we are not here to fight among ourselves we are here to fight for Earth Realm it's about damn time and today one of you will be chosen to fight for it at the tournament only one of us Lord Liu Kang isn't outworld Fielding several Champions the tournament's rules give the host realm that advantage and it is outworld's turn as host no I don't know why I've never asked this but uh what's our record at this tournament Earth realm and outworld have long been evenly matched but outworld is gaining strength should it win it's more militant factions will be emboldened I thought you admired outworld it is a place of great knowledge wealth and beauty but all Realms do not share goals and beliefs we co-exist peacefully because outworld respects our strength should we show weakness our rival will become our enemy I will not lose Lord Liu Kang first you must win the right to represent us whichever one of you outlasts the others will be chosen [Music] Raiden step forward call the weak first you shall face him Johnny Cage ready for your close-up all right let's do this but remember farm boy I'm a global martial arts icon I don't think you can handle this much boom I am ready Johnny Cage My Mind and Spirit fight has won fight s [Music] this fight was an honor you're welcome can you see Takahashi you are next you have skills Raiden but you're inexperienced whatever experience I lack I make up for in heart it's nerve not heart that wins fights I should know I've been in hundreds of them fight his food [Music] do you still question my nerve I do not yours was a well-earned victory you may rest right now this evening you will face your final opponent thank you 50 bucks says Lao wins make it interesting bet me Cento your life Raiden law the winner of this match will represent earthrealm against outworld it is a graved duty not to be undertaken lightly you may step back now and suffer no dishonor I choose to fight Lord Liu Kang as do I then may the best person win concede Raiden you have never beaten me that won't change today no if the monks have taught us one thing it's that the only constant in the universe is change fight hey there was a first time for everything Kung Lao although you have all trained well Raiden has excelled this outcome does not surprise me how could I have congratulations Raiden for the tournament you will need this forged by the Elder gods gives the wearer a power over lightning and thunder go ahead try it [Music] thank you holy Ark of the Covenant it is incredible but is it necessary in addition to possessing great might the outworld as you will face also wield great Magic The Amulet levels the playing field you must be careful Raiden you could get hurt no tournament participant has ever been grievously injured or killed I would never send my Champions unwittingly into Mortal Kombat we leave in seven days for outworlds capitals sundo the tournament will be held at the palace of empress sindel [Music] outworld can be both alien and intoxicated to Earth realmers do not become drawn in you must focus on the task at hand all right Toto I have a feeling we're not Kansas anymore oh my are those Empress sindel's daughters yes they do not this Earth Realms ambassadors Johnny will show them respect not unwanted attention Lord the king welcome thank you princess Melia you remember my sister of course princess katana may I introduce Johnny Cage Kung Lao kenshi Takahashi and earthram's champion Raiden I hope you're prepared Raiden our Champions are determined to win none more so than me it's been too long since we've known victory princess Molina we should be on our way Empress cindel awaits thank you Tanya follow me please [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] the six-armed beings are not nadas described them seeing them in person should she not it commemorates my late father I admire princess I do not judge as did all of that world I valued greatly Jared Phillips [Music] laughs first Constable our route was to be clear this couldn't wait should I allow tarkatans to infect the city or highness those arrested were harboring some here rather than report them for quarantine the Earth Realm drama to our secrets Lee May sundo's first Constable you must show better judgment says Molina doesn't see it seem to like her very much Lee May used to lead the umgadi the palace God it was on her watch that the princess's father was murdered laughs worry expends energy for no purpose written the tournament if I lose focus on your actions not the outcome it is all you can control Red Alert incoming stock villain General shop do not let him go with you is it me or is Earth Realms Champion scrawnier than usual usual would you care to test his strength Raiden will will prove himself soon enough still not told most Earth Wellness that outworld exists it is safer that way General I suppose so your people's frail Minds couldn't handle the truth you presume them frail General should you given how frequently they win this tournament we will destroy your champion king he will taste no victory [Music] thank you [Music] foreign members of the Royal House welcome our esteemed Earth realm guests We Gather once again to honor my late husband's Legacy to continue the tournament that he founded with Lord Liu Kang in hopes that it would Foster peace among realms May Jared's Soul watch over us with pride from its resting place in the living Forest Lord Liu Kang empress sindel it pleases me to once again be your guest here you are always welcome now let us meet your champion birth Realms Champion is raiding your majesty he has earned his place by embodying the very best qualities of earthrem's people you seem nervous young man I'm a stranger in an unfamiliar land here to compete against its greatest Fighters yes I am nervous as you should be you have a difficult path ahead it has begun as tradition requires outworld's initial competitor will be sundo's first constable Lee may may she defend our Realms Glory as well as she preserves our capital's order your majesty I will honor both the Royal house and all of outworld with my combat remember were it not for Jared's tradition you would not be here [Music] all you need to do is your best the rest will take care of itself yes Lord Ducane shall we see what you can do hopefully this will be the first of many victories I will prevail Earth realmer this fight is more important to me than you can ever know fight [Music] thank you for the match first constable my compliments Raiden on a well-fought match we'll see how you fare in the next General Xiao whom have you chosen as our next competitor your majesty I have chosen Reiko my second in command as a boy Graco was orphaned during the khafala war though captured his Spirit remained unbroken he scratched clawed and survived after the war I took him in molded him into the perfect Soldier few others are as well versed in the ways of War and whose Army have you served and what was have you fought I have done neither that you are woefully unprepared earth roamer this will be your last Battlefield fight filled by a simple farmer I am ready for my next opponent your majesty Whom Shall I face patience young man we are adjourned until first light I hope to see you all at this evening's banquet [Music] please [Music] I'm sorry you're 10 000 years old oh talk about aging gracefully what do you see in him he is a hero Raven though he may not yet know it do you recognize everyone here most yes from your descriptions for him that is rain the High Mage of outworld not his given name but one earned due to his Mastery of water magic foreign princess I'm fine Tanya I know I'm to fight Molina but will I also face Tanya my tradition you should not if you did you would be tested why umgadi like Tanya our Warrior priestesses selected from the firstborn daughters of outworld from infancy they are trained to defend the Royal Family outworld must see much conflict if the empress needs such protection its past has been difficult though the last thousand years of empress sindel's Reign have been a true Golden Age the memories of that Strife still linger [Music] my husband Jared believed that the three of our Realms lay together let us move forward in open dialogue letting no secrets tear our bonds asunder your majesty it's an honor to be here and to meet your people I can already see there's more that joins us than divides us our peoples could not be more different Champion excuse me you heard me I dream that's enough General [Music] my apologies your majesty perhaps I've enjoyed too much of this excellent wine with your permission