So I FINALLY Tried Brutal Legend

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back in the ambitious days of 2009 amidst the fierce and abundant revolutionary titles being released upon mankind there was one game that stood out drastically from the rest a game so inconceivably unique i'm not even sure its creators fully understood what they were making which is probably also why it didn't sell as well thing is this game didn't just do one thing that set it apart from the rest it did everything and most of it well some of it not when i slapped this game on my screen i was expecting a linear hack and slash with jack black and you know what that sounded good to me but double fine whispered softly in my ear more and any understanding of what i thought this game was went up in flames and in a good way so here i am 13 years later finally experiencing the well the experience that is brutal legend but before jack black you know that moment when you're just chilling at your third private beach when you realize the worst has happened first off you're wearing socks with sandals second you're not currently engaged in a multi-civilization-based cross-platform real-time strategy game specifically well take off those socks and download rise of kingdoms a free-to-play cross-platform strategy game that has exceeded over a hundred million players meaning that you'll never be short of glorious thousand player battles on top of that since this is a multi-civilization focused game you can choose between 13 civilizations throughout history recruit a ton of historical generals trained soldiers basically just speed run entire areas and build the exact city you want to rule and now the egyptian civilization has joined the ongoing war with powerful militia and intricately designed heroes ready to pursue victory and hopefully not plagues on top of that by diving into the community events both new and current players have a chance to win a round trip to egypt so give rise of kingdoms a go by clicking on that link in the description and make sure to use my bonus code to get some in-game rewards i really don't want to have to do this but i know i'm going to get like 100 copy strikes if i leave the music in this sucks man okay this has got to be one of the coolest menus i've ever seen in the game alright so the trade-off for not having the music is that you get to watch me suffer on brutal do you people want to hear some heavy metal oh no there's no music that's gonna play it's gonna be oh there is music what [Music] no no it's okay i turned off the music and that's not music i can fix anything except for that metal is dead [Music] from time to time brutal legend may need to utilize strong language in order to accurately portray the authentic roadie experience to the player it's funnier if you bleep it out pieces doesn't help a whole lot oh is he gonna die please let him fall do a back flip good roadie knows his whole job is to make someone else look good not the guitar oh thank you goodness jack black's got his priorities oh he's actually doing it he's doing the back flip on stage just to fix a problem to set something right you are safe little one be free go live out your life what he did he's gone well at least i saved that loser ah no dude you got blood in your belt that's definitely gonna rust or i guess it's gonna do some sort of summoning ritual oh that's a big metal bowl brutal legend contains some blood and gore including dismemberment and occasional beheadings whenever it is necessary for the plot historical accuracy or to look awesome all right video game but it better look very awesome okay that's pretty awesome 2009 was a different year man is everyone dead no one's worried about the giant fire-breathing metal bull that just murdered the entire band the day has finally come for us to serve our master it is i jack black your master uh hey hey i'm not your master no you are not creepy face i have a badge i'm allowed to be backstage okay wait wait wait hold on hold on guys we're really good friends i'm looking for any sort of potential weapon but all i see is this giant axe in the ground this will just have to do the separator you know what that means boys i am going to separate your head from your arms from your legs oh the heavy attack is good his arm is just his arm is just stay in there hey get away from that guitar get away from my guitar this is my guitar that's an electric guitar if you know what i need so now i'm jack black with a giant axe running around with an electric guitar that shoots lightning syst powers stop stop the combos at that moment jack black realized he wasn't in kansas anymore what is this all right nice try lady or whatever you are i'm supposed to think you're a nun but i know you're really some kind of big ugly demon so let's have it some sort of tim burton style going on here sexy though in a weird way oh he just puked blood all over me all right no no no no no no you can blood on me to lock onto an enemy oh you have to hold it all right zap zap oh here we go beat up this big ugly demon lady i'm still trying to get used to a button being the main attack button that's so weird get on to the thing wait what i get to drive this thing i feel like i'm in morrowind right now no you made me fall off my knicks ox stop doing your thing and excuse me used to repel oh i see i see they're really trying to get me to use that attack oh oh man don't tell me i've been