you may go it is bad enough we may lose to the Earth realmers but then you go and drunkenly insult them you needlessly stain my honor and your family's proud military tradition may I speak freely your majesty again with this if you must we must act on the sorcerer's prophecy he warns that blue King will conquer outworld and his predictions are usually impeccable but I have no proof of Liu Kang's ill intent his interventions have kept outworld at peace for centuries he hurts us into compromises shackles our independence if we could meet our enemies in battle we'll take you would consign us to endless war better that than the Liu Kang's lap dog if I see evidence of the prophecy's accuracy we will act but only then and only at my command did not your illustrious father teach you that war is the last resort not the first he did your majesty do not forget that General come you asked to see us I saw what happened this evening there was nothing I ate was it I can't chance it can I if you fight tomorrow the symptoms of your disease could manifest Katana will take your place they're already Whispers she should replace me as your as your fault why you left the palace that night unattended is still Beyond me I just need a time alone away from all this that's your problem Melina you never think that a mother is only trying to protect you sister if your disease becomes known you will be banished to the wastes for you to hold the throne we must keep pure Secret you continue to surprise Raiden among others you have defeated kotel motaro and Shiva only two fights remain are you ready Earth realmer I am your majesty then next you face my daughter katana your majesty this is unprecedented Raiden's next opponent should be your heir yeah is unavailable the way on pressing Imperium this but I have not prepared him to pass he's already demonstrated great skill can he not improvise do not worry I can do this very well I will be no easier to fight than my sister earthrelmer I suffer under no such delusion your highness I will win this fight you fight well princess as do you earthwormer surprisingly so I hope we meet again under different circumstances it's time for the final match it's a testament to your abilities that you've made it thus far but now you must face General Xiao the victor of the tavarian war conqueror of the kwatan Plains defender of the navala coast as has his family for Generations General Xiao defends us with Zeal and tenacity all of outworld is grateful for his service that's a notable list of accomplishments General it is a mere fraction of them a full recitation would take days fight it's over I have done it congratulations Raiden Earth realm wins [Music] [Applause] [Music] um may I assist you well done you have exceeded my greatest expectations thank you Lord du Kang Because Of You the outworlders who would disturb the peace will once again be held at Bay come let us bid our hosts farewell and return to Earth Realm [Music] all right yeah that was great very impressive [Music] curious my old friend it's been eons it's good to see you likewise Lord lucang I have watched you with The Hourglass you are relishing your role as Earth Realms protector suits me far better than being keeper of time ever did I never wanted to replace chronica being history's architect drove her mad I had no wish to share her fate which is why I am forever grateful that you volunteered to safeguard The Hourglass despite my having relinquished its power the new era has unfolded as it should you created me in your own image beauty is my highest calling while I am glad you are here you are not one for social cause is there Trouble With The Hourglass with something it has shown me what guess when you restarted history you altered the Destinies of certain malefactors to neutralize them at least one of them is defying their destiny Shang Tsung go on he has escaped his meaningless life and is on his way to becoming a powerful sorcerer he has already infiltrated cindel's Court I saw no sign of him during the tournament but if that snake is in syndale's ear vision of Peace may already be compromised I appreciate this warning Iris I will investigate please return to The Hourglass and see what else you can learn [Music] so we find him in outworld and bring him here for questioning yes if what I fear has happened he is a grave threat to the realms anything else is a master of Deceit do not trust a word he utters sounds a lot like my first agents it's a tricky Mission I'd rather raid and go along than this one hey this one is up for the job this Mission must be done quietly I am breaking my word with Empress sindel by sending you into outworld without her knowledge due to the tournament Raiden is now a familiar face there sending him will only increase your risk of being discard this Talisman is attuned to Shang Tsung's Chi follow it to him be careful May the Elder Gods protect you [Music] ah are we there yet again how old are you five what can I say these boots weren't made for walking if that is the most pain you feel today consider yourself lucky oh I'm already lucky I've got sento strapped to my back I will reclaim it cage got three million it's yours you know I don't have it and I bet you your cruise Pals could come up with it oh that's right you blew him off ah if there's one less than Hollywood's taught me it's never burn Bridges you never know who can help the Yakuza are leeches now those too weak to resist I grew up in that life and I never understood it why my game required others pain I got out I need my clan out too we can't be part of their crimes any longer [Music] [Music] [Applause] what's your precious say is among those things oh my fans are gonna go nuts cosplaying them a cage gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hold him still if he squirms I cannot extract narrow that Shanks soon let's jump him after he's done oh in fists of iron we did this thing we're like we're not basing strategy on your movies cage [Music] let me go you can't do this the wound will heal in time it is a small price to pay for progress [Music] on second thought the scene's playing fine without us [Music] I said we let him finish it we have to save Shang Tsung Liu Kang needs him alive wow how did he do that I would have killed him but for you I get why you'd want to but you can't you're one of his minions you'll die in his place fight now please let me explain ah you gotta send this how about getting us out I know what this looks like but we don't work for Shang Tsung if not why save him because Liu Kang earthworm's protector wants to question him he thinks Shang Tsung may be a threat to both our realms good Our Kind Do Not Shake Hands I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend don't you know what we are no we don't we are victims of tarkat the disease is not easily gotten but you can't risk more close exposure figures and debilitates time it will turn us all into bloodthirsty monsters death is our only release so you weren't always like this I was once a rich Merchant but when I became ill I was banished now I run this colony I am Baraka [Music] what does Shang Tsung want with your bone marrow Baraka I don't know when he comes here each month to harvest it release us and we'll capture Shang Tsum and we'll find out why he's been coming here I promise let them go thank you we won't let you down [Music] this was guiding us to Shang Tsung now we can't find him his laboratory is near I'll take you [Music] idea what to expect no I've never been inside stay here we'll check it out in lava proved in inspired choice testing outcomes improved significantly I have modified the formula since the last time it was administered it uses several new ingredients this new Serum is exactly what we need its effects will be immediate and long lasting how can you be sure because it is brewed from freshly extracted to Cotton marrow it couldn't be more potent foreign Bill's top dogs in on it no wonder Liu Kang is worried about this guy we need to stop him save and distressed damsel sure thing [Music] get away from her you excuse me you know the movie tiny girl ginormous alien no seriously Earth realmers how did they find it they've already seen too much I need time buy it for me Liu Kang sent you didn't he let's learn our secrets he said here for Shang Tsung but it looks like he's just part of the problem fight [Music] the High Mage is brought lows I thought him Gotti were loyal to the Royal house yet here you are scheming against the princess you trespassing Out World interfere in Imperial matters it is you