slaying hot girls this whole time we've got to get out of here before he arrives yeah all right yeah he wait before who arrives yeah what is this why am i what am i doing oh oh so good oh yeah that's a lot of dudes hey nice one the master sword why are you shaking like that it's a place of ancient power but no one knows it's true oh i'm gonna find its true purpose look at this play the solo nearby to unearth ancient structures and monuments oh it's just like ocarina of time but with a guitar oh what have you done created beauty by simply rocking that's true what the heck what is happening wait am i building a car how does he just understand what's going on here even she doesn't and she lives here oh please tell me i get to drive a car around i call it the druid plow the druid oh so now what is this like forza horizon get all the way droids you can't stop the school of rocks what the heck i really wish i had music right now take him out of the leg nope you can't do that this is basically doom except with a hot rod i'm just gonna hit him with my car why would i use the car man hold on i'm gonna yeah i'm sorry boys back it up oh i'm backing up oh get out of the way i will get out of the car just for you just to continue on with the game oh that's a big worm ah that's that's a fairly large creature uh sorry did you know those dudes we're on there giant worm i'm drifting you just did this my worm why would you do that again i can't believe you fell for that twice i know oh i gotta back up and go here we go there we go i just stand here over here isn't the direction oh maybe this yeah it was that i shall now teach you a french kiss what is this game bridge is collapsing right behind us all right i'm going trust me take the right side you're literally saying what i'm already doing what side you bamboozled me all right this side right here there we go holy it just thrilled me i bet there's some really epic music playing right now that we don't get to listen to wow you like the car yeah i can't wait to show it to lars i'm gonna i'm gonna hit lars with my car daviculos they say it was the fire beast omar gordon himself no it was simcore nigel thornberry i can smell her blood but why has she returned now what does she want [Music] i don't even want to guess what that's supposed to be but hey he's got a nice smile we'll be safe in bladehenge here take this map wait why would i need a map hold on is this an open world game okay that was not on my bingo card demon if you allowed to follow you home this time did you just pop my tire whatever's happening here would be way better with music because oh man so right here begin solo a x y y basically ocarina of time oh i i guess that is probably my waypoint sorry animal how long do you think i should let my hair grow i don't know depends so this is it the crushing pit hundreds of our strongest young men toiling their lives away like their fathers and grandfathers before them forced to break solid rock with nothing but their own thick skull let's bust them out of there they have nowhere to go no idea how to function outside the pit what do you do with a bunch of kids who don't know how to do anything but bang their heads all day long you can tell that just hurt jack black right down to his soul you start a revolution lars start a revolution now or later right now right now exploited in the bowels of hell oh wait i'm actually playing i thought that was just like a mission intro picture we are going to battle with your thick skulls what is that sound it's a devil it's a freaking it's an angel singing screw this place yeah i love the hats and the headbands i know we're all struggling right now but i'm telling you this is all gonna pay off really soon yeah our manager says that if we just work hard and produce a high quality product that we'll be able to move up to kush guard jobs in the general's pleasure tower we're with him yeah oh no he's terrifying i heard those guys over there say they're organizing a union it's true though with these giant neck boys we will form the best union in the land wait that was it see how much you dudes kick when you band together like that that's awesome when i do this it means you got to follow me okay okay let's try it all right let's try it follow me follow me let's go boys wait to the wrong way boys this is the yellow statue isn't it oh it's the other yellow statue over here boys my boys destroyed the statue oh wow look at all them down here we must free our brother in and then our sister in soon enough keep moving this is got like a gamer headset on no fat neck boy left behind everyone follow we are ready to begin a revolution look at them all i'm so proud of them we have to get the non-believers defeat the non-believers you will not defeat my army i'd rather see you dead than free oh man he's getting mad we need a group to defend here i'm going to the other support boys i believe in you they sound like nerds he's got the t-shirt he's the boss oh my gosh he's employee of the month well you forgot my favorites my managers no the ones who keep on waiting doesn't that make me the karen fear and pain of which i have neither hopefully oh shoot i can't get him i can't get this guy it's not working all right hold on it doesn't work at all oh i gotta drop a bucket of coal on this guy oh there we go there baby no we missed him i hurt myself oh here we go here we go punch up he's hurting oh there he goes guys yeah this is