not I who is the schemer here fight thank you your plot is over step away from the table this is twice you've been a thorn in my side you Earth Realms do have unhealthy habits you heard him you're not infecting her with tarkot I am trying to protect her not infect her we've heard about how you lie excuse us if we're skeptical cover them princess are you all right is it over yes you're safe we've stopped Shing soon stopped him why princess princess what did you do to her it's what you've done fool let me help her before it's too late [Music] now do you believe Earth realmas how do we do interoccupied only time to finish more serum Johnny a hand we got Pages for this or are we winging it whatever we do we can't hurt her her I'm worried about us princess we can help you your blood how sweet it will be to lick off my fingers fight Johnny help hold her down now we're never saying soon can she by the gods Molina sorcerer this man was sent to disrupt your sister's treatment and scandalize outworld by revealing her illness what that's totally fake news princess we were just thank you Goro I had no stomach for Earth realm lies we should detain the Earth Realms and the dark carton we found outside at least until the empress is ready to respond to this incursion agreed but you must realize that this incident proves Earth realm's bad faith we must strike them now to protect ourselves no I would not do that [Applause] [Music] it is no misunderstanding princess it is a confirmation of my prophecy left unchecked Liu Kang will conquer outworld I apologize for not arriving sooner to defend your sister I am glad she received her treatment the princess is safe but the threat from Earth realm remains yes [Music] when do you anticipate they will strike soon today's events were foretold in the final quatrains of the prophecy then I am right we must act now princess I will take your concerns to the empress it is for her to decide rain Tanya assist me [Music] [Music] what truly happened here sorcerer that the Earth realm has interrupted the princess's treatment was happenstance they were here to capture me for Liu Kang you why that I must investigate for now let us Revel in our Good Fortune the Earth realm of serendipitous arrival has given us ample evidence to convince the Empress of the truth of quan Chi's prophecy conflict with Earth realm is now inevitable not necessarily the empress has never been eager for conflict if she resists she will be replaced outworld needs a steadfast leader a leader like you perhaps if my realm requires it of me kill the Earth Realms they cannot report back to Liu Kang ah their dads will also feed the Ayah between Realms two birds one stone [Music] our benefactor will be pleased she needs the Realms at War not at the brink of it in order to conquer them both only then will they rule that aside before she found me languishing in the mines I would not have thought such a thing possible but soon Sheila transformed us from serves into science thank you you've been at that for hours if you could see you know why that's not happening is it talking will ya to keep my mind off this tell me about life before you got sick I was doing well trading goats up and down the farther Coast my family was comfortable happy then tarkat came it took my wife then my children cruelly it lets me live for now I think it enjoys ravaging my body more slowly this hangover who can't she God damn it how about the pain excruciating you saved me I won't forget that but you may just regret it what are you doing [Music] [Music] when did we take the left turn into survival horror this is Samsung's real laboratory we're beneath where we were before that was a false front reminds me of this cheap ass film I did in my early days flesh pits God that was trash who's that our sailor how is he his eyes are gouged out yes that will dull the pain you're fired to be part of this you are Shang Tsung's prisoner I am his slave he has my family he'll kill them if I don't obey [Music] [Music] why did he pick you so he could learn how I shapeshift you learned that from you we saw him do that it was Unreal so how does it work you just shape-shift into anything you want I can shift only between this and my natural form you're certain your race can shape-shift none can accept me are they ready it's time time for what sorcerer replication experiments they begin with your Vivid section I'll use your harvested parts to build New Creations the process is fatal of course Liu Kang won't let you get away with this that presumes he will ever learn what happened but when I am done there will be no Trace left of you I shall be turned soon to check progress I have other matters to which I must attend I don't have to do this either you or my family [Music] [Music] all right oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is nothing more foul [Music] you spoke too soon [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] I'm ruined Samsung will punish me for this by torturing my family pay for the suffering top cotton fight [Music] we are leaving then kill me if I die maybe he'll spare my family no I won't murder you it's Mercy not murder not that what I've done deserves yours you are protecting your family I would have done the same [Music] what has happened here [Music] size off you fool you've let them ruin everything we're going sorcerer and we're taking you with us Liu Kang would like a word I cannot be apprehended so easily I got a bad feeling about this I did you all farewell cheer up size off I'm reuniting you with your family dead killed them many moons ago I do hate Loose Ends we gotta get out of here what's wrong when the gas was released [Music] foreign [Music] follow me this way leave me I'll just slow you down what Samsung finds you he'll kill you look at me cage I'm useless don't risk your lives to save mine hey you are not giving up the Tyra need you remember we are gonna get back home and figure out how to help you got it [Music] we can't linger we'll be captured we need help getting kenshi to the portal at sundo I can take you only to the city skates the coffins are forbidden inside I'll see you the rest of the way it's the least I can do to make amends Wicked planet we had this forced and second act the Manticore battle yes he was a pain to shoot but man did he come out Epic I can picture it exactly this is the living Forest aren't all forests living Baraka no others have trees that house The Souls of the Dead whoa wait a tick for talking ghosts good ones not evil you guys know anybody in here some distance relatives you will find Nosa Terence why not warm Bloods don't welcome us so we keep to ourselves they're being underground in secunder province then how did you meet Shang Tsung that I could take human form made me a freak among my people I was terrorized and run out starving and begged I joined a traveling Carnival turned out there are many who would pay good money to see my gift back then Shang Tsung was a huckster we crossed paths and he saw what I could do when he began to learn real sorcery he asked to study me when I declined he took my family hostage wow that's an offer you can't refuse he is dangerous and he has plans here General shower rain they are conspiring to do what I can't say for certain I've only overheard fragments [Applause] hey [Applause] crunchy sends more demons wait you're not with each of you I kill my Absolution grows nearer shedding your blood brings me closer to the light whoever you are we are not demons not demons what are you he's a Terran I am a denian or I was before my car caught affliction outworlders apologies I'm glad I've caused neither of you permanent injury what is that just keep swimming so who's our femme fatale I am ashra demon of the nether Realm demon you look humanly mostly what's another Realm the monks covered that with us did you sleep through every lesson that one apparently netherrealms hell but real no I appear nearly human because I've purged most evil from my soul when I'm done the last vestiges of my demonic form will fade away why were the demons after you they were sent by Quan XI my former master I was part of his Sisterhood of shadow he wanted still wants dominion over the realms I renounced him when I realized that I could not help him defile them and now he wants you dead precisely I followed guanxi from the nether realm here he's building devices that steal Souls on a mass scale he's testing the first on the dead that reside in the forest why steal souls ashra to harness their power to what end I don't know but I do know that it's to Aid the designs of another sorcerer damn it that guy's everywhere you're sure Quan Chi is here my Chris senses him he's nearby no no we're getting you home we have a job to do Quan Chi could lead us to Shang Tsung your Liu Kang is Right sang Tsung's a danger that must be dealt with I will Aid you as will I uh well I guess the eyes have it motion carries ashra lead the way conchi is close the emanations of his evil grow stronger that is a powerful weapon and my perfect Ally as I smite the evil it fines I am further purified now I've done steps so I'm all for self-help it's when does a demonist want to be less evil I had spent eternity down to the netherrealm I had assumed that's all there was to existence then I saw Earth realm saw outworld saw there was a better way to live and that to have it I needed to cleanse my soul my sister demons were furious at my change of heart Kia and jataka were the first to hunt me Quan XI is also a demon actually he's an outworlder but he mastered the dark magic needed for unfettered travel to my Realm any idea how he buddied up with Shang Tsung they share a common benefactor she plucked them both from obscurity taught them everything they know I've never met her but there's no question that she is a sorceress Beyond Compare you know ready for your contributions excellent nitara I need yours as well Darius and I have been thinking sorcerer do not try to renegotiate Havoc we need proof that you'll deliver that he's delivered for natara's veterinians it's all the proof you need Serena's right because of quanxi's magic my Realms people are no longer poisoned by sunlight we've finally escaped the Shadows rest assured the Spells you will receive will bring down order Realms government when will we have them crunchy after the attack on Earth Realm which could be called off if the soul stealer's efficacy isn't demonstrated promptly [Music] come on well this plot just got thicker Earth realm is in grave danger just one soul stealer can kill hundreds of thousands if he unleashes a battery of their money Millions the four of you subdue the others this stops where you get off you heard her millions could die which is why we don't want you tripping us up out there now give me your sword why just give it what I can't not when you've received my life yours [Music] yet again U of Aid capture ashra and now it appears you found allies we are joined against you saucerer you won't be stealing any Souls [Music] backblade's Enchanted it was forged to destroy evil it slain many of your vampire kind we can't help what we are that we feed on blood doesn't make us evil fight foreign step closer to Redemption return [Music] my God it's a thornado come on Cruise what dark magic is this commands kill them oh crunchy must succeed if I'm to liberate order Realm I'll not let him fail killing one realm to free another is a heinous proposition one I won't let you fulfill fight take your chaos elsewhere I always feared you would be trouble ashra you are not compliant like your sisters and now they're dead by my hand because you sent them against me I'll never forgive you for that crunchy fight good when I'm finished here I will finish you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what who is that [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] that was unexpected you're telling me shall we finish this let's this fight's not over I'll defeat all of quan Chi's minions fight [Applause] all right resistance is never pointless you what's wrong with him combat must have weakened the magic that binds his Souls together I'll find you what was that watch him I'll shut down the soul stealer [Applause] laughs since that didn't kill you I will go ashra he's too dangerous to let live Liu King needs to question him he knows Shang Tsung's plans very well clearly I underpaid for that did you know what it could do the legends never mentioned mystical powers The Souls of my ancestors live within it they intend to guide me just don't forget who gave it to you Takashi I won't cage now let's get him to Earth Realm I know home's here for you Braga size off ashra you can come with us you want I'm sure Liu Kang will welcome you I've never had a home that would be wonderful [Music] report Shang Tsung the soul Stealers are under construction Quan Chi tests the final components as we speak and the Army will obey your every command once it's been fed sufficient Souls I've also conceived the plan to break the link way from Liu Kang instead of Defending Earth realm they will betray it excellent you have learned quickly Zhang Tsung and well you will soon reap the Bounty of what you've sown thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] who are these Earth roamers we're looking for the descriptions you could at least tell me why they're here what they've done Secrets not for your ears yes princess fetch us water please as you wish [Applause] star entanglements within guardi are forbidden to know their vows who told you no one I have eyes as to the snakes at court who would cheer your downfall the ungodies rules are ridiculous that you can change them when you are Empress for now you cannot jeopardize your Ascension foreign [Music] what it hides your face and honestly Suits You I still don't know about this carrying him around will attract unwanted attention look at it out there it's like Mardi Gras people will think you just party too hard what's the word go toward the stage then right to the portal gate but there are soldiers and constables everywhere are you sure these are enough one person spots us and we are dead that's why I'll create a diversion they're out for you too size off to catch me they must see damn you didn't tell me you could go full predator [Music] [Applause] [Music] version [Music] [Applause] come princess unhand me I'm going nowhere does the fights find who set them Stand Down General this is my problem not the militaries look you know him who is he unimportant it means the Earth realmas are here Reiko [Music] I'll get him [Music] size off [Music] green blood yours a Terran how can you there is much you don't know like what the general is truly up to surrender and I'll hear you out I can't if you resist arrest you arrest me heal execute me that's not how I intend to die fight yeah know that I am sorry for disturbing sundo's peace [Applause] princess no you could be hurt Insurrection from as a Terran this is the day I never thought I'd see you misread my intentions princess sadly I've no time to explain them fight s soon you will know the truth take the princess and go my fight's not with her or you it is now that you've laid your hands on her I will take your life as punishment my sentence is suspended umgadi foreign this is one of my movies we get saved by a Plucky comic sidekick [Music] thank you if we die today we died together not comic but definitely plucky [Applause] [Applause] it's a Nightshade soon to leave Loose Ends now that I'm free of him I'll Reveal Your conspiracy to all of outworld you'll do nothing of the kind dead men tell no Tales fight you won't silence me General we must go now [Music] Johnny kenshi Kung Lao you have safely returned by the Elder gods we had a run-in with Princess Molina's inner demons she took my sight but sento in its own way restored it I am glad that sento bonded with you though my Hope was that the means would be different this time this time forgive me kissy I misspoke go the monks will tend to your wounds we found shang's song but he got away I can see why you're Twitchy about him he's necked deep in some serious rest it's then we will discuss can I also get a martini shaken not stirred ah I'm sorry meet the newest members of the earth realm players they wouldn't have made it back without him Astra and seizures you know us as Earth Realms protector there is much I know do you also know of my former Master Quan Shi he colludes with Shang Tsung a new Deadly Alliance come all of you you must tell me all you know so much for that martini again conspire against Earth Realm what Johnny and kenshi Report should not be possible you witnessed how I rewrote history I gave the sorcerer's meaningless lives they should have never gained power at Lone Joint Forces and your work was flawless such would their lives have been had someone not interfered interfered [Music] what do you mean both Sorcerers were visited by this person it is her intervention that meant the arcs of their lives who is she unknown her identity has been obscured from The Hourglass who could have that power is it chronic Chronicle somehow Resurrected