it the final battle i am so proud of what we can do as a community it's kind of cool i can just roam with these guys in the open world and they'll work oh no i killed them you didn't try to free the girls too did you no they're already free we have to take her to the killmaster the kill master now what the hell no way they really went all out with this game didn't they we don't like visitors up here heal this woman who wanted only to free her sisters from the grip of general lion white oh you're fighting lion white why didn't you say so i hate that i wonder what song will raise this relic that door looks like it's meant for cars fair enough i really hope this isn't a boss fight [Laughter] oh i definitely recognize that laughs wow do i have to fight ozzy osbourne oh i'm nobody i'm just a guardian of metal the guardian of mel wow so you want to help me fight demons and stuff nah i'm not a fighter i'm more of uh what she was a a keeper of timeless secrets that's all well ozzy osbourne being a master mechanic also is a bit of a curveball i'd like you to meet my razor girls all of these women have escaped from general lion white's pleasure tower with your help i suppose i've kept them a secret for their own protection but now they want to fight with what pigs the carcass of the razor fire bore when properly dissected can be turned into a powerful long-range weapon all right war pigs we're wrangling you up if a failure wants to turn you into a weapon she will all right i think we got it fire pulled pork bacon explosive cannons we're under attack no problem grab my car population cost what is this some sort of rt this is an rts this game has literally become an rts lars halford why are you poaching my employees are you done talking i'd like to get this over with that is some insane hair holy sephiroth i bet we look awesome when we do this yeah sure [Music] you will not take free t-shirts wait what i ascended i can have a person jump on what is this follow me they're destroying the merch and then slam them and then hit him with the flame all right lars you and i go to great battle follow me oh shoot they're killing us get on mars go lars is dead all right what is this whoa this is awesome i have a gunner on my back oh i think she died we need more headbangers on me my army let us fight let us fight headbangers for glory wait hold on i got an idea this might be a bad idea i hope i can play fast stuff face explosion is so terrifying oh enough i've never liked this town anyway i don't know what's gotten into you lars but i know one thing you will regret what you've started here wait machine gun are you sure you can handle that little did you guys realize i have guns on this bad boy now hi stupid little goblins oh look at that guy trying coming around blood on yup what is that no don't like that get away from those fans you you leash it leeches eddie my bad [Music] what the heck am i an alien ah what those druids at the temple they must have poisoned their blades with demon venom will remind me to send them a thank you note indeed great those are disgusting everybody look over here a second i'm gonna do a trick press r to fly oh man it's really pushing that rts isn't it bunch of gross fan leeches are eating our fans we already knew that silence ground walker get to the leeches ground walkers that light appear from the half go light itself now bends to my will of the light i shall fly can i fly into the basin i can radio stop killing all my people with your mortar following orders ah there we go all right we're ready swings freakshit whoa get back here sephiroth can you handle this sephiroth oh wow he's strong oh he's so strong he's so strong i lost my leg follow me everyone on me if you want to live we win oh shoot i'm actually gonna die not dead they did they absolutely did no no no no get away from me why hey all right everybody on the door ready to go i i say this is a pretty good army all right everybody on me we stormed the castle never mind we won should have known better than to hire guards whose hands are bigger than their brains whoa okay calm down there's my guy worthless one of you dude you look at them they're so sad they are no longer working for lion white they are no longer our enemies yes we can use them in our army okay you guys want to help out all right then can you do this great now over here i'm helping it's so wholesome all right now who's this guy hey nice mortar cannon dude come on man don't patronize me what man of course it's kyle i bet everybody's totally afraid of it look i know the guy sent you to give me a hard time but you know what you can all off it's not my fault i suck oh hey it must be fun to punch that thing well yeah i do like the punching but you aim it at the bad guys and by the time your cannon thing hits the ground they've already run by well how much do you lead them lead who how far ahead of your enemies do you aim man what are you talking about look i'll show you okay this game has so many different little mini games i get them oh i got the big guy but not the little guy okay hold on little guys oh there we go all right right here bombs away get them they're dead they're all dead i can't believe it yeah dude i'm awesome yeah well i always start off with a pre-wash algae soak to remove toxins and heal the follicles so far so good yeah and then the first shampoo is fragrance free to set a neutral base nice and i usually follow that up with a