impossible Titans once destroyed cannot be revived that someone else must have survived the previous timeline someone with a vendetta against me it is the impossible Theory Theory you must determine its validity gears the fate of the Realms may depend on it how long are we expected to linger patience behind there are many demands on Liu Kang's attention were he here father would advise us to wait without protest but now he is gone and I am Grand Master his teachings did not pass with him they should still guide us guide us yes shackle us no we can't abandon tradition mind your place Tomas father may have taken you in made you one of us but your blood will never be Lynn Quay Lord Liu Kang can see you now is about time [Music] Shang Tsung is here at the ruins of Ying Fortress his soul Stealers are already under construction You Must Destroy them and capture saying Tsung before either can inflict harm on Earth Realm we will leave immediately and we will join you you are not link way you would only hinder the effort Raiden and I are more than betraying differently takes years to master our ways you and Raiden have my full confidence but you are needed elsewhere go to the wushi the monks must prepare you for war the only way in is over the walls we must find a less guarded section before attempting an Ascent finally we Face a worthy foe Victory will bring us Glory Glory we fight for Duty as our father's ghosts possess you all I hear is his voice we must honor his vision behind vision is what he lacked he was blind to our superiority we settle for defending Earth realm when we could help lead it our clan doesn't govern it serves that is our test it won't be our future foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you as a boy I heard Tales of battles against your kind I had fought them tall ones all Earth realmers will soon know of eternus my realm starves and it's coming here to feed fight good morning [Music] you will end this day hungry defending the things of none with us test your might about you I had hoped for the chance to battle your dark magic oh you are not so fearsome you're both unharmed we are brother good after our years of idleness it pleases me to again face combat I will be pleased when we complete our mission foreign [Music] be careful with what you're handling we have no time for mistakes working I must oversee production of the remaining basins [Music] that's Quan Chi the other sorcerer Liu Kang described and I will capture him stay here do not let them activate the soul Stealers foreign [Music] there will be spoils in this war let us win it first brother [Music] will the soul Stealers be completed on time Quan Chi yes our benefactors guidance has proven most helpful if we break it we'll hold their construction agreed foreign we have been expecting you were you told also to expect a feat sends no other way fight thank you your failure was inevitable this is so unnecessary what I can offer you you won't decline unless it's your surrender I am not interested fight [Music] I had hoped for a worthier enemy [Applause] good Ness [Music] perhaps now you wish to entertain my offer would you know what I value we're strangers to each other I know that you wish to break free of Liu Kang's control in your clan unrivaled power I offer the means to do both ignore him brother he promises only corruption Grand Master I'm sure you're asking yourself can I afford to trust a man I have never met but the true question you must ask is can I afford not to all right oh Lord you you have conspired against song join me who are you impossible [Music] my realm in your clan have much in common leash once outworld moves Earth realm you will be free to remake the link way in any manner you see fit behind don't listen but brother obey your Grandmaster can you win this war Soul Steelers are deadly but they're not enough you only think so because you don't understand their true purpose explain Emperor Ying built this Fortress during one of Earth realm's most turbulent periods enemies beset him on all sides he built a great Army to protect his Empire he built a second one to protect him in the afterlife this is Emperor Ying's Dragon Army [Music] impressive but does this history lesson have a point these statues were constructed and Enchanted by the great Mages in the emperor's Court now [Music] they are animated by fragments of souls for his life they fight tirelessly unburdened by remorse or pity foreign you will be given command of several battalions few in Earth realm could then resist the Lim Quay [Music] how could you father would turn in his grave if he saw this he was a daughtering old fool [Music] having that accident and I was right to let him die let him die you said you tried to save him a liar and still can't face the truth father had doomed the Lin quaider mediocrity greatness [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this Earth Rover must be neutralized fight [Music] neither of you are up to the task do not let quietly Yang Escape foreign [Music] [Music] they create drag and reduce speed I see [Music] so you've declined Shang Tsung's offer I assume your brother has not the sorcerer tempted him into forsaking his oath he can be convincing can't he spurning him is a grave mistake right thank you a linquay's flame is not easily smothered what happened where's behind he's betrayed us we're all in imminent danger letting father die Earth realm he's abandoned all reason I knew Beyond's frustrations ran deep but I never thought they could Inspire such Madness we can't let his corruption spread whatever it takes I am with you thank you we may not share blood but we are brothers do your Oaths mean nothing it's your duty to obey my will not when it betrays link for your principles we won't sacrifice them to serve your ambition [Music] [Music] yang stay back this is my fight end this brother embrace the future I want no part of it he perverts all that it means to be liquid fight oh you are my grand master no longer what are you doing once he's exposed won't you be made Grand Master you forget Cyrax and sector their loyalty to bihan is absolute they'll sooner I bet it's corruption then follow me we must chart a new course one that both honors our father's Legacy and serves Earth Realm help me we can't leave him here to Aid shanson thank you [Music] how did you achieve this sorcerer you arrive not a moment too soon yes what have you learned gutenizing Shang Tsung's first meeting with his benefactor I made an important Discovery her life Essence the very time crystals that make up her being are not of this timeline not of his timeline how could someone from a previous timeline into this one that cannot happen if that cannot happen and what has happened here's there are no other timelines than those that have come before all evidence points to the presence of a second timeline which exists concurrently with ours two timelines side by side moving forward simultaneously never in a billion lifetimes have I seen this but that does not make the other timeline any less real there can be no doubt that Zhang Tsung's benefactor hails from it and who she is why she's here where she's from all questions we need answered which we can't well we are under attack I will go to sindel convince her to withdraw from earthrem by showing her how history is being manipulated that will require revealing to her your prior role as keeper of time the situation gives me no choice I will need your help gears approve my claims to the empress return home Lord Liu Kang I am to let no one pass I must see her majesty she must call off her attack on her throw her decision was unwise but she no longer seeks my counsel and I doubt she's interested in yours the empress has been deceived Shang Tsung and general Xiao have fomented this crisis as a means to steal her throne General shall I knew he was hiding his true intentions but join Shang Tsung ah I knew he couldn't be trusted where I still am Gotti he would never have breathed the same air as the empress my Palace sources told me he arrived out of nowhere and immediately had the empress's ear he gained her trust by treating princess Molina's condition tragically she is Afflicted with dark heart disease Target the empress must be beside herself found a treatment no wonder she embraced him I have shared this with no one I trust that you of all people will keep this secret of course word made public it would bring down the Royal Family Empress cindel needs our help will you join me Emperor Jarrett's death the pain it caused in personnel has always haunted me I failed the royal family once I won't do so again [Music] everything now makes sense my umgadi contacts had said the general soldiers had been encroaching but still I can't fathom it General Xiao committing treason it is the fruit of a poisonous seed planted by Shang Tsung played to the General's vanity he inflamed his prejudices to convince him that he alone could save our world honey don't have numbers and my constables aren't trained for war no that I too will Aid in the empress's defense driver what is it I may need that Aid right now [Applause] return Liu Kang to the portal Gate Lee May he isn't welcome in outworld I won't support the general Reiko nor his plot to usurp the throne then you won't live to see the new regime foreign I am no stranger to combat then let's get out there [Applause] you should have joined us not the constabulary we could have used your ugali skill enough I've no use for Traders compliments fight you and your accomplices will face judgment Reiko [Music] sleeve reinforcements will be on the way foreign word of his arrival precedes you surrender if you wish to remain unharmed let us pass Tanya the emperor Center family are in danger he brings word that Shang Tsung and general Xiao plot against them the general are you so easily taken in by lies once again you prove incapable of protecting the Royal House I'm sorry you made that necessary priestesses yeah you know who I am of my Deeds when I was one of you I may no longer be welcome but in my heart I am still umgadi I will always honor my vows he's here to end a threat to the empress stand against us and she will lose the throne stand with us and we will save the empire why didn't you kill me because we mean you no harm and that you live will help prove that fact to the empress how dare you Lee May it's not enough that you let Jared be murdered you let Liu Kang destroy the rest of my family my heart broke when your husband died I lost not only my emperor but you my closest friend I know you may never forgive me but don't be blinded by anger and grief we are here to help you no daughter your condition your faithlessness astounds Lee May how can you side with Earth realm against us I'm acting for your family's benefit and for outworlds if you took a moment you'd realize it fight you must be smarter princess no Molina I forbid it I must if I won't risk my life for the throne I'm not worthy of it thank you foreign I remember teaching you that princess you were but a girl that was long ago much has changed my loyalty to your family hasn't trust me now as you did then listen we shouldn't fight forgive me princess but I won't allow you to hurt yourself or anyone else fight tarkat makes victims of us all foreign thank you I am in your debt know your majesty there can be no debt between friends I am glad she is safe and that our conflict has ended it is paused not ended Lee May has earned my good will whether you do remains to be seen I seek only peace your majesty is that why you send Millions on secret missions into my Empire you've proved yourself the enemy I was long warned you would be I understand your anger but I had reason to believe that Shang Tsung posed a threat to both of us until I confirm them I did not want to burden you with my suspicions and now they have proven true the general they conspire to conquer our realms a serious charge where is your proof at Shang Tsung's Laboratory if what you see there does not convince you I will surrender earthrealm without a fight [Music] how could I have so misjudged them for saying soon to indulge in such depravity for a general shout to condone it they are not the men I thought them despite my best efforts neither man nor Quan Chi are who they were meant to be they're not your responsibility they're out worlders but it is I who crafted their Destinies along with those of all other beings at the dawn of History you created the realms it is your mind adult demigod I am a mere demigod now the theons ago I was more powerful than all of the Elder Gods combined I was a Titan and the keeper of time this is Gears your majesty your highnesses giris is the guardian of The Hourglass a celestial object which lies beyond the Realms The Hourglass regulates time and Destiny when I wielded its power it was upon me to craft all of existence which I did when I restarted history restarted this timeline was preceded by billions more though this is the first of Liu Kang's design the others were designed by his predecessor Chronicle was obsessed with equalizing Good and Evil timeline fear Ed far to one or the other she would halt it and restart history tinkering with lives and events in the hope of achieving her golden balance prior timelines cronica gave Shang Tsung and panchi Mastery of the most vile magics ciao is not a general the tyrannical ruler bent on Conquest you sit down where his ruthless wife who would do anything to preserve your privilege when I took the Hourglass from cronica I vowed to do better so in this timeline the sorcerers would not gain their dark powers would be your loyal follower and you would rule out World firmly fairly but someone has interfered with Liu Kang's design guanchi all have been groomed by an unknown entity to be the villains they were in previous timelines where to begin am I to kneel to my creator do you expect worship no your majesty my prior role was thrust upon me my circumstance I am in no way divine dear had power over all of creation yet you gave it up because I saw how it drove cronica mad I knew I would fare no better and I kept it you Dare You conspire against outworld not against outworld but against your misguided rule your deference to him leaves us all vassals so you sanction these unspeakable Horrors lie to me about the threats we face thanks to you Earth realm blood is already on my hands Bloodshed without cause or provocation [Music] Empress everyone stay back a weapon of terrifying power it should not exist to make her as powerless as Liu Kang designed yet more proof of foreign interference [Music] put down the amulet its evil is beyond your control do you think I do that will not train with my weapons I am more than prepared so General Xiao casts his lot without world's enemies against me he's a fool to Ally with you blood sucking feet fight [Applause] you're no better than Shang Tsung's monstrosities [Music] Tanya and your daughters they are not dead but trapped in the amulet we can still save them [Music] [Applause] thank you it's no surprise that you are party to shouse treason know that it will cost you your life I owe him mine many times over sacrificing it in his service would be an honor fight [Music] your Rebellion is doomed Supreme your betrayal hurts most rain I thought of you as a son I've outgrown you Empress Shang tsungs taught me that I've scratched just the surface of my power to explore it I can't be bound by your limits fight you are forever dead to me your brain is oversintel I remember the weak sickly boy you were how your father fought to push you past your infirmities now you repay him by spitting on his ideals your Revolt shreds every value he held dear fight you are relieved General the emulates your majesty [Music] I hate to disrupt or we must act quickly to save Earth Realm is that the command of my creator no your majesty it is the request of a friend [Music] thank you we are ready and the Soul Stealers keep them running I am sure we'll find a use for the collected Souls thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign lieutenants they must be neutralized if we are to shut down the soul Stealers yes they do we should split up [Music] thank you stay behind me princess no we fight together foreign [Music] my ribs they may be broken [Music] help me up no Tanya stay down it's time I protect you come any closer and you feel the points of my blade [Music] your souls will become part of our collection fight oh my God you'll have no part of me Ermac amazing Molina in another life you could have been Hungary I prefer this one dearest Tanya yeah we must leave quickly wait wait father [Music] is it true you it's Molina this body was created from the living forest's Souls mine was one of them your attack broke the spell that binds us now I am in control father [Music] you are um guarding but not Lemay I replaced her after your death your majesty she left the order rather than accept punishment punishment it was not her fault for another time father we must go [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] Jared yes Cinderella it's me how I've missed you greetings Jared Liu Kang