lavender or jasmine emulsifier to open up the capillaries inside the hair and bring more oxygen to each strand's marrow yeah i smell that then a heat-activated aftercoat followed by a thorough blowout and a few spritzes of aloe sealant spray of course you need a petroleum-based product with a grip index of at least 300 plus a hyper relaxer plus a root bonding agent and that stuff all works peel my hair bro if you want proof wow yeah well i learned something new today all right only my stealthy guys move forward but i only want the roadies to advance right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on no not everyone not everyone come back to me oh no nope they're dead why are you all going forward i only ow okay think my car is fast enough to get around these guys no it's not no it's definitely not your mom no i figured it was only a matter of time before i had to fight an undead army in this game secure the fan base this is a code red there's a bunch of emo boys attacking the face all right i'm the wiener you're the bun come on over and let's have fun oh man what is that i'm pretty sure that's what you pull out of your bathtub drain when you leave it for five years all right just run them down just run them down let's just ram them oh and it looks like we've got ourselves a new unit all right my flame breathing biker army i strengthen you look at him go just look at him lighting everyone on fire it's beautiful they're just turning everyone into roadkill oh it looks like we just entered the end game here's a little song that i've been dying i dare you to play it while i have music turned off mangas back up just absolute silence nothing that's what i thought now who's this guy right here nice ride ah carnot i know who you are you're the guy who thinks he invented cars what nah i just showed people how to put parts together it's easy except we make them fast uh mine's pretty fast yeah where you think you can beat the squealer here oh yeah no problem my pleasure i think i couldn't beat the living dawn out of this guy okay this guy is way faster than i thought he was gonna be how am i supposed to catch up to that okay i way underestimated this guy i always think i was gonna destroy him that's my girl okay that was absolutely embarrassing okay i got a plan no run them over with the bus poison catnip no i'm gonna recruit them i'm gonna ensnare the beasts in a ring of fire wait what kind of angle am i supposed to go at here okay the handling on this thing is not very easy okay that it's kind of a circle it's kind of just give it to me oh what if i reverse oh yeah this could work it's working it's working all right now how fast are these things they are incredibly fat not the plan this is not the plan trying to get the plan going here not the plan i'm trying to figure out the plan did we win i'm i fell off not the plan this is not the place hold on i come back for me okay i'm trying my best here lena sorry don't run out is that it did i get him fire i got him i just have to drift around come on boy let's go now let's just hope that this is nice and easy and i have no problems at all okay if i have to redo this entire mission i am going to lose my oh you have got to be kidding me what is this you got a problem vat yeah i got a problem i got a problem with you attacking my family now get glasses or bite your head out ironic but i do see something dangerous well that looks like fun and i like it iron head oh that is beautiful out of the way inferior demons i'm just gonna roll everyone over this is great look upon and be afraid wait what what no they're way more powerful than i thought they were okay what does this do hey that seems pretty neat you are so screwed now and now i realize some of my own guys are in there this is it we got the strats i know age of empire as well this car is not worthy of my presence wait so that's it did we win yeah i'd say we won son of sakoria leather bag head guy silence no you i've about had enough of you and your rts shenanigans like look at this guy everyone he's not even that good at the game okay he's actually pretty good i i please tim corey just let me heal oh would you look at that this joker has a second face which just gave birth to a bunch of druids of whom i shall now melt their faces get down from there you coward this fight is incredibly generic for a final boss just give me a second just give me like a second to heal here all right oh there goes into his third phase of the fight as to which i just do this and there you go killed all the ants before they can even fight come on do it do it just enter the final phase let's see it and face belter all right come on down here big guy let's see what else you got oh whoa that was a clean cut decapitation so uh for those of you that missed that he got decapitated [Music] you
Channel: Kevduit
Views: 1,423,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, Brutal Legend, Brutal Legend in 2022, So i tried Brutal Legend, So I FINALLY Tried Brutal Legend, Jack Black, Lemmy, Ozzy, Rock, Metal, Brutal Legend 13 Years later, Gaming, Funny, Montage, Meme, Double Fine, Is Brutal Legend Good, Is Brutal Legend worth playing, Brutal Legend review, Xbox, Playstation, Is Brutal Legend worth Buying, Brutal Legend Ophelia, Brutal Legend RTS, Brutal Legend Gameplay, Gameplay, Memes
Id: nOnRgwXCza4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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