my friend we meet again it is good to have you back we once again find ourselves in challenging circumstances and once again we will prevail as always zindel I am yours to command [Music] how is it there unaware that the soul Stealers are shut down we are deep within the mountain from here they couldn't tell look at them conspiring it is history we should not be repeating we must take the crown without it he can't raise more Warriors our odds will improve if we can surround them princess Molina I bring news from outworld cindel is deposed General Xiao now rules and yet you are still free to succeed the general needed help on the inside I provided it the heir to the throne gives it up willingly there's a burden I've never wanted the realm is better left in general Emperor shelves hands the most mature perspective outworld benefits from your wisdom yes Zhang Tsung it does [Music] thank you oh damn it princess it is an impressive display of Gaia who knew she was so capable you count yourselves among my doubters I will count you among the dead fight oh God there will be consequences for forsaking outworld thanks to the princess this fight is ended the fight perhaps not the battle true until your benefactor is caught a Realms remain threatened who is she sorcerer speak of the devil okay meet damashi the masi you are the victim of deception sorcerer you're me more correctly you are me a poor facsimile anyway made lesser by Liu Kang's medley What's Happening Here who is he this chang song is whom I battled for The Hourglass I thought him did as I did you you came it turns out our battle released Mammoth energies which ripped apart times fabric fight had two conclusions in one I was the Victor in the other it was you it was eons before I discovered this once I did I knew the path forward I took this form and infiltrated your timeline I elevated these riches giving them great power together they sowed Discord among the Realms and assembled for me the dragon Army I led them to believe they were aiding my conquest of Earth realm and outworld but my intent is to exterminate all life in this timeline and then merge it into my own you promised us Realms now you leave us to slaughter you want Palms not Partners your purpose served you will be sacrificed we served you loyally built you the Dragon Crown this this is a toy I do not need it to control the dragon Army only the souls contained in goodbye Liu Kang neither you nor your timeline will be missed [Music] all right it appears our interests to Lime for now know that I trust neither of you I will finish you both at the first hint of Treasury what's wrong ah you attack my family I will make you suffer further resistance serves no purpose timeline [Music] will fight this new Shang Tsung should have sent more minions [Music] come forward if you dare I will finish what Raiden could not [Music] [Music] good [Music] your tenacity is to be admired until our last breaths are taken as long as blood flows through our veins we are not beaten Noble sentiments which in the end matter little none of you will leave here alive foreign [Music] [Music] mother you can't go not yet it's my time dear ah at least we had a few hours more cherish them you are now empress rule well I will mother father and Katana will help me laughing course father what did you do I collected your mother's Soul it resides Within Me She is safe hurry everyone we must withdraw foreign Army that large among Realms he'll need a portal yes more than one you will need a Nexus of portal gateways it must be nearby we follow them they will lead us to it agreed or we cannot strike until Raiden and Kung Lao arrive that the link way won't Aid us is unforgivable bihan has corrupted them totally when this crisis ends we will deal with that one this is but the opening battle in a longer War Titan Shang Tsung has prepared his entire timeline for it we cannot match its strength my counterpart said that you would battle with him rip times fabric creating two timelines but how do we know that it wasn't torn further there are two timelines can there be more why the thought experiment sorcerer you said we lack strength we might find it in other timelines how would we do that We Gather allies from across timelines other Titans to build an overwhelming Force if they exist we have no proof that they do we must fight the battle in front of us we can't take our Survival on pure conjecture if Liu Kang is right the battle in front of us is already lost it may be our only hope your thoughts it is possible but as I and only the hourglasses steward such a search is beyond me it can only be undertaken by the keeper of time and I no longer wield that power you may be able to regain it what how do you mean when you gave up control of The Hourglass I worried that one day you would find you needed it so rather than let your power dissipate I collected it to this day it remains safely stored why did you never tell me this because the process of restoring your power is likely irreversible returning to the life you have now as Earth Realms protector a life you cherish may be impossible and you did not want me tempted to make that sacrifice unless it was absolutely necessary correct thank you Gareth you have saved us with your wisdom now where have you stored my power we must retrieve it is at the fire temple stored in the gay Jaguar gifted to you by the great Kung Lao [Music] thank you yes curious King has proven more resilient than anticipated he and his comrades have escaped The Fortress forget the others find Liu Kang he alone threatens my plans you could have picked no better vessel to store my power gears I have always treasured the great Kung lao's gift it reminds me of his meticulous nature and his Generous Heart once we retrieved the Jade Jaguar we will proceed to The Hourglass there we will transfer the temporal power stored within it to you it now occurs to me that all along you have had unfettered access to the power stole within you could have taken it become keeper of time but chose not to why because I have faith in your vision for this new era I am content to be its Guardian thank you Gareth now this process you propose you are sure it will restore my power as sure as I can be of one that has been neither tried nor tested but even if successful it is not guaranteed that you will find any other timelines or Allies they may not exist I pray this is not a Fool's errant I hate leaving the others behind your Champions will bolster their strength against the dragon Army it is sure to be the mother of all battles May the Elder Gods protect them [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign the 30k I spent on this seems like a steal right now edible your loveliness technology either way it's clear what must happen next the gateways in the dragon Army have to be destroyed scorpion have you plan we must divide our forces you Shang Tsung Quan Chi will use your magic to attack the portals as you do kenshi and Jared will grind down the dragon Army the rest of us will attack our dark doubles if they're defeated it will hopefully throw the dragon Warriors into disarray an astute strategy truly I could not have devised a better one enough with the empty flattery if you want to trust give us actions not words [Music] [Music] I'm a kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign that is unfortunate the battle continues Shine song crunchy with me die for one I'm not pleased we were double crossed it is an IO I share may I suggest we harness our anger and use it to obliterate my doppelganger's minions fight thank you this pair will trouble us no more there are more who acquire our attention you're welcome Sorcerers is it me or is that Raiden becoming insufferable you are not wrong but it is tomorrow's problem let us first solve today's fight problem solved [Music] two of five it's progress now on to the next [Applause] see that his life force is feeding the Portal's energy we kill him we close them permanently these meddling minions grow tiresome let us finish them fight so much for fire and eyes oh [Music] you hurt I've never been better fools your spell worked before only because you surprised it won't happen again [Music] his soul is ours you've done it the Army's trapped all of the other Realms in this timeline are safe never forget Raiden now we risked Our Lives to perform this service one that wouldn't have been needed if you hadn't conspired with the other Shang Tsung they will fight to the last man come we must help the others [Music] [Music] are you ready to begin the search ready enough May there be other timelines that Titans to find [Music] [Music] Gareth Liu Kang easy katana you are among friends A Long Way From Home in a different timeline to be precise are you also a keeper of time yes both of us how is that possible the battle for Chronicles hourglass ripped apart times fabric where there once was one timeline there are now many each new timeline represents a different possible outcome of that battle in mine I became timeskeeper in yours it was you in others it could be Jade sindel even Kano the possibilities are endless if many timelines sprung from one and we were both part of it then you are my it's okay the same one who battled you in Shang Tsung's Courtyard who fought at your side at the Colosseum who beamed with pride when you became outworlds gone foreign [Music] Simple Pleasures I don't know perhaps in one of the many timelines they are ours I would like to think you brought me here for them but I know you well enough to know better what Duty beckons us I will tell you but first we must gather more of our old friends Titan wielding the power of The Hourglass yes Kung Lao he is a threat to all timelines he is not yet aware of any Beyond his and Lou gangs for now it's only a matter of time I had hoped my victory over cronica would end the endless cycle of combat sadly it begins Anew we have no choice we must stop Shang TSU the millions in my White Lotus Society will Aid us if needed thank you my life here [Music] [Applause] Liu Kang you have found allies Titan allies in fact how could I have been so blind of course our timelines aren't the only two three to yours yes your comrades proved most resourceful thus I have resigned myself to Simply destroying your timeline knowing that others exist to conquer makes that choice much more palatable once I destroy your hourglass your timeline will cease to exist I will take great pleasure in finishing you one last time okay you fight how I remember I know what you'll do before you do it likewise let's hope our advantage proves decisive fight how I've missed Fighting by katana's side let's rip the flesh from their bones are tanyas of all timelines this evil mine is no better you should be fine she's a fast Improvement I'd like that should we survive this battle fight are you the best Shang Tsung can do it has begun we must stop them if The Hourglass is emptied this timeline will be destroyed [Music] you quickly my friend [Music] this battle ends with your timeline obliterated your final moments will be torture and pain I do not fear your bravado I have bested twins far more evil than you fight [Music] oh go back to your timeline Brothers it's failing then let us end this now good girls and kill them won't you as you command Shang soon Katana and I will fight them you save The Hourglass yes okay you cannot save it I don't know which of them is worse both are cracked reflections of me they are Abominations neither will survived this fight oh one Shang song is finished you will be too hmm this isn't overlooking thank you everyone for your Aid this battle was won together Shang Tsung is gone not only against this timeline but against all timelines our choice is clear we must take the fight to him destroy any power he has to make war against us agreed Chang Tsung is likely already Gathering allies as I gathered you we must best his efforts assemble an overwhelming Army from across all timelines [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] nowhere to hide we have banded together to read all timelines of your evil threat you pose to them ends today such certainty Liu Kang that this battle will end in your favor it can end no other way because across all timelines The Arc of History bends toward Justice does it in this timeline it bends toward me behold Liu Kang the hell I unleash upon you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] careful you can find a blinding rain [Applause] it is time you die fight [Music] thank you this will be your final resting place [Music] [Music] oh yeah your blood will be delicious chilled fight [Applause] allow me oh my God Thank You guitar now you're welcome now hurry there's no time to waste lightning will strike you down fight [Music] yes [Music] I shall wipe you from history fight she said oh yeah test your mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] hurry gearus you are almost there time you die fight come on cool now [Applause] fight [Music] thank you it's only a little further curious follow me [Music] your defenses have failed Shang Tsung this is over I do not think so realize sorcerer that you've brought this on yourself avarice and ego have again proved your undoing we have no choice but to eradicate you it is you who will be eradicated you and your followers and once you are dead all timelines will be mine [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] to survive you must submit yes the question you must ask is if Liu Kang couldn't finish us how possibly could you fight thank you come on [Music] and they called me the chosen one I am privileged to serve and now to complete our last task you have done more than enough please permit me to end this [Music] may that be the last we see of you hi my without saying soon to hold it together it's falling apart you must return to your timeline before this one collapses may we one day meet again okay [Music] I'm telling you the locations we found here are money I mean look at this don't the rainbow colors on these mountains just scream outworld I cannot believe you'll be telling our story about how we defeated Shang Tsung well the studio thinks it's fiction not fact but I don't care as long as it's covering the budget I assume you'll be the star nope I'm behind the camera writing and directing time to let someone younger and prettier Take the Lead You know I've written in parts for all of you if you want them us on screen I mean they're cameos but like they say there are no small parts thank you Johnny but we must decline but Raiden the new initiates arrive tomorrow we must return to the wushi to begin their instruction of course you are right what about you Takahashi I need a blind swordsman and no actor can do what you do hmm I would love to but my work to revive the Tyra is starting to pay off I can't let up now I know better than to ask you your plate is always full indeed Johnny Cage which is why I must now depart of the outworld to advise the empress between her father and her sister Melina is receiving plenty of good advice and with the sorcerers and the general imprisoned there are a few threats to a rule is something wrong then I am simply Shoring up our defenses as you know bihan and his Lim Quay have abandoned their roles as Earth Realms Guardians his brother acquire Liang has agreed to build a new Clan the Surah Ryu to take its place I must go Aid his efforts is there anything we can do not yet but I will call upon all of you when the time comes once again you have served an excellent meal that's kind of you to say enjoy the rest of your evening and thank you all of you you have served well as Earth Realms champions no Liu Kang thank you joining up with you really has changed the arcs of Our Lives [Music] I am glad [Music] all right gentlemen if you're finished there's only one thing left to do which one of you gets the bad news not me I'm still three mil in the hole on Cento how uh fix your wallet Takahashi thick enough but seems to me our hosts are on the hook you think we have money [Music] the Realms are in safe hands [Music] foreign [Music] look at him clinging to life even now he struggles everyone who fought today did so fiercely [Music] and not been here for it I would have thought it impossible Warriors from across timelines clashing in combat ah the blood the death the chaos yes Lord Havoc it's unfortunate it all ended so fast the next time it won't [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 3,536,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, MORTAL KOMBAT 1 All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, mortal kombat 1 all cutscenes, mortal kombat 1 game movie, mortal kombat 1 movie, mortal kombat 1 story, mortal kombat 1 full movie, mortal kombat 1 cutscenes, mortal kombat 1 cutscenes movie, 4k, 60fps, ultra hd, mortal kombat 1, mk1, mk1 all cutscenes, mk1 story mode, mortal kombat movie, mortal kombat, mortal kombat 2023, mk1 story, mk1 cutscenes, mk1 movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 54sec (13974 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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